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Venus Petrov

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Everything posted by Venus Petrov

  1. What timing. The Skin Fair just opened today. Three sims full of skins. Go, look, grab demos and try them on with your focus on skins that have appliers for Slink hands & feet. Take your time and have fun.
  2. If you are using the Firestorm viewer, I suggest you contact their inworld support group. I am certain there is an easy fix to this.
  3. Check under Avatar > Preferences > Privacy > General that the box 'Automatically view notecards, textures, landmarks after accepting' is ticked. This is for Firestorm.
  4. Jinnywitha Cleanslate wrote: I think I might have missed the marching bands, and heralding Angels, promoting this amazing, good news, exciting announcement, having just seen this thread. Any clues? And was it as good as Daniel said? Thanks in advance. Check out your Dashboard. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Introducing-SL-Go-from-OnLive/ba-p/2528009
  5. There was a difference in the scripts used within the legal and (now) illegal sploders. This is why a Linden would actually appear at a location to remove the illegal version. My recollection is that the sploders in my two favorite clubs in 07-08 were of the illegal variety.
  6. Nice descriptions. Everywhere I went, people referred to both types as 'sploders'.
  7. I am convinced that some who buy these things don't RTFM and don't know or think to set to private. I used to enjoy going to busy places, viewing transparencies and 'touching' things with my mouse. Any pop-up menu would get my attention. *snorts*
  8. I've seen this only a couple of times and it's silly. Who cares who is looking at you, inspecting what you wear, etc? I do not.
  9. hazeonelove wrote: 1. Is a Sploder necessary? Or at least, a good idea for the sim? I've heard many people say how much they dislike Sploders, they're annoying, no one ever pays them, blah blah blah. But I'm a businessman. If it attracts people, then I'm all for it. Same with a Contest Board, would you recommend that? The issue I'm having at the moment is confusion. Kinda like a panda with a suit on... Not sure where to go. My sim is literally everything in one. There's a fantasy "Alice In Wonderland" forest, carnival rides, an arcade, Queen of Hearts' castle, pools, a giant club, and outside dance floor, bonfires, a playground, 2 different regular forests, etc. It's just... Everything. And I'm not sure if that's a good thing anymore. A lot of people love it. I love it. There's something for anyone. But some people have said it's overwhelming. And thank you!!! I'm going to look for that object. Because, if I rez it and it's my entire 1/4 sim rezzed back into place, as it was.... I'm going to be one self-loathing panda lol. Sploders were very popular in clubs until sometime in late 2007 or early 2008 when LL put a stop to gambling of that type. You can still purchase sploders in SL but they are of a different type so first you should check how old your sploder is. A sploder sitting on a sim by itself won't do anything. You need something to attract people there. If you don't know anything about running a club you have a couple of options: 1) bring in someone who knows, has a proven history and connections to hire staff, setup the board, etc and 2) just setup a dancefloor and the shoutcast board and setup a radio channel or two to play. An Itan danceball is helpful, too. Option 2 is low maintenance on your part and lower stress.
  10. Wooja wrote: I wonder if Jo, Inara and the other cheerleaders are a bit miffed about Daniel being handed the scoop. Or did they perhaps all get told and his youthful understanding of NDA and embargo is more limited? Wooja...managethecommunicationschannelsbetterbyclosingthemdownebbe Ah, fair youth. Full of exuberance and joy. It was the park that got him going.
  11. Why focus on the forum software? SL is a virtual WORLD. Fix things inworld and then focus on the stuff outside. I'm still holding out for a park for raptors. As is Daniel.
  12. Why didn't you post this in Forum Feedback? You think LL actually read the GD area?
  13. Since it's Daniel, my guess is that LL is opening up a 20-sim park full of trees and game for raptors.
  14. She knows to whom I refer. Couldja...justwaitafewminutesforamodtofinishtheircoffee
  15. This is probably the last place anyone at LL see your suggestion. Since the JIRA is now open, you are probably better off posting it there. https://jira.secondlife.com/
  16. Tsk. 'Stick'? to pretty pictures? There is absolutely nothing wrong with pretty pictures. Many a pretty picture has led me to a lovely sim. Many a pretty picture has led me to purchase something. I recall posting a photo of some boots on the forum and someone who shall go nameless got all excited over them.
  17. Laurent Bechir wrote: In fact, I was thinking at some automatic process, like when I add a post on my blog and that it is announced on Twitter or Facebook. That cannot currently happen on the SL profiles.
  18. Hunter Stern wrote: It doesnt matter really, see title " Premium Accounts and Land" Premium accounts always have a 512 land allotment and that is covered, and another poster stated the option of Basic (free) so we're all good. Just some of the highlights have been covered regarding Premium accounts( which includes access to Premium only areas, extended support, 300L stipend weekly , gifts. and then there is the land). Since the two questions were in the title together, one assumes that theOP is asking for information on these primary features. Well, yes, it does. The OP writes: "I know that you need a premium account to purchase land". This is not true. You do not need a premium account to purchase land. I don't care what the title of the thread is if an assumption as written is incorrect. I was addressing that bit but thank you for your comment.
  19. What a huge list of participating designers. Shame that Curio is not on the list. This could have been a great opportunity to get her name out there again after a long absence.
  20. You did not say anything about buying mainland, for which you do need premium membership. You do not need premium membership to buy non LL land.
  21. Not the posts themselves but you can put a link to the blog(s) in the profile.
  22. Not much in close to one year. I suppose she is busy.
  23. If you read your original post, there were three questions. There were three answers in the first response. All viewers that are mesh-compatible (should be all of them now) can also see fitted mesh. Try searching on MP for 'fitmesh'. You will find some things there. Look for demos.
  24. Woos wrote: l understand that several posts have recently been removed from the forums without the authors either being informed of the reasons for their deletion, or indeed, that the action has been taken. This actually is more the norm than the exception. It's been awhile since we've had a proper (and appropriately experienced) community manager. Amanda and sidekick Lexi were the last to promise that mods would give a reason for removing an offensive post. If a post is removed because the offending language was quoted, no reason need be given. Obviously things changed over the past three years and the 'policy of opaque' has been the rule.
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