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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Splatulated wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Splatulated wrote: idk what im looking for in scripts i just want to sail a large ship with multiple decks in open waters Assuming you really mean sail using the SL wind, then go buy a ship that is scripted to sail already and not a static one. There are scripts available but they require a lot of configuration and you have to know what you are doing to do that, which you don't. but only sailable boat with an interior deck is a warspite and its really really cramped on the hieght of cieling I'm currently standing on the lower deck of the ship I assume you think is too cramped. It has much more ceiling space than an actual real-world ship of that age would have. So, you have two options: 1) Use the beautifully crafted free ship you already have which apparently does everthing you want except for meeting your unrealistic expectations about interior space. OR: 2) Learn to script - however, that will also entail your learning how to obtain information in such a way that won't result in everyone you meet wanting to crush you like bug. I'm sure you could use that particular skill in real life too, eventually.
  2. Splatulated wrote: JJ Hoobinoo wrote: Try the awesome looking free ones a http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blake%20Diego/33/174/21 or on MP at https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/118061Free so must be worth theL's. but the free ones looks extremely cramped and i dont even know wtf is going on with this one https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/The-Blake-PearlHP50-R50v31/4252488 no windows and a mast that isnt even possible infront of the rammer ? That's a spritsail on a yard attached to the bowsprit. What you call the "rammer" is actually the forepeak; it would be useless for ramming because it's above the waterline. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spritsail_%28square-rigged%29 Oh, and actual pirates would roast you and feed you to their dogs.
  3. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: festo wrote: I ve problems with the driver for AMD Radeon HD 5xxxx though I upgraded to the last version of it (14.4). It often ceases to work causing the SL crash. This happens with Firestorm and Singularity. Less oftenly with Phoenix. Can u help me? Thanks. You're still able to log in with a Phoenix viewer? How? As to your question.. A little more info is needed. Go into the help tab>about (viewer) and copy paste that info here. It will show your PC info, like gpu, processor, ram, memory stuff like that. it gives us a better chance to help you. Aside from that you could ask in the Firestorm help group inworld. You should still be able to log in with Phoenix if you're okay with a Second Life as interpreted by Salvador Dali during his gray period.
  4. Orca Flotta wrote: CashNoise777 wrote: Hey everyone, so I'm still fairly new, 10 days. < snip > my shop and club. Okay, hold your horses. Not saying you're an alt but a 10 days old account who just became homeless and struggles in RL but has the financial means to start his own shop and club sounds a bit suspicious. No other problems right now than playing a silly online game? Cool. Being homeless must be a breeze for you, with internet connection and lotsa spare time to waste onlne. What are you trying to tell us here? You can start a shop for free on the Marketplace. You can start a club for free if you make a friend who has land. Doesn't mean that they'll be a success, mind you, but a 10-day-old avatar wouldn't realize that. Computer? Already had one from the sound of it - laptop, probably. Internet connection? Free Wi-Fi in every Starbucks, McDonalds, airports, etc. etc. Time? If you don't have a steady job, you've got plenty of it.
  5. Freedom901 wrote: hi all i have problem wirth firestorm veiwer crashing all the time (this also happens on sigularity viewer too) when i log in everythings fine but after awhile especially if i'm in a club i get message come up saying "textures discarded due to insuffiecent memory" ive been through all the setttings on fierstorm help webpage about this but its still happening and evevrytime i ask in world on the firestorm support gropup no one answers or theres no one about to ask or they just telling me to go through the settings on the website which ive done lol anyone got any idea why this happening as its driving me crazy and on the verge off just giving up i tried the LL viewer but its so basic to the other ones really not keen on it thanks Freedom Go to "Help - About Firestorm" and cut-and-paste that info into this thread. Basically, you're running out of system (not video) memory. If you have a 32-bit operating system it will happen much quicker. (We'll know all this if you cut and paste that info.) If you go to the "Develop" menu and under "Show Info..." you select "Memory", that will display the amount of memory the viewer's using at any given time. You'll pretty quickly learn the number it will hit just before a crash. One of the biggest causes of burning through memory in a crowded place is using the camera controls separately from your avatar - try to avoid that.
  6. Siemp Bender wrote: I will not put in all brands in SL, but till now I see this problem allot by very GOOD creators, they made really good clothes, but do not take care of their scripts! Realistically, the mesh clothing you're wearing itself places more of a load on the simulator (because it has to be sent to every avatar that arrives in that region) than the miniscule script in a piece of clothing that uses a color-change HUD does.
  7. marycanse wrote: The program SecondLife does not work on the notebook? It entirely depends on the notebook. SL will run on most notebooks but not necessarily well; the compromises made to have a portable computer are the exact opposite ones that you need to run a 3D graphical application. It won't run on a "Chromebook" at all, though, because Chromebooks don't have a supported operating system. If you're having problems on a specific machine edit your post to tell us what kind of computer you have and what you're seeing when you try to run a viewer.
  8. EmilyKathrineDubois wrote: Well, I want to make known now I can't reach LindenLab to verify what just happend. I was working InWorld, and in my Gallery on Amsterdam Sim2. It is Located right next to the Sandbox, sometimes known to be a pit for griefers. I was unaware of anything out of the ordinary at that very moment. Fixed an advertisement picture, and created a Prim to make it a focus point in the Gallery. When I did so, I was moving my cam about the area, to get things in place. Suddenly out of nowhere, I was drawn to the Sandbox, and turned into a Spider. I did not notice this, at first. All I saw were smiley-faces, and I knew kinda that things were bad. But in a joking manner of course. Then........ I viewed the rest of my firestorm viewer, and notices that 310 Lindens were gone.... disapped into nowhere. No notification, no purchase, no withdrawl nothing.... gone Sooo... I will contact LindenLab later today! Just wanted to see if anyone else might have some alike problems. When you say L$310 were gone, do you mean your balance went from, say, L$1800 to L$1490, or do you mean it went from L$330 to L$20? If it was the latter, it doesn't mean you actually lost Lindens - your viewer just lost track of your actual holdings and is displaying a place-holder figure (depending on the viewer, it would be either L$20 or L$-1.) Your actual Linden balance is the one you see when you log into your Dashboard; the viewer one may be inaccurate. Your Dashboard should also have all transfers from your account recorded.
  9. Sorina Garrigus wrote: the word "gamble" context can very from state to state and country to country. But the problem is they need to define it for the purposes of their own policy. Additionally the policies are all deteached and separate so they need to be clear in each r set the definitions in each one. As for Backgammon the point of that article was that it was brought into question if it was a game of skill or chance. Additionally LL does not write laws but their own policies. They need to be consistantly clear through out because I highly doubt most of SL residents are lawyers or in a position to have to look at such laws. A lot of these people will declare any game you pay and win as gambling. LL needs to be clear for the sake of their customers, not just their customer's attorneys Their "policy" is that you aren't allowed to do anything that would be considered illegal under gambling laws, and that's why they're asking for a lawyer's opinion in the first place.
  10. Sorina Garrigus wrote: If they take the we don't allow apples on the grid and by apples they mean oranges point of view, which they didn't with the term gambling, they would look like bafoons. You don't write contracts in code and riddles for crying out loud. When they used the word gambling on the operators page (which is the only place I could find the word) they referenced the old wagering policy which does not have the word gamble let alone define it In the new skill game policy they do define terms there but Gambling is not defined. What they did say when you take all the policies in context together is you can't have or wager/gamble on games of chance on the grid, but we do allow wagering/gambling on games of skill, but gambling/wagering is strictly prohibited, but we allow gambling/wagering on skill games now if you apply with legal opinions. Again why argue against clarity and common sense? They define "gambling" by referring to other laws - apparently the legal sense of the word "gambling" is crunchy enough that they want to avoid anything that is called "gambling" in a law. I quote: “Skill Games” are not intended to include and shall not include “gambling” as defined by applicable United States and international law. By the way, the article you quoted extensively referred to "gambling" laws and the point was the skill element of backgammon meant it didn't fall under those laws.
  11. Venetia Cazalet wrote: Hi, hope someone can help with my issue. My friend has a Damani Media Viewer (youtube player etc) it is not the Pro version. It is deeded to the land group the club is on and at the time of the problem my friend was the previous owner. We have had the viewer for a couple of years in different locations. It is transfer so pass it between us as needed. We currently have the viewer at a club in the sky on our sim. We have been using it for several weeks and it has been working with no problems for adding youtube url's via chat, reading notecards of a list of youtube url's and playing them and scrolling textures that are in edit/contents. Yesterday we started having a problem that every time anyone arrived at the club via tp or our hostess offered a dance to someone using her hud the media player would stop and restart the video again. This has never happened before, so this morning I had a look at it to see if I could find out what was wrong. I 'took' the viewer and rezzed it again to give me permission to access the settings. As it was rezzing I got a script error with the notecard reader... a stack heap collision or something like that. When it had rezzed I deeded it and had a look at edit/contents. It is full of a huge number of notecards belonging to my friend that were not there before. It was him using the media viewer yesterday (adding youtube url's) and somehow his notecards from his inventory have got into the viewer. I looked at the properties of a few of the notecards (many would not allow me to) and they were all showing as received (not created, some were years old) yesterday 19 July. I have been unable to locate the read notecard script but I think the script error is because there are just too many notecards. I can only think that the 2 problems (tp/dance hud making the screen reset and this notecard issue) are connected. He did also have a few problems with getting the media viewer to play url's but I think that was mainly due to him not knowing how to use it properly. I could see there was some 'clicking anything in sight' being done! I think it is scary that an object can 'lift' things from someones inventory and add them to its own contents. If anyone can help with this or has any comments I would be grateful. I am worried in case we have some sort of problem with sim that has caused it to happen as we have a lot of tenants living on the sim and I don't want them to encounter problems. None of the tenants are in the land group. Many thanks Venetia Cazalet There are times when the inventory panel can have its highlight jump from where you placed it to a different level - one cause seems to be recieving a notification when you've got something highlighted. This is also the cause of people discovering they're wearing their entire inventory or other huge amount of objects. It sounds like when your friend was trying to drag in a notecard with URL's the highlight jumped up to his notecard directory and he didn't notice it, so the entire notecard directory (or other higher-level folder) got copied over by mistake.
  12. Sorina Garrigus wrote: I haven't interpreted anything broadly. I actually believe a few games pushed way too far past the line which for all we know is why there are problems now. The way games were handled in the past it ended up pushing out games that are more clearly skill based actually. If LL stuck to their original policies the skill game industry in SL would look very different today. People put out games that LL allowed and tested where the line was because it wasn't their original wager TOS. Not sure why you think I am worried persay. The policies and such need to be written much clearer to clean up this mess and confusion. I can guess what they meant to say but people can't afford to guess. As written it can be interpeted as a video arcade style game where you simply pay to play is not allowed even if it is just for high score and for no prize of any kind. On the Stock market it is within the scope as far as how LL in these recent posts does not understand the term "gamble". The old wager TOS was more clear even though it was not really enforced by LL. Heck based on how they handled games in the past it was all pure guess work. Okay, let's see how the clause can be interpreted this way. The clause, as follows: “Skill Game” or “Skill Gaming” shall mean a game, implemented through an Inworld object: 1) whose outcome is determined by skill and is not contingent, in whole or in material part, upon chance; 2) requires or permits the payment of Linden Dollars to play; 3) provides a payout in Linden Dollars; and 4) is legally authorized by applicable United States and international law. Games in which Second Life residents do not pay to play are not within the scope of this Skill Gaming Policy. “Skill Games” are not intended to include and shall not include “gambling” as defined by applicable United States and international law.Most people are using the words "a" and "and" to draw the conclusion that this is referring to a single thing that has four characteristics. However, you're maintaining that the use of semicolons means that they can be considered independent clauses and that a "skill game" is something with any of these characteristics, despite the writer not using either "are/and" or "is/or" in place of the red words, which would be the logical choice if that was the meaning intended. However, to test your argument, I'm operating on the assumption that they're independent clauses. This means that: 1) “Skill Game” or “Skill Gaming” shall mean a game, implemented through an Inworld object, whose outcome is determined by skill and is not contingent, in whole or in material part, upon chance. Okay, this makes sense. But it also means: 2) “Skill Game” or “Skill Gaming” shall mean a game, implemented through an Inworld object, that requires or permits the payment of Linden Dollars to play. Why? What does paying money have to do with any definition of skill besides the knowledge of what pocket your wallet is in? 3) “Skill Game” or “Skill Gaming” shall mean a game, implemented through an Inworld object that provides a payout in Linden Dollars. Again, why is this skill? And finally -- 4) “Skill Game” or “Skill Gaming” shall mean a game, implemented through an Inworld object, that is legally authorized by applicable United States and international law. The way laws usually work is anything that isn't specifically listed as being illegal is considered legal. Therefore, you will have the statement mean that all games that aren't specifically illegal - i.e. tic-tac-toe - must be on skill gaming regions, along with illegal games that meet the criteria of 1, 2 or 3 - they'd have to refer to illegal games because if they didn't they'd already be included in clause 4. If there are two ways to read a clause, one of which makes sense and one of which doesn't, the law will accept the meaning that makes sense. If your canine pet bites someone and you claim that laws about dogs don't apply in this case because a dog is a part of a mechanical clutch assembly? Say goodbye to Fido.
  13. Sorina Garrigus wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Sorina Garrigus wrote: I haven't interpreted anything broadly. I actually believe a few games pushed way too far past the line which for all we know is why there are problems now. The way games were handled in the past it ended up pushing out games that are more clearly skill based actually. If LL stuck to their original policies the skill game industry in SL would look very different today. People put out games that LL allowed and tested where the line was because it wasn't their original wager TOS. You're right... they didn't and now they're cracking down. Sorina Garrigus wrote: Not sure why you think I am worried persay. The policies and such need to be written much clearer to clean up this mess and confusion. I can guess what they meant to say but people can't afford to guess. As written it can be interpeted as a video arcade style game where you simply pay to play is not allowed even if it is just for high score and for no prize of any kind. On multiple occasions (during this thread), you've misinterpreted the policy. The policy is completely clear, as where your interpretation is not... I'm not the only one who has pointed this out to you. You've even gone so far as to call into question the existence of a semi-colon in LL's policy as being the decisive factor of how it should be interpreted. As such, how can anyone, besides completely ignorant morons take you at your word for what they've actually said. I don't blame you one bit for being so disgruntled and/or so cynical, but you can do that and stick to the facts as well. You don't need to make crap up in order to sell it. ...Dres If by cracking down if you mean they are cleaning up the mess they were signficantly responsible for and profited off of your right. But it is pretty clear someone cracked down on Linden Labs. I didn't misnterpreted anything. It was written by people that don't even know what the word gamble means. Additionally I never said that a semi colon is a decisive factor of how to interpet the policy. Either you are EXTREMELY confused or just trolling for fun. I said the exact opposite about semicolons how they are not words and they are not making things clear. The policy is NOT clear. It was written by someone that should not be doing writing such things. 62 pages of questions and comments clearly demonstrate that If you have to make BS and crap your not helping anything. I am done talking to you. Clearly you have alterior motives other than the facts, policies or reality. So good luck with the trolling just to get your naked picture in the forums The quote "Gambling is strictly prohibited in Second Life" was from a blog post that wasn't intended as a legal document so they used language that was based on the common, not legal, definition of gambling. As you can see here, the common definition of gambling refers to games of chance, which are still prohibited and have been since the initial change of policy. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/gambling
  14. Thomas Galbreus wrote: Look at this in section 6.1 of the TOS: You agree that you will not: ... (vi) Post, display or transmit any Content or conduct or host any activity that is sexually explicit Is this new? Or was this ignored for eleven years? Anyway, if this is taken seriously, the entire continent Zindra will have to close down, right? Or is there something I don't get, perhaps because English is not my native language? The TOS has language for all Linden Lab properties, and then there are separate clauses that are specific to each application. You've quoted the clause for all properties. In the specific clause for Second Life they reference Second Life maturity ratings that do allow sexual conduct, but only in specific areas of Second Life. In the law, specific language supercedes general language. This whole debate took place over a year ago.
  15. Lavinia Godenot wrote: Hi! I heard that Linden Lab's recently sent out an emal related to the future of SL that sounded very different from what I've read on the blogs. Anyone have a copy you can post here or send me in a NC? Thank you so much! Lavinia Godenot Why don't you ask whoever told you about it for a copy, or to tell you what their source was if they don't have a copy?
  16. Gavin Hird wrote: Innula Zenovka wrote: Gavin Hird wrote: Presumably, if the operation/game is good to go according to US legislation (and LL TOS), if you have beef with your local authorities or not is not really their business because there is nothing they can do about it. You only inciminate yourself in your country. I was thinking more of possible problems with PayPal it might cause LL if they're facilitating my unlawfully running a game from the UK, but since I'm not immediately planning to operate any games (though I may make some) I'm not going to worry about it. I don't see how Paypal (or any payment processor) could practically monitor that. If order a drug or something that is legal in the US from a US retailer's internet store and pay with Paypal, I am the one who get busted and fined if the goods is stopped in customs. It does not have any consequence for the retailer or Paypal. The retailer would get their payment from Paypal as for any other transaction. You're prohibited from using Paypal for anything that can be construed as gambling, including games of skill, unless the provider has been vetted by Paypal already. https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/acceptableuse-full
  17. Jonn Luik wrote: Avination and inworldz are looking better every day!! Inworldz doesn't allow "skill games" to pay out in exchangeable currency at all - only in-world items. http://inworldz.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=18912
  18. Vulpinus wrote: Wierd one... I use Firestorms client-side AO, loaded with my favourites. My running animation is run_rookie from the Akeyo NanoAO Rookie HUD. It's always done the job for me despite having more expensive ones. Yesterday I noticed that I had no running animation; my avatar just slid forward in a static pose when I ran. The pose appears to be whatever standing animation was active. I've checked that the run_rookie file is still where it should be, and tried to play the animation directly. Nothing happens when I play it; no animation whatsoever. All other animation files work normally. Obviously I have made sure that I'm not wearing any other animations; I've gone down to completely naked. Next I found another copy of that animation file in my inventory and tried it; again nothing. Then I attached the Akeyo HUD that I pulled the file from and ran. This time, I got the default "I've got a bug up my ass" system run animation, not the one that is in the HUD. I pulled the file from the HUD (again) and tried it directly; no animation played. So, it's as if that animation file, wherever it exists, no longer has anything in it. A corrupt resource on the server perhaps? I'm sort of assuming that since I've tried different instances of the file that it isn't a corrupt cache locally, but could they all point to the same cache entry? Is there any way to just clear certain parts of the cache, even a single file, even if I have to write a script to do it? Last time I did full clear Firestorm threw a complete wobbler and it took me a full day to get things working again. I just tested that animation and it still works for me, FYI. Animations are run viewer side - try running using that animation and see if others see it playing properly or not. If they see it then it's probably a cache issue. However, before you go through a cache clear you might try a quick Firestorm voodoo cure - rebuilding the "bridge."
  19. Kelleyandsusan Kormann wrote: I'll interject First Will VR Oculus be part of the new platform That's like asking if a new brand of ice cream will be compatible with a certain type of spoon. There's really nothing that special about the Oculus Rift - it's just a way of creating stereoscopic vision from data that already exists. Assuming the Lab doesn't make the new platform into Habbo Hotel, the data of the "world" will describe three dimensions, meaning that the Oculus Rift can display it in 3D but you don't need an Oculus Rift to use the data, exactly like Second Life is today.
  20. There's a known bug that can make particles like you're seeing pick up the wrong texture - either a fire nearby or in some cases the Firestorm selection beam texture which is flaming phoenix-thing. If you use Firestorm it might help to change the selection beam in "Preferences" to something less spectacular - I've heard of this problem but haven't actually seen/noticed it despite having a lot of particle sources at my house and I don't use Firestorm.
  21. SaraBanu wrote: I have 2 questions: 1. I rezzed an RP titler by mistake in my house, although i have locked my house in place, no matter what I do I can not choos the titler to delete, only my house gets picked, I can delete the house maybe and get a hold of the object perhaps but then it is a fully decorated house and i will hav lots of trouble adjusting it back up, i was wondering if there is any menu somewhere that can show all your rezzed objects so you can pick them , etc. 2. Is it possible to some how link all the object in my house to my house and then lock it as one object and savea copy of that in my inventory so i can have a decorated back up of my house? Thanks for any help or tips. xx There's a much simpler way to find and delete it. Go to the "Build" menu, then "Pathfinding", then "Linksets..." You'll see a list of all your items. Find the titler in that list, highlight it and hit "Return" or "Delete."
  22. Firestorm has a number of different ways of displaying chat and it's possible that your viewer is set in a way that it doesn't do what you expect. This blog post from a Firestorm rep explains the settings. http://letteponnier.blogspot.co.uk/
  23. Jerilynn Lemon wrote: I was blessed to be given a little piece of land, in a private parcel, to build on and live. I installed a security orb to keep possible griefers and trespassers away. I do like my privacy. In the last month or two, those who have wandered in to my area and are not on the access list are have been quietly returned home. For each one my orb reports, I check their profiles. I'm finding a number of bots that are being booted. My questions: Are bots required to be so identified as such by LL TOS? None of these profiles indicate them being bots. The way I see them as such is their profile feed and some who took the time to indicated it were downright to the point. What is the purpose of a wandering bot? I understand that any bot on a sim can not be used to boost visit numbers and thus, must be ID'ed as a bot. These I have seen and understand their purpose. I'm curious to others thoughts and opinions on the situation. If this has been covered before, I apologize for the repeat. FYI, any bots that my orb boots, I place on a ban list. Any innocent traveler who accidently wanders through gets a pass. The SL word "bot" has become the equivalent of the RL word "Fascist", in that it's a term that has an actual definition that describes a specific thing but has over time been used to describe anyone that the person doesn't like. The account in your profile may be doing antisocial and annoying things, possibly through the use of scripts, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily a true "bot" which is an account run by a special application that isn't a conventional viewer and which are the only accounts that are supposed to be registered AS "bots."
  24. MIstahMoose wrote: Any "well made" fitmesh is supposedly going to fit the new physique body. Appliers shouldn't be needed for them. The Slink body has different weights for several of the lower body sliders compared to most fitted mesh clothing currently on the market (thankfully - most fitted mesh looks awful at larger sizes because of issues with the belly and saddlebag sliders.) For fitted mesh to fit it really well the makers would need to understand the weights Siddean used.
  25. This is the sixth time you've asked the same question in the past two days. You'd have a lot better luck just asking it once and posting information about exactly what's happening. Here's my reply to your earlier question - did you try this? There are griefing objects that can do what you're seeing by flooding local chat with blank lines. If this is the problem it will be an object somewhere nearby. Using Firestorm's spam-control tools you should be able to cut down the spam and then you can try and locate the object. To turn on spam control go to "Preferences" - "Firestorm" - "Protection" and select "Enable Spam Protection." Once it kicks in it will tell you what it's blocking and you can try to find it.
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