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Venus Petrov

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Everything posted by Venus Petrov

  1. Bone Darkfire wrote: Is there a way to pull up or find profiles you have made notes on? Like I clean my list every so often and alot of times I make notes on the web page profiles of people I friended. I can't recall everyone I made notes on so I was wondering if there was a way to pull up all the profiles I ever made notes for threw a search method or something. Any help would be greatly apriciated. Thanks in advance. For some reason, I felt like closing my teeth and lips over a succulent apricot after I read this. *needs to go shopping*
  2. Security orbs have an option to give warning before automatically ejecting someone who is not supposed to have access to the land. Mine is set up so that a warning is given and several seconds pass before pushing the avatar off my land. Security orbs are kinder than ban lines which give no warning.
  3. I guess that is a 'no thank you' to the latest offer for a premium membership. Feel better now?
  4. You might wish to post this in Commerce > Wanted subforum.
  5. Good luck with the custom head and be prepared to pay through the nose if/when you find someone to make it for you. The issue with 'custom' is usually the communication between customer and maker. If the maker spends oodles of time making something according to the specs you provide (and they interpret) and, still, you aren't satisfied, they have lost time and money. My advice is to make your requirements very specific if/when you find that designer.
  6. Your avatar should have been clothed when you rezzed inworld. If you need another avatar or outfit, there are several from which to choose in your Library (scroll down in your inventory to the bottom or search 'avatar' or 'clothing'). Also, make sure you check the system requirements for the viewer. You can find that on your dashboard under help.
  7. Why don't you like your head? It is easily the most customizeable part of your avatar and makes you unique. All of the mesh heads I have seen thus far look like clones. Stepford Wives anyone?
  8. Who cares? My avie rezzed over eight years ago and, even if I could tally the 'cost' of all the hair (oh my), shoes, accessories, skins, eyes, and various and sundry items of clothing it would come to quite a pretty sum.
  9. I would guess that most souls venturing to ANSWERS (we long ago suggested they rename to Q&A) do not search first for an answer to their question. Even if they did, they might not find the answer because the questions are so poorly written to start.
  10. I'm late to this OP. Apologies. I do not come here as often as I used to because it has become a boring place. *crickets* I just want you to know that I never considered you a 'troll', rather, you provoke discussion and exchange of ideas. Sure, some get hot about a topic and confuse it with the poster and I have been guilty of that at times. I would much rather this space be one where exchanges can get heated and, well, fun! Unfortunately, the coven has put a wet blanket on everything. zzzzzzzzz
  11. Are you planning to eat your pet? Try starting a roasting fire and we will see it on the horizon and come (to dinner).
  12. Oh my. And, here I thought you meant 'take your things off you make us laugh'.
  13. Why don't you try inworld or Marketplace (MP) search? There are plenty of styles available. Not sure what you mean by 'alternative lifestyle'. Good luck and welcome to SL.
  14. Just a suggestion, next time you might craft your OP after you fix your sticky keys on your keyboard. You don't want to come across sounding juvenile.
  15. I concur with Celestiall re: use of cutesy fonts, upside down characters, etc in a display name. If it is hard to read, I won't bother. I also agree with Mari's comment re: writing something in your profile indicating you are English-speaking. Over the years, I have had several ask me if I was Russian because of my avatar's surname. I am not. However, I do know a few Russian words and, if I am DJ'ing at the time. I will rattle them off (all of them; there ain't many). |:
  16. Thanks for the illustrations on optional ways to craft the sentence. I could have just left out the 'mostly internal' qualifier because who reading it really cares if the customers are internal or not. My brain is the only one that cares. |:
  17. Sarahbuxso wrote: Has anyone else noticed AO's just suddenly stop working? Nope. A-O..AAA-O. Works just fine.
  18. Ethen Pow wrote: been playing off and on since getting on and off SL and I'd like to get more followers so I can build up my arces faster. If you have a inactive lienge please let me know... I'd like to get more under my line so I can expand further into path of royalty. Please contact me in pm. Sounds dirty |:
  19. DejaHo wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: This is why I also request feedback from their customers (mostly internal). Just exactly where should that period be placed? I say' within' the parenthesis. Correct me if I'm wrong and tell my why. I placed it outside because it is at the end of the sentence. Their customers are mostly internal to the company. If I placed the period inside the parens, I would need another outside the parens to end the sentence. Why do you suggest it be inside the parens?
  20. Bobbie Faulds wrote: Why is being a feminist a pejorative term? Do you believe that women should get equal pay for equal work? Do you believe women should be able to enter any profession they wish to? If you answered yes, you're a feminist. As one who has managed staff and negotiated salaries for them and myself, this is a very tough issue indeed. If the work output is easily quantifiable then it is simplier to argue 'equal'. If not, it is not. Since I have managed more people whose work is not easily quantifiable, then subjective measures are also important. This is why I also request feedback from their customers (mostly internal). I argue salary issues based upon the efforts of the individual, not their gender.
  21. I appreciate a gentleman. I will not get hung up on the definition of chivalrous as that belongs to another time. I will and have opened doors for men, women, children, anyone carrying packages or pushing a wheelchair. I draw no distinctions. If the response is a 'thank you', a smile, or nothing it is all the same to me. I do it because it is the 'right' thing to do. As far as 'absurdly hypersensitive feminist' goes, I react to them along much the same lines as I do the 'absurdly hypersensitive man' (and, they *do* exist). I ignore them.
  22. In addition to the other great suggestions mentioned already, I would go to several places in SL where you might take the new 'you' and see what other avies look like. You might get some ideas that had not occurred to you as a new resident. If you spot someone who has nice skin, send them an IM and ask them where they purchased it. You can do the same with clothing and just about anything else in SL. Good luck.
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