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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. I thought it's a possibility as well, Lewis; but, a post just the other day did lash out at oldbies in an adhominen attack so she may be on the up and up. I find negative stereotyping of oldbies or newbies utter poppycock. It's the way you interact inworld that matters and many of us find real friends here. Some may say that it isn't real but SL is an extension of our real life and a sharing of ourselves at times. As far as me being an oldbie, there are people newer than me who know way more about SL and how to's or what to do. I mostly socialized all those years ago and my main knowledge is how to dress, how to shop, how to find and AO and how to TP. Probably, all very basic things. Just because I am an oldbie people could assume I have vast knowledge about SL which I really don't. Real life is a busy one, too. Maybe she could try a Go Fund me if she has enough rl family and friends as it isn't that much money. Tell your family and friends SL means a lot to you because it's a hobby and a social outlet and you need let's say $100 hundred dollars to start. That's not that much money if a lot of people help in a Go Fund Me type of thing.
  2. Well, I know that and I'm sure she knows that but I'd think the new mesh avi's would be better than being the Classic non-mesh avatar. And, although I agree with the Black Friday half price sales to make a half price avatar, those days just passed. She could use the 1 Linden Ruth for the body as most Maitreya clothes fit that and just have to get a head. Plus, a lot of Maitreya stuff is really cheap right now as some older things with the Belleza, Slink and Maitreya are selling for less right now. Try Pure Poison, they have some things for 10 to 19 Lindens right now, and then go to the Friday and Weekend Sales. If she wants Legacy, Kupra, Reborn those items are not going cheaply, except at the weekend sales.
  3. While I know I have an avatar that old, I don't use it anymore. I have old avi's I don't want to resurrect because it's all old Classic avatar avi stuff I don't want to have to delete. I've been off and on for 17 years, not here the whole time. There have even been times where it's been a few years away, so it's like it's new again. As far as age of an avatar, I don't care other than your rez day and our group acknowledges rez days with a monthly party. But, hmmmmmmm, this is bringing up the subject of ageism for avatars. I'd suggest that since the OP doesn't want to spend $50 and up for a new alt, that she wait for LL's new mesh avatars. I'm waiting for that too. I haven't seen the female yet but the guy is cute. It will be all about if they have a wide range of shape-ability. I'll also wait for the newer PBR avi's before I get another human one. IMO, how old you are isn't important, except for rez days. To the OP, sorry you feel this way.
  4. Here's hoping the health of your breedables or pets is always reading well.
  5. True in some ways. I often say there is good weird and bad weird and that weird is a weird word. But, in my thinking, to change the image of SLers from just one thing "weirdos"...I dunno, it's beginning to sound old and stale. I think it's unique users, varied. To me, that's what the population really is, imo, and my experience, varied.
  6. Whoa, whoa, whoa there...this contains a lot of assumptions. I'm not trying to ruin the fun of the project by suggesting a vlog. I simply thought it was a good idea. It's an introduction of one's self that can be viewed easily via a link. I was thinking ice breaker so I thought it was a good idea. My posts in no way are something that I expect anyone on the internet to follow, let alone this forum. I came to the forum to optimize my SL and have learned a lot here. I have had issues with EEP especially and still hate it. I, however, like to share what I remember through the years of SL as we've all been through many hills and valleys in SL. I wanted people to know I was an oldbie but for a lot of things still a newbie. I, in no way, want to quell nor stifle this person's passion. This is a place for discussion, not ad hominems.
  7. I've known a lot of them for a very, very long time so they'd have to be 18 + by now. LOL I'd assume most are way over 18, most are likely 30's/40's, same average as all of SL. Some PG events/concerts etc where I get a PG invite are not because it's minors on SL, but because it's minors in the house where the computer screen is in real life. There are people on SL with kids at home is what I was saying so if one gets a PG invite it's because of that. What... SL should be single people only with no kids at home?
  8. It's not true though. I'd like to see SL get a new image. The old one is dated and seen it's welcome. One of the reason our population hasn't grown all that much is because most everyone went to phones. Also, we have adult content here which many would like to see SL be for 18 + only. Although, there are active groups that are G or PG rated almost all the actual people running the avatars are 18+. It's just sometimes real families are on SL with their kids around so it's a keep it PG please kind of event concert. No nudity, etc.
  9. This is good advice. Me just continuing to talk about this topic, not directed to Gwin's posts.... I'm kind of wondering why still the old outdated stereotype about weirdos? I never met too many weirdos personally but griefers used to be a big problem. I'd like to see this old, dated stereotype be challenged somehow. For example, aside from content creators and people who have a business, there are real recording artists here in SL and real 2D wall type art artists in SL. There are all kinds of creative, friendly, funny, shy, or just pain ordinary people here and they are not weirdos. But, to the OP, I like Gwin's advice about starting some vlogs or even blogs first so people can get to know you. My definition of a weirdo might be someone you don't even know acting too aggressive and thinking I am their free entertainment when I am in an adult female avatar. I don't know what defines this "weirdo" stereotype exactly but it has been around way too long.
  10. No, no personalized information is kept in my sales data. The sales data I was speaking of just involves numbers of particular items purchased. You've mentioned several times the outside world views most SLers as weirdos, I'm assuming you mean out to bed an avi just about as soon as it arrives. So, sex crazed may be a myth. I hang out with a very non-sexual crowd who has been here for 18 years as a group and it's about friendship because we are all little tiny animal avatars and most cannot even do the animations for SL dancing let alone sitting. So, slex might be impossible. It's sad to hear that some viewing SL from the outside don't know that one creates their own SL here and it's all kinds of things just like in the real world is all kinds of things, imo.
  11. It's too bad I am shy and don't have equipment because I have info that could quell the SL people are weirdos myth. But, I don't want to share it here. May I send you a quick IM? It infers only sales data as to what I want to share with you. Or what do you mean by weirdos, firstly? Does it involve slex by any chance?
  12. I thought you explained it fairly well. I assumed a video of some kind. I'd love to tell my SL story but not on voice as I don't use it. Why? I never wanted a relationship thru SL. I was married in RL and now I'm a small house cat that wears doll-like clothing but still a tiny cat all the same. Voice kind of suggests I might go further, that may be the reason for red flag to some people. I'm not sure. But, I don't have any voice equipment and I would be shy to be speaking in a video on YouTube. Not everyone is outgoing. I'm awkwardly and badly probably explaining why some people may not use nor like voice in SL. For me, it suggests I might internet or avatar date which I won't.
  13. That's crazy and your stuff is worth way more than 10 lindens anyhow! I know your stuff, especially your games on MP. Do you sell inworld also? I'm not inworld now. On MP, it says "you purchased this item on such and such a date" at the top of the photograph area on MP. They could have just gotten a redelivery off of MP.
  14. While this is true, I have never gotten a request for a refund on a duplicate, and it being so little in lindens, I'd believe the customer for taking all that trouble for what 60 lindens for weekend sale items. Although if it was a fatpack duplicate, the seller might want to be able to confirm that and fatpacks might be a different issue.
  15. I agree with you 100%. I see no reason a creator leaving/closing is a reason to offer things for free. Although (this is a different story) there was one creator who was upset with LL and began offering her items for 1 linden each until she finally closed, I guess so LL wouldn't make much money. I don't think she got her point across to LL about being upset by offering her items at 1 linden. LL couldn't have cared less.
  16. I would pay you back, no problem. Small amount or not, it's up to you but most creator's are very nice people.
  17. Ah, you could be right as I have been off and on SL for nearly two decades now, so I took a break after playing with mesh very early on and when I came back to SL I had a new computer by coincidence and mesh was/is popular. I do remember so many being hesitant about mesh. I jumped right in and bought my first item within weeks of it's release. The main thing I remember is I didn't like mesh maxi skirts when they first came out - our legs would stick through. Oh yeah and we had no feet once we alphaed out our legs but the feet had to go too so long mesh skirts looked weird. I bought mostly mesh tops in the very beginning of mesh.
  18. What about all the cool stuff on MP which could still sell for quite some time...I do wonder if it will still look good or not. Granted, PBR may be one of the most magical things to happen to virtual worlds but it may take awhile like mesh did before it's in it's fully glory. What Fluffy showed looks amazing; however, there are things I am still sooooooo attached too - more home items and my jewelry collection and rings have sentimental value. It's not a cheap upgrade either, this one could involve computer hardware or whole new computers for many plus new avatars, hairs, or might as well say it - everything. I remember when mesh came out there were mixed feelings but it didn't involve a computer upgrade. I have never been involved with a computer upgrade for SL that I remember although I have had several computers over these many years.
  19. I hadn't read the whole thread because I thought Lindal answered correctly from the get-go and I did not know he meant the full perm sculpt map and not the full perm texture. Either way though, both have full perm stipulations if they come in a kit to make one object. But to @Love Zhaoying, I have read through the thread now and I like your idea, especially #2 as it holds a lot of positivity: 2. If user holds an object instead of just typing, it will increase their hit/defense/healing/magic/health points by participating differently. __________ You could use objects from the Library but if you have amazing scripting skills if you just rez SL round prim objects and make them magic-looking marbles for example you'd have no worries about any full perm TOS. By using just SL shapes which come in the viewer itself a) they'd rez a whole lot faster then sculpties in the first place, and b) you could add so many interesting particle and scripted special effects into just regular old SL prim shapes which rez super fast. Heck, this place is for feedback. No harm was meant by me in trying to understand what you were trying to build. Sorry.
  20. Okay, so you buy a full perm sculpt map which makes an item from a prim. When you make the item/object with a sculpt map, the map is duplicated into each object, this is what I mean. So basically, each person gets a sculpt map when they get the object. However, you are thinking this sculpt map once the object is made is useless. I'm not saying you are just giving out the sculpt map but rather the item has the sculpt map in it. Even though it's useless, I'd just contact the creator if you are unsure because I am reading the thread and others are saying many creators won't allow giving away their stuff for free under any circumstances, let alone copy and transfer. However, there are some who will as long as it is copy/mod or mod/transfer and never full perm of the one's who will allow it once in a while. BTW, your game sounds fascinating. If I were you, I'd use no full perm items and make them pretty.
  21. I was just curious as I've never heard of your game. There was no expectation for you to explain but I was curious if you had the time to explain. Why couldn't you just rez round ball prims, buy some full perm textures and make magic looking marbles people could hold then there are no full perm items involved other than textures which you can put on anything. I wasn't sure what you needed advice for full perm items as you thanked Lindal in the first response to your thread. So, basically, I'm gathering you just want to know about the sculpt map being giving out in your game which becomes an object through the sculpt map? Giving out full perm items for free in SL is tricky, most don't want giving out stuff for free under any reason. It depends on each creator is really what I wanted to say.
  22. Good luck again to you! I'm not sure what you are trying to make but what I'm going to copy and paste below what seemed to be the meat of it all. *********************So anyway, I went looking, and there are plenty of Full Perm torches, swords, etc. on the Marketplace. Sculpties seems an easy way to go; I can can just plop a texture on a prim and boom, it's a torch/sword/etc. Here's my questions so far, I'm such a noob! (Happy 16th Rez Day to me!) 1. If I have the system rez an item with the Full Perm texture; and if I make it a Multi-player system - where not just the owner playing gets a copy of the item/texture, but anyone they play with gets a copy of the item/texture - am I following the general "Full Perm" rules?
  23. Of course, it's a sculpt map. But, what are you making? You want to make weapons with the sculpt map and their texture provided which comes all in one kit or what? So, I'm not sure what you are trying to make but best of luck. I was assuming you want to just re-create a sculpt weapon that comes with sculpt maps and textures.
  24. I see as I re-read your post. I assumed you were going for a full perm sculpty and it's texture in one kit. Are you making the sculpty part? Anyways, your thread was long and this is why some threads get wonky, they are already too long, didn't read, and go all over the place. Sowry. You want to know just about a full perm texture and it's use, a full perm texture which comes from a kit?
  25. Honestly, it depends, that's why I said ask the creator because each creator can set their own. *Below are some examples of one creator who has some strict rules, and I only copy and pasted some. However, I have come across sellers who say exactly what I reiterated to you - don't resell as is because you are essentially just reselling my work and they spell it out clearly that way so it varies from creator to creator. But, now I think you are saying something different in that you want to use their texture on a prim. Is that what you want to do? - Sell my Mesh Models with merely tinted shade maps applied to any face. That is merely re-selling my work. - Sell my Mesh Models with only tining of any face. That is merely re-selling my work. - Sell my Mesh Models with merely shade maps applied. That is merely re-selling my work.
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