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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Scooby Mode wrote: First off, I already sent a NC about this to one of the support persons for belleza skins. Anyhow, I just literally got this skin about 2 days ago, maybe not even that long and it has already got defected and I have only ever had this happen like once. I was playing paintball earlier, put on a rabbit mesh costume and my skin kinda screwed up, like the top half which is the body and arms look noobie like, the face, neck, pelvis and down look normal, so yeah. I have already tried rebaking, I have ran a character test multiple times, even tried the SL viewer and to no avail, it's still messed up. I can switch to my older skin and it's normal and other skins, but not this new one. To be more specific with the character test, I turned into a noob, took all the clothes off, and everything else and just added the new skin but it didn't work,. I relogged and added the new skin and it worked for a second like it turned noobie, then normal then back to noobie, one time it was normal for a min or two until i added some clothes, then it messed up. So is there anything else i could try? Heck all the copies I made are corrupted as well... What viewer are you using? There are two different image-decoding protocols used in SL - the LL viewer and Firestorm use a system called KDU from a company called Kakadu which requires them to pay a license, and most others use OpenJPG which doesn't need a license but seems less reliable. I've encountered textures that appear corrupt in one viewer, including all the copies I make of it, but which display fine in other viewers, especially if they use the other image protocol..
  2. arabellajones wrote: Since the wild ride came on a crossing between two Main Channel sims, I find it a little difficult to categorize your explanation as anything other than a load of bollocks.. Sorry, I misread your initial post as "mainland." However, seeing as I've flown roughly 50-sim cross-country flights over built-up mainland this week without serious problems, I find it difficult to categorize the idea that region-crossing problems are widespread on the Main Channel as anything other than bollocks in turn.
  3. Just went testing - the problem will be on BlueSteel and LeTigre sims, which are running code that was rolled back to an older version (i.e. older than the rest of the group.) for some reason this week. I didn't see a problem on Magmum or Main Channel sims. Arabella, the five minute Mr. Toad's Wild Ride was probably because you hit one of the regions running this old code.
  4. You might be able to work something out with the Yumix sims. They're a cluster of connected sims have a lot of water and many have aviation/air combat themes. They currently have two connected regions for rent. I believe the owners are Japanese but the sims seem pretty multi-lingual. Just search for "Yumix" on the map.
  5. Nobody can take your objects in SL unless you give them specific permission to. They could sit on them in their current location but that's it. There's a chance your landlord could return your items to the "Lost and Found" of your inventory if they're outside of an area you're allowed to put things but they can't be "stolen."
  6. I live on a Magnum sim and when I logged in tonight after the roll my KittyCats breedable cat was giving a script error stating that it couldn't find the "KittyCats - Sleep" script, even though it showed up when I edited my cat. Given my cat's proclivities I suspect this script was running when the server software was rolled. She seems to be behaving normally now after I took her into my inventory and re-rezzed her.
  7. The thread posted above does sound familiar but one thing sticks out about your connection - your UPLOAD speed, which is extremely slow for a modern Internet connection. SL uses a constant two-way stream of information, unlike most web applications.
  8. Does your lot have a slope? Sometimes on a sloped lot when you try to rezz a house with a "rezz box" some of the pieces will end up higher than the rest of the building because the simulator won't let things rezz underground so items on the slope will be pushed up. If this looks like the problem, raise the rezzbox until it's high enough that everything will come out in the right relationship and then move everything down from there if necessary.
  9. Server-side baking hasn't been released yet. There were inventory issues yesterday but they should be corrected now. Compare settings between yourself and your partner and see how they differ, and if your parner has an alt they could see if that account's affected.
  10. You can't - it's strictly a third-party viewer feature and probably always will. If you want to use RLV and stick with the basic Viewer 3 look you can try Dolphin or Catznip.
  11. Open up the window where they're combined. When the local chat is displayed in the window click on the button with an arrow pointing up and to the right. That will open a separate window for the local chat that you can move to your bottom left corner. You can then move the window for the other chats to anywhere you like. The viewer will remember these locations. Personally I minimize this window and have it pop open only when I recieve IM's. You can keep the separate local chat window open. while your other window is minimized too. If you want to separate your IM's just click the up-right arrow for each one; personally, I used to have IM's in separate windows butI prefer keeping them in the same window but with a separate local chat window.
  12. You can go to "Preferences" and turn off "Download and install updates automatically" - BUT... In a few weeks/months you will absolutely need to have an updated viewer - there are changes coming that won't allow the older viewer to work properly and you'll NEED to update.. I'd advise you to keep using your current viewer but to install the beta viewer along side it and experiment with the new layout. You'll get used to it eventually.
  13. 1. - 3.) Second Life's rendering engine has been re-written many times over the years and now has several parallel versions that users can select from - use of no shaders, basic shaders, Windlight ("atmospheric shaders") and deferred rendering ("Lighting and Shadows") which realistically is a completely different engine. OpenGL is a current, maintained protocol and the SL rendering engine has been re-written to use revised OpenGL calls. Right now I'm currently getting higher framerates on higher settings than I was a few months ago with the same hardware. 4.) OpenGL is up to 4.2. La-di-da: numbers. The theoretical graphic performance of OpenGL and DirectX are about the same. 5.) Given that SL is meant to be used exclusively on video monitors, a low-dynamic range technology, please explain to me what about HDR would be less useless than teats on a boar hog for SL. 6. - 7.) http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Tools-and-Technology/Materials-Project-Viewer-Now-Available/ba-p/1962691
  14. TwoIron wrote: Once again...I REALLY REALLY hope you don't like me pointing out this simple reality, because believe me, this is not my problem, it's yours. Indeed, we all have our own problems. Some deal with bad software and some deal with having everyone who meets them come to the conclusion that their last name is probably "Massengill."
  15. There's a basic problem with the concept of lowering tier to increase the amount of land bought -- What if Linden Lab doesnt' want any more land to be out there? SL isn't suffering from a shortage of places to go. Right now there are "only" 27,000 or so regions in SL. Let's say that only 2/3 are accessible. If you visited one new region a day, every day, it would take you FIFTY YEARS to see those regions. As far as businesses go, there are many categories where there are more businesses in SL than the equivalent market in RL, and there's no real need for "local" businesses. I've visited a few regions in the past that have closed lately. One was the site for a mid-sized American university that was a dated, primitive model of the campus with a scavenger hunt for some sad freebies. Another was a breathtaking but utterly sterile set of constructions that was empty of avatars and owned by someone whose major promotional activity seemed to be complaining that LL wasn't lowering the tier on them. I can't say that I miss either of them. If regions are expensive, the owners will do things to make them interesting enough to attract visitors or make attractive products to sell to suport them. There are plenty of regions out there that make a profit for their owners at the current fee structure. If they're cheap the temptation is to let them sit out there and gather dust. As far as residential space goes, I think most people don't realize exactly how many Linden Homes regions there are - their combined area would make them the largest continent in SL and a full LH region brings more cash into LL per month than a full-priced private region does and probably requires less upkeep. So, short answer? If you can't afford the current fee structure, Linden Lab doesn't want your sim.
  16. Suspiria Finucane wrote: I recently had a friend come back to SL after years away. She dl'ed the latest viewer and when she tried to wear a lower alpha layer (for shoes), it wouldn't work. All the other alphas worked. Anyone else have this issue or any ideas on how to fix it? I haven't upgraded to the latest chui viewer yet and everything works fine for me. I've been having occasional problems with the waist-down texture on my avatar not updating properly after a clothing change - it usually gets fixed by re-logging.
  17. Madelaine McMasters wrote: ETA: It's interesting to watch the borked avatar baking process. You can see the rebaking progress through various stages of the progressive texture download. Just moments after the final, full resolution textures bake, it all starts over again. That's a hell of a lot of work being done by the entire SL system to effect what is truly (again unless I'm missing something) a simple set of pixmap operations. I hope server side baking works. I don't believe anyone at LL knows why viewer side baking does not. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SUN-57 Go to the bottom of that JIRA. Problem found, problem fixed in beta. Doesn't requre server-side baking.
  18. LifeofZenith wrote: Hi there! Just a thought from a newbie about a thing that I have been recently thinking about: Why have LL not upgraded the graphical engine to modern day standards? I might be chasing shadows here, but their rendering engine feels cumbersome and resource-squandering compared to a .. Let's say CryEngine? They are making more than enough money to fund a project to update the whole rendering engine to newer standards and then the whole game would not look like 2004'. It may sound utopians, but I think that more players would be attracted to the game if it would look and feel better. What you were proposing has actually been done, right down to CryEngine. It's called BlueMars. Check it out - you won't have to worry about crowds, that's for sure. As far as making major upgrades to the graphics engine, there are people on SL who are upset now because they can't run it on their tablets or on PowerPC Macs running OSX Tiger. That's the way things roll around here.
  19. Go to "Preferences" - "Chat" and change the notification level for "Group chat." It sounds like it's set on "Open the communications window", which would drive me up a tree in ten minutes.' I keep it on "Pop up the message", where it behaves very similarly to the old viewer.
  20. You need to update your video card drivers. Under "Help" - "About Second Life" you'll see information about your video card - probably either Nvidia or AMD/ATI (ATI is the old name, AMD is the new name.) Go to the web site of the video card maker and download the latest video drivers.
  21. TwoIron wrote: Well this is completely ridiculous...so it comes down to just bad architecture...very sad that something so fundemental to the joy factor for the sim is so badly broken. I wish developers would think about thier clients more, and a lot less about fancy implementation...totally ridiculous that we have to run around worrying about the looks of our avatar...obviously that is a fundimental thing for all of us....very very frustrating to be looking at a fuzzy avatar all the time - guess I just need to not wear a tatoo...truly pathetic... Try running the latest beta. I believe they fixed that particular problem as part of the run-up for the new avatar rendering system and the fix is in the beta.
  22. Looks like the OP's original review was removed by LL after being flagged because it's pretty obvious what it would have been for. Another reviewer posted the solution for the different-size problem. And leaving negative reviews on demos to complain about a diffferent product will just get you flagged again - I'm just sayin'.
  23. I have one that I use on the Beta grid. The camera can be set for an in-car view. It's difficult for me to judge its sim-crossing characteristics on the Beta grid with all the server projects going on but I wouldn't be able to call it a GOOD sim-crosser; it IS possible to run it in a reduced-script "economy" mode which helps. They have driveable demos of all their cars at the Haru sim to give you a better impression.
  24. Merchants can't remove negative reviews on their own. They either were able to get Linden Lab to think it was inappropriate or they re-listed the item (which is against the rules and is reportable.)
  25. Sounds like you have an Intel graphics chip. The rainbows are a known problem with Windows 8 and Intel chips - that ball's in Intel's court, where it will probably stay until weeds grow up around it. The simplest thing you can do to get rid of the rainbow effects is go to "Settings" - "Advanced" and turn off "Basic Shaders." Did you install WIndows 8 on an existing computer? If so, unless you have a compelling reason for using it you may want to go back to your old OS. Windows 8 is a semi-necessary evil on a new machine but I see no reason to use it on an older machine at this time - there are too many driver issues with older hardware. The loading problems sound like either a case of running out of memory or a connection problem. When you crash, does it do it suddenly or do you hang up until things turn black-and-white and you get a "Darn..." message? If it's the former it's a probably a lack-of-memory issue and the latter means it's a connection problem. Please edit your initial post with additional information.
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