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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. sadly no, you can't do it that way... but there is a feature request on file with fairly high priority to do just that... untill then, you'll have to use the method mentioned above.
  2. llGetLinkKey and llGiveInventory are what you want. make sure to use an actual prim link number for get link key, as the link flags don't play nice with it.
  3. nope, no refund. if you do downgrade to avoid your next payment, make sure you have gotten rid of all the land that might have kept you above the level you want to downgrade to, BEFORE you downgrade... and always downgrade before you remove your payment information if going back to basic.
  4. wow, it's been so long since I heard about the endowment program I'd forgotten it.... to my knowledge none of those endowment programs are active anymore, although there was a competition a few months to a year back to allow for a limited time land endowment for development. those programs were pretty rare to begin with and had strong competition for the limited slots available. I'm not aware of any active ones for a while now. PS I'm not a community rep, just a resident who's been in SL for a long time. don't let the icon fool you.
  5. I'm not getting this error on Firefox 3.6 with the same choices, + region name, slurl and a delete me message from a premium account. any details different for your test?
  6. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: It's more like 8%. Or 7.9%, to be exact. Apple's operating systems account for only 6.82% of the desktop and notebook market, and Linux has a meager 1.08%. The numbers are probably even lower when it comes to SL, since people usually don't buy a Mac or install Linux in order to play 3D games. If you ask me, it's madness that LL have wasted money and resources on developing viewers for Mac OS and Linux for years. At the same time, their choice of OpenGL turned out to be a PitA for PC users with ATI Radeon cards, which have a market share of 41.2%. So they ended up ticking off (or worse, driving away) a lot more residents than if they had developed a proper PC client, and only a PC client. but you forget, the online venues that DO support Mac and Linux have significanly higher proportions of those user than the net average... because those users flock to those areas where they do have support. as for the choice of openGL, it was really no choice at all... small unproven company with no real backing, needs payed users to get off the ground... DX licensing woul've been a huge burden. Meanwhile ATI has always had crap driver support... seriously, always, so that wasn't and still isn't an issue... being bought up by AMD actually pushed their openGL support down (something I always found ironic). and none of that mattered because the featureset they were using at the time WAS supported, and the main appeal of SL at the time was to a tiny core fraction of mostly opensource developers.... I wouldn't be suprised if only half the original beta userbase was PC's. as for wasting resources developing Mac and Linux clients.... ahahahaha have you seen the state those clients are in? almost all the real work on those is patches by people in those communities. LL just does a quick lazy port, and the community picks up the slack.
  7. SLERP only returns the rotation you want, the rate control would be up to you, but you could easily say I want it to take x seconds to go from a to b, then you your preferred number of steps to as a divisor for the time as well as the step number for SLERP. assuming you still want discrete stepped movement.
  8. notes: Always use FULL_BRIGHT... it the one setting even low power machines can see. PRIM_GLOW is dangerous... if you can't see glow normally, never use more than .1, never use more than .2 ever (transparency doubles the effect), it's based on the face color, so and darker colors glow less. PRIM_POINT_LIGHT will not affect your object, only the things around it. you get one per prim, but can set the color and such for it separate from the object color
  9. have it listen instead to the control box.... llListen( some_channel_number, "Control Box", "", "" ); then have the control box listen for ALL the commands, form anyone, or just from the last two people to touch it or something similar, and repeat them on some_channel_number
  10. some computers are woefully insecure... so if the following works, laugh all the way to your home location... get a USB drive. Install SL to the USB drive on a computer you have permission for, set the cache location to the USB drive as well. plug it into the limited computer and runn SL... if it starts up, you're golden. If not, then one of the oldest and dumbest exploits ever may have been finally fixed... this worked just fine a few month ago at my local library, but their tech person is box of rocks dumb so YMMV
  11. my comment was aimed at making sure that you had scripted acces to the items being deleted =) following on darkies example of a control box... have the individual users items listen to the control box, then there's no need for them to listen to specific users.
  12. the SL Educators group that Blondin mentioned in the previous post to yours would be the best bet.... I don't think there are that many folks that are active on the forums familiar with the requirements to set those sort of estates up.
  13. heh, I thought about putting one of those out myself... no-mod only, and then posting a 10k$L bounty to the first person to break it (what can I say, I'm cheap)
  14. as long as you put the scripts in the original boxes, you can specify not only what triggers a command, but who from.... if you aren't able to place the original scripts, you must rely on someone that can, or it won't be possible to do by script.
  15. Innula Zenovka wrote: is it reasonable (and/or correct) to infer that it might hit the main grid if and when mesh does? And if we do get it, might that not provide another option? you'd have to ask Kelly about the firs part I think... but it's a hope. the second part is yes... but I've learned it's best not to wait on possible abilities in SL unless those abilities have a release date. PS @Pete: I should've said in my previous reply... I missed your initial statment because I was skimming =X
  16. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: [...] Any ideas how to make that clear(er) to people? honestly? No. Not while the main method of triggering those animations is by script (gestures,so underused).... not that I don't agree...I do. Scripts or gestures are the "when", animations are the "what", of the same seemingly basic action. that's about as close as I can get, and about as clear as mud.
  17. for setRot models, if you set the z rotation, then they rotation you shouldn't need to limit anything. what might help you is SLERP... forget about what the name says or how it works, just know that if you plug in the starting rotation, and the ending rotation, that the number you stick in with them will be the fraction of movement between those two rotations. it essentially works out to (a + (1/t )(b-a)), where a=startRot, b=endRot, t=steps between if a is where you are at when you begin, and b is where you want to be when you end, then the result can be added t times to the current rotation to get from start to end.
  18. option two salvages the work.... invisible bullets will still generate the necessary collisions
  19. I'm not going to say you're right or you're wrong, but I am going to suggest evaluating whether your current course of action will get results that are worth the effort being invested
  20. simple solution.... use a hidden field on the post question form, set it to the subscription value. autoset the subscribe checkbox off when an answer is marked correct.... done. and then rework the categories based on pete's statistical analysis ETA: I am so not ever clearing your schedule for you again pete
  21. the idea here is to not have 50k users posting comments to them about what they think is wrong, but to filter that through expertise and experience of a handful of knowledgeable users, who aren't like to be using it to try to get assistance, or complain about a policy, etc, etc.... I would assume that pretty much anyone of the ranks mentioned would go an post a fix request if anyone mentioned that a certain article had an error or needed xyz info in it. that lets the community self organize into something that's not a frothing mob.
  22. Zaphod Kotobide wrote: I don't see any way to do a general comment on the thread. I don't like this forum software much so far. you will like The Things Cerise Has Made For Us then... I suggest the blue goo theme and the thread reply button at a minimum, and the lsl posting tool, if you post LSL code at all.
  23. I hate to tell you, but two axis represent all possible facings (just not all orientations). the function you can try are llLookat llRot2Target with llRotTarget, at_rot_target, and not_at_rot_target and try them in combination with llSetStatus( STATUS_ROTATE_X, FALSE );
  24. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: SL/LSL rotations are - for everyone except Void - a nightmre. Give us a bit more of a clue as to what goes wrong and, preferably. post the code. Then we might be able to help no, they're a nightmare for me too... I still use my cheat sheet for formulas we need the code, and to know how it's being used (is it rezzed on the ground, atached to an avatar, more than one prim, in the root or a child prim... all of those are important to know.
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