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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. ooo nice, I must try that some time.... although you have to be careful as newly rezzed or reset versions won't have the the track data, but it's still an awesome method of saving resources.
  2. I have to admit i'm not up on jQuery syntax, so I don't know if that's right or not... but according to this page the format should probably have been... $.get( '<obscenely long cap address goes here>', {'search string parameter':'search string value'}, function( in_data, in_response ){ alert( 'Response: ' + in_response + '\nData: ' + in_data );}, 'text/plain' ); and if I recall some browsers don't like when you use ;} together, so always add a line feed between them ETA: it's not obvious from the linked examples, but $.get probably won't guess the content type, so it should be explicit as shown in my example above... I included the response because it makes troubleshooting easier
  3. if you are using IE9 you'll need to be in compatibility mode to post (Guessing that's why we see a blank)
  4. @Darren; 4112 will get you the whole region bottom left to top right. (and surrounding regions) @Qie; admin isn't sticky, but you can make it sticky by searching for it in the viewer directory app_setting folder, settings.xml file and changing persist to 1 ActiveFloaterTransparency 0.8 // make active floaters a litter lighter so you can still see a little bit through them. InactiveFloaterTransparency 0.55 //make floaters ligher so they don't block out the world when inactive, MediaShowOutsideParcel 0 //-- do not show media on a prim from outside the parcel and I know a lot of people get annoyed by the chat swirls around object, so here's how to kill those... EffectScriptChatParticles 0 oh and if you switch back and forth from v2 to phoenix, you may have noticed that phoenix wipes out floater positions from v2, because they both use the per account settings file... you can make v2 use a different file name (and retain floater positions) permanently by editing the settings_files.xml, in the app_settings folder of the v2 install directory, and replace any instance of [settings.xml, settings_per_account.xml, session.xml] with [v2_settings.xml, v2_settings_per_account.xml, v2_session.xml], and then rename any files of those three (should only be the first two) that are in the same directory to the new names. then v2 retains it's float positions (for one that it tracks) unless you get disconneted
  5. looks good, pics could use a little more brightness to pull out the details though
  6. it's possible to program a route without beacons, using just coordinates in the script, and as long as the train rests on something it's fine to be physical (although the Caledon rail trains are not, but they also use track detection). if you're using vehicle based scripts you don't even have to worry about having something to like a flor or the ground to rest on (as the wonderful CAT airships prove. the main benefit to tracks and beacons is that it's harder for the train (or w/e) to get lost along the way (a problem at region crossings mostly)
  7. ...if you can't figure out that ads for help wanted go in the inworld employment forum Do Not Post them.... ... just thought i'd stay in theme =)
  8. it's kinda messy... hard to tell where things should go and where they'll never get seen.... I'd cry if I were the person managing it
  9. moved it over to scripting for you and commented
  10. no one ever uses just one method of trying to spam the search engine... keywords spam, for sale spamming and other methods are also employed. I can tell that the traffic aint doing jack, because it used to put my home region in the top 3 (an edu region) , and was the only stat we relied on there to justify the cost.... now that's up in the air because the region no longer comes up in the first 15 pages.... we can't sell anything on the region (so for sale spammming is out) , the region managers can't do keyword spamming (school sets the policy for what goes in there), so the only thing we can do is ask resident to add us a pick to their profile, and scrape what statistic we can manually through scripts.... so far we've seen little change, even though the region has an AVERAGE load of 11-15 avatars at ALL times, making it a rather busy region. and still our page position doesn't budge..... Traffic is D E A D as a search stat
  11. anyone complaining about traffic numbers (doesn't matter to who) is wasting their breath at this point... they are no longer used in the core search algorithm, and almost no one bothers to use it for sort order. now if people using bots and inactive clients are overusing region resources, then report it as that, otherwise there is no point, and I suggest ignoring anyone complaining about the traffic numbers, period.
  12. Like jack, I'm not seeing the weekly restarts being a huge issue... 30mins tops (in most cases under 5) on the lowest concurrency days of the week, and the only problems related to the new server version fixes that you mentioned (teleports and lag) have seen marked improvements.... teleports are now completely faster for heavily loaded avatars and and no longer stalling the region for up to 2 mins. region crossings are almost unnoticeable for lightly loaded avatars, and even the severely overloaded ones rarely crash now. ghosted avatars now are freed on a regular basis (not an ideal fix, but workable), as are regions with ghost prims and other accumulation crud that hasn't been sussed out yet. the vast majority of regions are behaving much better. yes there have been a few misstarts, that are usually cleared within a day or two, and are almost always limited to the beta channel servers, but overall I've personally seen amazing strides in usability and stability across the board for server behavior. your other complaints, while they may be valid, are misplaced.... and should be directed towards the departments that handle or are responsible for making those issues. Just like any company, specific departments are only responsible for specific things... and if you want to be heard, you need to beat on the right door... this is not the door you were looking for.
  13. doesn't matter, once the avatar is seated moving child prims (even the one with the sit script) doesn't move the avatar, so it has to be moved separately at that point.
  14. Parasite Palen wrote: Where was it? it was in the "LSL Scripting Library", which is only for completed scripts that are being offered to the community... I think I'm going to go ask that they rename it to "LSL Library" to reduce that confusion, so that it's not as easy to make that mistake
  15. now that it's in the right place... what you would do is to change all the sub menu scripts to trigger when they receive a specific link message rather than a touch, then have your master menu trigger on touch, and each menu button will cause a different link message to be sent, triggering the menu's of the sub menu scripts
  16. if it's happening to textures that were already inworld and fine, and then suddenly changed (not a newly uploaded version) then that's a different story... I'd check that no settings on the prim it's used on have changed (glow could be an issue), and that nothing in it's inworld environment has changed (no other new textures overlying it, could be in front of or behind physically inworld, no lighting changes (other prims casting light, time of day etc)), and then make sure it's not a change in the viewer (no new viewer version installed, no graphics settings changed, etc)
  17. jQuery and AJAX use javascript libraries to add new commands to javascript and extend functionality. you would simmply add another script tag with it's source as the the name of the library file (they're also free and open source, so you just copy it to your external weserver). from there you can use the new command in your normal javascript to request whatever you need. personally I'd go with jQuery, as there are tons of sites that help with it, so getting information about basic stuff has been asked a million times and is easy to find.
  18. not really.... just dowload the baked texture file, open it in a painting program, add a layer below it, set the baked layer to to a different blend mode/opacity, and paint on the added under layer. save one copy as is, and another flattened (which you'll use to upload back to SL and can delete afterwards)
  19. here is what I see, and correct me if I'm wrong... you have an external page,running some javascript, that requests a page from and inworld http server you want to pull the information from the response (given by the in world http server) into the page you requested from? do I have that right? if so, then your choices are, use jQuery or AJAX in your external page to request the inworld data (it will comeback as plain text), or use php and cURL on the external web server to pull that data from the inworld http source, and insert it into your external page before it's served. inworld http servers recieve requests with the http_request event (NOT the llHTTPRequest function) and return their data with the llHTTPResponse function (NOT the http_response event). inworld http requesters use the opposite function/event pair not used by servers, to request data, and then process what's received.
  20. all we have for camera controls in LSL are found here with llSetCameraParams being the most useful, but no FOV controls so you'll want to start that jira....I'd recommend it as an extension filed to llSetCameraParams, since there is no "get" that goes with it, it shouldn't be able to damage any existing scripts so would have a good chance at getting added and link back here so we can all watch it =)
  21. there's no direct support of [ LSL <-> {Anything} ]. there were promises of C# support, but that's been pushed way back... if it arrives before q4 of NEXT year I may die of shock. protocol-wise, we had the beginings of XML/RPC support, but it was never mad scalable, and pretty much abandoned, we have http support sort of... mostly requests, incoming is limited to serving plaintext, although bootstrap methods do exist
  22. not sure, dunno the content of those scripts even... have you tried the inworld MLP group? should be able to find it from "Lear Cale"'s profile.
  23. /me guesses people posted and RIC'd or just posted the request... don't do that, always RIC, and always make suer it's on the thread OP so that it doesn't get mistargeted for moving
  24. good point Thinkerer, wish it were my case... only seems to happen in 2.6.3 for me.... rather annoying
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