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Kei Niosaki

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  1. Opensim has it even worse then SL. Many People that can get the viewer working in SL have it crashing like crazy in Opensim, This new viewer is just all around terrible.
  2. I am Running a pc with a RTX2070 super. This latest viewer is crap to me, My Gpu temps are hitting 80c after 5 min being on as were on the old one i was at around 60c an staying at that. Im noticing lag i have never experience in all my 17 years on SL. Thing is many of us old timers on here dont log on hang out for a hour or 2 an leave, Sl is our life, we are on here 8 hours + a day with family an friends an running Sl with these new settings that long everyday will kill our systems faster then we can afford a new one. I read somewhere that one of the reason is because creators cant make shiny new objects because to many people turn off settings like ALM.. well hello!! if that many people are turning it off doesnt that tell you something about your average user base ?? One of my friends that might be forced out of Sl when this viewer is forced said it seems like LL is doing this to get rid of the free users. Those that dont pay for premium or own land.. after thinking about that dont sound so crazy after all. Also i have noticed the handful people that post on these forums have high end PC wich is why they think people like me are crazy,, go look at the FS Jira an FS group all day you see 100s of people complaining.
  3. Yeah but wont break it in a way that makes all kids look bad, If i go to Adult sims it reflects badly on the whole child community and i dont want that. My skin issue as said many times is next to impossible for anyone to ever see but myself so it effects no one but me.
  4. just because a sim is rated adult doesnt mean adult activities are taking place. many friends simply just rent a plot of land for a home on a sim rated adult, Why adult well that plot of land was a good price at the time. So Please stop fishing for reason to make child avies on adult land look bad
  5. Yes i know that an i sadly i cant visit those friends home anymore unless i log on my adult avi.
  6. As a child avi i would rarely ever go to Adult regions anyway unless its a home of a friend or i know its a place safe from adult activity so that rule really has no effect on me anyways. To me it was always common sense to stay out of random adult regions as a child avi.
  7. Yes i do know but Im basically just saying there is no way for anyone to know if my skin has something baked onto it or not anyways if im alphaed out down there or wearing Bom underwear therefore i dont care about the new rules since i am alwasy covered anyways.
  8. Kids that run around naked give us a bad name, I dont do that i have enough sense to be covered at all times. If refusing to change myself after im finally happy with avi ruins Sl for you then oh well.
  9. Yeah maybe, but that is if someone finds a way to get past the alpha or underwear BOM to get a pic to file a report, can be years before that happens
  10. I honestly dont care. Like i said before nothing anyone can see no matter how hard they cam me or how much they derender off me so good luck to pervs caming me down there as there will nothing to report.
  11. I think to many overreacting to this whole modesty thing. Make it so your Bits cant been seen even if your mesh is derendered an nothing for anyone to report. No updating needed no special skins needed, just be well covered. Im personally not changing my child skins or avi over this since no matter how hard one cams me they wont see anything to send a report to LL over.
  12. The saddest part about all this is i can just picture 1000s of people going pedo caming between the legs of kid avis to see if they have on a modesty layer to see if they can report them.
  13. If nothing is there an if your mesh clothes are derendered an still nothing is down there then nothing to report you for as there is is no proof if your skin or body has a modestly layer an if anyone does have proof to report it they are using using Illegal tools to see that. I use a child avi and i refuse to update my skin over something this ridiculous ,, ill continue to just use Bom underwear an alphas like i always do as my modestly layer.
  14. my problem is more then a hud its every object on my land that makes sound thats not supposed to make unless being used is making noise constantly. Dont know why the problem says resloved when its not.
  15. Status says fixed, my home sim restarted but the problems with sounds still continues , this problem has not been fixed
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