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Venus Petrov

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Everything posted by Venus Petrov

  1. Spam is the 'view' outsiders looking in get of LL-sponsored fora. LL apparently prefers it this way or it would disappear.
  2. Do you have a club or another venue where you need musicians? Your post is not very clear. Or, are you merely looking to make friends with musicians? How might they 'show you' what they've got unless you have someplace where it might happen?
  3. Also, make sure you are not using a public computer such as one in a library. You must use your personal computer to connect to SL.
  4. Are you stringing him along or genuinely interested in a roommate?
  5. Wow. Over 17700 Petrovs and I have only met two others inworld in my 7+ years. Must not be a healthy bunch :matte-motes-bored:
  6. I would be Dandi Linden because I like weed(s).
  7. I completely understand since blondes have more fun. This is one reason I went from blonde to ginger several months ago. Gingers get away with everything.
  8. And all this time I thought there were developers working on technical issues there was this dude who, in three minutes flat, presents solutions to (nearly) everything that ails us. P.S. Was this for a school paper?
  9. If you are new you are probably using the default viewer by Linden Lab. Anyway, if you are changing shoes, are you remembering to wear the shoe base? It is a small brown shoe in your shoe folder. Without the base, it will appear as if your feet have sunk into the floor.
  10. Yes this happens. Even if you crank up the detail as was suggested that will only correct your view and not what others see (or don't see). If it bothers you that others will see your naked boobs, don't wear the mesh ones. Simples.
  11. It helps if you post a photo and also state where the hair is from, and if it is mesh or prim. Why make us guess?
  12. FYI, it helps if you tell us which viewer you use when you post a question. There are several.
  13. Will you please do us a favor and click Spell Check before you post?
  14. I disagree. I started on SL with a laptop that was not made for SL so things rezzed very slowly, if at all. Over time, I got better computers and now can run on ultra most of the time. It makes a huge, huge difference in my enjoyment of SL. To really enjoy the beauty in SL (if you like to explore), I suggest that you get a better system.
  15. 'Mods' here on the forum refer to 'moderators' on the forum. Wooja suggested if you are looking for a 'mod' aka 'moderator' that you write some provocative things that would get your post moderated and perhaps get you a 3-day ban. NoahJohnson99 wrote: wut
  16. I do not use 'in game' either. Rather, 'inworld'. Welcome to Second Life
  17. You can also try Vanity hair. She has a few curly styles. Also, Lelutka. I don't think either has exactly that style. You can always contact the skin maker to find out what hair was used.
  18. You have some cute photos! My personal preference is to see fewer of the same style (look, location, pose) and more variation. I snap photos and send them to disc first and then choose what I want to post to Flickr. You might try the same. Again, faving and following others may bring some to your photostream as well. Good luck!
  19. You might also check out a couple of the events: Collabor88 and FaMESHed. They change every month and offer quite a variety of clothing, hair, accessories, even furniture. For hair, you can do no wrong checking out TRUTH and Ploom. Happy shopping!
  20. One reason people get 'views' is that they follow the work of others, fave, and comment (on Flickr). One can learn much from examining the styles of others. Flickr is 'ok' with nudity as long as you tag it as such. Why not put a link to your Flickr on your post so we can see what you do?
  21. I can confirm that Pale Girl Productions group has demo skins from the fair.
  22. One great option that may help is to create a backup of all your settings. You can do that in Preferences > Backup (assuming the new version of FS has it in the same place). That way, should you need to install or reinstall another version, you can restore all of your settings.
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