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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. the busy animation does not (to my knowledge) actually cause item rejection... it probably doesn't cause the busy autoresponse to kick in either, but I've never really tested that.
  2. if one really wanted to dive into the depths, they could add a bit of code to the AO that spouts the animation state on a particular channel, and attachments could listen for it and play their own animations to go with that state.... and by default they'd happen after, so could override the AO animations in a timely fashion. .... not that i haven't suggested the idea before...
  3. EnCore Mayne wrote: [...] it's not like it's being rezzed inworld. heh, actually that is exactly what's happening... it's the only way for the script in the hud to run and ask to attach. if it's for a personal item, no big deal... but yes, it's a major pain for commercial products... those pretty much tend to fall back to making the user attach them both
  4. Jenni Darkwatch wrote: Smartphone was of course what I meant, and even there, more the tablet hybrids. Sorry, not a native speaker here. Cloud rendering is an interesting concept, but that wasn't even remotely what I meant. SL on the go isn't what I am really talking about either, though I'm guessing some people would find that appealing too... while driving their car into a crowd of people. For smartphones I feel augmented reality makes much more sense than virtual reality though. The way I see it, more and more people will use relatively low-power "portable" computers. Tablets most likely, considering their popularity. They have decent sized screens but not the oomph to run something like SL without draining the batteries in the time it takes to log in. On the other hand, many have built-in video stream decoding, as used for example by Netflix for streaming vids to iPhone and iPad. So the bandwidth is obviously there. The bandwidth costs... that's an issue of course, but likely less than one would think, especially if programmed right. There's quite a few techniques to limit bandwidth in such environments. Scale the image dynamically according to screen size. Lower the streams FPS if nothing much changes on-screen. If a user wishes to, turn off the visuals and go to text/voice chat only... simple things. well somthing has to render the content, since it's dynamic and not static, so for low powered devices, that would have to be cloud rendering of some sort. (which will need to be paid for by someone) and while they may be able to handle a yuotube video of a few minutes, anything more is going to cost in bandwidth (more cash), as well as power consumption (tech limitation for mobile computing)... and still be squeezed into a relatively small space... I think anyone trying to queeze SL's dynamic world into that sort of microsm just isn't realizing that that it doesn't work like that... certain content and paradigms require certain resources, and mobile tech just doesn't have it yet. and trying to cram SL into that tiny add living in clip paradigm will never work.... it can't handle the level of dynamicism involved. PS fire every employee that gets hit with malware... seriously? well now we know how a hacker could both shut down any company you are running, and cherry pick head hunt your best people while they're at it....
  5. an outside script cannot control the order of other scripts dialogs... you'll need to modify one of those scripts.
  6. note that it will fail if the parcel doesn't allow the avatar to rez objects. if permissions are not granted to the hud by the current owner before it's placed in the object, then the owner will probably have to deal with a permission dialog. also if the hud is copiable they'll get a copy each time if unless you limit it in the code
  7. Jenni Darkwatch wrote: LL could easily have made SL accessible via cellphones. It's trivial to do, yet no one there seems to see beyond the walls of their crystal palace. this one statement puzzles me more than any other.... how exactly would SL be feasibly available from a cellphone? nevermind for the moment the limitations of content to screen size, I'm going to assume you mean cloud rending of scenes, which means massive live video bandwith use, and forget about the inherent delay time to render and send, plus the cost associated with that much wireless phone usage, or the fact that the jitter on most wireless signals and overall stability is not really reliable. and for what? a low rez grainy image or a "live" virtual world that you are constantly lagging behind, all at ridiculous service and bandwith costs? that was a pipe dream even before they tried it with the "interest" beta. not every product is suited for the general market or to every particular directed purpose.... it's often better to target a core market, even a niche one, and then flexible enough to take in closely related markets...
  8. Josh Susanto wrote: Don't get discouraged by people who assume they have better creative ideas than you do simply because they have more technical experience. Actually Cerise has more web tech expertise than I do right now (I could see it in our comparative forum ignore tools for the old jive boards, even with the differing styles, and said as much back then and hinted at it recently). your google skills are good, but did you notice that page was already linked in the mentioned resource above? heh
  9. it's definitely a gaming application... there's a very common format in gaming systems using dice.... D(number of die sides) + modifiers modifiers are usually static values like skill (+value) and difficulty (-value), and the reult has to be greater than a target number (or competes directly with a similar, but oppsing calculation) there's even one system like that uses the dice directly.... if you physically have that die, you can use it to boost your value.... it's "rulers" for geeks
  10. oh noes, it's spring and warmer weather isn't trapping people indoors like snow and cold do, lets all panic
  11. heh I was just thinking use the legacy names, but if I understand how you're running this, it's a strict rich text log paste, so it only has info from whatever view mode the transcriptionist was in.... so that info wouldn't be available unless they had display names turned off.
  12. little more complex then I was after but it solves my complaints =) fwiw you've got my vote on it.
  13. speaking of PRIM_POS_LOCAL, and it's non-existence.... ::cough:: shameless plug ::cough:: feel free to comment vote, watch and mention it to Kelly every chance you get out he comes and personally strangles me for suggesting people do that =D
  14. sorry, but you are seeing something that just isn't there... why would I look at the edit history for resources linked to specific providers (namely, LL and Anne O'Toole in this case)... it's perfectly sensible to assume that the person who provides the resource added the link for it.... right? I know that's what I did. I litterally had no clue that you were the person who posted those up, because I had no reason to go looking at the edits page and dig through to see who added what or when. and I really don't like mucking in other peoples personally provided resources, even if there is minor point of annoyance. and even without all that, I've checked who did an eedit maybe 3 times ever in the years I've been here... because who doesn't usually matter, only what. trust me when I say, that if I wanted to be insulting to a particular person, I'd make it quite clear who that was, even if I chose to avoid the "naming names" policy (which I haven't in the past so why start now?). I would have thought it's obvious that I'm pretty blunt with my opinions, and I don't pull punchs or do sneak attacks. up until this moment I've had nothing but admiration and glowing praise for what you've done in this community. That you think I'm mounting some stealth campaign to snipe at you is nothing short of shock and awe to me. my answer to that is "no, just NO"
  15. llRotBetween( <1., 0., 0.>, llVecNorm( next_pos - llGetPos() ) );
  16. don't get me wrong... it does address some of the problems of concurrency and immediacy, but I think it raises a bar for people who might participate, and would definitely necessitate a change in format and a need for control on the part of the lindens (you can't have a whole colosseum shouting questions and comments, the empress cannot address them all, nor even be heard in such a racket)
  17. I may have shot myself in the foot on definitions.... my intention was both in the header, and legacy names in the text. reasoning example: this week user John.Doe has a displayname of "John Doe Lives!", next week, they show up with a display name of "Kïllêr Klðwñ £rðm Öµ†êr §þå¢ê" (which may have trouble being parsed on a web page) or "Darrius Gothly"(problematic impersonation).... if I'm reading the transcripts, the only way I know that John Doe is the same person is to reference the attendees list.... and if more than one person has the same display name, there's absolutely no way to tell who is who... so it makes much more sense to record them as "John Doe" in the chat register. ETA: I figured you were parsing the profile page to get either the display name or the username for the link, my bad. the "charter" etc stuff was really just gravy if you were already parsing those pages.
  18. Cerise wrote: I am not "they". Chip's tempates ARE an giant improvement over the old LL ones, do you disagree with that? Unfortunately the old ones had to be rescued too because the LL copies of the CMFF collection did not cover all body parts. The larger templates are not listed first because they are hosted outside [ this was not always so, they were hosted on the forum until LL destroyed the attachments ], and the description for them has not changed since 2007. If you have a better description for them, you know how to edit the wikii and edits are far more useful than bitter pointless whining. sure you are.... third person, indeterminate =P ... well you were until you just told me you are the one that edited them in (ps I was including Anne in that, since I presumed she added the link to her copies) I don't disagree that they are better than the originals (I think I still have those somewhere, they're horrid), thanks for rescuing them, my only point was the comparitive valuation. The order wasn't really a concern, and yes I remember well the various disasters of hosting all the way back to the original scripting wiki. I'd have edited them, but didn't feel comfortable overriding people's resources they had personally added... a numbered list? really? over a point of mild annoyance and clarification? ps not bitter, not whining, imformative, so not pointless.... and since you've spoken up as the editor in question, I now know it's ok to tweak the descriptions.... thanks =P
  19. that wasn't naysaying, just surprise that it worked.... I may actually start using that function again in that case.
  20. the functions you are after are llRequestPermissions llStartAnimation llSetTimerEvent and probably llStopAnimation
  21. that big chat window that repeats local chat is known as the history window (v2 has it as well). ctrl+h should open and close it.
  22. it's possible your IP block got banned, but it's even more likely it's a network error... double check all network settings down to their simplest forms, if it still happens contact live chat support and see if they can't have a look (you do get that as a perk right?) by clicking on the "help menu item above of from the main site while logged into your account (from the mainsite mousing over will give a menu, ignore it and actually click the help label) PS I forgot to say it, but, welcome back to the active duty roster =)
  23. Darrius Gothly wrote: I already have an option to display or hide user names. The default is off but I can change that easily. When you say you want them included though .. do you want them in the transcript portion or just in the attendee list? (I flip flopped back and forth on that so I'm wanting input.) including them inline would probably be distracting from the content. probably both listed in the attendees list, and maybe a switchable page view (via css?) to get user names or display names (otherwise just usernames). in addition to my previous reasoning, I'm thinking that for stability and continuity, records using usernames are preferable for the default chat text. Darrius Gothly wrote: I think I understand what you mean by "Legacy" account types (accounts that have names pre-resident type, right?) But what are "specialty legacy accounts"? actually I was refering to account types like "Ex Ordium", and "Charter Member"... and any others that have special flags (I think lifetime and beta are also available). the difference between pre and post last name availability is obvious in a user name, so that wasn't intended. (besides you can still register a few last names, even now)
  24. I'm going to strongly speak out AGAINST the use of IRC for any secondlife official dealings.... why? because it's just one more level of separation from SL, and is frankly not a technology that most SL residents are familiar and comfortable with compared to the forums and inworld... similarly I'd recommend against e-mail lists for information dissemination because it's too passive, is yet more separation for most residents, and is easily lost to noise (and I said as much when I discovered those channels years back). company website, and company product.... those are the areas that make sense and don't detract or obfuscate the purpose or goals of such interest groups.
  25. I have one immediate point of feed back..... if you are going to use displaynames in the transcript, they should be accompanied by username., not just a link at the top.... personally I'd much rather see just the usernames (which are definitive) not because it's super problematic in that log, but special characters and impersonation could be an issue for people reading the transcript later (I don't think including the surnames for "Resident" is particularly necessary in that case though)... personally I also like to have continued coloring (so lindens names AND text would be alt colored)... and I don't know if you parse it, but perhaps alternate colors for specialty legacy account types if they can be detected.
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