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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. sort of... you can't change slider values, but you can use deformer animations to move the joints out of place.... just make sure you include an undeformer animation or you'll be cosidered a griefer, get Abuse Reported and probably lose your account. information on how to make deformer animation can be obtained from the nice folks in the animation forum.
  2. there's one other problem that hasn't been memtioned... attachments are phantom, that means they don't collide with anything themselves... the avatar can collide, and those collisions will be passed to attachments, but the attachments themselves will never generate collisions. option one was already mentioned, use a sensor to detect other avs in range of a strike. (not hit boxes, but actual avs). option two rez an invisible 'bullet'... for melee that would be right in font of the av and fairly big... doesn't have to actually move and should die of quickly... if thatcollides with someone it sends a message and dies (optionally you can have the sensor read information from the collision as you meant to in the begining)
  3. ah yes, the one level up view.... Recently Created section at the top shows proper latest post, but the listings under the individual forums farther down on the same page do not.... either they are mislabeled (should be "latest thread"), or they are being misparsed (links and info should point to latest post).
  4. Cerise Sorbet wrote: Yes, event is a reserved word, it is declared in indra.y and indra.l but it has no corresponding function. It will cause a syntax error if it is used as a function or variable name. print is parsed as a generic expression in real LSL, I threw it on the states pile because it was defined in the middle of them. I will change event and print to use red "don't do that!" highlights like broken comments. Jump targets are not really parsed the same way the SL editor highlights them. @ is a reserved word on its own, it can be followed by arbitrary whitespace, new lines and comments before the label. The SL editor uses a hacky highlight, like /^@.*/, even if the syntax is bogus. The editor also has trouble with valid syntax like @ foo; llOwnerSay ("huh?"); To make this right, I will promote "@" to a keyword, and add highlights for words that follow "@" or "jump" I will probably do a similiar thing for "state" and the special "default" case. cool, didn't know we had an event keyword in there... or that you could break @ apart like that. I guess properly the keyword and label are separate, but I didn't think about it (missed the print keyword in the events list, sry), good stuff though
  5. I made an assumption above that may not have been clear, so I corrected it... when reading UUIDs from an outside text source, you first have to cast them to key before using the list constructor to add them to the list... I think [(key)text] is enough, but if not you may want to assign the text to a variable declared as a key type, and then use the list constructor on that... eg key vKeyTmp = incomming_text; vLstMyList += [vKeyTmp];
  6. if the list of keys is hard coded into the script, then they will be of type STRING, and you'll need to convert the detected key to a string before testing it, like [(string)llDetectedKey( x )], or alternatively, you can run list replace on the string at start up, reading each value, converting it to key and replacing the oringinal if you are building the key list from an outside source, use [(key)text_key_goes_here] instead of (list)((key)text_key_goes_here) to add them to the list, and then check for them with [key_to_match] instead of (list)key_to_match why do it that way? because there's a bug in the LSO parse routine that will ignore the key typing for lists so it's better to use the list constructor [] instead of the list cast (list).... there'a a jira on this somewhere by strife
  7. one small typo, an extra "s" in 'link_message' I also tweaked a bit, moved "default" and "state" from the keywords list to the function list (since those are sections in the viewer highligher, and similarly colored to functions) nixed the 'event' keyword (was that a typo? or do we actaully have an "event" keyword and I didn't know?) and removed @ from the punctuation list, adding keyword: /^@[a-zA-Z_]\w*/ to lslTokens and matching coloring of other in lslColors to the keyword type: * could possibly add the "print" keyword.... it's in the LSO compiler... may not be in the mono one... but that's just geekiness =) ETA: * fixed mistake on my part
  8. there's actually two types of "lifetime" memberships.... there's the official kind that none of us could distinguish from charter membership (it came with an icon by the account type IIRC and the same 4096 land grant) and then there's up poor sops that just had paid basic accounts.... and the only benefits on those are higher stipends for premium (500$L) or free $50L stipends for each we they log in if not premium. when free accounts were annonced it was stated taht existing accounts would have their content retained for as long as the user held the account. all new accounts could have their content deleted if they were inactive for a period (I think 6mos was the original proposal which was bumped to a year). banned or requested for deletion by the owner, accounts would have content purged after a few months regardless (not immediately, to combat frustration remose). there were also inventory server purges later, of old copy content that was no longer referenced by active accounts, and thus was born prim boxing of inventory to prevent deletions from the grid.... I think that policy was abandoned though. mind you some of the details in there may be slightly off... it's been a few years and history was never my strong suit =)
  9. if (vStrDta = llStringTrim( llList2String( llParseStringKeepNulls( vStrDta, ["//"], [] ), 0 ), STRING_TRIM ) ){ is what I'm using for validating and comment stripping right now.... let you add trailing comments, but still ignore lines with nothing but spaces or comments.
  10. Holy..... just downloaded.... bloody amazing. even correctly parses PITA slash encoding scripts that the wiki highlighter breaks on.
  11. Well then I'm glad I misunderstood the original, because I wouldn't have thought to suggest it otherwise.
  12. they only have to wear it when it tries to die
  13. you could have all attachments listen for a command, and then when heard each one processes it's own linkset. and llGetLinkPrimParams( LINK_SET, [PRIM_NAME, PRIM_DESC] ); will return all the names and descriptions in a single link set at once, in order. (or you can check them one at a time by looping through)
  14. Deltango Vale wrote: Linden Lab is meticulous in protecting accounts no matter how long they have been dormant. Many residents have been away from SL five or six years NP. Actually, I recently met a guy with a fairly new account who told me he'd simply forgotten his older accounts. Anyway, with a little nudging from me, he contacted LL and easily reactivated those old accounts. the trick is whether or not the account was a paid one or not.... accounts created before the they were free were guaranteed lifetime content retention... but free accounts were set to eventually delete their inventories after they'd been idle for a certain amount of time (original content might remain if it was still in use by others)
  15. Yeso Kidd wrote: Second, how do you get into basic mode or enable it. I would like to try it myself. on the login screen of the viewer, there is a new combo box next to the login button that lets you switch from basic, to advanced, or vice versa.
  16. the supplied variables go in the top, the timer event replaces your owner timer event, all that's left is to add the code to read the first list item and send it to the user as a message, and set the timer for the amount of time in the list at the index given in gIntTrack...... you can do that in the state entry, but really it should be done when the owner changes, or they'll miss the first message.
  17. you can use the name or description fields to label your parts, then recolor/etc all the parts with that name or description... but I'm guessing you only found the llGetObjectName and llGetObjectDesc functions, and missed the constants PRIM_NAME and PRIM_DESC for llGetLinkPrimitiveParams and llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast ? those are the ones you want =)
  18. does it allow you to play anims with it unchecked? Honestly it's the only one I've kept checked all the time back to viewer 1.2 I haven't played with avatar physics, because I just don't have a need/want on my avs (not enough there to bounce anyways)
  19. don't feel bad, it's one of those jiras I'm hawkeyed on, because I have account links for each av on each viewer I have installed... and I still randomly forget to use the manual login link so that I can edit scripts and such.... it's one of the nastier power user bugs (although I wish they'd fix --noprobe, but that's been broken since snowglobe, probably because there are two different settings in there now, no probe and no hardware check)
  20. just a thought... do you have Automatic position for: Appearance checked in the (ctrl+p) Preferences, Move & View, tab? toggling that should help ETA: whoops, I misunderstood the meaning.... you meant the static pose.... yeah they probably needs to be an unlock or test animation setting for that if those can only be edited from appearance.
  21. leliel Mirihi wrote: The --login bug has been fixed I believe. only internally, it hasn't made it into the production viewer yet. I think you mean GTX 260/460. But LL is finally going to update gpu_table.txt. doh, you are right! bad copypasta on my part
  22. list gLstTime =["5 minutes", 60, "4 minutes", 60, "3 minutes", 60, "2 minutes", 60, "1 minutes", 30, "30 seconds", 20, "10 seconds", 5, "5 seconds", 5, "Times up", 0];integer gIntTrack = 1;//-- some codetimer(){ ++gIntTrack; llOwnerSay( llList2String( gLstTime, gIntTrack ) ); ++gIntTrack; llSetTimerEvent( llList2Float( gLstTime, gIntTrack ) ); if (llList2Integer( gLstTime, gIntTrack ) == 0){ llDie(): }} this of course does not prevent anyone from resetting the script, removing it, or using it in a no script area, or attaching it to prevent it from dying.
  23. my point is that "earth" could be any planet, past or future.... "This has all happened before... and will happen again", a sort of factal take on "those who do not learn from history..."
  24. well the concept is ancient... I can remember games using it all the way back to sega genesis, but the most recent aone I can rember seing using it, complete with animation and full figures? a certain ironically popular disney game (ironic because it's disney)
  25. can I get an advanced mode with line breaks for your post? that wall of text stopped me from reading.
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