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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. This is the first time I've seen such a price drop with new bodies coming out. I've never seen prices for older items plummet like this in SL. But, this is off topic and we'd better get back on topic. As far as the topic, LL will do what LL wants to do. But, I doubt they will since they are making their own new mesh bodies, supposedly.
  2. Possible, but I think it's better to agree to disagree on this one because there are always people where it's new to them. It's not like those items are defunct and not all people shop "newest only" on MP. I never do. I go thru different parts of the menu. An older item means absolutely nothing to me if I like it. And, I like all kinds of styles. That stuff for 10 and 19 lindens at Pure Poison on MP doesn't look dated to me. Some of those items are classic which to me means never goes out of style.
  3. I never said newer was better. I said we never had bodies like these before and that they are different, meaning something we never had before. But, they are a hit just like SLINK was with it's feet. Improved doesn't always mean better for more consumer consumption either - not when it's anything goes here in SL as far as building and most people in SL don't know what "improved" is because they are aren't into the technical aspects of SL.
  4. I haven't seen the girl yet but I've seen the guy and I think he's cute. I have designed for men's clothes too because I read and saw so many posts on here lurking that men were so sick of jeans and tanks, jeans and tanks, jeans and tanks. So, I made some posh fashion for guys. I only do the design and texturing but I've sold tons for the guys as well as other niche things I've done. The thing is the new NUX avatars may be more optimized as far as the mesh and scripts and may do well. We'll have to see. But, I have only ever been female on the grid. I don't want to be a guy, I just use the body as my model for pictures but I have no more problem designing for men than I do china dishes. I'd design for the guy. The girl I know nothing of. As far as older bodies, oh my goodness, Pure Poison is selling items for 10 and 19 lindens for mostly all the older bodies including Maitreya. If the pack has Legacy the items are 199 to 499. I follow trends when I have time. What I have been seeing and said in my other posts, Maitreya is not as popular as that graph showed. People want something different and the curvier bodies provide that because we never had it before but it also will be replaced by something different some day. NUX, I'm interested in finding out more.
  5. I've seen many creator's drop Maitreya as well because well...the curvy gurls are more fun. lol But, no not really, we all can be fun or not fun at times. Maitreya gurls really are fun too. But, on the serious side though something had to give as it's just too much work to make clothing for all these bodies, it really is. It's all those extra added upload costs plus you have to make demos for all the things too. On the human end of things, I created only for Maitreya but if I do come back to create in perhaps a year or so, maybe Summer 2024 when the recession is said will possibly be over, I will see what I like and what is selling plus I am looking forward to NUX. So, I will be creating for only 2 or 3 bodies that I like. I think NUX will pull us out of an SL slump somewhere in about a year or so. At least I'm hoping so. The economy is really bad right now and I don't see that adding Cinnamon Chai will pull SL out of that right now. Not to mention the SL market isn't hurting for things to buy; SL market is very saturated except for newer ones, but still, even with original stuff that I made that has no other things like it at all were not selling. I work for niche markets more than human to fill voids and have been successful all the while...until now. I've never seen such a slow down. But, creator's cannot keep putting out money in a heavily saturated market and not sell. It's impossible.
  6. My take on the moral/ethics end of it is like that quote "don't criticize what you can't understand. You (or me) never walked a mile in that man's shoes". And, I don't think we can understand it. To end so abruptly, to me, suggests there is more to the story, and also that she didn't feel she needed to share those reasons with the community. It could be related to closing books or she was taking a loss as these are difficult economic times. Even with a Black Friday sale for Cinnamon Chai, what if perhaps only one or two sold? Or none even. If you aren't a business owner through COVID and the war you may not know what it's like. To continuing taking losses on top of a lot of other serious life issues, it just may be time to close the books and her health comes first. I'm not making any new items now for SL. To me, that's like going negative peanuts. I will do other things also. My business has been slow since around Halloween until it was almost nothing by Christmas. I've thought of closing altogether myself but with a door open to perhaps start again at a more opportune time if it arrives because, for one thing, the market for SL is quite saturated overall. November spending in rl was way down, and that's holiday time, the biggest spending time of the year, but rl people were not spending in November. Readings have not come in for December spending yet.
  7. I wonder this as well. It could be many things. Maybe we will know someday. Who knows? But, I think that absolutely SLINK brand is a legend, with many, many happy memories, as it stands right now. They are under no contract to continue to provide support, and it costs money for land.
  8. Sorry, still don't know how to do these multi quote things. Thanks for clarifying this. I would hope in the future we could have that technology though.
  9. Of course, it's passive income but for Breathe to have shoes on sale every weekend for well over a year at least I found unusual but maybe it was a smart move because of COVID then or they just like to do it. However, the Legacy body was taking over. I don't recall Blueberry ever having a New Year's half price sale on MP as well as a half price sale at Christmas. If they did. I missed it then. I looked at *new items* and only one new item was left out of the New Year's sale. Could be a bad economy but there is a bit of a craze seeming to happen for the ultra curvy bodies, newer than Legacy. So, with the New Year's sale they had sale items that also included Kupra, Reborn and perhaps some other newer ones I'm not familiar with which did suggest perhaps it's been a slow sales year overall with only one of their new items left out. But, the lean towards the curvier bodies is a trend. I don't know if Maitreya is really the most popular. It just doesn't seem that way. But yeah all, we better get back on topic. IMO, LL would buy SLINK if they wanted too. SLINK could actually be many creators which may make it a difficulty to sell it. Perhaps some who were involved in any part of the creation of SLINK are difficult to get ahold of for example and that's too iffy to touch...there could be reasons the lead creator doesn't want to sell. I'd assume it's because it wasn't all created by her. Most people in SL think there is only one creator for everything and that tends to not really be what's going on behind the scenes.
  10. Yes, I understand people don't go shopping all the time but the stats you show show 33% of bodies on the grid are Maitreya. And, what I was trying to say is it doesn't add up to what's going on in sales for Maitreya. I mean you have to change your outfit sometimes, at least. I don't think I want to take these stats as meaning much at all. If someone wants to buy SLINK and think they could do something with it, they should contact the creator. BTW, I love your Erica photos, the body looks very realistic. I'd never heard of it before. I have heard @animats say that one day all clothes will fit every body. I wonder how soon that technology will come to pass because all these bodies is a lot to put on creators...
  11. What does all this mean with Lara at 33% when I've seen BREATHE, a fabulous shoe company put a shoe on sale almost every Friday or Weekend sale for well over a year now, and Breathe's shoes are mostly Maitreya or only Maitreya. I'm not sure on that. Plus, I have a friend who only sells Maitreya shoes and the shoes are super low priced, well under 75 Linden every single day and almost none sell or maybe sell one pair a year.. Then Blueberry had another half price sale over the New Year's Holidays and I'm thinking well Blueberry must be having another holiday sale because stuff is only selling for the newer Kardasian type bodies so Blueberry may be going the way of Breathe, it's not Kardasian enough. I'm wondering if some of those Maitreya bodies are bots now because I don't see it reflected in the sales that Maitreya is that popular. Yeah, I'm joking on the bots, but this data on it's popularity does not reflect what I've seen. As far as LL buying SLINK, I have no opinion on it as I don't know the new SLINK bodies nor do I know the direction LL wants to go in the new year. SLINK doesn't need SL to buy it. If she wanted a buyer, couldn't she have just put it up for sale?
  12. I didn't need SLINK SUPPORT, but I came here to say something else. I dunno why I want to say it. I just do. Slink feet have special memories for me. I wanted to share my memories as SLINK feet really did revolutionize SL but when I heard about it this morning, I had just woken up so I kept it short. I do remember buying my first SLINK feet and I was so excited. It was difficult matching the skin feet to my skin color, but I eventually got it and it wasn't too difficult after that once you had your number of your skin color. I bought the high heels feet first; the feet and all the shoes were all beautiful, and some shoes really inexpensive as someone else said in this thread, and they made me feel pretty which changed me and made me happy. Then, I bought the flat feet to wear sandals and wear shorts and the sandals were very cute also which made me happy. I then bought the mid feet because there were some shoes I wanted which needed mid SLINK feet and those shoes were way cute too. Overall, on the look just cute, very well done, and made me happy. And, I believe I wore every pair of all the cute shoes I bought which I can't say I do today. Today I buy stuff and don't even wear it oft times. With Slink I wore all my shoes. If you read her blog, she sites her health and chronic pain and the death of members of her family as reasons for her closure, so maybe give her time if you need support. If Maitreya ever shuts down, I won't moan there might not be any support as it's closing period. That's my opinion on closure. Don't expect creator's to be there forever. That's not in any contract for anything you buy in SL, not to my knowledge.
  13. I only ever had SLINK feet and shoes which revolutionized SL; and, were pretty. Sends best wishes out for improved health, happiness and creativity. Relaxation, too. xxxxx
  14. Most essential places that are open on holidays have a limited crew. My Mom used to be the *only* person at work in her area when she worked the holiday at the hospital she worked at. The usual workers in that area were about 10. My Mom received triple pay per hour which she was very happy about, being a single Mom of course. And, that triple pay was well over $60 dollars an hour, which seems a lot of money even today. Luckily, Mom worked the 3 to 11 shift so we spent Christmas morning and early afternoon with Mom and then she left for work about 2:30. Since it was triple pay, my Mom was usually the one who volunteered to work the holidays as the other people had a significant other to go home to. Working the holidays was volunteer but it paid very well. She took many weekend trips throughout the year to go and have fun plus had a paid vacation leave. So, yes, essential places have very limited staff. Some areas may have only one person.
  15. Wow, I didn't even know that but was thinking it would have to be some kind of "cloud". I was also thinking a phone would be too tiny but people who don't know about computers may have a tablet as well as a phone. But, cool. I was also wondering the other day if the metaverse will happen once all games run from a central something or other because if there isn't a central something or other, we are just a bunch of different metaverses. We should be "one" metaverse. All just my opinion.
  16. If only the internet could evolve to where the machines don't provide the graphic's chip and needs, the game does and our machine/fillinblank (whatever) device plugs into that when it starts the game or graphics.
  17. I would probably think the category COMPLETE AVATARS. Once you open the home page of MP, there is a category section to the left of the home page. I'm sure you may know this but I will just say it anyways for anyone who does not know. COMPLETE AVATARS has some free and even 1 linden avatars to find at all different times of the year. Right now I saw a couple of 1 linden Santa avatars at first glance. It's a fun category and many cost almost nothing or are free. If anyone would use that category, I'd guess it would depend on one's time schedule and/or sense of humor, perhaps. Complete Avatars is between Celebrations and Furry - see below (left column).
  18. This sounds like the Dinkies and Tinies of the Shire speak but we say Wootmas not xmas. Such Wootmas happy every-one!
  19. Thank you so much whomever sent me the gift of lindens. I am very happy to receive it! Hopes for many blessings in all our lives. Many times these blessings are the little things that show we care and appreciate one another. Cheers to the Second Life Community!
  20. At first, I received updates of the ones I bought but then as the days passed, Monso started sending me hairs I never bought. These are new hairs I did not have. I think it was some kind of thank you. I may have been an early purchaser of Monso hair when they only had a but a few hairs and perhaps she/he remembered that and sent me some hairs I did not have which I thought was pretty awesome. Made me want to buy hairs to now thank them. I wanted to say something about the go to the inworld store to get a demo. I just don't get that. If I go to the store and get a demo, I would probably buy in the store then. So, MP is just a showcase to those kinds of creator's then not a serious MP where people use MP to save time. Those creator's don't get that; that's it's not a showcase, it saves us time.
  21. Like most have said, I hate the timed demos too. But, recently (just a few weeks) I got some hair demos from a new store that had so many rings it was near impossible to see how the hair looked and this is way worse than those timed demos. Oh my gosh, it was bad! Then, just wanting to look at a bit more from this new hair store I'd never seen someone gave a review with one star saying with all those rings one cannot even see the hair. And, that was the truth. So, to creator's please don't put so many rings that we cannot even see your creations. Two rings is enough, not 10! And, the hair was so cute in the picture but I ended up buying none. I want to add, {monso} a hair store I had bought a few hairs from sent me a bunch of free hair for Christmas. I was really touched that someone would do that for me and give me these beautiful free gifts. Creator's can be as different as night and day.
  22. Yes, I know. That's what a passive income would be but the product needs shelf life, meaning it cannot become outdated too quickly. I had just made the items that need a 3 LOD (well parts are fine at 2 but some just cannot be lower than 3 due to a specific reason I don't want to dig into here) so, in essence I made the items and then the shelf life was over before I could even sell if LOD goes to 2 and that's what most people are using now. If someone comes aboard to understand the user experience, I think they need to understand those who wish to make a passive income too, not just "the users", whatever that means even. If a new person comes along to understand the residents, I think we need some kind of weekly/monthly (?) meeting where we can get together and talk and address issues for those who would like to make a passive income on SL and focuses not only on shelf life but consistency in the viewer, especially specifics like LOD and lighting....or?
  23. Aside from "user experience", I'd like to have someone who will address the concerns of those who wish to make a passive income from SL. Since hearing about PBR, and with EEP and with the LOD recommendations upon installing a new viewer at 2 or even less with the SL viewer, this has taken the wind out of my sails to want to create in SL. How are all these changes taking the wind out of my sails to want to create? 1) PBR, will the items I make now work if PBR and ALM on at all times becomes what SL is? 2) EEP, my items look different in all these lightings. I have a lighting I use where the shading doesn't look washed out. Other lightings, many of them, cancel a lot of my shading and my shading, to me, is what made the item look more like material rather than just streaks of gray to mimic some kind of shade. I think the lighting is too bright and then often it's too dark. Lighting does need more consistency for those who wish to make a passive income from SL. 3) LOD at 2 or less. My main items that I think are my best need a LOD of at least 3 and those took a long time to make, so wind is out of my sails now to even want to create. LOD needs to have consistency. I hope someone will take what I am saying seriously and also not to have so many viewer changes unless needed like when we had the update for animesh for example. However, when we updated to the animesh, how the items looked did not change. Also, Philip Rosedale made SL so that we all can create. Perhaps adding a free materials maker for PBR would be good, but still the cost of uploading jumps way up. Most items I have from many "greats" in SL, only use diffuse and normal, so uploads are going to double in price. That is expensive. 40 linden per upload for an item when many people want the low cost Friday and Saturday sale price doesn't work too well.
  24. I just wanted to say some things about Twitter because I don't think the SL forum is as bad as that is! Learning to communicate when things are out of our control is important. Some times when others are appearing too controlling, we just have to move on. I learned that on Twitter and it's carrying over to the way I view most of SL. I still have a live and let live attitude plus people have their own land and we know we have to abide by their rules, so that's the other side of the coin. Others wanting to be so controlling, I am not sure where it is coming from. Lewis touched on an interesting point that some people may be coming to SL currently from places that are more moderated.
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