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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. got nothing to add codewise, but a small meta suggestion: when asking questions in scripting forum it's usually better to start your own thread unless it directly related to the OP... sometime a person who might be able to offer advice will miss posts in unrelated threads because they may have skiped the thread because it wasn't something they knew about or were concerned with, or they may have stopped reading a thread that looked as if it'd run it's course... you can often get faster answers that way. it also makes it easier for the next person to find the same information if they have a similar question.
  2. th OP was hyperbole against the suggestion that posting being limited in the forums to reduce the spam problem... oddly from a poster whose sole claim to fame was replying to posts with completely irrelevant videos.... go figure
  3. I believe if you set the viewer to manual download rather than automatic update you shouldn't get any notifications except on the login screen
  4. it can be done by script... I wasn't aware that TPVs where doing that... which ones?
  5. that sound like it might be force set MOAP, which might come up blank if the page is accounts specific or is being refreshed based on cookie or POST values (which would mean only the person interacting with it might have the data). if it's not happening for other people not interacting with the page, then I'm not sure... I haven't seen it myself, but I also haven't playing with it much in multiuser environments yet
  6. since it's so nice to see pleasant people here, I not only checked out you jira even though I don't own a mac, but I also peeked at the logs.... all I can say is OUCH..... strict Crash To Desktop and almost no useful information.... the log just STOPS, which only tells LL vaguely where the problem occurred, but not the problem was... never a good sign =/ you could always roll back one version and see if that works for you.... it's not like avatar physics are all that special, and the fix/change list was pretty minor.
  7. was worth a shot... it's the only bug I was aware of surrounding image uploads
  8. Identity Euler wrote: Does it mean that 3 channels are created with care and the rest - 10 channels may be anything else e.g. alpha? I *think* so. The hight is finally a mixture of channel 1 and 2? The channel 2 is only multipler and have only one color? AFAIK, the multiplier channel is per pixel, so it doesn't HAVE to be a single color (but I think it's better if it's one of the defined values for each pixel, it's treat as if the multiplier channel is a numerator, over a denominator of 128). the finel height per pixel is R*(B/128) in meters That seems to be understood. Just one color for channel 3, which shows water level. yup, and I'd strongly recommend leaving it at 20 unless you have a special reason not to. if an attached region uses that height, the water can seem to be at the wrong height for surrounding regions (it doesn't happen as much or as badly now as it used to, but it is still a problem sometimes. unfortunately I can't give for sure answer to those questions as I can create one myslef or open the sample... if you can open the sample and separate the channels you should be able to see exactly what is expected
  9. I'm going to guess that it's some autorefresh code forcing the UI out, but that's only a wild guess...cockies aren't in the same prefs table as the other two on the linux UI? freakish.... I wish I could help more, I was hoping it was just something simple and linux ui was just slow to block those things when the proper items werent enabled =(
  10. can you confirm that you have the internal browser set to accept cookies, javascript, and plugins? both search and home panel at a minimum require all three now on the windows client.
  11. you may be able to lock the settings in if you set the per_account_settings.xml file in your your SL username directoy to read only AFTER you set it and log off.... if that doesn't work then the settings are probably not being written or read properly. it's not an ideal solution (floaters will be locked to the last setting saved for them, and other settings will be locked in)... but if you have a desire to use 2.6.3 then it might help
  12. Meta: massive failure of context results in thread being relocated here
  13. depends on the functions they use and page directs... parcel media can be targeted (so it only shows a single thing to a single person), and Shared Media (AKA MOAP) is per viewer, so login and diplays will be separate for each person viewing, and depend on where they went from the default page, as well as if the settings are for autoplay, and first click interaction.
  14. you'll see it with the answers section.... because those don't have a default topic line
  15. heh, guess someone at LL forgot to turn it off.... although I'm kinda curious why they didn't carve a subset out of image uuid's and set a date on them then just overwrite the existing tile, and only fetch them for new requests without a matching date, it'd have saved effort, made them stable, and reduced traffic.
  16. well if you just need a generic find and not an index returned, what you're doing isn't bad, although you may want to use llDumpString2List with an unlikely seperator instead of (string)casts that may crossmatch 2 entries... \t and \n work good for name data... other than that... yeah, that's about as good as you can get for case insensitive. although depending on the data, you could instead populate the list with lowercased version, and test with a lower cased version.... saving you a little on runtime load, but not so good if you need the stored data to be mixed case. ETA: the second sentence was covered by andromeda, sorry for duplication
  17. Baloo Uriza wrote: [...] Sounds like you get to live with the consequences of your own neglect. not every country is so rabid about codifying it's citizens AND so utterly disorganized about the process as the USA. why would anyone have a drivers license if they didn't have need for one? or a passport if they have no intention of traveling internationally?
  18. there's also another option for storing prim identifiers that doesn't pollute the name/description fields, although it's a bit more involved.... and that to set their hovertext with an invisible value... it's not good for secure information, and it does require a little set up, but it leaves those other fields available and lets you store information that is discoverable by scripts in the object, but not outside of it.
  19. I would have thought that all the web sources (especially the mainsite which is hooked into the comunity subdomain via the dashboard) would be included? perhaps my focus is to broad, but it seems a logical inclusion....I would've thought the same for any of the web sources that don't have a specific area (my.secondlife I get being iffy since it's team resides in jira mostly, as well as jira and wiki which use a different interface, marketplace has it's own area, etc) regardless, I appreciate the follow up, even if I (obviously) strongly disagree. Reading back, I apologize if the tone seems combative, it's supposed to convey shock and disbelief. ETA: @Peewee: 5$ seems a bit extreme, but I'm not opposed to the general premise of paying for support options a la carte... however the payment system would have to work better or at least provide sane options for non-US residents.
  20. in addition to what Cerise mentioned, there is a debug setting that controls whether the camera tracks during autopilot. by default, while you are in autopilot the camera tracks with your movement, relative to your last position... turning on click to walk may enable this same behavior. personally I find it annoying as I often cam long distance away and if I accidently use auto pilot my camera is pushed even farther by my moving av, forcing me to refocus on a stationary object
  21. Looks like subnova is actually pulling them from the map server an uploading them.... seems expensive
  22. forget all that... look at the estimated spending... that's really the only useful telling figure because it overshadows all the data...
  23. can someone explain to me WHY THE HELL this topic was moved from community feedback?
  24. you might want to modify your instruction set using the info found here. and also note that only the xml files need be deleted (deleting the entire folder also delete all default chat logs, something most people do NOT want)
  25. in v2 sometimes your L$ balance gets futzed, if it does and it reads 0 or a negative number, the upload option will be disabled... you can force an update of your balance in the viewer by clicking on it in the top bar, which sends an update request, and *usually* corrects the problem (assuming of course you do have an L$ balance)
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