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Venus Petrov

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Everything posted by Venus Petrov

  1. Sassy Romano wrote: It sounds like you are using a third party viewer such as Firestorm and have enabled the "Show Look At" beacons in user preferences. It's just showing where people have their camera focus. For some it's a source of adulation, for others a whole barrel load of drama along the lines of "how dare you look at me". Swing it either way, it's just a viewer feature and people can also turn off the transmission of their camera target so the drama lamas wouldn't even know. Or leave it on so you can accuse the 'offender(s)' in local chat why the heck they are 'targeting' you. Best when done in a crowded environment such as a club, a fashion fair/event, or Infohub.
  2. Perrie Juran wrote: Canoro Philipp wrote: perhaps is a matter of perception. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Community_Tools_User_Group/24-Mar-2011 Just so you know, Kung Fu Marketer was (is) Amanda Linden and Lexie was (is) Lexie Linden. Note carefully what Kung Fu says at 13:07, 13:10 and 13:15 13:16. It's a little difficult following the train of thought in these but if you take your time you can see what was going on. eta: corrected a time stamp Classic meeting. Good times!
  3. Maryanne Solo wrote: Smearing yourself with a genuine contributors legacy does not improve your lot, nor erase your history. Nice try tho. Wut?
  4. Canoro Philipp wrote: well, others, like Void, have used themselves as an example of mistreatment by the Lindens, pointing out that they can improve the relationship with their customers. the topic about improvement of treatment to customers was valid. You keep bringing up the example of Void. Please do not continue to insult her by comparing her to Sus.
  5. Dillon Levenque wrote: Wherever do you get the 'most people' thing? I do not do as you state. I click quote first, bold the bits to which I am responding directly and then type my comment.
  6. The protest was all about her, Canoro. All she could do at CTUG meetings after the rollout of this forum was bleat about how she'd been warned over this or that violation. Reading the CGs may have been over her pay grade.
  7. Canoro Philipp wrote: like Qie said, "I'm forever impressed by users' facility for misunderstanding." Canoro, I forgive you for not knowing the history behind the photo she uses. It started around the time she experienced a couple of smackdowns by LL staffers at a CTUG meeting a couple of years ago following the rollout of this version of the forum. The text on the tape relates to her feelings of being discriminated.
  8. The owner of Earthstones is normally her own model. You can contact her directly but, chances are, it is her own shape. She has been inworld quite awhile so even if she purchased a shape that was mod, she will have tweaked it. You might as well ask her where she got her skin, too. Good luck!
  9. Suspiria Finucane wrote: Jumpman Lane wrote: I'm convinced no one sees people like you when people like me enter rooms. Hehehehe...who are you again? Just ignore the G.O.A.T.'s a grazin... perhaps someday the wannabes will amount to something but I doubt it. Good to see you back. Good to hear you are trying to improve yourself, Sus. When's that tape coming off your mouth?
  10. You can always open a shop inworld. Just rent or purchase some land and put up a shop.
  11. The thousands of replies you've received to your post should tell you something.
  12. Since you are in Brazil, you might want to post your question here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Portugu%C3%AAs/qa-p/sla_portugues
  13. Pimiko wrote: ehm may be the problem is that u just could not find someone who tip u with L$, ahahaha. and I ain't "lovely" I am realistic and I am the best "lovely" it's may be u and thousands of others Jolie alike "models" Then, you don't need good luck. Surely, your stellar resume shall do the trick.
  14. Lovely avatars can be found all over SL. Look at Flickr. Look at fashion blogs. Yes, you can be a model yourself. Some shops have models but they pay in clothing items. You will not make alot of L$ modeling. Trust me. Look at my original reply to you. I have experience in this area. If you do not want to listen, that is your choice. Good luck! Edit: To model in stores requires no agency. To become a runway or print model, you generally need a resume that includes experience gained through training with an agency.
  15. Hi Pimiko, I am a former model in SL and I have trained models who work both runway and print. There are many opportunities for models in SL and it depends what you are looking for. You can be a store model and get paid in clothing items or whatever the store sells. If you want to work the runway and be a print model (e.g., SL magazines), you will probably need to get trained in one of the modeling agencies in SL. Working through one of the agencies is one way to get work. You won't make alot of L$ modeling in SL (in fact, hardly any!). But, if you want to have fun, get some cool clothing, and meet others it's a nice thing to do for awhile.
  16. Call one of the phone numbers provided above. Also, if the transaction was a success it should be reflected in your Transaction History on your Dashboard under Account. So check there to make sure that it shows there before you call someone.
  17. Carl Thibodeaux wrote: When you partner or divorce someone, it removes money from your account. Where does this money go? Is this to cover the costs of Governor Linden hiring a priest or lawyers to officially marry or break you up and divorce you? Where do you think the money goes? Is this a factor in a decision you are about to make?
  18. You may need to touch the mesh bit and a blue box should pop up asking what type of covering you want to choose (for example, it might be pants, bikini, shorts, etc). Pick the appropriate covering and THEN click the applier HUD for the clothing item. Try this ^^
  19. This was posted to the Grid Status in December. No update yet. http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2013/12/16/post2137/
  20. Always check out the notecard(s) that come with the item. It may take some fiddling but be patient
  21. berryouss wrote: Thanks, Marianna! Never visited the store before. Always thought they only have those Phat Azzes. I just tried the demo and i really like it Even though it making my leggs much...fatter. Before I buy it... Do you know if clothes with PA-Appliers will work with the Cute Azz? If they don't I'm not going to get it You may need to adjust your legs a bit in order for the cute azz to look proportional. Here is a blog post talking about how the writer made some adjustments. There are appliers out there but you will have to look around. As with the other mesh body parts, more appliers will become available in time (and as demand increases). Edit: blog post URL: http://slfashionpassion.wordpress.com/2014/01/14/hindsight/
  22. Jumpman Lane wrote: Ewwww la la, la la la la! PARTS! Yup noobs! Noobs are ambitious and greedy! And BORED; so, they like DRAMA. Unlike oldies who just wanna DODGE drama. Noobs like to get dirty.Hehehe! You can always tell when a noob becomes an oldbie. They slap NO DRAMA on their profiles! Lmao! Close to 7 years now so I guess ^^ this means that I am still a n00b because I don't have that in my profile and never will. Anyone who slaps 'NO DRAMA' in their profile is really lookin' high and low for some. They don't understand that drama is all around all the time. It'll come to them and even faster with 'NO DRAMA'.
  23. The link Karen gave you is the correct 'official' group for submissions for SL Photo of the Day. http://www.flickr.com/groups/secondlifeofficial/ Same link. Just make sure you are logged into Flickr in order to be able to join. Anyone can join the group. Good luck!
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