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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. Highstaker wrote: Thanks for the tip on vehicles (to both of you). But what if my object (consisting of 83 linked primitives) is just a regular object for, like, background. And it is not supposed to be driven, worn, or maybe even interacted with by people. we'd probably ask why it needs to be physical? as for the sculpt, you create the sculpt so that it mimics the exterior shape of multiple prims
  2. my complaint isn't against display names, that's a separate issue to me. The confusion and problems caused by the poor implementation do stack on top of that, but it wasn't my point the problem to me is that it changes the nature and perception of resident behavior. the loss of last names has limited the first creativity that a new user to SL has access to... names are singular which limits expression, or for those that realize their last name is resident, provides only limited opportunity for cohesive expression. the addition of the display name implementation makes that worse, by striving to be the name people are known by, yet not being stable enough to actually identify someone reliably, by depreciating the account name, even without the deceptive griefing that it enables. there are good things about it, but the implementation is horrid.
  3. Randall Ahren wrote: [..] Words are like weapons and a great wizard can use them for good or evil. not just weapons; shields, diseases, medicine, tools to discover or hide the truth, and bend perception. not just words, but information in general. becoming aware of it and learning to use it is life altering.
  4. when asked, I tell them it's a virtual world where I can create anything, for myself, for others, just to make something really amazing, and other people do too. people that are creative tend to get it immediately, people that are stuck on material things tend to ask about selling, and people that are consumers ask about buying. of course is helps if you treat it just like any other creative or recreation outlet... there is a tendency for anything involving a computer not directly making money to be treated as wasting time... even though other artistic or recreation activities are considered fine... if you treat it the same it shows to other people and you get a better reaction from them.
  5. added? http access from LSL (not that my compliance is for sale) removed? Last Names.... first the listing of available ones, and second the complete removal. ... limited to things I use(d).
  6. yes and some of that content uploaded by NPIOFs is the best because it's stolen from the best. the idea is to make that harder to do without getting caught.
  7. what do you get for llRotBetween( <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, <-1.0, 0.0, 0.0> ) ? I suspect that the rotation returned might not be on the z axis if it's near the complete opposite vector, and instead on the x axis occasionally, flipping the object.
  8. I use a validation technique in my calculator that may be helpful. it doesn't actually strip characters, but it does provide the potential to do so be eliminating all valid characters in a temp string leaving only invalid ones.. I take a sting, make a temp copy. the temp copy is parsed to list, removing 8 valid characters as discarded separators, then the list is cast back to string the process is repeated for each 8 characters to remove, until all valid characters are removed. if anything is left, it's an invalid character or characters, and could be used to eliminate them from the original string... the relevant part can be found at the beginning of this script (first four lines after variable declaration)
  9. clean? no... you can keep the original string as a separate list for reporting to the user, lowercase the incoming region names separately for matching, but that only gives you case insensitivity and not partial match. to do partial matching you'd have to either loop through the list or keep it as one string and try to get a match that way.... it's always going to be dirty and slow to do more than simple matching in lsl.
  10. if you are security conscious, anything but IE on on windows system. the high level of integration with the OS makes it a prime target for attacks. that statement has nothing to do with how (in)secure it may be, and everything to do with both the complexity of securing it and big red bulls-eye painted on it because of it's level of integration. if you are feature conscious, especially if you want add ons, firefox is the leader there, with chrome being a close second. I've found that they can all be tweaked to have a minimal visual footprint, although IE is now the bulkiest minimum interface.
  11. it depnds on the commands that each accepts... if you send a set of "sheath" commands whenever your weapon is drawn, all other weapons should treat it as a hud message and sheath.
  12. Alazarin Mondrian wrote: That's what I used to think, Void, until I noticed it happening during a spam attack. I presume they block their avatar name from showing up in search. Annoying but predictable. there was a period during which residents could do that, but I'm led to believe it's been fixed. you can manually confirm that an avatar has been banned by checking their V2 profile page... if it says "this profile has been disabled" that means the avatar has been banned. there are different messages for profile that are limited, but that one shows up even if you aren't logged in.... it's what I use to verify "confirmed kills" after I AR content thieves and scammers.
  13. Alazarin Mondrian wrote: [..] Of course when I attempted to AR the perp, his name didn't come up in the search box. that generally means the account has been banned from the grid
  14. Peewee Musytari wrote: [...] Maybe I used up my quota of pic posting LOL possible... there is a limit of 100 IIRC
  15. just there myself, and the framerate is choppy.... too many unique textures, but I can move around fine. script time is fairly high, running ~19ms+, but dilation is almost non-existant. physics time is great. texture update console says there's a ton of particles, some of them are probably fighting with each other to get screen time, and their spawn rate should be lowered. I do get a massive increase in net time when entering but it subsides after about 20sec... honestly the only thing I see is a high texture count driving frame rates down.
  16. From a historical standpoint he's good to go.... but the reaction without the qualifier is probably a good bet. From a social and legal standpoint, I would definitely recommend not using the word "Nazi" by itself or the swastika image in any group related materials including the description and group image... inworld content should be safe. I'd recommend using "Allied" and "Axis" to define group related materials. be warned that it is are likely to draw some people that either really do think that way, or are pretending to in order to give the groups a bad name, and the groups may want to limit the scope to battle related materials only, to prevent those types from causing problems.
  17. no clue, but now that I've had a chance to test it properly, it's a massive improvement in group chat performance, thank you a million times over.
  18. Peewee Musytari wrote: [...].How kewl would that be if all these cute lil Disneyfied pets turned into snarly little monsters causing havok. I thought that was the default for ALL breedables? they just hide their evil resource sucking ways with a cute shell
  19. actually, a few people have worked on 3d viewing of SL, going as low tech as jitter cam, or multiple av views, to client side compositing.... I'm not sure if anyone has tried anything with those new 3d tvs yet though
  20. well multiworlds is one theory, but the best argument against it is that quantum effect seem to be field based and therefor analog and not discrete... (although arguably there are preferred states that are semi discrete, s'why I say arguable) but enough of the sidebar, I'm curious what the OP has in mind
  21. so the difference will be between completely anonymous accounts and one potentially costing a miximum of 2.50$US (the minimum Lindex purchase... the idea is not to stop people from uploading stolen content, it's to provide a means to pursue them when that does happen. sorry, not seeing a problem there.... unfortunately I don't think it's going to slow down most organized content teft. and you are wrong... NPIOF accounts already have reduced support option, and in fact for quite a while they didn't even have forum access. like Qie, I'd like to see even more limits, although I don't think anything as drastic as the inability to transfer anything is necessary.
  22. oddly enough, building and texturing were the most active forums in content after scripting.
  23. do the searching outside of SL, so you have access to things like regex matching, then return the strings with delimiters... like a line break
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