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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. That's what I was thinking for a breedable coffee field - it could breed all sorts of exotic blends and names. I'm not so sure about ramen flavored though. rofl I best coffee I ever had was from Starbucks. It was a chocolate, cocoa blend with coffee. With the breedable coffees, needs a grinder and an autodrip machine to start when you log in. Then gives you a cup of some such and such blend.
  2. I was trying to figure out what headlight fluid was. I was picturing a hardhat with a light on the top that needs fluid. I honestly was. And my face was like o.0.... that's a weird hardhat thing I never knew about. K, you can go back to sleep now, Sid. SuperTom loves coffee...how about a breedable coffee field that is modify.
  3. I spent about a year on Twitter and it was unbelievably full of trolls and downright hateful messages. Twitter taught me things about people I would rather not have learned. It's full of super-hyperbolic bullies period who just want to get someone's goat. SL is not like that, except the forum can get out of hand at times. People should learn to let most of these things roll off their back because you cannot change someone. There was one post on Twitter I read I will probably never forgot. The person said (paraphrasing) that media can never have integrity because of progressives and women. Now being a woman myself should I have told him off or just turned him off? I choose to turn him off, and so many others like him. Much of the attacks on Twitter that I have stumbled upon have been attacks directed towards women. Why, I don't know. All I know is I don't know them in my personal life and it's best to ignore the hyperbolics period.
  4. It still could be. So, how about the newest SL craze...an animesh breedable Chia Pet. Sprouts in 30 days or less! They are technicolor, too, and modify. The one with lazer beam eyes is ultra rare.
  5. This is a deep post, Katherine. I just wanted to make clear to the people in the thread that I don't take the buzzword "metaverse" so Sci-Fi as some do. I take metaverse to mean a virtual world where people interact as avatars but there is still a real world life to live. Buterin of Decentraland said on Twitter about six months ago that the metaverse will happen. Buterin said that before all these crypto and digital token exchanges have gone down into bankruptcy. The metaverse and the virtual worlds that many billionaires are speaking about today I believe is more fun and capitalism orientated than anything that takes over our whole life.
  6. Since he has to put up with all that, how about a bottle of aspirin, a full body massage, and a jacuzzi? Maybe a heating pad too. I dunno.
  7. Malls aren't about the big stores though. It's about off the beaten path stuff *and* a community and not all people put vendors up. Malls for the past few years have been like you live there and it's your home and town and you can go shopping there or grab a coffee. It makes it sort of realistic. It's not all vendors. However, the tinies of the shire live with vendors. Tinies have a few sims and if people come to visit, they want to know where to get stuff, so tinies have vendor center malls on their sims. It's just easier to send them there to the vendor area to start because they ask 'where do I get this kind of stuff' for example. Sorry this wasn't about vendor and malls. It was how SL is stagnating right now and how I wish we could think of a way that has a more universal device so more people could visit and enjoy SL or that SL could be the main metaverse - but not on a phone.
  8. The way I do malls Animats is I rez everything that is furniture. I put up demos for other items like tiaras for example. I need a demo rezzer probably but one needs to remember that with the Gacha malls everything was rezzed and we did fine. The mall of my friend I am speaking about is not a Gacha mall, and it's not just a mall, it's a whole community of things to do.
  9. That's your main experience but you don't know all of SL. There are successful malls because they are more than a mall, they are a community. There is a mall, homes to rent, sky platforms to rent, and parties plus live events and some even have rides. The malls with communities I've done well at for five years. Gacha was like that too. Rent just a store, no not really, it was a community who got to know each other and have some fun too. Private parties, all kinds of stuff. What is cool about most malls with communities it's usually inworld exclusives, at least that's the way I played it and people like that. As far as shopping overall in SL. I just got done in Addam's right now and am trying on what I bought. There was no wait to get in this year and Addam's is usually madness for days. I know some of us oldbies may be getting a little tired of Addam's but some of their stuff suits me as a casual business woman when I need it. But, business is down overall from what I've noticed.
  10. I don't understand why some wouldn't want SL more popular in this thread? But, that's them, not me. I'd love it! I visited a friend's sim yesterday and his mall, and it's fairly empty. I remember how it used to be, not empty. His sim mall is beautiful, one of the best I've ever seen. His trees with snow are gorgeous that he made and every little detail so pretty. But, I felt sadness that it was so dead. He had put a message through to me and his group a few months ago to be positive and help keep the sim going. But, something else is taking over and it's the economy failing, I'd presume. We are in stagflation and we are stagnating. It's a bit dystopian on some sims in SL and I wish there was something I could do. I just didn't have the money right now to start renting again plus not sure if I'd even sell at this time as I don't have Christmas items to sell. One other shopping mall I know of is doing fairly well. Why the two differences, I'm not so sure. The other mall has good traffic but not sure on what it's selling, however. Generations of today, the majority, grew up on the phone and know little about computers for the home. I've often thought what if SL could stream somehow and we all plug into their graphics chip for it to run. Or what if SL could stream on the TV. If there was some universal way to be able to plug into SL like thru the TV, I think SL would be more popular than it is now. These "games" on the phone are way too simplistic and SL is said to be way too complicated. But, with the new mesh avatars coming out, it could curb some of the initial difficulty but we still need a more universal device other than a phone and I wish LL knew of a way. I'm not paranoid about governments knowing about my data, because, for the most part, they already do, but I still want to live my life the way I want to live it whether they collect data on me or not.
  11. Yes! But, the problem is the differing devices of today, so that would have to change to machines that are more in common. When I started with SL back many years ago the machines were pretty much all the same. They were desktops plus there was dial-up all those year ago. They were all kind of similar. SL was started as a 3D chat room as well as a virtual world of creating whatever you could imagine, if it could become possible to make it. If we could get to a common ground again as far as machines/devices, SL as the main metaverse would be great! I don't want a metaverse on a phone as it's too small a screen to see let alone really enjoy.
  12. Blueberry has 50% off many items on MP now. If you want to find all the ones on sale easily, put a price for 99 to 125 lindens and there are a lot. The place to put a price in is along the left side column of the MP page for those who don't know. Edit - I just checked and there are some 650 L fatpacks on Mp also.
  13. This helpful suggestion couldn't have come at a better time. I used to use Annan Adored Optimal Skin, No Shadow and ALM for my skin photos. I am familial with many WL settings. Why this is such good information for me right now is because I am wanting to get a new avatar from the Black Friday sales and I noticed I have eyebags. So, I set my eyebags to zero. Oh em gee, I knew it was a shadow but how to get rid of it, I wasn't sure. Okies, I will try that.
  14. I'm trying to do that but it does suddenly get too bright and I have to turn it down. And, then it seems too dark, and I'm trying to learn to build. I need a light that is going to be consistent for me to build in as that is tons of work in itself. They should have just kept Black Dragon for ambient sky photos, imo. I need a consistent and reliable building light. I need to see. Many EEP'S combined with ALM wash out the shading I've spent days putting into an item. And, this is frustrating beyond words. Plus, it hurts my eyes to fiddle around that much with light. I will talk to some builder friends of mine and ask what they do rather than derail the thread further. As far as LOD though and the new avatars, new viewer, new specs et al, I think they need to decide on what the default LOD is going to be and have a place where people list the LOD of their items on MP because it's been LOD 4 for a long time but now FS recs 2 and LL viewer recs even less than 2. With the LOD set to lower when one installs a new viewer now gives one a higher graphics setting though but low LOD of 2 is killing a lot of items.
  15. I don't know how to do this. I have not had the time. I gave up land because EEP was too time consuming for me. I scaled down my land and work with EEP when I can and it's a little okay or a little better now but not really. I'm not happy with it's time consumption. Sorry, I don't know how to do multi-quotes.
  16. I feel I have to change it too much. Every single day, if not several times a day. That's too much. Again, with WL, it was a click-thru menu and one slider to a good, beautiful light. That suited my time.
  17. That looks very confusing. Where are all those windows in the viewer? With WL you just had to click through the lightings and then move one slider and it was soooooo easy. EEP is too time consuming. I have played a little with EEP recently and am getting to the point where I can at least somewhat live with it, for now. It's way too much work, imo, as compared to WL which was click thru menu and move slider and done in about a minute or so. And, way too much work was one of the reasons listed as a negative for SL in a recent article I read. But, sowry, went off topic!
  18. I never found anything I liked with the free mesh heads. Even Catwa's free HDPro head given out during COVID wasn't for me. It's the fact that mesh heads are partial modify. I think back on the glory days of when the Classic avatars were looking really good (the lighting and viewer were enhanced to suit the Classic avatars back then tho). Everyone seemed an original to me and that's probably because we could use ALL the sliders. If the new mesh avi's are full modify, that would be exciting. I've seen the guy and I thought he was cute and really liked his facial hair and hair on his head also. I've not seen the female yet. The best part about the old classic avi's is that they were full modify. If that's so, I think SL will be back on the right track. What's off track to me is I hate this EEP lighting and I don't like the low LOD the viewers are asked to run at. I feel we are losing too much stuff on this low LOD. For Halloween, many pumpkins were smashed to bits. But, that's off topic, so me just sayin'. But speaking of LOD, I think the new mesh avatars are needed so LL can have some basic specs on what runs on the new viewer they are building. And, if LL wants to continue to have this low LOD once they come out their new mesh avi's, we need a place on MP for people to list their LOD then.
  19. I've always wondered what clear texture cache was for. Yeah, yeah, I know, I should have asked before. But, now I am trying to optimized and clean my computer out to be overall more efficient. I hadn't cleaned in over two years. Since, it seemed, the person in the first post, was saying it was all of a sudden, I thought perhaps the person may have reached the point of too much stuff and their computer got sluggish altogether. We do have to maintain our machines though if we want optimum performance. I'd think. But, this happening all of a sudden, made me think perhaps holiday internet traffic time too.
  20. Log in and tp, that's it when new? When I got this alt and had no new inventory nor heavy poly body, everything was way faster. My tp's were the same when I started the new alt as compared to the one with the large inventory. It was the world loading faster, which is textures to me, when I was a new alt recently. If things are loading slow at this time, I think it's holiday internet traffic - people are making plans for get togethers or browsing for what they might want for a gift. I did notice an improvement in my SL after I did a cleaning on the other avatar who had way too much stuff. I'm trying to get *that* inventory in order but tp has never been an issue.
  21. Clean. Clean out programs you aren't using. Clean out as many old files stored in your computer you aren't using. Clean out inventory of as much as you can. Clean your fans with a can of compressed gas. Unplug from your power supply and wait a few minutes, then reboot. Pull the power supply cord only. Try a *new* alt first and see if things are rezzing faster when you have no inventory or a heavy poly body. These are some things to try. Plus, remember it's holiday internet traffic time, too.
  22. Yeah, it can. Plus, most every live musician wants you to join their group which is a tough one. There are some groups coming along which are united live musician groups so it's all in one group. I think that's a good idea since there are probably hundreds of live music acts in SL. They could narrow it down to 4 or 5 main live musician groups. It's just getting the word out that's tough to do.
  23. Oh yeah that. You know I had paid for some of those kinds of groups and they never had any sale or a special in over a year. So, I bit the bullet and left most groups even though I paid. The Friday and Weekend Sales and Seraphim are better for me. However, if those groups did send me any info on sales, they were capped out probably and I never got the notices. Also, I realized after I typed that that tinies have one main group where just about every tiny event can put out a notice all combined into one main group. It was only Gacha I needed all the groups for. Even if you capped out overnight, there were always tons of good sales happening throughout the day.
  24. Wonders why the Lindens would think I need 50 groups? Maybe years ago before all the sales events. But now, there are the Friday sales, Weekend Sales and more and you just go there or read FB. With Gacha, it was needed also to have a lot of groups. I have since moved on from Gacha though. 50 groups? - Is that really a useful "perk"? In the latter half of my SL, 50 groups is an avoid.
  25. Most of my SL I was a human and had a terrific time. For the last few years, Dinkie, and I'm having a terrific time too. I once thought, oh for many, many years I'd never be anything but human. But, then I saw a Dinkie, and thought it was so cute and I morphed. I don't know when or if that will change. Dinkies and tinies are hilarious for one. We has fun, as we say.
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