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Venus Petrov

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Everything posted by Venus Petrov

  1. Locking down his profile thread may have been the only piece of advice he took from Rodvik.
  2. Wooja wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: Great story qwerty Qork! Ebbe! Get on it! Please! Custom bones for rezzed objects. You know! NPCs with their own skeletons! We(I) have been for years, and am now, begging. I think augmentation of avatars with internal organs is much more of a priority. It needn't cost much either; certain non-Lindens could have working brains transplanted in, and their current ones would fetch very high resale prices - after all, they haven't been used. Wooja...buyasecondhandbrainfromamod Dooya...reallythinkamodmightreadandunderstandthisorshrugandgiveup
  3. Well said, Mari. In my early n00b days I never felt teased or maligned because my appearance, despite my cool 'way-too-blonde' helmet, was very much 'new resident'. I met some very friendly folk one of whom is still a good friend seven years later. I, frankly, don't understand why residents who have mastered the art of buying skin, hair, clothing feel put upon when a n00b runs into them on a laggy dance floor or wears a too bright facelight or thinks that freebie bling shoes are the hawtest thing on the grid. We have all been there and done that! A bit of kindness can go a long way toward retention of good operators.
  4. Phil Kearny wrote: My favourite story takes place in a castle Venus. OMG don't look around the corner - you CANT unsee that!!! *screams!*
  5. I suggest that Zindra is an edgy case (my emphasis). :matte-motes-bored:
  6. I checked the map when I visited and saw no dots on the margins of your sims.
  7. Again, I suggest that you put a good photo of your avatar on the first page of your profile (where it generally goes). Not all shops have store models. One I know of is Delirium. Go to the shop, look at the clothes and see if you would be comfortable modeling them. As in RL, models in SL are generally required to model what is given to them and to be able to change skins, accessorize, and sometimes change shapes to put what they are modeling in the best possible light. To do runway work, you are better off being formally trained at one of the many schools in SL. Models who are trained have an easier time getting work in shows. Keep an open mind and have fun.
  8. Yes, you can do that and it will keep all communications from going to email. Just so you are aware.
  9. I have been in SL for seven years now and there are too many wonderful stories to pick just one or two. What I can say is that I have experienced some of the longest, breath-escaping laugh sessions of my life in this place. They say 'laughter is the best medicine." You can experience that here in spades and for free!
  10. As far as I am aware, you cannot leave a group or tick the box to stop receiving group notices without going inworld.
  11. I TP'ed to your shop without incident. However, there are about five of us here (which is very low for your shop).
  12. Make sure you are in a scripts-enabled area to use any HUD. You do not 'rez' the HUD, you wear it. The nails must be Slink-compatable to use with the Slink feet. Also, wait until the 'ready' message shows up in your local chat before you click on a nail color to change it. I think your second question pertains to how slow mesh is to rez at times. There is a debug feature that can make mesh rez faster but I cannot recall offhand which one it is. If you use Firestorm, you might want to pop into the inworld chat group to ask them.
  13. There are two bits here: 1) residents' desire that LL listens to their input, feedback, wants and needs not to satisfy everyone because that is an impossible job but to be heard and 2) the new CEO's desire to listen to stakeholders as part of his initial 'tour'. The CEO should never, ever act as the CR/Comms manager but should ensure that whomever is in that role performs it effectively. It is up to the VP of CR to define what 'effective' is and how to measure success in that role. That residents have hailed communications from Ebbe as generally positive is a reflection of how little has happened between camps (leading to frustration on the part of residents). It is always challenging for a company to communicate to customers but there are ways to do so effectively. Meeting with small groups is one way, reading fora like this and responding to things posted in Feedback is another. Opening JIRA to read and vote is yet another way. You cannot please all of the people all of the time but you can create pathways so that customers feel that someone is listening (even if the answer is 'no'). To hear nothing is the worst thing of all.
  14. As one who used to work as a runway model and trained models in SL, I know that good, experienced male avatar models are in demand. You do not mention what type of modeling you might do but one place to start would be to be a shop model. No training is necessary, usually, for that role and all you need is a good looking avatar and the abiltiy to accessorize properly what you are given to model. You will also probably need a few poses. Payment is normally in clothing items. I suggest that you post a photo of your avatar here. There is none that I could see in your profile.
  15. Ebbe, Welcome! I do hope that you encourage your happy Linden communications team to become better communicators. So often I feel that we shout into the wind here. Good luck!
  16. Wooja wrote: SL is a place where Jonathan Swift would have been banned, not for advocating cannibalism, but for the feast being composed of minors, dressed only with condiments. Wooja . . . acceptadinnerinvitationfromhannibal Only if he offered some Chianti and ffffava beans. IdaeatitinaNYmin!
  17. It is most likely a combination of the pose you are in and the avatar (not your shape, per se, just the imperfections that are inherent in the 'mesh'). I don't think it has anything to do with the age of the shape as the shape I have is one I have tweaked over the years. So, yes, it happens!
  18. Even an extra 'i' in the URL can reroute you to a site you would not rather visit. So, examine those links very carefully.
  19. Umm. I think there is a 'KANG' of SL running about this place gathering converts. However, nice try and I hope that you feel better now.
  20. Adelmar1066 wrote: Yeah I suppose. But like when you go to the same place and there is that one person who has to be disgusting looking, I'd just like something to allow me to make them invisible. Alright, so *you* cannot control yourself. Got it. Wait a sec. Your profile indicates that you like 'brutal shemale amazons' and your display name is 'Buff'. And, you can't control yourself?
  21. Storm Clarence wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: Did you say 'foresome'? ... I bet Lee would know. I betcha more that Mr. Ebbs would shout "it's a gimme" every time Lee took a stroke. I would too. Boys will be boys And golf is like SL, it's just a game. Now you have me thinking something other than golf when you say that. For example: I bet Billy Squier is pretty ace, don't you?
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