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  1. Canoro Philipp wrote: there are many reasons to enjoy SL, more than you and I could ever imagine. I think what you want to know is some form that You can enjoy Second Life by catching suggestions in our answers. Second Life is a very flexible platform that offers opportunities to socialize, roleplay, and whatever else you want to do, so, the point of Second Life it's pretty much in your individual taste. Absolutely. I am trying to find out what I should do with my avatar. And I have got some answers. One of them is that I am going to show off building some boxes or maybe even multi prim objects with scripts. I am a very simpel person, with simpel tastes. Seing things work is quite a joy So thanks for all the answers until now. I think I will start building or something. Constructing a waiter or whatever It will be cool in the end C u all in game propably or maybe not. Who knows. The world is quite big
  2. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: jarlah wrote: My morallity points me away from cam girls and people that is looking for sex. I find it disgusting and childish. And I am not old at all. Its just that it shouldn't have to be like this. So what if it drives SL. I don't give a dang about it. If Linden labs banned it the world would cripple for a period, but would renew as a place where people create funmy and interesting places. It shows. Why shouldn't SL be the way that other people enjoy it? You're not the only person here. Stick to whatever you feel comfortable with and don't judge others. It's ok I should be more tolerant. And actually I am no saint. And i can easily steer away from the people I dont like on SL. No problem. If a zone is too crowded with people I dont like I just go home or find another place. About my age I am physically middle aged hope that counts in lol
  3. What's the point of playing SL if you have never done IRC or chatted with other people in public places? If you are a person that actually does not like to hang around big crowds and doesn't like to chat away about indecent topics? This is a picture of a personality that I would guess would not last very long in SL. Count me in. But why should I quit? Its a 3D internet, nothing else. I picture to myself a 3D version of my favorite web browser where I walk along from BBC and then stroll pass Google before I end up in a crazy place and figure out that the best thing is to leave at once. This is how I use SL today. Teleport, look and leave. Nice thing this Linden Home. Groups, what can they possible give me. I entered a Java User Group, but whats the point of doing this in SL when there is perfectly good resources for this in real life. Education in SL? I partially agree. It has some advantages. But I would rather take a degree or course in a real school. Programming and development, and construction. Yes. And no. Yes to to fact that I can express my programming intellect in SL scripts. No to the fact that these scripts does not contribute to any other than Linden labs and the users of Second Life. I am an expert Java/C#/JavaScript/Scala/Groovy +++ developer. A pragmatic programmer that takes pride in my work. Its difficult expressing such a skill in SL without feeling the utter uselessness creep into my soul. Places. Yes and hmmm. Fine looking places. I enjoyed the Eiffel tower in paris. If my computer was quicker it would compute more textures and it would look nicer. But I lack something. Meaning? Yes. If I wanted to visit the Eiffel tower in paris in RL it would cost me big bucks. But it would change my life. In SL it didn't change anything. It was just a tower. Not boring but its not the real thing. I flew up and took a good lock at it. The real thing is friends. And how you meet them. How you express feelings and joy about your thoughts and ideas. I would forget about those people that has no better things to do than trying to flame RL identities. I take pride in my profession, therefore I have this in my RL bio. And I would gladly share non personal things from my RL. I doesn't care. I do not role play in SL. I do not seek to hide my RL identity. Actually I am talking about my real life personality. My real life identity will always be hidden. My conclusion is that Second Life is to me a place where I can meet new and existing people and express my personality in a different way than I would have done in a similar social happening in RL. I can look different, walk different, say different things, do different things. But in the end I will be me and no one else. It is difficult to play two personalities. My SL avatar reflects my RL personality. This cannot cannot be underestimated. My morallity points me away from cam girls and people that is looking for sex. I find it disgusting and childish. And I am not old at all. Its just that it shouldn't have to be like this. So what if it drives SL. I don't give a dang about it. If Linden labs banned it the world would cripple for a period, but would renew as a place where people create funmy and interesting places. So, please. What is the point? I may have answered myself. But please enlighten me. What drives you to log in to Second Life? What drives you to use hours on this online meeting place? Thanks in advance.
  4. Just to make it clear. I am not a n00b nor am I a veteran. But, seeing your forum thread makes me a bit thoughtful. It seems that you have a totally different view on how SL is working. I have played many games. Most of them are incredibly boring due the lack of human response. World of Warcraft is for 10 year old childs that needs a dwarf to kill orcs. The graphics cannot resemble anything related to real life. In SL there is a more RL like reality to play with, that can possibly make it easier to transfer personal development to and from real life. If you are afraid of talking to strangers, SL hides your real identity and makes it easier to just run and hide (just click the red cross in the upper right corner or use ALT-F4). By using it as a tool, can the personal explorations and development improve the real life? I do agree that real life info are a bit out of place. But bear in mind that there is two play styles, casual and role play. Casual players might meet up in real life. Role players select their words and actions based on how they want to be in SL
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