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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. here's where I clarify my earlier statement just to fair... I know both parties in this feud, and everyone involved has played their share of dirty pool, and the rivalry is about so much more... I don't condone any of methods they've employed against each other, nor do I support either party. there are three sides to every story. but IF I was involved, that's a step I'd have taken
  2. pretty sure it's SLPlugin.exe .... if you see something different maybe it is a virus.... or maybe you just mistyped it and your virus checker got an update that makes it think that the plugin is a virus (which has happened at least 2 times before and is a false positive)
  3. ctrl+enter should still give you shout by default, I can't remember if whisper is shft or alt + enter. (I didn't know they added action handles for those)
  4. Honestly with SL's business model I only see inclusion happening one of two ways... they make it available for a ridiculously dirt cheap license to LL, and the decomp library freely available, or LL buys them out for dirt cheap and does the same. But considering the work already in and their business model I don't see either of those happening unless they get desperate for exposure and start failing.
  5. pretty sure no one is waiting for mesh to do anything any more.... because if they are, they aren't getting anything done. that and people have a short memory apparently.... V2 took ~2.5 years to be done and look what we got when it came out... I expect mesh and related options to be buggy as hell as soon as it hits the grid and a rollback almost immediately after it's release
  6. You're a better person than I Phil... I'd have thrown the money at it out of spite, and then offered to sell it to him for more than it cost you... but I'm evil like that
  7. my take is that the mods here are fairly involved, so reporting lithium issues here is probably more effective, if less trackable.
  8. ::does miss when LL as a company and users as a whole had more of a sense of humour:: like this recent april fools login screen from phoenix....
  9. there is a setting in preferences to use the internal or external browsers, which also appears as a check-box on the inwolrd browser named "always use external browser", next to the button that says "open in external browser" or somesuch located at the bottom of the inworld browser window.... search, the destination guide, and the home panel from the side bar do not have this option. some media, like the newer YouTube tv's will not work in external browsers because they use "data:" URIs, which are not passed properly to the external browser (there is a jira on this and it IS being worked on). IE does not support "data:" URI's that contain scriptable content like html, but FF, Safari, Chrome, and Opera will work with them if they are cut from the internal browser address bar and pasted into them (although the internal browsers truncate the address in some cases, notably in phoenix)
  10. to add to that, "Media On A Prim " was the original name of the feature, and is still called that in most of the technical settings. it's descriptive of what it is.... "Shared Media" is the ::cough::friendly::cough:: name marketing dreamed up that really doesn't tell you what it is or how it works. both as acronyms are rather unfortunate, since an object can either be MOAP-y or have SM on it =D
  11. Carole Franizzi wrote: All I saw for the duration the issue affected my accounts was simply the notification of a server restart. Full stop. [...] the server restart message was actually posted a few minutes after the relevent one, but since there was a similar message about rollbaks for Magnum, it's understandable that you missed it... my point wasn't to be snide, but to say that what you had asked for did actually happen.... so I was trying to define why it didn't meet your criteria... ie, not specific enough or not fast enough (to which I'll add what now seems obvious, Not visible Enough, which is unfortunately something that's been brought up in the past... critical issues should be highlighted on the status page, and I think they were for a bit, but don't seem to be any more) Carole Franizzi wrote: Last thought on the subject - why is it not possible for LL to launch grid-wide emergency communications in such cases - including one warning people not to make purchaes or rez non-copy items? Dunno... once upon a time they used to issue an alert to all logged in residents for certain things.... and the exact same idea came up shortly before the big layoff, and several of us were pushing for it to be reinstated, along with a MotD replacement for critical issues like this where taking normal actions could result in content or money losses.
  12. note that box rezzors (rez foo, rez faux, jack-in-the-box, builders buddy) all require that you have modify permissions (each object gets a script added) you can pick up multiple items together by selecting them all and using the "take" right click option. I don't recommend exceeding 256 prims this way, and be very careful when re-rezzing them, especially near property/region borders. also in general I recommend taking a copy of all copyable items, just in case
  13. a cylinder twice your road width sliced with give you a hair pin 90deg 4 times your road width with a 50% hole on the same one make it gentler do the same with a tube or flattened torus to either make texturing easier (if it's a linear pattern) or to make the road slightly curved to match whatever you are using for the straight sections
  14. will it all looks good, so maybe IE is being finicky, and you need to either include a type (technically you are supposed to have one if you have src) for the new script element (use setAttribute) or perhaps it doesn't want to bother with it if the src is set before before the append (so append, then set) other than that I'm not sure.. I'd double check to make sure the inworld server is getting the search string with the url, just in case IE is butchering it.
  15. you would need to replace "offset" with ... your offset
  16. generally inworld only.... because most of what I buy is by discovery anyways. occasionally I'll search Market place to find something rare, but I almost never buy that way I find it safer to purchase inworld, relying on the sellers distribution network, instead of adding another layer that can break with the Marketplace network. also there is often more information, displays, etc for the inworld versions than the Market page, and the information is more accurate (as regards to permissions) this is in contrast to buying software and tech items in RL, where I always comparison shop online, and usually only visit an actual store if it's local and has a better price than the non-local competitior after shipping. it's more in line with clothing/household goods that I buy IRL, which I might check all local sources online, but always buy in person to ensure it has the right properties (size/color/fit/etc)
  17. testform.style.input doesn't look right... style is a normal DOM attribute for most elements, which shouldn't have an input value, it should just have a 'value'... you may have run into a naming conflict, and might want to make sure that all targeted parts use non-conflicting names. past that I'm not sure without seeing the basic html structure
  18. ::also noticed the above:: the worst part of it is, the old behavior was way too dark, and the new behavior is actually closer to correct, but changing the old behavior will result in tons of broken content so is unlikely to be changed. changing the deferred pipeline to mimic the old behavior is extremely limiting to what can be shown, so it to is unlikely to be changed =/
  19. Carole Franizzi wrote: On the grid status page there was no mention of inventories appearing empty - none of the multiple times i checked it. But don't let that stop you fawning over LL's WONDERFUL customer service and comminications skills.... Grid Status Said: [postED 7:13AM PDT May 11, 2011] We are currently experiencing issues with some of our central services, which may cause issues with L$ purchases, inventory, teleporting, login failures, and region availability. Please refrain from L$ transactions or rezzing no-copy items until this issue is resolved. Our network team is working on this issue, and expects to have it resolved soon. Please watch this blog for further information. so I take it your complaint isn't that it wasn't mentioned, but that your specific problem was not explicitly shown, or perhaps that the warning did not come fast enough? rather than a lack of "a simple, short communication from your company informing us that you're aware of the service being malfunctioning and reassuring us that it's being looked",... do I have that correct? and since you didn't see your specific issue, I'm sure you reported it via a ticket or live help... right? so that they could post it? ::is not known for fawning over anything (least of all LL's resident communications), but is occasionally a known for being a faun::
  20. you can simply a bit by using llSetPos( llGetLocalPos() + offset * llGetLocalRot() ); I always recommend using local position and local rotation, as there are some situations where certain bugs in in the non-local functions are exposed causing unintended effects
  21. posJump may be able to beat the telehub restrictions... assuming the target parcel has object entry allowed. I recommend using the slower llSetPrimitiveParams with it, since the built in 0.2 delay makes it play better with the physics engine when unsitting
  22. unfortunately, IE makes testing extremely hard, as, instead of halting on the first error in a function, it just skips the error and goes on (or did the last time I made myself use it). what I would do is to have alerts for all the values of thing along the way (firebug makes this so easy in FF) to make sure you are using syntax that IE likes. To my knowledge IE has the same exemption for of the same origin policy for script tags as anyone else (otherwise half the commercial pages on the net wouldn't work in IE....) IE does limit "data:" URIs from being dynamic content like html (rather than treating it as an exclusive domain like other browsers) but I'm guessing that isn't your issue (it's one with my server though, that I have no work around for)
  23. Carole Franizzi wrote: [...] I'll repeat what I said earlier - a simple, short communication from your company informing us that you're aware of the service being malfunctioning and reassuring us that it's being looked at would be a reasonable-to-expect PR gesture.[...] ya mean like the one on grid status linked multiple times above? what? just saying.... @Oskar: I appreciate the nod, but Cerise actually called it before I got to it... I just reiterated for the person who hadn't read the previous two posts identifying it.
  24. when you say "doesn't work in IE" what is the specific failure that you are seeing? I ask because there are different event listeners in both, which misght prevent your code from catching the load if you are not putting any executable javascript into your returned javascript. they also trigger elements in a different order and if an earlier one cancels it in IE you'd have the same problem.
  25. asset server != region server region server got updated, asset servers did not asset servers were having connection problems NOT software problems when whining, it helps to whine about the right thing... if for no other reason than so you don't look foolish
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