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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. make sure you don't log in using a link with the --login first last password format, or the --noprobe options, as these (and perhaps others) are broken causing loss of certain menus, and limiting video memory. then once you've logged in, manually increase you setting, but only set the vbo options (not AA or AF)... set AA and AF from the nvidia settings panel for the secondlife application to override... not only does AA work much better from there, it also plays better with shadows that way. you can also open the file gpu_table.txt in the viewer directory and do a search and replace on the following search for: GTS 260 replace with: GTS 460 and also.. search for: GTS 26.* replace with GTS 46.* those will tell SL to treat you card as known, they default to the highest internal leval (high graphics) and and that it's supported... you can manually change your graphic to ultra from there.
  2. that's what I was afraid of.... if anyone at LL ever reads this.... it's stupid crap like this that makes users hate to use your product... If I as a user change a setting, or put something in a specific place, I expect it to STAY WHERE I PUT IT =P otherwise it's as frustrating as setting up a room only to have it rearranged every time you turn your back (what movie was that? poltergeist? sixth sense?)
  3. prepaid cards only work if they have name and address associated with them (some of the refillable cards do)... but the anonymous ones aren't accepted
  4. pss Target Say really isn't going to be useful to replace Instant Message... it's region limited, and there's no guarantee that avatars will be allowed in the target list without a delay.
  5. v2's poor reception by the large majority of new content generators and novel creators really set back the use of this feature... with the option and control hungry crowds of phoenix content creators now being pushed towards what they see as a finally viable featureset for v2 in Firestorm, the desire to option mesh creation, I saw it as something that was going to get a lot more use, and didn't have a simple usable or standardized interface yet.... it was missing that simple and compact methodology that xPose MLP and nPose provided for interactive furniture. and the people who've been around remember the explosion in content and ideas resulting from those becoming available... I got started on it because tossing 50 records of two peoples names, plus actions taken, plus timestamps, out to chat on demand was a bit.... harsh. and I wanted to add information, like links to the people involved, or locations, and maybe even flesh out the actions. Chat and dialogs just weren't cutting it. I fully expect to see custom and private monetized back ends for this, heck I'm counting on it so that applications can take off and I (and everyone else) can benefit from having a multiple developers working on multiple projects that suit multiple (and maybe even not previously imagined) needs... of course that means getting people to try it and use it first =)
  6. .... oh how I wish it would.... aside from crashing V2, how exactly does a person get the torn off sidebar items to stay that way when they log off and back on? preferably in the place and state I left them in? is there some magically incantation I missed? am I behind of my burnt offerings, or a few blood sacrifices shy of this ability?
  7. ps: I really can't believe people haven't said anything about where they stole the layout from.....
  8. are you sure? it might be the future rendition not a past one... after all, it will happen again. and no one pulled out the other much more interesting and modernly relevant video? you know the one... whole environment created under a time constraint just for one persons benefit
  9. if ("fixed" == "even marginally useful"){ Issue jetpacks to the swine }else{ no, reality has not inverted itself yet }
  10. oh it ain't perfect yet.... but that did make it a whole lot easier didn't it? =) it's still got major drawbacks, and I could definitely use some assistance from anyone that's a javascript expert and up to dat on current stuff.... as it is I'm years hacks in there from 2009 at best. and of course the file system is dinky.... it was just to showcase formatting, and get it to the point I could demo it (hint: if you are in the Scriptoratti group a working version went out just a bit ago with full perms) what I'd REALLY love, is some feed back on how well it's working, what else people want ti to be able to do, and of course any bugs that I don't already know about.... PS I see you've been busy answering questions correctly and your Icon turned purple =) ETA: about your question, if it's something to do with improving the land access management tools, then the naswer is "maybe" lol
  11. as I recall, most TPV's now that are not based on v2x code are based on snowglobe v1.5 code (NOT 1.23 despite using the same interface)
  12. So I've been playing around with MOAP and LSL's HTTP-in, which lets you not only display media inworld, but also serve it from there to the Outside world as well... Thanks to the work of several people. We can now align/resize the window by script, use "data: URNs to feed non-plain-text content to the window, even using it to wrap things like videos, and.... bootstrap plain text content into HTML pages... And that's where I've been looking to make improvements. Currently there are two freely available methods for bootstrapping; One uses huge "data:" URN wrappers for all links, but supports mostly normal click through behavior. Unfortunately, at ~three hundred+ bytes per link, you won't be putting many links on your pages. And not all external browsers may support it (I know Firefox does though). The other chooses to hot load the "data:" URN wrappers from the script which can support bigger pages (no huge links), but resets the view for everyone to the last link clicked (could be a good thing in some cases). And completely falls apart outside of prim media (can't be used in the internal browser or external browsers) Those Methods are vast improvements over the simpler limits we had, but neither is really a good media server The Goal: Use lsl HTTP-in to serve MOAP, without any external resources, using simple standards based methods. A Server In a Prim or SIP.The Hurdles: Viewer doesn't pass "data:" URN's to external browsers (even when supported)ll*PrimMedia* Commands are slow (1 sec pause for each call)Script-size (with code) limits page-size drasticallyHTTP-in can only serve plain text dataThe Workarounds and their limitations: Wraping pages in data URNs(+)Gets the HTML onto the page(-)Requires slow media commands(-)Does not work in internal/external browserWraping links in "data:" URNs:(+)Gets the link HTML onto the page(+)Works on internal/external browser(-)links are HUGE taking up valuable spaceWraping pages in java script(+)Gets the HTML onto the page(+)Works on internal/external browser(-)Only get a single page from loading(-)Requires one of the "data:" URN wrapper methods Enter the Teacup Server; a next step improvement building on the current methods. A single call of the Prim Media commands, which loads a single initial page, no massive links, no over-sized wrappers (page wrapper is < 1/4 of the minimal HTML it replaces). Pages support most of their normal features (HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, with few restrictions), that would be available within the body tag of a page. All in a minimal LSL script allowing it to safely serve content up to 40Kb+ But you can't have a server without a file system to fetch from, and you can't have a Teacup without Tea, so I've also coded a simple yet solid example called Red Tea. Red Tea let's you drop notecards in with page content, then it reads the notecards, makes the changes necessary for JavaScript wrapper compatibility, and stores them until the server asks for them. As a bonus, there's Saucer which detects if the files system doesn't have a file, and tells the server so that the server can send the appropriate code right away; that way, page loads aren't held up by missing content. "Yeah all this talk is nice, but where is the code?" a Very smart question, and the answer is to click on image below wherever you see it. =)
  13. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Quote: "Not supported in official Linden Labs viewers prior to version 2.4, and some TPVs may not support it. Unsupported viewers will display a dialog box with a single option of "!!llTextBox!!". That will render it as useless as HTML on a prim for months to come. it would, except that most TPV's have supported it for over a year now..... speaking of MOAP...... THIS might go a little ways to changing your mind ETA: and speaking of useless, the stupid editor thinks that the acronym tag is invalid
  14. not via script, but you can preset it when the viewer starts by adding --set ChatFontSize 2 to the command line parameters this works for almost any debug setting you can find in the advanced menu --> debug settings window
  15. apologies, I was assuming that RLV wasn't actually relevant, and that you were using a TPV with autoresponders built in (like phoenix).... the RLV protocols themselves won't do it as Innula noted
  16. Deltango Vale wrote: The worst part of the name Second Life is 'second' (second best, second rate, second place, came second, subordinate to something else, not as good as something else, a pale imitation of whatever was first). Therefore, kill off the whole 'second' thing and start again from scratch. emphasis mine.... where you trying to be ironic? no? ok then... what about second chances, second, base, second honeymoon second helping second partners..... and that only took 2 seconds....=P :: has a great idea :: ... lets not.
  17. two things, one, you'll want to secure your inworld items using it... that pretty means no mod across the board (there a known security exploit bug that lets anyone with a script in the object listen to the responses from http. second, you'll want you use some sort of "auth" which is just a short encrypted string that ensures that only your stuff talks to your sqy server... because even if someone in SL is unlikely to find it, there are zombie machine scanning for servers they can exploit constantly.
  18. PRIM_COLOR is actually a bit problematic, since it sets alpha at the same time.... fine if everything has the same settings, but not so great when they don't.... llSetLinkColor is probably a better alternative in those cases.
  19. Darrius Gothly wrote: (My knowledge of Javascript conversion routines is not too current.) mine either TBH =/ I stopped messing with javascript back in '02, and only played with it once since then (and then with some assistance).... I'm doing a little with it now to try and improve the usefulness of http-in for lsl, but I haven't kept up with the times on it
  20. I meant if the php was simple enough to convert.... yeah it'd run slower, but it'd run locally... was just a thought
  21. Peewee Musytari wrote: You don`t get a welcome to SL email anymore either apparantly. of course not... sending those ties up bandwidth and costs money.... no sense wasting that on the five thousandth alt of someone who had all the previous ones banned.................
  22. ah sorry then... I was taking a stab at it but not sure.... I haven't tried Firestorm yet, as I'm waiting till it's stabilized with most of the old feature set before I give it a go.... if the IM's just pop up and don't offere a friendly button warning on new IM's that's problematic and would keep me away too (I like control) the par/emerald/phoenix/firestorm lines are the swiss army knives of viewers... every option you can think of... all right in front of you at once... definitely NOT for all users, but some of those options can quickly become "can't live without"... (for me, the major elements are UI size/control, full region radar, and that wonderful ability to see who's no lnger on the region in the parcel return items list... and absolute blessing for sandbox management)
  23. and as a pure matter for curiousity, if the code is simple enough to run from javascript on a text area pasted log, I'm sure I can work out how to host it via shared media I've been playing around with bootstrapping HTTP-in so that it plays nicely with external browsers.... although so far only have firefox working from V2 (the data: url type is not supported for transport in phoenix, and probably not any current TPV, but I'll ping the phoenix devs and Henri over at cool and see if they'll tweak their webkit versions to support it, should be a minor change) I don't know if I can make IE support the data: url type, I've locked IE out locally, because I don't use it, though I know IE will support html in plaintext so it may not be an issue.
  24. the movement is good... but they need to include an AO in those starter avs if they are going to show that sort of movement (that is OBVIOUSLY not the default anims). I do wish they'd use a little bit better resolution.... all the feamle av's but one end up looking like south florida drag queens (which is fine if ya wanna be one, but I'm betting that's not the main draw for most people)
  25. BB Dubratt wrote: [...] I am sorry for all the androgynous avatars I may have offended but there is no choice for other in appearance... [...] sure there is.... it's called "attach" ps dragons think all humans look the same (best served lightly toasted)
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