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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. the 977/1050 builds of Phoenix changed two default settings, due to the number of users having problems with them... they are... Enable VBO (now defaults to off) and (drum roll please...) HTTP GET Textures (now defaults to off) users that didn't have problems with those being on should reenable them per this article
  2. Cerise Sorbet wrote: [...] Phoenix does still have the adjustment, it is hiding in preferences>Phoenix>Page 1>Avatar, but that misses the multple non-attachment wearables.[...] ::feels stupid now:: I looked right at that and thought it was for effects sizing or somesuch because it wasn't labeled.
  3. ::sees her name in lights:: aww thanks IS =) I personally don't see a general solution for anything other that axis aligned prims (cardinal directions) due to the way standard prims are built... there's a little room for some of the twist parameters to support a little more on certain axes, but there's no general solution, and even doing those few would likely take multiple scripts. we just don't have that kind of control. sculpts and meshes should be immune as long as they're axes aligned, although that may be a little difficult is the case of sculpts (lots of custom rotated ones for off angles) Still, color me impressed that you decided to tackle it... you've more fortitude for it than me
  4. lol I once went through and replaced all my ui sounds with various SF show sounds... but could never decide on wether to to use the Holodeck opening "Program Complete, enter when ready" or the simpler transporter sound for teleports
  5. any valid javascript (I only make use of variables and alerts in page server), as large as the script can send (roughly around 40KiB) as for getting that to interact with inworld lsl, you would set it up so that a requst gets parsed by the inworld server, and any commands could be set to trigger lsl script functions in the Teacup server, requests for the "Region Stats" page, trigger a script that uses lsl functions to collect data about the region the server is in, and send that back as an .tsp page... but you could just as easily have it take some other action, like moving itself, sending commands to other inworld objects, etc, etc the only caveat to remember is that every request will return a page, or a 504 error (if the page wasn't sent within ~25sec)
  6. if you mean their names are not showing up in the "nearby" list, it's probably because they are at a largely different altitude... by default, that list only shows names of people within 20m of you, and can be increased to as much as 130m in the people finder... and to the entire region plus if you change the debugsetting "NearbyRange" (I think that's the name of it, it's "near something" to 4112.
  7. honestly if it's just for SL, save your money and get a GTX 460... prices on those have bottomed out and they are more than sufficient to run SL with all the bells and whistles. only aim for higher versions if you are after use in other things that might have high demands. SL doesn't play nice with SLi, and even worse with crossfire, so if you use those for other things, you'll want to disable them for SL.
  8. ::blinks:: there were OS specific forums? <--(that's probably why they were folded into the other tech forums, not because I said, but because lots of people probably said it)
  9. you forgot option... 3) It's impossible to test use cases in an environemt with so much and so varied (and too often poorly made) user generate content... there's literally no environment like this in the wildwith anything approaching a similar scale and scope. number 3 necessitates that a representative portion of the vast population are used to test for anything missed in the development phase. unfortunately this affects scripted items the most. that doesn't mean that improvements in the system couldn't be made, or that better test plans wouldn't help (there has been development in that direction thankfully) but I do try to cut them some slack considering that they're treading new ground still, as they are literally creating the industry standard for this type of dev environment as they go. I see it as the lesser of the evils right now, as before even with more cooks, they were paralyzed to make significant changes to the soup. now there is definite and constant movement towards better, with some customers getting a bad batch once in a while. compared to the original paradigm of change stuff with considering consequences, or the previous paradigm of being so careful that nothing ever improves, I think they're closer to a balance now that serves the majority of their customers the best. yes it sucks to be stuck in the minority when it goes wrong, and I'm right there bitching loud and long too, but I would only begin to worry about it being sloppy development if it becomes a stream of continuous rollbacks and problems... to my eye, I'm not seeing that yet. although the recent string of failures could be the start of such, until the next batch of changes comes around, I'm reserving judgement, and counting it as just some minor missteps. my personal verdict is: ok, there's landmines here, must be aware of them when proceeding.
  10. they're wiping out outdated and no longer relevant information. the whole thing is begining to feel like urban renewal... quicker to tear down the old crap than to fix it up. yeah it totally breaks with wiki culture, but I do see the point of some of it. there was a lot of cluttered mess in there. I am concerned about some of the information that is still relevant being wiped, but not so much about office hours notes about things that don't exist or are already dealt with, not so much.
  11. my understand is this isn't really up to them... tighter guidelines for controlling fraud and whatnot.
  12. Unless you have MOAP set to autoplay and enter an area where it's in heavy useage
  13. This used to be an option in Emerald/Phoenix, but I don't see it anymore, there doesn't appear to be be one in the debug settings for v2, or Snowglobe, and I'm unsure about Kirstens
  14. be careful with the --login parameter, currently there is a bug in the v2x viewer where enabling this option causes some menus not to be initialized (the delete button, and all the select/cut/copy/paste actions, possibly others) there is a fix in the dev version of the viewer for that (an other things) but it hasn't made it to the release or beta versions yet
  15. this seems to be a problem with http textures... the viewer gets them and thinks its done before it actually is... turning that feature off, clearing cache and relogging seems to repair it. some of the older anti blur code on TPV's could make this worse, by rerequesting the texture before it had actually finished as much as it could resulting in textures that would cyles through an even more blurry state if you watched... it seems to affect textures with alpha (in witht eh tPV anti blur, textures using shiny/bumpmap) the most.
  16. nope (although now, moving an avatar causes the CoG to update)
  17. not that it's helpful in your use case, but if the temp rez flag expires while someone is sitting on it and THEN is set to non-temp and back, the timeout period will restart I'm assuming that your use case is for cleanup, especially in the case of no-script areas? if so making it temp rez to start, and then setting it to normal when the av sits and starting a timer to use llDie when they get up would be the ideal solution.... in that case, if it's no script land, the temp rez will take care of cleanup, (and the object wouldn't work anyways), and if it's normal land, once the sit, the script can take care of the rest.
  18. always curious about other people work, and where was it found, so where does one find this dialog script you mentioned? don't see the mentioned person on the LSL Portal, so I'm guessing a different wiki or forum?
  19. simple case for you you to try. your external webpage <html> <head> <script src="long http address for inworld server"></script> </head> <body> Test </body></html> your inworld http server should return only the following line for the requested page alert( 'Hello World' ); (Teacup is limited to internal browsers by the data: URI that it uses, NOT by the script injection method shown above)
  20. scripts are immune to the same origin rule in every browser I know of that support javascript.... A working example can be found here. if you don't use a V2 browser, you may also want to add the "To Go Cup" script linked at the bottom of the page.... for your page, you can simple write your inworld http source to send javascript that will get sent to the browser and execute when it is loaded to the page, by making the inworld page address your script src attribute. just make sure not to include any line breaks inside of strings (change then to be "\n")
  21. it might also help if you tell us what you are specifically trying to do.... we might be able to offer alternatives... for instance, in my own experiments with http-in for LSL I've been hotloading page content by creating and appending a scrept element to the head, and requesting as it's source, a plaintext page from the inworld server... the inworld server spits back the data a text file, which is treated as a script by the page.... on the server side I actually wrap the page content in a javascript variable, and when it loads, the event fires, looks for the variable, and takes it's contents and replaces the page body with them.... it sounds more complex than it really is... the only real trickery is in creating the script element on the fly.... after that any source is treated as javascript that loads normally.
  22. works as expected when the root moves, but otherwise yeah it's always been like that
  23. UPDATE: warning, the pass through to attachments is currently broken when the targeted avatar is sitting SCR-66 wouldn't be a new function without a bug right? =P
  24. I don't honestly know what the max possible number is, I got my figure from (256^2 + 256^2 + 4096^2)^(1/2)=4111.97 (Pythagorean theorem for the cross corner of a rectilinear space).... but I do know you can pick up avatars in at least the surrounding 8 regions with it, so (512^2 + 512^2 + 4096^2)^(1/2)=4159.51 wouldn't be too extreme (I'm not sure if you can detect past neighbor regions, if so, those value might make you a child agent of those other regions) the 'official' max is 130 (as set by user interface using the avatar picker)... don't really know if there are any internal limits other than the data type (integer on thefiled declaration), so at least 2.14 billion !
  25. no guarantees.... I stopped doing web work long ago, and only fiddle with it now. honestly PHP and cURL seems a simpler solution, as it could be injected before the page was ever served, and no worries about 'same origin' policies in the browser... if the above fails, that will likely be the reason why. it can be tested for by using the .ajaxError() method before that snippet.
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