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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. In over two years I'm sure you've learned a lot about getting around SL, maybe more than you realize. From the tone of your post I'm betting you're saying, "I really don't know that much." Compared to someone just starting out, though, you DO. New people join SL every day and need all sorts of help, and most of them come in here without having friends either. Try joining a group that helps new avatars or ask obvious newbies if they would like any help. At the least you'll be doing a good deed and maybe you'll meet some people you click with.
  2. It looks like his viewer got confused and applied the wrong textures to his face and eyes. It happens occasionally and should be fixed if he clears his cache.
  3. Bree Giffen wrote: Dillon, you are participating in the shared madness. Would you allow a person who has a lifelong belief in Santa Claus to judge you in your behavior? Would you allow this Santa Claus believer to speak with any kind of authority? How long before you eventually decide that you really need to just stop talking to this person. It's the exact same thing when a person says they believe in any other fantasy. I'm not saying we should treat them badly. I'm saying they should be politely excluded from any kind of serious conversation. So Bree, that means that Francis Pharcellus Church is talking nonsense? "DEAR EDITOR: I am 8 years old. "Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. "Papa says, 'If you see it in THE SUN it's so.' "Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus? "VIRGINIA O'HANLON. "115 WEST NINETY-FIFTH STREET." VIRGINIA, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. Yes, VIRGINIA, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no VIRGINIAS. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished. Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies! You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world. You may tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, VIRGINIA, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding. No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.
  4. When you see the "Magic Box" message you should be able to find the items you ordered in your "Objects" folder, as an orange cube with the name of the item. You will then need to drag that that item out of your inventory onto the ground in front of you (you'll need to be in an area that lets you "rezz" objects.) Right click on the item and select "Open", then when you see a list of the contents select "Copy to Inventory." After you do that you'll see a folder of the items in your inventory.
  5. My understanding is that all the versions of the viewer use the same OpenGL calls and the Window/Linux viewers have been supporting up to OpenGL 4.2 for months.
  6. Look in your "Lost and Found" folder and see if there's one object that looks like a broken orange Rubik's cube that has the name of ONE of your missing items. That would be all of your objects temporarily bundled together into one, which is what things look like when they're returned. You need to go to a sandbox or other area with plenty of space and where you have the ability to rezz things. Then rezz that bundle - it will automatically break up into the individual objects and you can take them back individually. If you don't see it, wait a day or so - sometimes the system is slow at returning things.
  7. Sigma Avro wrote: Region down, two days a week nearly! If it happens on week end , and you have some shops on it, or provide some services, your region will fast be deserted. Pay fees, be premium, there is no help on week end. If simulator is wrotten, no place that take your complains in consideration. Which serious enterprise or institution will cope with this ? Are LL planing to remove all private regions out of the game ? From the JIRA, I see that the sim you're having problems with is still on the old Pathfinding test release channel, PF RC. Since Pathfinding is now on the rest of the grid it looks like that channel isn't getting updates (the server version is 7.31 - the end of July) and may not be included in the regular restarts. Ask support to move it to one of the current channels.
  8. See if anything in this JIRA sounds familiar: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-8177
  9. What kinds of HUD's are they? I haven't seen any problems with my AO's but there's a minor glitch with some types of attachments giving out error messages on most of the grid. One HUD maker said he'd been having some sort of problems with it. That particular glitch should be fixed with the next server rollout on Tuesday.
  10. Alicia Sautereau wrote: Guys, give up... There is no point in debating anything with a relgion freak as they are always right and we are always wrong, no matter... When I look at what people are saying here, it's the athiests who are coming across as the most "fundamentalist."
  11. Right now pathfinding can only be turned off sim-wide. It can be done from any viewer by using a debug setting; the sim will need to be restarted. Pathfinding on or off doesn't seem to have much effect on performance - it's basically similar to turning scripts off but only for specific commands that very few things are currently using. All sims are currently running the server version that supports pathfinding. Is your skybox by any chance near the southwest or southeast corner of a sim with neighbors to the south? There's a known bug that causes a sim with neighbors to the southeast or southwest to be bombarded with repeated messages from those regions and it will cause bandwidth to skyrocket, which can hurt performance in other ways. The messages aren't directly connected with pathfinding and turning pathfinding off won't have any effect. There's a fix for this problem that's running on a couple of the test RC channels right now; it should be promoted to the rest of the grid on Tuesday assuming that no new problems on the RC channel turn up.
  12. Pathfinding's been on the entire grid for weeks. Anything that's going to break already has. They built in an automatic work-around for the old volume-detect hack. Prims that were set to "volume detect(true)" in existing linksets are automatically change to act as true phantom prims (which they WEREN'T before - phantom prims collide with the ground and volume detect prims don't.) For buildings this should make no difference. It DOES mess with vehicles, but changing vehicles over to mesh accounting is pretty painless because they changed the maximum prim equivalence for a vehicle to 64, meaning that the old maximum of 32 sculpys will still work as a vehicle if the parts with extreme physics costs are set to "none." The long version of the story is here: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/PATHBUG-69
  13. Riaz Loopen wrote: Hi, I am a scripter and creator of one of these avatar flight assisted games. Since the pathfinding update there has definitely been a marked issue with regard to assisted flight in sl. I have tested with various flight assists and the issue is common to all assists. The problem shows when moving diagonally along the z axis during flight. Now there is something else i have noticed which is very peculiar, if you do test this take note of the altitude readin built into any viewer. At the time during which you are caught in the "lag spike" you will notice your altitude meter reads as you being at 4096 meters when infact you may be way above or byond this height. I really hope Lindens to take note of this issue and create an official jira with intent to solve this problem at some stage. Riaz,you can and should open a JIRA on this issue yourself. Also, you mention being above 4096 meters - does this only happen above that level? There are fundamental differences between altitudes above and below 4096 meters.
  14. Hmmm... Look in "About Land" and make sure "Teleport Anywhere" is turned on. It doesn't really sound like that's the problem because when that's turned off normally teleports up high don't work for anyone BUT the owner, but it's worth a shot. Also, try setting your "home" to the skybox once you're back up there. I've noticed that your "home" setting usually overrides anything stopping you from teleporting to a certain location.
  15. 16 wrote: edit: can try the easy one first: assertion: there is no God There's no way we can have an intelligent discussion on that topic without determining what sort if God there may be or not be. The word "God" can be applied to everything from old-guy-on-a-cloud who created the Universe as a sort of craft project to something like the Hindu Brahman, which is a sort of creative force so huge and incomprehensible that according to some schools it can't even be THOUGH about by our little minds - as soon as you think you're thinking about Brahman, you're actually thinking about a sort of fake or decaffeinated shadow of Brahman because we can't handle the whole thing. It's like talking about a "door" - that sounds like an easy concept at first, but what's the nature of a door? Is the big thing on your garage a door? Very different than the one you first thought of, probably. How about a cat door? Or Ray Manzarek? Any religion can be shot down if take the teachings literally. Metaphorically? Harder to take down. And if you look at a lot of religions when you get past a literal interpretation of the words a lot of them seem to be reaching toward something that sounds pretty similar.
  16. Bandwidth on Oakley looks to be working like a typical mainland sim - very high at the south near the corners, normal at the north if your draw distance isn't high enough to hit the southern corners.
  17. LeTigre was running the bandwidth fix last week; this week it isn't because they're testing a different change and the bandwidth fix isn't part of the main code yet. Its bandwidth usage is the same as a main channel server region. The bandwidth fix is still on Magnum and BlueSteel.
  18. Ayesha Askham wrote: @Theresa erm..SVC-8202 Assuming you just noticed it after Wednesday, that shouldn't stop the promotion of one of the other channels. You're on LeTigre and it's got new changes this week unrelated to either the bandwidth or permissions issues.
  19. If your main probblem is loading textures here's something you might try: Go to your "Develop" menu (if you don't see it go into preferences and there will be an option to turn your "Advanced" and "Develop" menus on) and go to the entry that says "HTTP Textures". Change it from selected to de-selected or vice versa. Iti's a newer way of loading things that works faster and better IN THEORY but some people have problems with it.
  20. Cully Andel wrote: Do we know if anything worked yet? TThe server software is loaded in one "piece" and often has a number of changes in it each time. Some of the changes are new features, some are fixes for old bugs and some are changes needed when they discover things that griefers can use to crash or otherwise mess with regions. Those last changes are treated as secrets by the Lab but they're done fairly often. These changes are all bundled together and run on a certain number of "test" regions for a week before they're sent to the rest of the grid. (I happen to live on one of these test regions which is why I got familiar with how things work.) The fix that was put in place last week on the test regions for the bandwidth problems seems to work fine; the problem was that there was another unrelated bug that appeared from one of the other changes which would have caused a lot of problems with some objects that people already own having their "permissions" (copy/modify/transfer) being changed from how the seller wanted them to be. There isn't a safe way to pull one change out of the software without needing to run it on test regions first, so they didn't want to send the software version with the bandwidth fix to the main grid this week. It looks like the permissions bug is fixed though, so that SHOULD mean one of the software versions with the bandwidth fix can be loaded onto the rest of the grid next Tuesday.
  21. One of the factors is probably that Nazi images, etc. are illegal in Germany and SL is accessible from there.
  22. I'm not an expert, but I suspect that a chain of realistic-sized links behaving the way a real-life chain does would require more processing power than an entire region does right now; possibly several times more. Some things that are simple in the real world are very complicated to simulate with a computer program, especially things with "natural" movement.
  23. Maelstrom Janus wrote: As I said 'something' has screwed SL I was told it was down to pathfinding by the people in the firestorm group who Ive always assumed to have more technical know how than me so any 'accusations' have come via them...Even Lindens help desk accredited the problem to pathfinding so you can have a word with them about 'nasty accusations too. Ive also been in regions where pathfinding is turned off...no problem. The problem happened at the same time as the rollout of pathfinding but it isni't connected with the process of pathfinding itself. Pathfinding worked without this bug previously and it still works on the regions where this bug has been corrected. There are regions with pathfinding on and no bug; there are regions with pathfinding on that DO have the bug. If your neighbor gets a new washing machine and the delivery truck runs over your cat, you can say that the process of your neighbor getting a washing machine caused your cat to be killed. You may even have a liability argument with the washing machine suppliers, depending on where your cat was and how reckless the driver was. However, it is NOT correct to say, "My neighbor's washing machine killed my cat," and, even more important, removing the washing machine will NOT bring your cat back to life.
  24. Again, if they're shoes with prim feet, you might be able to either edit the foot shaper (the "red sneaker" wearable) or wear one from a different pair of shoes. With prim/mesh feet all the foot shaper really does is control how high a heel/shoe your avatar is expected to wear. If that doesn't work and you always wear these shoes some third-party viewers allow you to adjust the Z offset (how high above the ground your avatar is.)
  25. Looks like there have been a few discussions about in the Forums. Here's one that might give you some info... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Using-Marvelous-Designer-for-SL/td-p/491633
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