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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. Darren Scorpio wrote: In order for web profiles to work in the viewer you must have cookies enabled from the viewer preferences. and javascript if you want the actions menus to work... possibly plugins as well, as well as setting it to open in the internal browser (home sidebar tab requires all three to be enabled before you login or it will fail, search also requires all three now ::long-suffering-sigh:: ) ETA: no Lithium, I did NOT want to make that a smiley
  2. I think they're afraid to release encroachment code before they've settled on everything for mesh so they aren't locked into a solution that is going to be buggy for mesh.... at least that's my highly uneducated guesswork....
  3. it's been my current spare time project working up an inworld server system for HTTP-in, so you just had good timing to ask. (in fact I just filed that jira a few days ago)
  4. for what it's worth, I'm not seeing the same thing in my own experiments... but I've heavily tweaked my viewer settings so I may have turned off whatever is causing it for you. on my own I've been doing a minimal [set home, set current] with auto play enabled on the viewer, and manually on the prim, auto play and auto re-size enabled on the media face (for some reason the control sets keep going back to full, even though I have the bar set to mini, and the everyone permission set to no bar).
  5. well if you aren't editing the prim, my fallback guesses would be viewers in the area (if autoplay is on), or something funky in the code (a script reset perhaps?) . I'm not sure of a good way to troubleshoot it, since the requests are going direct to your server and the media address shouldn't be changing. is it possible that it's being hit once for the set, and once for your viewer?... try a timer to set it, TP out and see if the page stil gets pulled while you are away (obviously in an area that's empty)
  6. the extra loads could be coming from other viewers in the area, but since you say 2-3, I'm going to guess that it's this bug I filed in jira.... every time the object is edited, or it's contents change in any way, the viewer pulls one refresh for the edit control, and another for the viewer. the only solution is not to use edit on the object with media. if you just need to modify or view the contents, "open" will work, but only for the root prim. that's the bad news... the good news is that it stops doing that when it's not being edited.
  7. what Tateru said =) (yes this post was just an excuse to say "Hi, don't usually see you outside of blog land")
  8. because Nada hasn't been around since the old OLD forums but with jive they made us all start over. (In case anyone wonders how I know Nada, 'tis because Nada used to manage the original scripting library... I kinda miss seeing that green ogre icon from days of yore.)
  9. "a year", would reasonably be a year from a set date (like the day they made the statement)... un-reasonably it would have the same value as "tomorrow" (which never gets here) a la "end of any year" my understanding is that big prims can ship as soon as encroachment is ready, but encroachment is tied up in the mesh code.
  10. be very careful with this structure (rotation)((string)llGetPrimitiveParams( [PRIM_ROTATION] )) it's valid, but it's NOT precise... it will do some minor tuncation of the rotation parameters, which can result in what looks like a visible wobble or offset in target omega (in other thngs it can result in slightly misaligned surfaces, or other craziness) this is a much more precise way to do the same thing llList2Rot( llGetPrimitiveParams( [PRIM_ROTATION] ), 0 ) the simple formula for llTargetOmega is llTargetOmega( vVecAxis * llGetLocalRot(), vFltSpeed * TWO_PI, vFltAccelerate * TWO_PI ); where vVecAxis is the axis you want to spin around. if you want a unaligned axis, use <1,0,0>*rotation where the rotation is a prims rotation when the x axis is facing along the centerline. otherwise, make one of the values a 1 for aligned axes vFltSpeed is how many times you want it to do a complete spin in 1 second, fractions are how much of the spin is completed in 1 second. vFltAccelerate is just like speed, except it adds to itself every second until it gets up to vFltSpeed.
  11. in your case use, as people are pointing out... linkAlpha is prefered, and as Haravik was leading towards, even if you have multiple things you need to set, if you don't need all the components of something like PRIM_COLOR, or indeed need to avoid a component, then using using both functions is still going to be faster, than coding around the the unneeded attribute, smaller and easier to read too, in most instances.
  12. there are at least 3 ways to render a line break, so it's always better if you know that the sources string is urlencoded, to convert it first, then parse it (LSL will collapse all three to a basic \n entity. ps %2E == "." %0A == [LINEFEED] %0D == [CARRIAGE_RETURN] mostly websources will convert linfefeeds normally, and convert carriage returns to spaces. the difference between the two has to do with typerwriters and early printers. linefeed moves the paper up (but doenst change the typing position), and carriage return moves the typing position back to the beginning of the line (but doesn't move the paper up)
  13. they other problem might be that they aren't really traffic bots.... if they're flagged in the account setting as a bot, they're compliant. but wee can't see that information.
  14. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: [...] So now can use the new layer & I'll only look strange to ppl using the LL viewer 1. actually you'll look like you to them too... they just won't be able to do the same thing (the visual effect is backwards compatible, but the inventory type is not.)
  15. unfortunately, that a problem of cross site openID.... single sign-on... isn't
  16. well at least you know they are learning useful real world skills in the pursuit of ungodly amounts of time spent on WarQuestUnlimitedGuild
  17. to answer the titular question.... the point is whatever you make it... I'm not especially social either though I have made friends over time... I spend most of my time scripting, exploring and building
  18. so... Merchant's Round Table Zindra Land Owners* Translation Project* Solution Providers* Atlas Land Owners* Moderation Queue* that's 6... out of 10 #CATEGORIES# (hint: categories can contain multiple forums) anyone care to share any others they know about? *=name is tentative, I don't have access so I don't know the correct names
  19. can't tell what OS you're running other than windows... have you checked to make sure it's not been blocked by the default firewall? ETA: turning the firewall off may not unblock previously blocked applications, especially in Vista... in win7 I dunno
  20. try making sure that sound is set to mute when minimized. this is probably a problem of SL trying to access the sound functions, and Vista's overbearing security settings denying it access when it tries to play while locked, and not re-allowing it when it's unlocked.
  21. several of those pages require javascript, cookies, AND plugins to be enabled... search and the home tab both require all three now... so if you have any of those disabled in preferences, that's why they don't work. even without that though I agree it's still rather slow and the webkit parser doesn't obey some standards (like defer attributes in script tags)
  22. you say cleaner, I say obfuscated.... oversized menus, yet they pretend to build for a 1024*768 interface? completely ignore that great gaping hole of empty space at the top, and istead push things like even the minimized land info into the screen, and bury functions in non obvious menus 2 to 3 levels down in tiny hard to read font menus.... yes, the old style look more like a modern pilots cockpit with dials and buttons everywhere... I get that intimidates some... but it meant features were at your finger tips. about land? on click, on a large target... now 3 on a tiny top menu, or 2-5 on small targets in varying screen spaces from the side panel with at least one huge floater or panel in between. inspect? 3 clicks on a large single zone target, now 3-5 on tiny ones in vastly different screen areas; only in the last revision or two has the ability for things to stay where you put them been introduced (which unfortunately doesn't play nice with phoenix, but that might be phoenix devs bad call in using the user_settings.xml in the user directory, unless v2 just adopted that file, in which case it's LL that blew it), madeningly incosistent log file names... and I won't even go into the reliance on horribly unsecured media functions in the UI, or the uber dark UI that blocks out the world =( don't get me wrong... some of the new features are awesome... (even if several were taken from various TPV's)... next/prev link for builders, inventory links, alpha/tatto masks, system notices that don't force you to click them to get them out of the, love 'em. new introduced bugs like breaking --login and --noprobe parameters, focused contrls popping under previous floaters, and bad cursor offsets in edit fields, hate hate hate
  23. there is a slight category change, but the major thing is that they did away with the idiotc "remove my profile from the web" (or whatever it was called) setting that caused you profile to come up as blocked for everyone everywhere, and broke search.
  24. navigate to your user settings folder and delete the file "settings.xml", then try again. if that fails, go back, delete it again (may need to refresh the view), and then go to the subfolder with your SL account name and delete the file "user_settings.xml" also (deleting the second one may throw you back to basic mode). make sure to check and reset all your preferences when you get back on.
  25. Suella Ember wrote: Well spotted! Don't know how I managed to hit a 9 insted of a 7. Bloody fat fingers! :smileytongue: I'll edit my original post to avoid confusion. must be all that cheese
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