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Venus Petrov

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Everything posted by Venus Petrov

  1. I have been a resident for nearly seven years now. I do not look for novelty each and every day but I do log in nearly every day. I have DJ'ed for six of those seven years and used to model, train models, and work the runway. I love to photograph wonderful places in SL (and my avatar; she is a wonderful thing!) and I have a good computer that makes it fun. I have a small number of good friends and I enjoy chatting and sharing with them, too. SL is 'Your world. Your imagination.' That second bit is important to remember.
  2. Always check the Grid Status page links via the Dashboard. There is something that LL is working on that is probably related to your issue: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2013/12/16/post2137/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SecondLifeGridStatus+%28Second+Life+Grid+Status+Updates%29
  3. It looks like your rug is showing through your avatar. Did you try relogging?
  4. I used to play this cover at the start of every set:
  5. How unfortunate for your friend. Chances are even if she AR's the photo nothing will be done. As you know, the Trending tab can be a wild and sometimes disgusting place. At this point, whatever photo(s) were posted have been long buried and it is unlikely someone she knows might find it/them. Now that she is aware of the feed, she may take more care in choosing with whom she shares an intimate moment.
  6. Orca Flotta wrote: Me too pleez!!! And you're sure it jumps on the targetted person without them having to accept? My avie's name is ... surprise here ... Orca Flotta, and I wanna molest some of my overly sexy and yummyummy friends. Particularly that bish that always wrangles me down to the ground in public places. :smileyhappy: You just have to stand close to the person you want to molest before you engage the gesture. There is no blue box asking for acceptance. sent
  7. Mhmm this happens alot. Stuff remains 'on the books' until someone takes steps to fix it. "Because of what was described as a "bureaucratic snafu," their names were kept on the list until 2008, 14 years after Mandela had been elected president and nine years after he had left power. He was 90 at the time" From the link you posted.
  9. Perrie Juran wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Thanks for the link Perrie. Madelaine's response seemed to nail it. Others in their responses to this OP echo her words. I'm not so sure I am able to discern 30 FPS from 100 FPS, but I do enjoy the experience much more than at 10 FPS. A few years back someone posted on cam angles, I wish I could find these posts. YW. I really wish I could find that old thread I mentioned. I'd be delighted if I averaged 30 FPS. For some things higher does have advantages. Drag Races in SL, those cars move so fast, if you blink you can miss the race. Are these the threads on Camera Placement. I use Penny's settings tweaked a little to my preference. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Improved-SL-Camera-Placement/m-p/1935309/highlight/true#M18669 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/A-Matter-of-Perspective-The-importance-of-camera-placement-in/m-p/971879/highlight/true#M4444 Thank you! I found the first link because I had bookmarked it. The second is also very helpful.
  10. Alicia Sautereau wrote: IvanBenjammin wrote: I think its pretty appalling how this thread has been hijacked. I'm normally happy to debate economic doctrines and international politics, but not here. It's certainly not the place for personal attacks. The man died. You don't have to like or approve of him, but surely a little respect isn't asking too much? Respect, some. Fact remains he was a terrorist and had people killed. Does he deserve all this world media attention who tell only part of the story? not in my opinion... They should add his history from befor being thrown in jail to complete the picture. Lots of people died in South Africa. Mandela lived a complex life and when he emerged from prison he did more good for SA than anyone else did. Period. One person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter and the labels switch many times. Many leaders in Israel were once considered 'terrorists', too. Shall we bin the lot of them? Rhetorical.
  11. Have you asked the owner directly? Better, have you offered to help pay for a new sim? It is often difficult for people to make the decision to close a place they have built and others enjoy. However, it does take money to purchase and pay monthy tier.
  12. Orca Flotta wrote: If difference means ordering the death of hundreds then yup, he made a difference... Proof or it didn't happen. From terrorist to politician to saint, what a f`ed up world we live in... And in what kind of mucked up world would we live in without him? You rather deal with the white supremacists and capatalist fascists of the old South Africa? I guess you USAmericans are just jelly coz so many African countries are sick and tired of your politics and rather orientate themself to the north and east. Be happy with your oilfields and polluted swamps in Nigeria and leave the other nations out of your evil games. After Ghadaffi was killed and that money source dried out we rather deal with Russia and China directly than taking the long way round by negotiating with the middle-man USA. You guys have nothing to offer anymore. You are responding to one poster as if she represents the entire country? Tsk.
  13. Alicia Sautereau wrote: If difference means ordering the death of hundreds then yup, he made a difference... From terrorist to politician to saint, what a f`ed up world we live in... So, you do not believe people can evolve?
  14. Sassy Romano wrote: My answer is that it's just too scene dependent. I run 3 monitors on a GTX 680 and some places I could easily get > 100fps, other places it's mid single digits on ultra settings. I set my max fps to 30 anyway, if I let it run away faster than that, it's 56W more power according to my PSU monitoring software and since most of the time in SL is standing around, why pay more electricity to do that?! :matte-motes-sunglasses-1: The MaxFPS setting currently on FS is -1.000. I do not understand what that setting means with regards to the FPS that I currently experience. I usually get between 30-70FPS most places (depending on graphics setting) but can soar over 100 at times, too.
  15. I always listen to the club and not to SAM directly so I can tell if the sound drops in the club. It just takes a bit of getting used to and I turn my SAM volume down to 1 so it is not as much of a distraction.
  16. I do not have the one you refer to, but I have a gesture that, when activated, jumps on the nearest person and cries out 'YES YES YES' while humping. Let me know if you want that one and, if it is xfer, I will send to you.
  17. RudolphFarquhar wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: All of the RL images you need to map to SL avatars can be found in a very beta-beta version of SL (called Macintosh). All you need do now is go inworld and start snapping photos. P.S. the blonde chick is Philip Linden in drag. There, now, you have a head start. That must have been before the "jiggle" option was implemented, because despite all that bounding and twirling, Philip's decidely ample bosom doesn't appear to bounce a millimetre. Or maybe he's wearing a Jean-Paul Gautier designed sports bra. **********Rudi********** Lola's do not bounce.
  18. Storm Clarence wrote: I hate to derail, but, again, I was wondering if the Doctor has access to drone technology? Venus has been giving me some static lately, so I was just wondering ... ETA Hey, my world, my imagination. Right? :matte-motes-bored:
  19. All of the RL images you need to map to SL avatars can be found in a very beta-beta version of SL (called Macintosh). All you need do now is go inworld and start snapping photos. P.S. the blonde chick is Philip Linden in drag. There, now, you have a head start.
  20. "You" can be offline if you create an alt and log in with the alt. Just make sure you do not tell all your friends who you are or you will have to make, yes, another alt!
  21. Depending upon the viewer you use, you can appear offline to everyone but those on your friends list. I think there are a couple of other options. Look in Preferences. More specifically, if you use Firestorm, go to Avatar > Preferences > Privacy > General. You can tick a box that will show you are online to only friends and groups. If you do not want even that, you can untick the box for each friend in your friends list and that will serve to 'hide' your presence from them.
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