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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. I have always argued that time is not a dimension but rather a direction at best, or a point at worst... based on the rule that a dimension should support both bidirectionality AND connection of points in the physical sense. and since time natures is unidirectional (AFAWK) and stateful it should be supportable in all three common dimensions or subsets of them. that means it should actually be the zeroth, and not the fourth ETA: @OP, lets assume we went there and supported things like hypercubes... there's about a dozen ways to try an visualize those in three dimensions, which would all lead to different 2d forms, none of which most people brains can really wrap around.... which would you like to see implemented?
  2. heh oddly enough, even being as old an av as I am, my first piece of land was a linden home too... I'm a wanderer by nature.
  3. Phillips Replacement... I grin every time I see one of the megaprims created by that account Doctor Obelensky is one, and just so fitting for the old slightly evil and definitely mad scientist character it's typist portrays Day Oh just for the musical reference Ima Mechanique just for being so apt for an online tech person I'm a bigger fan of action names than I am of just descriptive ones, but also ones that have a good cadence... non-standard words used as names > names that sound mundane names that don't break if ignore the last name > names that do names that are a sigle or compound word > names that are run on sentence fragments names that could vaguely be titles or job descriptions > ones that are presumptuous of titles names that have easy short forms (or are already short) > names that don't shorten well
  4. that's exactly why I welcome input Qwal, people in content were never really asked and it never really was discussed... my logical division are based on tools used to create the content type (and the type of questions that tend to arise out of them), but not everyone uses the same logic to make their groupings... if most of the other denizens and creators can come to a consensus, that'd be preferable. and I'd love to see the format settle, because frankly even the old php boards had more traffic than the current one (Jive's obnoxious idiosyncrasies really set it all back)... the current forums are a good aproximate of the original forums in useability, but it's going to take a bit to recover from the brain drain that the jive forums caused with their mass exodus of experienced and willing residents.
  5. I remember most of it because of the people and the reasons I first came here... i didn't come because it was something new to check out... I came here to spend time with someone else while we were apart. Made lots of friends in those early days, some of whom I still hang out with. that said my memory is a grab bag... I usually can't remember jack unless I have a reference... something that sticks out so I can link it to what doesn't... I probably couldn't remember half those facts if you asked me just one specifically. drives me nuts sometimes.
  6. 1st purchase: hair from Washu's Wigs (a kindly creator gave me several skins, and I've since spent tons of money in her shop) 1st object made: arm bands with unicorn spikes at the request of a friend 1st notecard made: kinda sad, it was a rumor control message 1st landmark: Weirdorkistan 1st snapshot: A profile picture of myself, sadly lost along the way (ok not so sad, it was a horrible pic) 1st outfit: a not bad freebie fairy... I figured if I can fly I might as well have wings, also lost to the sands of time 1st script: a group enabled visitor counter, installed in an eye that appeared to be looking at you no mater where were 1st commercial product: Retractable and multi configurable scripted wings 1st Shared building/texturing trick: 2 prim realistic table with lap and legs (NOT a sculpt) 1st Scripting discovery shared: much improved hinges for doors 1st community joined: Goth 1st trend I absolutely hated: Bling (and I still hate it!) 1st major SL change I remember: I think it was point to point teleports, but it's been so long that something like Lindex may have beat it. 1st rez date: sometime in late 2004 or early 2005, memory fades and the av was deleted current inventory count: ~5k including duplicates which I'm slowly getting rid of.
  7. Thanks Luc, I had thought that link led to an archive of the feedback forum and that they were now monitoring general for those sort of things... I've floated it so that it now shows on my main listing. @OP: I've also had problems with that, and as mentioned it's often when the region is struggling.... but I've also noticed that if you wait a moment or three it snaps back to the correct (last edited) position, at least when entering the values into the edit pane. although I get different variations of the problem depending on the viewer I use (V2 I get less snap back, but when it does it doesn't auto correct, I get auto correction with phoenix, but seems like it happens more often there, although that may be because I use it more)
  8. because this forum was hidden behind a link to what I thought was a link to an archive of the old feedback forum, i JUST NOW managed to find this (thankfully floating it still works)... I appreciate whomevers efforts resulted in the separation of machinima and animation, but there is still some wonky definitions going on in content creation. building and texturing... they just don't go together, the tool sets and manipulations are largely different with only rare instances where both are needed in combination that require questions about both. mesh might make more sense with build, since sculpts are already torn between the two, and building often sees mesh topics, but I'd reccomend asking for feedback before joining them. texturing is a pretty good fit with photography, a moderate fit with art, and a horrible fit with music, it probably shouldn't be combined with the overall category.... it's also a moderate fit with fashion (all clothing layers are textures, and it's a popular topic in texturing), but the overarching nature of the fashion sub forum seems more concerned with styles than the actual technical creation. scripting is still broken because of css formatting problems with preformatted text boxes which are wrapping (ignoring the built in box scroll) and using variable width fonts... both those things need repaired, and Cerise has posted a very simple fix for both that does not affect other parts of the board interface. Tech forums basic mode and mono2 should really be folded into viewer and server forums, their traffic is pitifully low, and they fit there perfectly, although I get that those probably came down from on high, someone should really mention this to the higher ups... their focus is too narrow to justify tracking them as separate forums. Land Forums are still a largely nonsensical mess... regions for sale should be a single category (all homestead regions are marked as such), as should parcels (which are all marked for type) and really there is no such thing as an estate parcel for sale... similarly for sale and wanted belong in the same place to easily facilitate matching of buyers and sellers. that's all of the top of my head, and any input is appreciated.
  9. yeah I would definitely avoid the "wear" action if they aren't next to the drink... but the detection of owner change and requesting/using attach permission won't have the same problem... I can't remember if there is a range on that though.
  10. I'm with Innula on this one... it largely depends on how you are splitting it, and what the source for the split definitions is, as well as the source of the string to split.
  11. the basis of the problem is that the collada format itself is to blame. both syntax's are correct, but they do different things. There "SHOULD" be settings to export them in either fashion, but google choose to break expectation... it was unfair of me to say they broke the format. the comparison would be more like everyone having previously exporting PNG's to as flat textures with no alpha, and alpha never having been mentioned even though it was theoretically possible... then along come someone who automaticaly exports images with alpha every time (hmmm this reminds me of the PS7? bug)... the results in applications that use pngs suddenly become unexpected (though not broken) because they expect a certain type of png file.... both are useful, but it wasn't made clear what was being expected by the importer or what was being created by the exporter. the solution of course is to document the importer expectation, and provide user options on the exporter, just as is done in paint programs... LL has (limitedly) done their part, it's up to exporter apps to either support user changes or at least document the format they use to export.
  12. do your friend a huge favor and point them towards the address Charlotte posted above
  13. I'm not sure why you expected a different answer to the jira... the problem is with sketchup 8's export which breaks standard. it's not about limiting options, it's about sticking with what it's supposed to be doing so that it remains standards compliant with everything else... the importer is just doing what it's told. if tomorrow photoshop put out a new edition that changed the file format for something like gif or jpeg or tga, and suddenly the images you create didn't work on the web or in sl, etc but only on computers with PS's new custome decoding library, whose fault is it that it's broken? I will agree with you on one point, it would be better if the current version worked for SL, but thats up to google, not LL
  14. Mayalily wrote: Re: Scripted items. Do scripted items still 'cuz lag even when they are in your inventory not on your avatar? [..] not specifically, but having a large inventory can force you to have to download more and slows down your connection, but that information doesn't come from the region but rather the asset server. and not all scripted items offer the ability to remove scripts... the better ones do. items that are no-mod with copiable scripts cannot be removed except by script due to a long standing bug. and no, you can't tell how many scripts are in an item that's still in a vendor unless it's listed, but you can with rezzed items, and demos.
  15. dunno how good it would look but you could try inner/outer cylinders... the iner fully textured, the outer textured only in strips, to mimic triangular inset pleats instead of accordion pleats
  16. Randall Ahren wrote: Don't you get texture lag from particles? [...] you can, it depends on your computer, but the information gets sent wehther you render it on your screen or not... so unless they're bugging you, you might as well set them to whatever your setup can handle.
  17. in the changed event, yup (although your formatting is a bit off but I have no doubt you'll get it) @Celestial: I know that sandbox... I still use it on occasion when I need to permission test (and I don't really like the mountains they installed... wipes out the minimap)
  18. what do I recommend for draw distance? that's tough, but I'd say as low as you are comfortable with when popping around the grid... and if you set it high make sure your cache is also set high, in fact I'd suggest setting your cach as high as you are comfortable with for all scenarios. reasoning: every time you view something it has to be sent to you, if you are popping around the grid with a high draw distance, you are getting an exponentially higher amount of content sent to you as you draw distance increases. if your cache is low, it will only hold so much information, so things get kicked out, then when you view them again, they have to be sent again, and stored again. Particles, I'd only concern myself with what the vid card can handle... I've got a nice GTX card,so mine is generally quite high. as for parcel owners turning off scripts for visitors, I don't recommend it... it's just troublesome, and easy enough to get around that all you're really going to do is annoy people. group chat would be great if it didn't suffer from lag problems, although there were some changes tested that seem to help that a great deal... hopefully there won't be any major bugs or drawback to it and we'll see that soon
  19. object rezzed and set as buy original, avatar buys it, and the script responds to the owner change by requesting attach permissions... it's still multiple clicks, but the object never needs to pass through inventory (technically it does, but the user won't notice) and goes perceptually from the counter to their hand.
  20. or even just tell them something like "retrieving access permissions" and then amaze them that it only took a few seconds (because most users encountering that type of message will expect a wait).... even if you can't safely hack the script to go faster, you can always hack the users perception of how long it should take >=) of course the alternative would be to send an catch rez messages, to know how many items should be responding, then count both positive and negative replies with a 1 sec timeout.... but the logic can add a lot to the scripts and probably isn't worth the extra effort.
  21. ps, I take it back, you don't need to squeeze it into 40KiB for LSL-HTTP... just chop it up into 40KiB chunks and additively load it as text until you have the whole thing... it'd be much more efficient if we had a little more control of outgoing headers though
  22. and all of that is assuming it's not some freely distributed fan made mock up of the original...
  23. here's another fun fact high draw distance, low cache size, and high traffic with low residency (people actually staying) also contribute to lag, both actual (server) and percieved (client). Physics is still the #1 simplest cause of server side lag, but the previous mentions also cause net time lag. overuse of resources in all forms is probably #2, and unfortunately it's it extremely hard to impossible for LL to do anything about it, that requires education of creators... and applies to all content. Scripts aren't supposed to cause server lag in and of themselves, but there are still a few chinks in that, especially if they affect physics viewable properties like color and texture... there are also a few cases where they can, but several of those have been eliminated, and the three remaining culprits not mentioned are being dealt with, with one almost eliminated, another getting close, and the third less common being worked on.
  24. not a fan of beers myself... but Tully is about the only thing on that side of the atlantic I'd drink, I actually prefer spiced rum on my rare nights out. @Dee: only in Canada would they think to drag a fight over a chunk of black rubber onto the ice (ps who said anything about football, and which kind?) ok, I think I've dragged this thread far enough off course.... =X
  25. also may depend on what else the scripts do, or might be caught in the middle of doing....
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