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Venus Petrov

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Everything posted by Venus Petrov

  1. DejaHo wrote: I would ! Carpe diem. Then roll up your sleeve, young man. :matte-motes-bored:
  2. ZoeTick wrote: You should start a Twitter account called Boss Linden, or Jumpy Linden, or Turniphead Linden and make pronouncements and start rumours. Most of the gullible SL users believe anything they see from someone called Linden, even if it's on a completely different platform over which LL has no control. ^^ This ^^ I call those believers 'starf***ers' and it goes like this:
  3. Actually, rain doesn't bother me. I don't stand in it long enough to get raisin fingertips.
  4. Depends. If you're talking bungee jumping I'll pass, thank you. If you're talking watching someone (experienced) draw blood from my arm, I'm game.
  5. Probably British Columbia, Canada. Vancouver or Victoria.
  6. I thought this thread was to discuss the European (Unions?) Vision. I guess there isn't one.
  7. Depends on the ends and where they were supposed to meet. P.S. I believe it. :matte-motes-bored:
  8. I would select the description that most closely matches your request and explain in the comment box (assuming there is one) exactly you need.
  9. You need to file a support ticket and revoke your cancellation. Logging into SL does not stop the process.
  10. ZoeTick wrote: But don't get political, cos Homeland Security don't like you dissing the Man. And those kind of "homies" infest Twitter. I thought it was 'dissing da Man.' 'Da' is a sign of proper obeisance.
  11. The single most expensive purchase was for a private sim back in 2007. Prices were high and the monthly tier was also choke-worthy. I kept the sim for about 18 months and sold it for about 1/3 what I paid for it. It was fun to have when I had it and no regrets.
  12. DejaHo wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: DejaHo wrote: ZoeTick wrote: My friend wants to know if you can ride a horse from Wisconsin to Wyoming, or if there are Great Lakes in the way that would require him to get a ship or plane. Disclaimer: I am inner city boy, born and raised. Can't horse swim? Yes but not in water that deep or that far across. Every oater I ever watched horse were the ride of choice when crossing the Rio Grande. As I wrote here. Tsk! (or perhaps two)
  13. DejaHo wrote: ZoeTick wrote: My friend wants to know if you can ride a horse from Wisconsin to Wyoming, or if there are Great Lakes in the way that would require him to get a ship or plane. Disclaimer: I am inner city boy, born and raised. Can't horse swim? Yes but not in water that deep or that far across. Every oater I ever watched horse were the ride of choice when crossing the Rio Grande.
  14. Skin makers make the appliers that you use with the slink feet, hands and body. If you are a skin maker, perhaps you should contact Slink directly for guidance. Edit: I see from your MP link you make clothing items. Have you checked the Slink website?
  15. What's a company name anyway? Lab. Labs. Who cares?
  16. I believe you can be permabanned for failure to use spell check.
  17. ZoeTick wrote: Simply, it appears to mean "you made my stupid friend feel bad". Would you like to offer your own definition? I think it's closer to 'you reminded me how stupid my friends are so what does that make me, huh!?'
  18. Yes, he's dead but remains a blot on Milwaukee's history. Damn him.
  19. I ate horse while visiting Spain a few years ago but they don't eat horses in Milwaukee. You might suggest to your friend they take along maps so they can plot out a route. The dinosaurs are dead.
  20. I doubt that anyone from TMP who is in a position to consider any of your suggestions will read your post. You said you received a 'curt' reply. I do not know what that means other than it is your interpretation of the reply. TMP relates specifically to TheShops mesh body. Here is a link to a blog review from January. http://meshbodyaddicts.com/mesh-body-reviews/womens-bodies/the-mesh-project-tmp/ Everyone has opinions. I suggest you might demo some of the other mesh bodies now available.
  21. There are many different types of RP groups. I suppose you could do a search for RP groups and visit several sims to decide what most appeals to you. I don't think many (if any) RP groups use skype. Good luck and welcome back to SL.
  22. ZoeTick wrote: moonlight1135 wrote: How do I make a subfolder? Assuming you are a Mistress, with a pliable obedient slave, you teach them origami. Badda boom!
  23. ZoeTick wrote: Does anybody know where I can get a stealth helicopter, so I can stalk avatars inworld without them knowing? And frighten flocks of furries with strong downdrafts by hovering above them. PS I have an Invisisuit but you can't fly in it. I thought you were already invisible. :matte-motes-bored:
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