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Venus Petrov

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Everything posted by Venus Petrov

  1. The issue here is how you approached these friends initially. There is nothing wrong with wanting to RP another type of 'being' in SL. The important thing is sticking with your approach and informing those around you that you *are* in an RP role and, therefore, will not share any personal RL information. Then, they can decide how to interact with you. Granted, you may lose some potential friends but those who remain respect how you want to live your SL.
  2. I use Firestorm and the only time changes do not stick is when I forget to click 'OK' at the bottom. I do not think switching between viewers should be an issue. You could try posting your question in the Answers forum and see if someone else might know.
  3. Tsk. People have nothing better to do than to wonder why there are crosshairs on them. Probably the same people who have 'NO DRAMA!' in their profiles.
  4. Anya Ristow wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Why do you feel the need to be so hostile with people here who can do nothing but offer suggestions Not so much hostile as snarky. Sorry, that's how I deal with simplistic, redundant, unrealistic one-step thinking. I'm impatient. Dresden Ceriano wrote: It's LL with which you should be pissed, not those who are merely trying to be helpful. Anyone who thinks LL doesn't read these forums isn't thinking about their own behavior and the behavior of people they know. If LL cares at all about what they've created and what they spend all day doing, then they are reading here. Just like I am, though I'm not even active in SL. They care. They read. They obviously have a policy about not responding, but they definitely read. In an AR you can only play whack-a-mole, and it's more trouble to get an account banned than it is to create a new one. Useless. In a forum post I can describe the likely outcome of current policy and current practices for dealing with abuse. I said the mmook thing would render private messages useless, and it did. I said they'd move to IM and they did. Unlike some, I think LL cares about these things, and I don't think they are dumb. I think I tell them nothing they don't already know, but by letting them know residents are aware of the problem and the likely outcome, I hope I can spur them to action, and it'd be nice if I had help, rather than letting them know that action isn't necessary because people are happy with ARs as their only recourse. If LL isn't already working on a real solution then the've wasted a great deal of time. IM-to-email is too important to not already be working on a solution. Dresden Ceriano wrote: It's LL with which you should be pissed, not those who are merely trying to be helpful. Of course, judging by the way LL "fixed" the last issue with mmook, we may shortly find it impossible to send each other IMs at all. Wouldn't it be amusing if this mmook spam nonsense actually forces LL to review their sign-up policy and maybe make it a bit more difficult for people to create throw-away alt after throw-away alt to use for nefarious purposes? There's an example of thinking that isn't one-step :matte-motes-smile: See bolded. Dream.On.
  5. When I read the OP's name I thought his message would start out along the lines of: Dear Sir/Madam, I have inherited USD500,000 from a recently-deceased uncle. In order to claim said funds, I must put forward a deposit of USD9,000. If you would be so kind as to transfer this to me, I will share in the inheritance 50% to you! My bank details are below. Yes, I am Nigerian.
  6. I understand how nice it would be to belong to just one group that would send you notices for all major events. Unfortunately, that does not exist. Keep an eye on blog notices on your Dashboard for major, major events. Otherwise, scan the Events listings for those things that might interest you.
  7. I agree with Susanna. SL was undergoing some unplanned maintenance so you might have been experiencing these problems due to that. Try again today since the maintenance has resolved.
  8. Make sure you are in a place where scripts are enabled. Was there a notecard that came with the product? Perhaps there is someone at xcite who might help you. Try to contact the sellers if it's not a script issue.
  9. Another way to cam about without clicking on individual avatars is to open your radar and double click on a name (just work your way down the list if you feel like it). Your cam will go to the avatar and you can gaze all you like. Since you don't click on the avatar, your crosshairs won't show on them and they won't freak out (if they are so inclined). I never leave that feature on because it clutters up my screen. It's funny when someone gets bent out of shape because they see crosshairs on them. As if they are all that! Just enjoy your SL
  10. I don't mean to be Captain Obvious, but do you click 'OK' at the bottom of each tab when you are done making changes?
  11. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/My-avatar-is-all-black-when-I-log-in-Tried-Re-bake-and-Edit/qaq-p/786099
  12. Once you delete, you may wish to copy and paste those remaining into a folder and store them in a separate place on your hard drive (and offline storage for safe-keeping). Then, when you decide to update your viewer you can delete the WL settings that come in with the new viewer and C&P those you have saved into the appropriate folders.
  13. Why not also remove them from your friends list? Seems odd to have someone on your list and then block them. They can see (and comment to) your feed if they log in with an alt unknown to you.
  14. That's not been my experience. I have had only one negative experience with a seller in the nearly seven years I've been in SL. I had just this exact thing happen with some Akeyo dance loops. I contacted the seller and, rather than give me replacement loops, he sent me L$ equivalent so I could purchase whatever I wanted from his shop. Be patient and courteous and things should work out. Also, contact the seller as they specify in their profile. Some like IMs, some notecards, and some have a manager or other contact avatar. Keep a record of your contacts. Good luck!
  15. Brilliant Dres! Have a wonderful Holiday and a very, very Happy New Year!!
  16. What does 'getting attention' mean as there has been no update on the Grid Status page for this issue since 12 December? At least a message that it is still being actively addressed would go a long way to assuring residents that features we have become addicted to reliant upon are in process. A simple 'Hi all, it's been awhile since we've updated you (black coal for my stocking!) but we're closer to resolving and hope to have it all up and running again by 2 April 2014.' Something like that.
  17. Yes, all of us are forced to conform in one way or the other to the standard sizes. Unfortunate, but that is the way it is right now. The alternative, of course, is to purchase non-mesh clothing.
  18. This is why I try demos first. Not all mesh makers make asses as wide as horse trailers.
  19. Why don't you send a notecard to the creator?
  20. Your best bet is to contact whomever made the display (you can click on it and pick 'edit' and it will show the name of the creator). Be as specific as you can in describing it. Include a photo in the notecard and hope they reply.
  21. Damien Fate sells some quality stuff. He has a shop inworld and a presence on MP. You could also try Kal Rau. Again, inworld and on MP. I am not a fan of the hanging pants and you will see some of that but both shops sell nicely made mesh clothing for men. Other shops you might try are Sey and +grasp+ (both inworld and MP). As Storm says, everyone has different taste.
  22. You might be doing it bass-ackwards. Meet others while you are doing things you enjoy. Or, check out some of the groups inworld and join a few that match interests you have or wish to explore (for example, join a group interested in trains and expanding the SL rail system if you like that sort of thing). I agree with Dres. SL is not FB. I do not add others as a whim. Edit: I see from your profile that you have been a resident since 2008. You also state 'NO DRAMA' in your profile. That is like begging for it. If you spend alot of time in clubs, you should meet plenty of others who share that interest.
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