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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. Yeah, you are a bit. LOL I'm trying to impress upon you that when it says do not give out or sell items as is including textures doesn't have anything to do with whether you are giving them out full perm or not. It says do not resell as is because the item already exists as is and you are in effect just reselling copies of their item because it's not changed, but in your case it's scripted so it is changing it a bit. The best thing, imo, is to contact the creator of the item and tell them you want to use it textured as is for a scripted game and see what they say, or ask in Builder's Brewery or Happy Hippo's group chat if anyone would make a mesh/textured item/s for your game and they get a percentage of the profits.
  2. I don't know how to do multi-quotes. Someone sent me how and it seemed complicated to me. But, I wanted to address several part of your post. * First, sculpty knifes and swords. I needed an item recently for an outfit and used a sculpty and it took a long time for the sculpty to appear as a worn item. I sat for awhile looking at my avatar and going "okay........................where is it...........................................?" And, then after awhile, it finally appeared. So, I'm assuming the *worn* item I had was a delayed rez and I'm not sure why. I'd say make one sculpty knife for yourself first and see how long it takes to appear, worn on your avatar. However, the more you wear the sculpty item, the faster it begins to appear the 2nd, 3th, 4th time and so on and so on. Would it seem odd to you that a player gets a knife and then has to wait for it to appear? You may be better off with mesh weapons. If I were you, I'd try both sculpty and mesh full perm items for appearance sake and see how that goes for you. Meaning, is your sculpty rezzing faster than for me? I'd have no idea if I have a techno problem for fast rez for sculpties or not. Computers, overall, to me, are weird. * Next, full perm items. THIS > It is NOT allowed to resell or give away these textures / sculptie maps / meshes as they are! The above says what it says not for UUID'S imo because when we buy a full perm item and sell it as is it is just selling a copy of what is already made, so it's not the UUID. The creator wants you or me to make it into something else that's why they say don't sell as they are because as they are already exists. I think you'd be better off buying a full perm mesh weapon and making the texture yourself. Weapons only have a few places that need a texture. It shouldn't be too hard to make a decent texture. Did you ever make a texture before? I'm guessing not. Gimp is free and you could ask in Builder's Brewery and Happy Hippo groups how to make a new texture for a mesh item.
  3. I misunderstood you Marianne when I replied. I thought you were saying for tons of creators to make 1000 L bodies, which would flood the market with many cheap bodies which would be chaos for creators to make all those clothes for 40, 50, 60, etc... different bodies. However, if we do go into an economic downtown, I don't think it's a bad idea to have the current bodies priced in the Maitreya range. They'd sell more. If I were creator of one of the current bodies priced higher than Maitreya, I'd lower prices. We are in a war that is affecting the main populace of SL.
  4. No, no minimum selling price on my pre-Bento animations for my sculpties of yore. There are no licenses I have on any current animations, none, including Bento. So, I don't know who you buy from. The only stipulation is to not give out animations full perm. Also, all my scripts, no minimum, just not full perm. And, I don't believe it was underselling for my sculpties.
  5. Wow, fantastic! Thanks for sharing it! Calling it the main texture map might have been easier LOL because it just kept escaping me when others say the albedo is pure color or base color. I thought it was the main diffuse map goes there as you show. oi Thanks again.
  6. I'm trying to understand where the pattern of objects goes or will come from. Patterns/textures of our world like the grain of wood, tree bark, corduroy fabric for some examples as Fluffy said the albedo is just color. So, I'm assuming albedo is like a tinter or our inworld color palette because she said it's just color. I'm just lost as to where texture/pattern of items would come from. So, I asked in my post above does the pattern come from the roughness map then? See photo I will place below because what I was asking for clarity on is the albedo actually color AND pattern. See how the shirts of the PBR picture below have a pattern. Fabrics have patterns, so to speak, and I was wondering how one does that in PBR. Where does one create texture/pattern with PBR - which map area? I was assuming with PBR we would create pattern/texture and color in the albedo. So, I'm lost here.
  7. All this sounds like is a big trade-off bit of chaos to me. I'd rather LL look into offering cloud streaming PBR viewer so people can see if they like it at least before spending money on a gaming computer they may only use for SL because YouTube doesn't need the upgrades in order to work, that's for sure. I don't game. I only need upgrades for one thing - SL, otherwise, my computer could last 10 years or more.
  8. There already could be a billion dollar pipeline of non-ALM content that exists now, so I'm not sure what you are saying. Do you think all the content that exists now for potatoes, as you call them, should be retired? My computer may need some upgrades for ALM because ALM on part time has me cleaning my fans in my desktop once a month at least. However, my computer is in no way a potato (whatever that means) except for SL. I could run this computer probably another 10 years or longer without SL because what else do I use it for - YouTube aside from reading news. I don't need an upgrade for YouTube and I don't know how many gamers will like SL. People switching to gaming computers needs a lot more than just SL. LL could stream (cloud) SL for a monthly price, too.
  9. I was wondering where the pattern of things would go but I think I gave a poor example because the skin is a different UV system and the freckles could be made a tattoo. So, I'm still thinking pattern and trying to understand so now I'll use wood grain and bark as a pattern example. I'm thinking the wood grain or bark pattern would still need to be baked into the texture and that becomes the albedo, and then the roughness and metalness are trying to bump the grain in the wood or bark into looking more 3D. IOW, I'm thinking the roughness and metalness are like bump maps but not understanding what these maps want to read if there is no pattern like wood or bark in the albedo itself? So, this leaves me wondering if the wood grain/bark pattern is in the roughness map? But, let me keep it simple...on which map has the texture of things in our world like wood, bark, crushed velvet, corduroy, etc?
  10. Fluffy, I have a question just to clarify something if you are around or perhaps someone else would know. Wouldn't you mean the albedo should have no more information than color and pattern? For example, let me take freckles on a skin and call the freckles a pattern. If the freckles and the skin color don't go on the albedo, then where would the freckles for the skin go?
  11. Awwwwwww thank you. You are a kind person. I am an alt, however, that's why no store or MP link is included in this profile. I keep my business off the forum and not public. It's just the why I prefer it. It isn't really a store. I rent in malls right now and have rented in malls off and on for years and done well to many people's surprise, that's why I said my rent is low in a different post, and I also have a small MP store. I'm lucky that way in that if the economy turns badly for any reason, due to war escalation or whatever, I don't have to keep up the payment of a big sim for a store. I feel for creators who do have to keep up a big sim if we run into an economic downturn. But, thanks for the offer. I thought that was really sweet of you because I can tell you that when one creates something new and original and it isn't bought, you begin to wonder is it you, was it awful, or the economy? I thought my new collection was really cute and original but then I begin to think perhaps only I like it and it's a flop. It's not a good feeling to have a flop. I think SLINK's body had an interesting idea in that it was kind of more realistic female but it may not be what most SLer's want at the price she wanted.
  12. My opinion is, if, creators started making bodies that cheap, the market would be flooded, clothing creators would be way over worked and flooding the market with bodies could have the potential to be chaos. However, I think 5000 L was over-priced for SLINK C&C when having so little modify-ability. However, your formula is correct. I sold thousands of sculpty waterbed bedroom sets for 69 to 89 L each. Yes, thousands. If I had put a price of 699 L, I might have sold 3 not thousands. One thousand waterbed sets at 69 L is 69000 L but if i'd only sold three at a higher price I would have made only 2097 L. But, the bedroom set market is a bit flooded, so I chose the cheap formula and sold in the thousands. Creators can learn something from this formula, especially in tough economic times. Some mesh creators at first wanted prices so high, it wasn't really worth those astronomical price tags. They most definitely would have sold and made more money if the price was lower, this is why so many of us loved re-sale Gacha; way, way cheaper. This formula still works today, not to mention we are in one of the craziest inflationary environments I've ever seen. Raising prices on SL items isn't going to help these tough times. I'd like to buy at some of these rock bottom prices for the older bodies. Some sellers are practically giving stuff away the prices are so cheap for older bodies right now. Just because something is older doesn't mean bad either. I love retro stuff in real life. Sorry for rambling on your remark, Marianne. But, flooding the market with cheap bodies and expecting me to buy clothing for all of those, no thanks. That's not my thing as I find shapes time consuming to make a really good one I'm happy with. However, body sellers gotta play it as they see it. Reducing prices on existing bodies if you want to make money now or especially if the economy takes a nosedive is not a bad idea. Money is money.
  13. I changed when mesh happened but I was doing furniture/decor mostly. All my sculpties were furniture/decor also. My sculpties have long since been closed and there won't be any redeliveries on those. lol They've been obliterated. So, I have been through a change, in a way, and a different strategy. What happened was I had a creative spark that I think was really good as it wasn't forced, it just came to me and I created the things and then no sales unless I put a very low sale price. So, this time my creative spark hit bad timing. She had her price for her item, it wasn't met, and I think she moved on. But, I cannot forsee the future if she will change and even *want* LL to buy it. As far as me, I'm taking it one day at a time. I paid for one month's more rent to wait n see how that goes. My spark is dimming also with wondering when this PBR thing is coming as four uploads per face is a lot of money to front to make PBR items, especially if we go into an economic downturn. But thanks for the encouragement. I think my creative spark just went out for several reasons. If people want to buy still for their SLINK, there are some rock bottom prices right now. I bought some items for another body I have that's older at super low prices. Why not take advantage of the low prices if one stumbles upon some? Thanks again for the encouragement though.
  14. I'm not sure what you mean by landscape/outdoor decor style. I'm wondering if you mean outdoor furniture which is kind of home and garden. Maybe HIVE might have some things that are appealing to you. I love how she puts lights on tons of outdoor furniture.
  15. I agree with you 100%. *Waits for the FOMC minutes to come out today and U.S. jobs report Friday; these two things should tell us if we are going into a recession or not.* But, yes, rl prices were rising and rising and rising. I have had to cut back my SL spending. As far as her C&C bodies it may not have been what people were looking for as the photo shows average housewife to me. But, the picture I put up doesn't show how it might have been able to be shaped and I never tried a demo of it. SLINK brand is still an icon. My viewpoint about tons of bodies is it's a lot of work for creators, especially if we go into a recession. It's becoming apparent it is best to wait to make sure that new body has creators behind it as Orwar said.
  16. As I said in other posts, I have been selling in SL for a long time and have never experienced what I've experienced. I've always sold and never had a bad month. I was selling when there were scultpties. Learning mesh has been newer for me but I'm pretty well knowledgeable at mesh enough now to say I finally made really good items and cute and original and a bit arty so they wouldn't be like anything else on the grid. I would say I did switch just this year more to new clothes items than decor than I ever did before. I've always been mostly decor. New decor, I was waiting for Spring because of Halloween and Christmas, I didn't have much at all for that. This post is for @Pixieplumb Flanagan too. Pixieplumb, I sell both inworld and on MP but there is no business for me now, as I said, unless a special sale. I am doing sales and having business but never experienced that before either. I've always sold without sales too. shrug I wanted to say also that I've had a bad five months or so since gasoline prices shot up and inflation has been madness where I live. Six dollars for a loaf of bread is double the usual price before the war.
  17. Mastercard debit cards were probably bought on credit for gift cards, which is debt, and creating debt for Christmas is bad. I don't want to keep going 'round and 'round with you though. We are in the worst inflation I've ever seen. My nearby store wanted 6 dollars for a loaf of bread. I don't put stuff on credit and create debt. If I can't pay cash, I don't buy period. --------As day-to-day expenses continue to rise, Americans are taking on more debt. Overall, credit card balances jumped 15% in the third quarter of 2022, notching the largest year-over-year increase in more than 20 years. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/16/credit-card-balances-jump-15percent-as-americans-fall-deeper-in-debt.html
  18. You know I went in the morning for clothes and it was deserted. I was the only one there but that was European time. I did then go again in the evening which was Friday night and Nutmeg was fairly crowded. I quickly picked up a few things and left because Nutmeg was a bit laggy. But, that Friday night of Black Friday would have been more American time. There may be a worse recession in Europe than in America. I have never sold so little in my whole entire life as a creator in SL as it stands now. I have never experienced anything like this. I've always sold and had money to spend in SL. I've only cashed out once in my entire SL. I love lindens because I love SL content and concerts and parties where I tip. But, I've thought of closing as well. Fortunately, my rent is very low but I thought I made the cutest shoes I've ever made and I can't sell any unless I put them on special sales and these are new items I'm talking about.
  19. I noticed the hands as well but to me I thought the hands are too big and you are right though in that they don't appear, well... pretty.
  20. That's credit card and I haven't heard the December numbers but November, consumer spending was down. --Retail sales for November declined 0.6%, even worse than the Dow Jones estimate for a 0.3% drop.-- https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/15/retail-sales-november-2022-sales-fall-0point6percent-as-consumers-feel-pressure-from-inflation.html
  21. I went for clothing so there was no one there at the places I went. But, I found the complete opposite of what you found. I also went to one clothing store for a fatpack and there was NO Black Friday sale at all period. So, I don't know what you encountered. Anyhow, I hope we can get back on topic because we had two completely different experiences, you and I. And it adds nothing to the topic. I brought it up because it does hurt when someone doesn't like your item but it is also a recession. RL spending is way down in rl. If creators aren't selling enough or may be going negative, it may be time for them to close. Expecting infinite support for an item seems unrealistic to me as a creator.
  22. It is really neither curvy nor slender, imo, but rather I think she was attempting to be more realistic with skeletal bones, joints and some muscles. I really do not like the neck from the picture I will add below. Although when I became an oil painter a long time ago and was studying the human body, I found the neck to be one of the most unattractive parts of the human body. I never liked necks but this neck in this picture below is too pronounced and I love jewelry and hair far more than necks. I like how Cinnamon Chai is a bit realistic for an average women in the photo below but I couldn't say it is something I would buy. I honestly feel that she didn't sell many of these during this recession, sale or no, and it may have hurt her feelings. But, she needs to realize, other creators are hurting too. Black Friday was deserted just about everywhere I went.
  23. LL are "god-mode" to SL. SL is a world solely created by it's residents. It's kinda like the Lindens give us free will to make it work here together and they also don't want to stifle creativity. SL is user-created content, even though some content may be imported from elsewhere now. When SLINK came out with her feet we were all pretty happy, doos feets on the Classic avatars are ugly. Funny, how we might have all been starring down at our new beautiful Slink feet and shoes all those years ago. SLINK brand revolutionized SL. My first reaction at hearing they were leaving was a tear.
  24. If the actual mesh product, shirt, pants, etc had parts that go invisible, it could be done with one texture, couldn't it? However, it still doesn't mean all items will match even if parts of shirts or pants disappear in stages.
  25. I've sort of done that with some men's items I made. I put in the purchase packet several lengths of pants so that some pants are shorter to wear with men's boots. My doing this wasn't a complete crystal ball work of just guessing what boots customers might buy. I tried several men's boots and then gave recommendations to buy those boots from those creators and wear the shorter pants version with those boots. There would mostly be no way as a creator I would know what boots someone was going to buy and what length to make the pants unless I offered for purchase pants and boots together as the item or did the above by trying a few boots and giving recommendations for the shorter pants. I make many things. I didn't want to make boots too when the market has tons.
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