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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Sandowl Violet wrote: Wondered if anyone one else is experiencing this issue. I recently upgraded my Mac system to the Mavricks 10.9 and since then I can not hear music streams from sl inworld. Funny thing is I can hear movie sounds when I play movies inworld (can't see picture but thats a whole new issue with Adobe Flash Player). It used to just play automatically, same as clicking a web link "listen" to play a stream it would automatically play. But now I have to open the stream inworld in a web browser, left click to download stream and then play it in my itunes. I've been going through all my sound options on the system, sl and itunes and I can't seem to see anything that needs to be changed or can be changed to fix this. If anyone else has found a fix, please share =D What viewer are you using? Viewers use a system called FMOD to play sounds. Recently FMOD was re-issued as "FMOD Ex", an upgraded version of the old program. I believe Mavericks needs FMOD Ex. Currently the LL viewer and Singularity have upgraded to FMOD Ex; Firestorm has that upgrade in the beta release but not in the standard release yet.
  2. Monti Messmer wrote: They sure would announce something on the blog IF. LL never "used" residents for beta testing (i mean REAL beta testing not working with buggy viewers sending useless bug-reports) A mobile client, besides what we have from 3rd party, would be awesome but will only be available from 3rd party programmers not LL. They even ditched the interesting SL in a Browser project - oh there they had residents for beta-testing :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: Monti Actually Rodvik Humble mentioned in an interview that the Lab IS developing a mobile client and if you go to the lindenlab.com web site they have an area where you can sign up for beta products using a system similar to what this E-mail describes. In this case it would be safer just to go direct to ther web site and sign up manually than following E-mail links though.
  3. Most avatar makers are primarily in the skin business. Skin makers design their shapes for the most flattering closeup head shots. They may very well look terrible from a more natural distance and angle. They're also selling the skin so they often make the eyes disproportionately small so they don't draw as much attention - we're naturally drawn to eyes when looking at another "human." All (standard non-mesh) shapes are made using the same sliders that are available when you create a new shape. If you pay for a shape you're paying for the skill of the person manipulating those sliders but nothing else.
  4. Cosmic Rust wrote: Thanks Theresa that solved it. Have I lost anything by unticking that? You might find things going slightly slower than the maximum frame rate because what "object-object occlusion" does is keep the viewer from trying to draw things that are hidden behind another object, but I don't think you'll notice much of a problem if your system is happy with a 512 meter draw distance, etc. I've had it turned off for weeks and haven't seen much of a problem.
  5. Cosmic Rust wrote: I'm using the latest SL viewer. Latest NVIDIA driver. When the draw distance is set to 512 and you fly high everything in the distance tarts to flicker. I've uninstalled and cleared cache as per the KB. Tried 2 different NVIDIA drivers and 2 different viewer versions. If i untick basic shaders everything looks awful but the flickering stops. I only get the flickering at long distance away. Using NVIDIA GTX 670. Tried NVIDIA GTX 660 and same problem. Anyoen have any ideas? Is the flickering big squares on the ground, especially regions with water? If so, try going to your "Develop" menu and turning off "Object - Object Occlusion."
  6. There's a table the viewer reads to see the capabilities of video cards and the Nvidia 7 series cards were released after the table was last updated in the main viewer. I believe this release candate has the updated table so the viewer should recognize your card properly: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Release/ Just click on the "Windows" link at the top of the page to download the installer.
  7. Do you wear the HUD for a Toddleeoo mesh avatar or anything similar, especially a HUD that can change textures of something you're wearing? They've been known to cause problems like this - I think the textures automatically load into your video memory and they take up space that would be normally used for the textures from your surroundings.
  8. Sassy Romano wrote: For me personally, it's a big negative hit. Whereas in the old days, I could change a clothing layer and pretty much immediately i'd start to see a change, now I can wait up to a minute before seeing any change at all and this is exacerbated by there being no change in the UI at all other than an apparent change in inventory. If you want to see outfit changes instantly go into "Edit Appearance." It used to be that when you changed your outfit without going through "Edit Appearance" it would apply the local bake to your avatar temporarliy and then load the bake from the servers but with there's no longer typically a local bake. When you're in editing mode it DOES create a local bake for just such previewing purposes though.
  9. If you're running Firestorm try re-creating your "Bridge." It's an option under "Avatar Health."
  10. KoutaFox wrote: I am new, of course, and have had many issues thus far. Such as, appearance changing of skin pigment, hair color, hair style...really anything to do with skin, hair and face. The load time of any movement and graphics are beyond 20th century dial up speeds and most of the time my avatar just keeps moving on its own, until finally almost a minute later the screen will flash back to where you originally released the arrow key(s). Also I have walked and flown around for over an hour and found no more than 10 people total, none of which "talk" and only a couple that "chat". Has Second Life all but ended? Does anyone actually play this anymore? Windows 7 64 bit Pro ATI Radeon HD 6450 DDR3 8gig RAM DDR3 Appearance: Sounds like you're trying to use the editing sliders for skins and hair. Those are basically never used anymore - that's a throwback to the early oughts. Almost everyone now wears one of the thousands of user-made skins and hairstyles that don't use those sliders anymore. Even the default avatars don't use them anymore. Those sliders are the equvalent of the dimple under the grill of a 1960's Triumph TR-4 that was meant for sliding in a hand crank for starting the engine - it was there but it wasn't exactly used every day ever. Load times: It sounds like your internet connection is giving you spectacular packet loss. Every single thing in SL has to be streamed to your viewer - anything wireless is asking for trouble. People: The LIttle Prince assumed the Earth was altogether dry and altogether pointed and completely devoid of men because he landed in the desert. He and you were both wrong. At any given time there are 30,000 to 60,000 avatars logged into Second Life but the chance of finding them by walking is about as good as the chance of finding a big group of people on Earth by walking for an hour from any given point in central Nebraska. Decide what you're interested in and look for groups and locations related to them, and look at the "World Map" and find clusters of green dots.
  11. I'm guessing the sold alt was used to do something spectacularly bad or illegal. Just transferring an account wouldn't raise any sort of flag; in fact, I don't see how anyone at Linden Lab would even realize it happened. The problem is what was done WITH that alt, which is your friend's account and always will be whether or not it was "sold." Repeated calling and opening tickets will just make it less likely that she will ever be reinstated because she would be seen as an annoyance.
  12. Eagle Himmel wrote: Sorry Boots I can't offer help. Firestorm works great for me, except I need the SL viewer for developing and teaching. As of this morning, here is my latest attempt to get the sl viewer to run. 1. search and destroy every file on the computer that is associated with second life, even the dl I did yesterday. I cleaned out every folder in applications, downloads and Library I could find. Even if it had "SL" on it, I trashed it. 2. Restart 3. Download viewer from web site 4. Drag sl icon to the applications folder. 5. When I go to the applications folder, I do not get the sl icon of the little green hand. Instead I get a stack of papers and a circle with a slash through it. I have seen this icon before, but usually I can still open the program. In this case, I'm not sure what meaning it has. 6 Open SL viewer (by clicking on the little circle with a slash on it) Still get the "Trying to restore windows" message. I can't click either option (I get 2 don't restore and restore) Then it crashes. No matter what I do, this isn't working. I may just attempt to find an older version of the sl viewer somewhere. I think this version was not made for mac. Recently LL had to update their viewer because it was crashing on AMD/ATI video cards that used the latest drivers. It may well be that because of this update the viewer will no longer work on very old ATI cards like yours.
  13. Realistically, any on-line auction for something desirable will be won in the last minute if not the last ten seconds. It works the same way on Ebay. If you really want the land determine the maximum amount you're willing to pay and then sit and watch the listing just before the bidding closes, waiting to bid until the last possible moment you have time to place your bid AND CONFIRM IT. If you don't do it this way someone else will.
  14. If you purchase a sim from Linden Lab you'll still have to pay tier, just directly to them. If you're still interested you can click on the "Buy Land" link on the SL web site or look in the forums to buy a sim from a private party.
  15. Sehoy wrote: I just got an iPad mini. Why won't SL load? You need to run a viewer program to use Second Life, it's not a browser application. iPads don't use a supported operating system and are not nearly powerful enough to run the Second Life viewers.
  16. Contact Amaretto (or whoever makes your horses) and see if they can replace your horses - most breedables can be re-created by contacting their creators because their statistics and health are handled on separate servers outside of Second Life.
  17. Cully Andel wrote: I've looked on the forum / blog and can't find this. Can someone please explain in non techie language exactly how server side baking works? I know the theory behind it but what/ where is the server? Actually I've been thinking about putting together a post to answer questions for a while - here goes: 1) BAKING - WHY IT'S NECESSARY: An avatar wearing "system" clothes is always rendered with exactly three texture files - one for the head, one for the upper body and one for the lower body. This means that if your avatar is wearing a shirt that covers part of the skin and reveals others, there needs to be an upper body texture that shows part of your skin and part of your shirt texture files combined together. This combining is what "baking" is. 2) HOW IT USED TO BE DONE: When you put on or took off a piece of clothing your viewer would take all the texture files and combine them, after downloading any files it didn't have already loaded. It would then produce the new "baked together" textures and upload them to the servers so other people could see you properly. The viewer then downloaded these textures from these textures and applied them to your avatar so you'd see what other people saw. This explains the "sharp/blurry/sharp" sequence you saw when changing clothes - the initial sharp version was the local version of the baked files that only you could see and the blur was the process of getting the files from the server after they had been sent. Texture files are surprisingly large and many home internet connections have slow and unreliable uploading capabilities because uploading isn't important for most home web surfing so the need to upload the files could cause problems. 3) HOW IT'S DONE NOW: When you change clothing you send a short text-like file to the servers telling what you want to wear. Then the "baking" servers (which are new servers whose only purpose is to do this) fetch the various textures, create the combined files and send them to everyone at the same time. Textures only take one trip through the system instead of up to three. 4) POSSIBLE PROBLEMS: The new, separate servers send the information to your viewer in parallel to the information from the old servers that have data on the layout of the land and the locations of objects. SL already opened a lot of connections at the same time and some home modems/routers don't handle these multiple connectons well. If it takes a long time for avatars to rezz now it doesn't mean the texturing itself is slower, just that you're having problems getting the information. 5) WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT THIS KIND OF PROBLEM: You can reduce the number of OTHER connections SL is opening. Turning HTTP textures off will close some of the other parallel connections and going into the debug settings and changing "MeshMaxConcurrentRequests" to 8 will also help if you go to areas with a lot of mesh objects/mesh wearing people. 6) WHY DOESN'T SL JUST REDUCE THE NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS THEMSELVES?: There is currently an ongoing project to do just that - the necessary server changes are already in place and the viewer changes necessary should be out for testing in a few weeks.
  18. Lydia Craig wrote: If you are indeed monitoring this thread, please do not be fooled by the apparent lack of response, for things have gotten no better since the last restart and, in fact, have gotten worse, so rather than reflect player satisfaction in this lack of response take it instead as a total lack of trust in either LLs interest in making things more stable or ability to do so if they want. Right now rather than rush ahead with more changes LL needs badly to step back look at the current problems and fix them, and then and only then decide if the course of change they want to follow is possible or even needed. Lydia, here's a thought - maybe you're allergic to your friends Alexi and/or Lea, who hang out at the same places, belong to the same groups, who talk about exactly the same problems on the forums in exactly the same ways, and who are frequently logged in at the same time you are.
  19. The problem isn't with your worn "alpha layer", the problem is with the texturing of the jacket. The maker used a texture that has built-in transparency data even though it looks like there was no need for it. When two meshes with transparency data are in front of each other like that you'll see that effect. The hair needs the transparency data to make parts look "wispy." but the jacket really doesn't and the problem you're seeing will happen with that jacket and basically any mesh hairstyle. Let the maker of the jacket know about the problem.
  20. The problem isn't with your worn "alpha layer", the problem is with the texturing of the jacket. The maker used a texture that has built-in transparency data even though it looks like there was no need for it. When two meshes with transparency data are in front of each other like that you'll see that effect. The hair needs the transparency data to make parts look "wispy." but the jacket really doesn't and the problem you're seeing will happen with that jacket and basically any mesh hairstyle. Let the maker of the jacket know about the problem.
  21. 495060 wrote: I just want to understand how its possible. I saw this ad/product on the mp https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/A-Full-SIM-for-only-L1499-per-week-Total-Privacy/4539319and I just want those that know to explain to me how its possible to get/have a sim for this price. What really is going on? Short answer: it's impossible. Long answer: Looks like that seller has stacked up huge dome-shaped skyboxes one above another like bunk beds. The skybox/domes have a walking area as big as a full sim, but the renter only has access to a fraction of the possible prims.
  22. I prefer AO's with the animations at priority 3 - that's all I need for everyday use and most special holding animations, etc. are higher priority so they'll work as designed without my having to turn my AO off.
  23. MadCountErhard wrote: Hi, I'm looking for something pretty specific, but here goes: I want to create a male avatar, 55-65 years of age, the suave, sophisticated, distinguished man-of-the-world type (bit of a bounder!). All I seem able to find are wrinkly old men with saggy bellies. Does anyone know of a seller of avatars close to my specifications? I can modify a little, but don't want to undertake full builds. Ruby Skins specializes in realistic older and non-typical avatars.
  24. Mary Voorhees wrote: I can't enable the menu nor even look at it since the game crashes before I can do anything, it crashes immediattely after I logged in. I think the problem is a conflict between the new materials code and AMD's OpenGL drivers later than 13.4. Until this is worked out you should try a non-materials viewer. If you prefer the Linden Lab look the closest third-party viewer that doesn't have the materials code is probably Catznip.
  25. Ravyn Rozensztok wrote: *Sigh* I figured it was something like that. So even a camofluaged Halloween display is not allowed in Linden Homes. I'm actually paying to use SL and I can't do anything interesting beyond decorating the inside of a little house. It was the most fun I've had playing Second Life in ages. I've tried to build stuff in sandboxes but just ended up getting screwed-with by homophobic griefers which made me give-up and leave SL completely for months at a time. You COULD just buy land and do what you want instead of keeping the Linden house, you know.
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