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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. They could make every transaction have to run through CasperVend in order to receive some kind of percentage of the profit if we all got our own region. Not that all of us with regions would sell PBR stuff, I mean the one's that would sell PBR stuff. I don't know if CasperVend in and of itself could be any kind of digital right's management (DRM) system or not. I'm just wondering out loud here.
  2. I added but Roblox doesn't have Adult content or do they? I thought they didn't. Then, I added I don't want to see SL become G or PG centric like Roblox.
  3. I was thinking that Roblox is so different from SL and that it's popularity was probably based around something like Mom and Dad were using Roblox as a sort of "babysitter". This copy and paste from the Wikipedia on Roblox* kind of says what I was thinking. Therefore, Roblox is nothing like SL which is somewhat adult-leaning and parents *may* have SL on avoid because of that reason. Plus, it's mobile too, making it more popular. I don't want SL to follow Roblox and become G or PG centric. *Roblox is free to play, with in-game purchases available through a virtual currency called Robux. As of August 2020, Roblox had over 164 million monthly active users, including more than half of all American children under 16.[9][10]
  4. Wut? Is this saying we could have our own land but we'd have to pay for the server? Can u tell us more?
  5. Of course new users won't join because suddenly there are reflections. Most people who join MMO's want to socialize. So, basically the plan is, to save SL, have about one-third of existing users buy a new "gaming" computer and all existing and new residents buy new content for SL. The thing is, it's a bad economy. I think it's bad timing and that it does have the possibility of being a total flop. Not because of what it is, but because of bad timing in a bad economy which may last two or more years; it's not known. However, many companies are scrambling in a COVID world. I just think we cannot go unrealistic and that incentives to bring in new and keep existing users would be better. We need a new Gacha, and I don't think PBR is it.
  6. Yes, but because we want "everything" and plus we don't want to go minimalistic for phones either where we look like a stick body. But, you and others on the PBR bandwagon, haven't convinced me yet that reflections will bring in new users. There will be new equipment to buy and higher cost per face to make items in what is looking as a not so good economy right now. And, there is still the high learning curve. I don't see people wanting to join to look at reflections. Gimme some meat here to chew on about PBR coupled with a bad economy.
  7. To add some fairness, even though I'm not a geek in any way, is the code would still work with prims and sculpties and we could still be a virtual 3D chatroom but we wanted everything with mesh, and the old code doesn't mesh too well with mesh.
  8. Couldn't this one be solved with PIOF? IOW, only payment info on file people could get a big ol' plot of land of whatever hypothetical size that is for my hypothesis? But, not all the alts of the same PIOF account could get land, only one name could. I mean there are ways to make sure only one big ol' hypothetical plot per person by just using ID needed. I was really just wondering if this would be a hit to bring in a lot more people to SL if there was some kind of free land offer bigger than the paid for accounts. Land where people could build whole cities. But, yeah, once those are built, people could tire of them no matter how big the land. So, could be a dead end once people have built.
  9. I have a weird question so didn't want to start a thread because I know nothing of what LL makes in profit yearly. My question is if we all could have our own say half region for free, do you think that would make SL a hit and bring in all kinds of new people? Would the spending increase as people bought items for their region make up for the loss of the land revenue? Or, maybe even some kind of game where we could win land and move up to more land as our score went up for example. What I'm wondering really is would the revenue generated from the spending to decorate land offset the loss of the revenue for the land directly?
  10. I did that at 8 years old trying my Mom's yes stilletos, they were. Oh my gah! It was a horrible experience.
  11. Yeah but if one's relationship starts to get dull, they can try new things together. If our jobs get dull, we could ask for a promotion. If SL, gets dull, and I see this said a lot on this forum, maybe take a break for awhile and do something else. Sometimes we need to figure out how to break up the monotony and it's not always easy. Passion can ebb and flow. SL was, at one time for creating and in some ways like Open Sim, at least from what I've heard of Open Sim as I've never visited OS, in that it was hardly built yet. My passion for Second Life has ebbed and flowed over the years but I don't think it has anything to do with the name nor jerks as I haven't met too many jerks in my nearly two decades here - no not at all really, maybe one. Sorry for rambling but life is difficult. So is SL. It's known in the press for it's high learning curve.
  12. I'm just borrowing this because when SL was first here in it's beginning, everyone was so friendly and wanted to know everything so we got and asked constant questions...where did you get that, how did you make that, do you want to come to my yardsale, do you want to come to my party, do you want to go to the place with the free sex. Plus, all shopping was inworld, which aside from building was also something to do. We all just seemed to talk to everybody and most of us it seemed wanted to just do it because everything was a new experience. Free sex I thought? It was open hills with people making out and I sat and talked with a friend by the lake. But, it was just ask and go and see everything constantly, and friendly and not pushy either even at the free sex place, the person who invited me did not insist, we just talked. Never met a jerk way back then. As far as SL gets boring, rl does too, so do rl relationships, so does TV, so does music, so does your job, and on and on. There are just times when one needs to take a break or start doing something else, @Coffee Pancake My two ideas just at the never ending question about newbies and what to do... could 1) SL add new inworld tools so everyone can build if they want, maybe even make an avatar, and 2) maybe have RL musician artists have concerts here. The problem is devices really. Most people are on phones and then may have a gaming computer but most games with driving a truck sound super boring. Most games, aside from SL, sound like the boring ones to me. But, phone and gaming computer are the two main devices it appears people seem to own now and I think this has made SL slow in some ways...too many people on phones and not much can be done about it. I wish there was something that could be done.
  13. No. 7 in her PICKS is a Sunflower Memorial she built for her rl sister. People are there now.
  14. I walked through the beautiful garden sim she had as a memorial to her rl Mom. It was beautiful and I just spent time there walking around and feeling free. She was a lovely person with a soul that reached beyond this Earth.
  15. Not to me. I've been pronouncing NUX in my head like it rhymes with Tux. So, I guess what I hear in my head is more like Nucks but it needs an s. As far as the topic of anti consumer practices, one of the things that is really cringe-worthy is when you arrive at a shopping sim and the greeter and notecard is like a police officer saying "if you steal my stuff I will find you" kind of thing. I'm not too keen on being treated like I came to your store to copybot your stuff which is something I'd never do as I have friends here worth way more than copybotting ever could imagine. However, I just deal with it and have still bought items even with that kind of greeting. But, that is one of the things that has bothered me and I find a bit off putting. Copybotters I can't stand either but I wouldn't greet others this way in my mall stores.
  16. I was thinking the same about NUX. Get a halfway decent avatar and some stuff and then go out and about and see what this world called SL is. I think Gacha changed the SL world into mesh things more than anything, especially when the items were being sold for super cheap on the resale market. Now, most want mesh, except one place I do hang out mostly, which is Raglan Shire. It still pretty much looks the same as it did 18 years ago. It has little to almost no mesh. I'm not even sure if the Shire has many sculpties even. They don't want to change it because it is for everyone to build with non-mesh, non-sculpty stuff. It's to build for fun, not perfection like mesh.
  17. I'm not a big fan of critiques, even in the real world, because I believe they are gamed or paid for mostly. So, I'm skeptical about them in general whether rl or sl. The demo usually tells me everything I want to know. But, what I think I am hearing from some threads lately is a) Why are a lot creators not telling us in the ad what the perms are, and b) the Huds for fatpacks and what will work or change on the single item is confusing, thus are creators deliberately doing this so people will pay more money and just buy the fatpack. I just don't know. It's either laziness or deliberate to encourage people to buy the fatpack. I, myself, do not encounter confusing huds like this very often. But, Scylla, you brought up consumer protection via external websites. First of all, how can one prove this is a deceptive practice and not just pure laziness because first of all creators want a sale and with these confusing huds they are losing sales I'd assume. I don't buy confusing hud stuff. However, there is a demo and no one is putting a gun to anyone's head to buy anything, so I don't know if there is a need to warn people or not with external websites if you take into account real scary consumer products in real life such as cigarettes wherein the cigarette companies were putting "stuff" inside cigarettes to make them more addictive without the consumer knowing. There are usually real serious reasons for consumer watchdogs or whistleblowers in rl. I just don't see it so seriously with SL, not to mention no one is forced to buy a product with a confusing demo. I also wanted to say that I think you or someone else brought up deceptive practices. What the cigarette companies did by putting more addictive ingredients into cigarettes and not telling their consumers was a deceptive practice. Making a confusing hud is not. There are a gazillion and one other things without confusing huds people can buy. Perhaps holding classes on how to have a successful business in SL would be more helpful.
  18. That's crazy stuff. All they had to do was try it on to double check if they forgot.
  19. I understand what you are saying, Ceka. I fear with PBR it will only become worse in that it will be so "things" focused and not people focused. And, that PBR is a commercial enterprise but it's not really about people and friendships, it's an oh my reflection in the water is amazing. Personally, I don't care about reflections in the water, that's not why I've been here all these years. It's the people I've been here for and the building was on a more equal level. As far as this thread, I cannot really think of any merchandise in SL I have been disappointed with. I'm seeing things like "there is a lot of full perm stuff at the events now" but what I wanted to say is that with COVID and the war, creators have been making less new content and I can't blame them as it's a helluva a lot work to make stuff for SL. I don't shop EVENTS, I shop MP mostly. I'm overall very happy with what I have. And, there is a lot of good stuff on MP with demos. I was happy with the demo, I'm happy with the product. I think the problem in this thread seems to be HUD related or confusing huds and what works on the fatpack and what works or doesn't work on the single item. HUDS are extremely difficult to make imo, took me several weeks with screaming real headaches to make my first HUD. If you don't know what works on the single, my suggestion for this thread is send a nc to the creator and ask as they could be newbies to huds.
  20. I think it's always the wardrobe will matter, but it's more than that, Maitreya just has more variety of everything. I was going to get a new body for BF sale in November, tried demos, couldn't decide at all. I said I will wait until some time in 2023 because saving 10 dollars won't make or break me except inflation is pretty horrible in rl right now. Inflation may have peaked, when is it going back down though....? To the OP, how to decide, maybe write out the positives of each and see which one has more positives in your own opinion.
  21. Well, they never were on MP. I think they have some interesting design elements for the sandals as well as most of those BDSM German style boots are classic and well done. Sexy but not way over the top. I've used them in photos many, many times and paid a lot. But, being a creator too leaves me no time for price comparisons and inworld shopping.. Though I've done inworld shopping I've come up pretty much empty-handed for group gifts and freebies. I like what I like and time is limited for creators. MP is the place for me. But, I paid more sheeeeeesh. Your life sounds more fun. When I was first making my first mesh avatar, it was a nightmare. I went threw three heads before I really got what I wanted that felt like me. Deciding on bodies, I think is a nightmare. Is there a method to the madness, guidelines one could follow when deciding, or is it just jump right in and start with the one you may think you like the best. Problem for me oft times is I cannot decide and then I get frustrated and then I just buy one. But, we also learn this way too. I wasn't out that much money until I finally found a bit of me, meaning what felt comfortable to me.
  22. OMG, I've never been inworld to Pure Poison. But, they've never been cheap on MP when I was buying because I'd know that for sure! I love the Dhalia ring set too. I know it well. But, I paid this price for it on MP. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Pure-Poison-Dhalia-Nails-Rings/18178575 To the OP, I think we all will make some mistakes when we are trying to make an avatar. We just have to start somewhere and then eventually it builds and it all starts to fall into place. We are just beginning to get a sense of what we like. Making decisions for a body. Well, if you like both, it's a tough decision.
  23. Well, I dunno how long they've been this cheap but I paid full price for all my Pure Poison stuff and it wasn't anywhere near 10 to 19, no how, no way...it was 199 L or up per item for my Maitreya. However, I am not always human so I stumble upon things like I did with Pure Poison. I always liked Breathe too but always paid full price for them but stumbled upon them putting shoes on sale every weekend for over a year. I've been with Seraphim, Friday Sale and Weekend sale about two years now but haven't been in about six months. I wanted to start enjoying things I have more. I don't always like the items on sale or group gifts either. But, still 10 to 20 items versus one item is still one hell of a deal and I think Pure Poison and Breathe is cute too. However, would that make me choose Maitreya over Reborn right now? It might if money was tight and I'm just starting out (as the OP is). If money wasn't, I'd go with my best instinct knowing I may eventually buy the other one too and it's not that costly a mistake.
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