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  1. I tried it like that for a few days, but the set up was still too different. I guess I'm just a bit picky about change.
  2. But in its current state, my public chats in the lower left, and my IMs are in the upper right. After the update, then both get mixed together and I lost track of things. Plus, my IMs aren't all in one box, its seperate.
  3. Hey, I might be posting this in the wrong area, but I need some help. My Second Life viewer keeps trying to make an update, but I don't like the changes. I like how simple this viewer is, and the other viewers are a bit more complicated to me. So I was wondering if there was a way to stop it from updating each time I try to get on. I keep hitting later and sometimes it updates anyway. Luckly I have a back up folder of this current form, but getting a bit tired of all the extra work I have to put in to enjoy how my game is now. Can someone please help me?
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