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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. whoops yes, those need string casts in the say.... missed it while fighting with the editor
  2. I still have money on my account there, and used to spend 10-20$ a month on RB2 tracks alone. now a I have an overpriced linux box with a bluray player that will eventually be locked out, can't use any new games, stolen user info that I can't negate, yeah... see what you started? I hope they get burned properly between the arguments they're using in the geohot suit, and the opposite arguments they're using in the class action against them. I think it's time the field had a new player
  3. give an inch, they want a mile.... have you considered that making the information available at all, whether it's convenient for you or not is 100 times better than the standard in the gaming industry? wher you're lucky if they even acknowledge that there is a problem, and when they do it's usually after they've fixed it? I'm not saying they can't do it better or shouldn't try, there are suggestions about ways to make the information more convenient to get to, for instance. have you ever seen an instance where LL (or any company really) just ignored a known problem, instead of working to do something about it, or at least stating plainly that they can't or won't? have you noticed that yelling and complaining doesn't get us very far, but when people step up and suggest methods to get what they need or want, suddenly things start to get done? vague complaints such as "I don't like this" or "it's not convenient enough don't give them a direction to go in... saying things like "We need meeting summaries posted to forums" or "This that and the other are important issues that we need regular updates on" do, and tell them how we want them. and seriously, if you think rewiting the server code is the solution to all our problems, then may I remeind your of how well that worked out for the viewer code? V2 was initially promised shortly after your entry into secondlife, and took ~2.5 years to finish, and when unleashed on the populous was so bug ridden that it was a bad joke... because there was no way to test widespread use in such a random and dynamic environment as SL... now imagine the same for the server code, and try not laugh too hard.
  4. IMO, yes, those would be a step in the right direction.
  5. key owner;string regionName;vector orange;default{ on_rez( integer s ){ owner = llGetOwner(); regionName = llGetRegionName(); } state_entry(){ owner = llGetOwner(); llListen( 4, "", "", "" ); } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ){ if (message == (string)owner + " orange"){ vector temp = llList2Vector( llGetObjectDetails( id, [OBJECT_POS] ), 0 ); if (orange != temp){ orange = temp; llSay(4,(string)owner + " blue"); } } } land_collision_start( vector pos ){ llSay(4,(string)owner + " blue"); } collision_start( integer num_detected ){ if (llDetectedType(0) & AGENT){ llSay( 0, regionName + "/" + (string)orange.x + "/" + (string)orange.y + "/" + (string)orange.z ); }else{ llSay(4,(string)owner + " blue"); } }} try that to start with, and good luck with your portal gun ETA: something is very screwy with the editor
  6. first number is the distance between snap points... so at 0.5, the prim will jump 0.5m when you drag it outside of the ruler. the second number is the length of the ruler in meters
  7. there should be a teleport button located near the bottom IIRC not without editing the settings.xml file in the install directory app_settings folder... if you know the debug setting, look for the Persist value below it and change it to 1 instead of zero, there is no setting to add names to the crosshairs I haven't looked, but this page references a setting file that may still exist that can control a whole bunch of look/point behaviors PS the rumors you are hearing about about LL blocking v1x viewers are just that... rumors... mixed with some wishful thinking and misunderstanding. pay no attention to it until someone can actually point to an LL post that says otherwise... the only thing LL has said is that they don't support them, meaning development is stopped for that line, but they still offer v1.23 for compatibility with PPC macs and other older computers. they stated that they will continue to keep that version available, but will never update it, even for security patches.
  8. Insomnia Snowfield wrote: This past week has been a nightmare for SL glitches! NC's not saving or opening, trouble with TPs, numerous back to back crashes (I had to cancel 2 events in 2 days due to half my friends crashing at same time repeatedly), trouble sending attachments in group notices, chat lag beyond ridiculous, Linden amounts not showing correctly, etc etc etc! I have asked around and it isn't just me or my club and it isn't a matter of computer or connection - mine are top of the line and I've never had these issues to this type of extreme SL bugs! When will this end??? :smileymad: the bolded issues taken together are usually signs of a struggling region, that is probably in need of a reboot. the underlined issues (if you mean local chat, group chat is pretty much always laggy) are often signs of network trouble, but could also be related to struggling region issues. TP trouble could also be due to excessive script or prim loads attached to your avatar, and are known to cause crashes (especially on TPs)... network issues are a less likely sudden cause, but possible. trouble saving or attaching items to messages consistently is almost always a region issue, and ever so rarely an inventory issue. public chat lag varies between being a region issue (everyone gets it) and being a connection issue (only one of two people have it), the same for linden values not showing up. all together I'd say your main region that you are spending time on is having problems, if it's mainland, put in a ticket of get live chat to reboot it, if it's privately owned, talk to the owner or estate manger and have them reboot it.
  9. my only suggestion is make sure your reference point is solid, that way any rounding erros are so smal as to be beyond the render limits. I still plan to do a MONO version that does store sizes, but it will only do that once, and everything from there will be a reference. that should prevent all but the tiniest errors, since the dynamic setup is slightly unstable (still inside rendering tolerances, but there could be unique cases I didn't test for) largley due to the lack of a parameter like PRIM_POS_LOCAL.... if we ever get that, the dynamic will be a preferable solution size/memory wise, although it may be slightly slower
  10. and if they had announced they were testing XMPP? you'd see people complaining about how nothing ever get done when it failed, or how they must be inept for it to fail, or for not knowing in advance that it would fail. and of course the very loud "But you said it was going to be fixed"... instead they tested an option quietly, and information did trickle through that they were testing options (and I assume will be testing others if they aren't already) so that people would know that yes, it is a problem they are aware of and searching for a solution to. But they don't want to make a big announcement about something they have no clue on whether it will work.... no one had tested the that for the unique kind of use that is SL groups..... ever notice that you don't see much in the way of large groups actively chatting away in a single live space.... anywhere on the web? and by large I mean hundreds to potentially thousands at one time? then multiply that by hundreds of those groups at once, ranging from large to small.... then do it over an international natwork from mutliple data centers.... and make it easy to increase or decrease in size, and not waste gobs of resources or be glacially slow... that's what they're up against.
  11. garbage track cd's that crash computers, dvd's that install rootkits, removing backwards compatibility at the last minute to boost legacy sales, disabling features for early adopters effective halving the value of their console while breaking existing features, taking down the network but not mentioning for days that you did so because someone stole all your users information.... I take it back... they make Disney's rabid legal department look sane
  12. Twitter: blogging for people with ADHD =P (is actually surprised at the number of people that like twitter here, whatever works for you I guess) you know, you could always kill time here on these forums... plenty of lively off the wall discussions to be had.
  13. on the converse side, ALL of it is historical, showing changes in policy and structure, projects that succeeded or were abandoned, etc ad nauseam.... just because it's their wiki doesn't negate our concerns on loss of information, some of which was rather useful, and a large portion of which is user generated. as a for instance, with all the shuffling and deleting comparative listings for things you can and can't do with region of different types has been lost, which was very useful information for scripters trying to detect those differences. articles and information on effective methods to accomplish tasks has been wiped out (including Kelly Lindens collected notes and links on making inworld http-in services useable for more than plain text) and while my own focus is technical, it appears that various pages on SL culture and behavior have gotten trashed in the process as well. Obscure notes on policy that are still relevant have disappeared as well, and while I agree they should have been better located, deletion means there is no retrieving them unless you happen to know exactly where they were to try and fish them out of google cache or some other wayback-machine type of service. ETA: Kelly was smart about it and beat them to the punch, by moving his own content to an archive page before blanking it, as can be seen and thankfully still found by the history tabs.... most other pages were not so fortunate
  14. you should move to the US then ::kidding:: I work odd shifts, and often my schedule takes me well outside the normal live chat hours, so I feel the same pain. I'm not at all happy about the missing hours from live chat's schedule either. I do find that region problems do generally get dealt with by ticket in a reasonable time though, others, not so much.
  15. IIRC if you set your external browser as the default for v2, profiles will go to it, although I think that needs to be a per feature option (some content at this time only works in the internal browser) we need more interactive communications available to the wider web... rathaer than content exports like static profile pages that aren't really of interest to the rest of the web community, and less convenient to their users... if they're going to insist on making them web available then they need to give others a reason to care about them... features like optional live status updates might help improve the existing profiles, but the idea needs to be carried further to live communications to and from SL.
  16. while I agree they are definitely made for searchable visibility, I don't think they are doing what they hope to be doing.... no one outside is going to care to surf avatar profiles from a site they don't already use, except maybe dataminers and spammers, meanwhile they are much less effective for the people who actually DO use them due to their poor integration (too big, too slow, etc) IMHO rather than focusing on importing or exporting content, as the current business model seems to be doing, they need to focus a bit more on intercommunication and live connections between the wider web and SL. static imports or exports of content are just not enough... people want to interact with ease.
  17. some TPV's also have an "Align" mode/tool that lets you push pieces together or move the to the same edge a lot like youd do with solid blocks, making flat joins seamless.
  18. this is a feature of certain TPV's and not a scripting ability. check the docs for whichever viewer you are using to get full details.
  19. as noted, you may find a lot of hate being directed towards facebook, some of it legit, some not. there's a good chance the people that like or tolerate it will contact you and you'll make some new friends, so don't take any negative response here in this forum personally. that said, you won't see me there, and I'll spare you having to listen to why =) I will say that new avenue are hopefully opening up (I have one in development myself) that will allow greater interconnection to the web from SL, and while I hadn't considered it before, perhaps even completely outside of SL. (my own efforts are nothing as expansive as facebook though) best of luck and congrats on the baby.
  20. my apologies then, the "so much more" remark was directed at the personalized nature of the feud, and not so much any practices involved... your enjoyment of punishing him in search result and his own stubbornness at the outset highlights that to my mind, in addition to past appeals to public opinion. we'll have to disagree about the difference between the letter of the law (or rules) and the spirit of them, but I'm willing to let it go at that.
  21. the main problem seems to be user joins and user exits... the more there are, the worse it lags... you'll notice often that after a new chat opens, there seems to be tremendous lag at first that tapers off to just spotty lag as the conversation continues... unfortunately when the chat goes idle for a bit it all happens again. XMPP was thought to be a cure, because it does handle high volume of traffic (lots of groups)... unfortunately it doesn't seem to be up to large groups which it was previously untested for, and large groups are the major problem area. According to Oskar, the project was killed when that was discovered, although alternatives are being looked into. According to Andrew today, the lead position either isn't filled, or has changed hands again (which per his comment seemed frequent) Oskars Beta User group meeting on aditi seems like the best place to get the current status of the group chat project (Andrew was unaware of XMPP being a dead end) which is held on thursdays in Morris, on the beta grid.
  22. heh, don't get me started on Sony's "let jab our customers in the eye" policy decisions... they're as bad as Disney's licensing department
  23. starting an inworld group specifically for this purpose will only net you inworld drama, and probably a ban for harrasment by targeting an individual or group. you need to file a fraud report, as well as a report for harrassment (threatening to defame you by telling others not to work with you) if you want to pursue it, LL has no control over what is said or done outside of the domain of secondlife and linden lab owned properties, but I doubt you'll see much help from that. in the future I suggest getting a signed contract for work, or at the very least not paying for it all before work is done on it. then if the contract is broken you can take it to RL authorities or at the very least lose less money.
  24. never anything illegal, nor against the rules of the moment, but you've admitted here and now to practices others find objectionable. I believe both camping and bot use have come up in this struggle before as well. My position isn't about shaming, or uncovering anything hidden, it's just my personal take based on my own morals. Pushing through a competitive trademark is no more illegal than manipulating SE rankings, and no less objectionable to some. both are as common as corporate headhunting, and all still leave me with a bad taste in my mouth. I make no argument that they aren't effective tools, only my personal distaste for their use. You stand by your business decisions, and I respect that, it doesn't mean I agree though.
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