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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. couple of weeks?.... and thank heavens, because that "don't show profile on the web" checkbox was all kinds of broken (prevented friends and contacts from setting permission etc).... v2.6.2 I think was the fix version for that. I still despise the new profiles.... the old one I had formatted for main info up front, and personality stuff you scrolled for... now it's all splattered on the page, with no way to control layout or even order =/
  2. that would be because SL uses quicktime for it's media player, which itunes does as well. the problem in that case would be quicktime cycling through all the plugins.
  3. a similar trick works for firefox, via tools --> options --> applications.... as a bonus if you set it to use phoenix, phoenix is smart enough to pass the message off to V2 if it's already running.
  4. thanks for the tip, although I've been burned by running dev branch builds before so I'll just suffer through manual logins until the get it to production... I kinda need what limited profile functionality is in V2, to cut down on confusion (lots of non-english translations I need to do) and grab keys as neccessary (yeah I'm too lazy to make a remote key grabber. too much else to do atm, and what's a bit flaky for foriegn language agents coming through some portals)
  5. I don't have a link to the land (should be findable by using search), but if you go there you should be able to pull the responsible persons name from the parcel information. if it's group owned, check the group profile for the owner. wish I could be more direct but my home region is currently acting wacky and I can't stay logged in on any viewer =/
  6. awww missed that... and double drat because I'm anxiously awaiting 2.6.5 so I can finally use --login again =/
  7. other than hard coding the parameters you want to run with, you would need some method to import run parameters for a script. the common methods are via notecard reads (script reads the notecard at startup or on demand), or via a command interface (listen/chat being the most popular, you would send a command with your parametrs after it, other like dialog, http, etc are also possible), and then the script would parse those out.
  8. there were a couple of semi-well known people that had honorary threads posted in the jive forums general discussion, but I'm not aware of any memorial type services having been done inworld. You might dig through the archives to follow up on those as there may have been (I didn't know either except by reputation, so I didn't follow closely) ETA: there IS of course a rather large memorial to former LL employee and some others whose avatars where retired.
  9. odd, because that's my normal setup (displaynames off, usernames on), although I'm running on a windows box. I have seen occasional complete failures of profiles to come up, but they've always shown the right address, never my own. I'm going to have to wonder if this is something that wasn't ported properly for the Linux version... maybe see if any other linux version users are seeing the same? the only other vague posibility I can imagine is an attachment/hud issue, where it turns out you're somehow cating you own attachment from the right click, but you said it's happen from other menus as well so that seems unlikely unless the layering order is completly borked and then you'd see a lot more issues than just that... sorry, I'm kinda outta ideas at this point, perhaps Cerise has some better ones
  10. out of curiosity, do you have usernames turned off when that's happening? IIRC that's the part that's being grabbed normally for profiles in v2, and turning it off might be inconsistent when display names are lagging in high traffic areas. I tried inserting the old profile address into the XML, but unfortunately the control is bound and there no keyword for grabbing the UUID (which incidentally has become a PITA to get for random avatars in v2, needing to open profiles in external and rip it from the dropdown menu)
  11. remind me to stop posting at 149,999,999
  12. asset expiration generally only occurs if the original is not in someones inventory, or a copy is not rezzed inworld, or sitting in prim inventory.... I *think* this has been expanded to textures applied and uuids that are listed in scripts (probably to prevent failure like you had)
  13. it's actually a stale thread, it just got refreshed because it moved.... why they bothered moving a thread that had already die and was buried is kind beyond me... moderation necromancy
  14. like Cerise I'm not seeing much in the way of failures for those functions anymore, but they seem kinda slow so I don't use them much. I did throw some conversion functions for user/legacy names on the wiki to make them a little less painful to use
  15. what you'll need to do is is have a sit target defined for the invisible prim, and have the transport logic in there. the calculations should be fast enough that the time it takes to figure out where to move to (or move the av to depending on the logic) is unnoticeable. this will limit you to methods that move the invisble prim, (set pos, warpPos, posJump, or physics like llMoveTotarget), or seting the avatars position as if they were a prim.
  16. it lets you use search w/o plugins enabled? no fair =P seriosly though, glad you got it working
  17. I suggest requesting a region restart (or wait till tuesday) and if you are on V2 viewer then check in your preferences on the graphics tab that you have avatar imposters enabled (may need to open advanced). this won't fix the problem, but it will show you that he's rezzing and not actually ruthed (he'll be a glowy white ball instead)
  18. I keep waiting for that to be fixed ::sigh::.... especially since they broke prim torture, so there's just no way to get at that param by script... to read or write (and I use it ALOT)
  19. since you mentioned stuttering, there was a problem pre2.6.2 where media calls where repeating causing stuttering and driving down frame rates, It's mostly fixed in 2.6.2, (media doesn't get hammered anymore, except for a new request with every prim property/content change while editing a media prim). so if you liked v2, that may have solved your problem.
  20. at a guess I'd say it's because not streams make it readily available or even use the same format to do it, or even do it at all. LL probably wanted to avoid the trouble of "itz broken" accusations when it was actually a problem with the stream provider. (as you can probably tell I don't listen to many land streams, I tend to use external players) I'm curious if anyone knows if the viewers that support it are are pulling the data from the stream, or are hitting default announcement pages. if it's the former, I'd think that LL probably should incorporate that, if it's the latter I can see why they wouldn't (extra an agressive hits to the status page to be timely). the difference should be easy to tell, the first method will pop up the song names just before a new song plays(literally in between the songs), the second will have a delay that cause it to usually delay after the song starts by a little bit.
  21. it's probably easier to set the green channel to just a flat value (the whole layer) of 128, the other 10 channels should probably be set to a flat value of 0 (black) as well (IIRC they used to control default parcel divisions, permissions, and terrain modify limits, but all that is overriden in the land and estate tools inworld now). so your channels would be: greycale values [0, 255] (this is terrain height, 1px == 1sqm) greyscale value 128 greyscale value 20 greyscale value 0 greyscale value 0 greyscale value 0 greyscale value 0 greyscale value 0 greyscale value 0 greyscale value 0 greyscale value 0 greyscale value 0 greyscale value 0 save as raw, 256*256, bitdepth 8, channels13, no header, interleaved.
  22. here's a funny... I didn't know that was available in TPV's, I thought it was a v2 thing.... I learned something new
  23. no wolves, and no worries. we residents can't separate posts out of threads, so there's nothing to do this time. it's just for future reference --||-
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