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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. I've actually seen this as a semi regular occurrence with v2.6.3, although I did not see the same thing with v2.6.2, so you might try going back to that version instead... I have no idea what's causing it, I was assuming it was a crash problem with something on my home region, but the symptoms and effects are exactly as you described. ETA: must remember to read all the way through, if you are seeing this on phoenix, then i'm not sure... you'll want to contact their developers or the inworld Phoenix Support group for technical problems with that viewer.
  2. only a little in the case of a dynamic channel like that, but if you recode to use a static channel (less work to parse) then quite a bit... and with a static channel you can kill them all at once if needed
  3. building from Inulla's assumption that it's all one linkset, there is a slightly simpler solution if you don't wnat to deal with the update sit target code, and that's to treat the avatar as if it were a prim, and simply move it it when you move the coffin. the down side being that when the coffin is in the moved position, sitting on the appropriate pose ball will still have the same behavior as before... they'd need to be seated in advance or have a flag that tells the poseball to move them as soon as they sit.
  4. oof, what hwere they doing, resizing every time you changed regions?!
  5. ::always uses tga / never see this problem:: :matte-motes-whistle:
  6. the directory you want can be found by following the instructions in the following article: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User_settings PS once you get to the secondlife folder in there, delete the "user_settings" folder and any ".xml" files, in the folder with your avatar name
  7. Cerise wrote: It is odd, I made a button for that a month ago and have not found a use for it, except for testing that it works.. really? I love that little button! saves me from endlessly backtracking when I want to reply to OP. I can see where the current built in behavior came from... as a timer saver to target the post you linked to... the problem with that is that the highligheted post is already in focus when you open the page, so not much need to find a reply button for it, but the thread OP can often end up pages away. is also a bit unintuitive, since the recent post link causes it to target the first new post, which may not be the one you want to reply to. the trailing reply button should always target the OP IMO (as Cerise's does), and probably the page head one too, (although I see little value in it's presence)
  8. Second Life is the actual virtual world, and the Server hardware and software that runs it. THE Second Life Viewer, is an officially supported piece of Client software that runs on your computer allowing you to access the Second Life Virtual World a Beta Version (general computing term) is any software version that's in the testing stages, these often have new features and fixes for particular problems, but may contain new bugs, crashes, and other problems. use at your own risk. unless specifically requested by the professor I'd avoid them for class computers. there currently is not an updater I'm aware of that lets you do a single push update(you might try contacting one of the education groups inworld or on the web, they may know of one... Virtual Ability is a starting point), so your best bet is a fresh install, and wipe out the appropriate settings folder on the client computers (they will be recreated). Alternatively, if settings and logs must be maintained, then right now your only choice would be to allow each individual machine to use the autoupdate feature, and take the bandwidth hit for each machine downloading it's own copy... that's something you'd have to discuss with professor making use of it for their class. you might also want to mention to the professor that instead of forcing the current version, it might be better to make the students aware of update needs, as the mac client for the current version has several issues, and has had historically poor support compared to the PC version.... meaning that the latest version could introduce problems that the professor should check for first before having you or the students update. switching to the PC version would be preferable if the class is going to require the latest version at all times. ETA: other viewers exist, which add some features, but unless the professor specifically mentions one by name I would not consider them. To my knowledge none of the Third Party Viewers includes an auto update, and all must be installed manually.
  9. language barrier detected. clarifying.... there are additional files in the listed directory, in the user settings and and <avatar name> folders... all of the ones you'll care about are XML files, and on any clean install you should also remove those (the simplest way, as Venus suggested is to move all your chat logs that you want to save, then delete the entire second life directory found there) those settings also include maturity ratings, and while I don't know why they would lock up, removing them should fix your problem (although it will wipe out all your settings, so you'll have to go through and redo those) the good news is, you don't have to reinstall to do it, just wipe them out and SL will recreate the needed files from templates in the viewer directory ETA: the mentioned files aren't actually part of the cache folder, but rather the repository of files that the SL viewer uses. in computing terms they are a file cache, just not the one you are familiar with, so the terms can be confused... it's probably better if they are refered to as the SETTINGS location and files
  10. this is probably due to the physics changes that went in recently to correctly reduce gapless bumps with vehicles... if this is still occurring for you, I'd suggest posting here, along with the region name and server version (help --> about in the viewer) so they can check on it
  11. some of those, but not many if you want them easy to set up (broadcast is still good for some things) for instance, region lighting? probably not very useful unless you want to grab the keys for each component. (I did one of these for elven forest theme, where ALL the flowers glow at region night, with an override controler,,, turned out nice), but things like holo vendors that tell their objects to die (grab the key on rez)? or that recent game table that the creator was worried about spamming nearby tables (grab player id on sit)? awesome and that region controller via http? already in the works =D (I'm already monitoring region FPS and agent count that way . also finding it as a useful replacement to llInstantMessage, since there's no delay, so faster spamless vendor notifications, or control interaction messages that don't need to be sent out of region. fast spamless greeters. llOwnerSay replacement for group deeded objects.... I am having way too much fun with this function
  12. Drongle McMahon wrote: "...well below what it would have taken for ANY other method." [...] Of course the real problem with the sculpty is the need for extra prims to be able to walk on it. So far, this seems to cost more than making an equivalent simple physics shape for a mesh.[...] and that's the key to what I was saying... even if someone can whip that staircase out of a single sculpt, you'd still need 2 prims minimum to catch the same physics... so that's a 50% minimum increase (granted it's an extreme case, I doubt most will hit such a circumstance)
  13. just giving ya a little razzing Luc =D (but it coulda been read that way)
  14. it's possible to do, but in general it only works well if it's built to handle this... that pretty much means all the prims must be zero aligned, or facing a cardinal direction (but then requires extra work to determine) the reason you don't see a general solution for this sort of thing is because it has too many requirements and too many limits. Mesh may be able to do this once it's in production.
  15. /me wonders if "doesn't work" might have a value besides "stationary" (like say if the textures have repeats set?)
  16. well bugger, I thought it was going to at least stay in there =/
  17. might take a week to LEARN, but if you can't build it in few mins then I'd suggest learning more.... the meantime, even if it took 2 weeks (I have no clue how long it actually took), Drongle's 2 prim* mesh staircase with proper physics impressed me quite a bit. *2 Prims is a reported cost, it's really a single object, but well below what it would have taken for ANY other method
  18. they're still in leTigre, so they'll probably be back in a week or two... the rollbacks were because of bugs in the rez code it would seem. @Dora: I feel it too, but it's a matter of what's going to break when something is changed... changing prim params has high potential to break stuff, and there's only limited space for additions... new functions generally don't break existing content so they're safe =/ I don't like it either but it's where we are until other options (versioning, C#) come along
  19. it's not per Rolig, it's per Kelly.... (chatter removed) [09:35:04] Void Singer: so assuning MONO 2 rez gets done this week, what's up after that? [09:35:16] Kelly Linden: week long party [09:36:12] Rolig Loon: So where does this put us with respect to script limits? [09:36:33] Kelly Linden: Script limits is on hold. I included the first to highlight the point (there was mention of threaded de-rez which will probably go in the queue next) ETA: psst rolig, ya gotta drop the name too or people get dubious =D
  20. I have no clue... for all I know it IS what they use now (or a variation). I've never actually looked closely at the bandwidth and large scale single chats profiles to know...
  21. Innula Zenovka wrote: This, presumably, has very positive implications for the performance of many combat systems, too, at least those where your hud and that of your opponent talk to each other. not spectacular in most cases, but some at least.... most combat systems already use highly unique to the avatar channels, this will let them clean up the public chatter, which should stop any random communication collisions (right channel, wrong object) (and I've already got one client wanting updates for exactly that reason) Although it's put me in a mind to revise my old idea for a dog simple combat system, since I no longer have to care about channel collision, I could simplify processing even more.... of course that'll require me to get interested in combat enough to keep my attention.... ok, maybe not
  22. but does it handle the data requirements in the manner LL needs it to? does it meet the bandwidth and scalability bars? I don't know those things, if it turns out that IRC does meet those requirements then I'd love to see it pursued, or know why it isn't...
  23. odd, it still seems to be trying to remove textures from the cache location which is where it's dying each time, but it does seem to be starting to load the world based on the processAvatarAppearance: messages... I would get with the Singularity Devs and send them the same info to see if they know what's up.... you luck will probably be better with them than to try and file a Jira for a TPV =/ At this point I've run out of obvious solutions, and I don't work on viewer code, so what I know is limited... unless someone happens to read this and know of any problems with Singularity, their devlopers are your best bet for a solution.
  24. Luci Koenkamp wrote: [...]Is it possible to make a tga/png texture WITH alpha channel in 24 bits and how do I do that? No, and that's not even the reason it's not LL's fault.... this is a well known problem in ALL 3D graphics rendering applications... there may be some limited help on the way in the form of single value alpha (AKA single bit alpha), but it has it's own limitations... namely rough edges and occlusion. it will probably be good for plants, but not much else.
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