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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. Spamming is against the TOS. So, spamming or self-promoting bots should be banned. I think they should have bots that look different like droids that is recognizable to all as a droid bot, but cannot look like an avatar. If they are a bot account, they should also sign in as a BOT account and then perhaps have to buy a LL droid. * Spamming, such as the repeated posting of advertising or self-promotional content https://www.lindenlab.com/legal/community-standards
  2. I have added nuts which one bag goes a long way in providing morning protein. I have protein at lunch and dinner right now. I still hope they do come up with something soon, vouchers for food perhaps. I'm just plumb worn out with it all myself. Just worn out.
  3. I hope that changes soon, hun. I feel right crazy half the time with the food prices which is far beyond a peeve. This is not the world I know anymore. I hope something will be done soon for those who cannot afford, something and soon.
  4. Oh, says stupid city dweller.. lol I don't know if my niece has enough land to grow the feed. I hope she doesn't end up disappointed that the chickens become too costly to kept fed because land and the land that the feed store has to rent is making everything way too expensive. Land and housing has spun out of control price-wise and that makes the feed more because it's more hobby farming around the semi-rural areas that exist around a very expensive metropolis. Hobby farming can be expensive. It depends. I love growing some of my own like strawberries and tomatoes.
  5. My sis had chickens for awhile. She lived in a semi-rural part of town at that time but later went back to "city life". It was weird visiting her with these chickens walking all over the place in the front yard. She finally got rid of them because she said it cost more in feed than the cost for eggs in the stores. Even if it costs a little more, the taste and quality is usually better. They sold some eggs too but still to feed them she couldn't even break even, she said. Now my niece is grown and wants her own chickens which it's gonna cost her. I prefer my front yard without chickens walking around, personally. lol
  6. Currently, I have two Dinkie accounts I'm using. Dinkies are small house cats, unlike the furry which is tall, we are small like a real cat. I have older human accounts too but it's all non-mesh stuff so I don't use them. I did my walk down memory lane with one of them in my Classic avi, and then said goodbye to the classics and won't reopen them. I'm now awaiting PBR and thinking and wondering what a PBR human body might be like. If they are nice, I would only have one human as it gets expensive. I have no idea how expensive PBR might be. None of us really do. It took years for me to come out of some kind of a hybrid Classic-Mesh avatar into being all mesh. None of us really went "mesh" all out right away. It took years for mesh items to evolve to where they are today. I assume PBR will be the same way...it will take awhile, if not years before it's popular like how it was with mesh. So, now I'm content to just stay a cat. I buy hair that tends to have both rigged and non-rigged so I can wear with both cat and human. I have no stories that go with my avi's. All are mostly socializers for fun/friendship/work, not dating / coupling.
  7. Went through similar with a naked woman dancing in the middle of a live concert recently. It was lame as could be and uncomfortable when everyone else was clothed. Exhibitionist griefer perhaps. I've seen it on occasion.
  8. You lucky girl! As to the locked thread and the whole situation of the bots, oi. I'm not a happy camper about it. I think they are spam at worst possibly though. At least, I'm hoping so. Spam I can deal with.
  9. What is a threatening is these bots seem to be getting more and more aggressive by going inside people's SL homes, yet they want to be seen as friendly so others will use their website. They are defeating that purpose by alarming others. Gives me a red flag there.
  10. No, no...the alarm was about the bots being in your house repeatedly. That's alarming.
  11. I don't know either exactly, of course, other than bots in your home could most definitely cause alarm. There seem to be some aspects of disturbing the peace here although I'm not sure exactly all what is going on with these bots. They seem to be taking data that others feel they never fully agreed to.
  12. According to the TOS one is not allowed to alarm others under harassment, nor have repeated transmissions of undesirable content. Do these apply as do nots against the residents of SL? (copy/paste is the community standards part of the TOS) For repeated transmissions of undesirable content, scroll down towards DISTURBING THE PEACE and then under the words disturbing the peace it will say the above. https://www.lindenlab.com/legal/community-standards
  13. But it's harassment as lined out word for word from my c/p above from the SL TOS. Report to LL also, imo, if they land in your home or land and you have a security orb. Yeeeks!
  14. It's against the TOS to HARASS other SL residents. Sim or Land Owners should be contacted immediately if one of these bots is in your home or on your land. From the SL TOS... Harassment Harassment can take many forms. Communicating or behaving in a manner that is offensively coarse, intimidating, threatening, or causes annoyance or alarm is not allowed.
  15. I don't think the Linden who closed the last thread said it's all okay. Regarding the public information it apparently is, but near the end said "we are in communication with owner..." (See locked thread near bottom). Which, to me, means they are checking some things. Being in a person's private home or skybox doesn't seem okay to me. That's stalking.
  16. I think because Resident was her last name, thus she's not a Pancake. You need to type in Coffee if using just one name, I'd guess. However, do you all think it's wise to visit this website right now? Linden in other thread said they are in communication with this website. I'd stay off of it for now.
  17. One thing weird about bots is a human has to check the box I AM NOT A BOT. That is just weird to do that in the first place. It's outright lying to a website.
  18. No, no I can't. Anyhow, about the bots. This has to be a very expensive system. Therefore, the logical conclusion is it's purpose is to make money...somehow...?
  19. I was wondering why it doesn't go after groups too. I don't know. But, I think it's main purpose is to make money somehow.
  20. Bots usually collect data in order to sell us more stuff. That is probably why it's interested in our PICKS. Bots have no purpose but to sell us stuff. Still, it's a bit unnerving as I did not read the other thread. It was a tldr.
  21. Well, to me, pooping is a little too much realism. I don't bother with it in SL. Birthing, in SL I've never seen. It's not something I would be interested in watching whether cat, human, or fillintheblank. Birthing is getting too much into role play, imo. Where would the perfect realism of role playing a real life end? Do we need to brush our avatar's teeth?... use birth control and condoms for some other examples? Once we get into realism, where does it end? I'd rather have fun in SL than deal with all the realism of real life.
  22. Oh wait, spoke too soon...that's too much realism. There could be a line where each of us has lines drawn as to what's too much realism and what isn't. Poopy cats not okay, non-poopy cats in dresses and combat boots fine.
  23. Humans are worse litterers on the beach. At least **** is recyclable back into the earth or sand.
  24. Wonders about house cats in dresses and combat boots walking on the beach? Are they the same as human avatars walking in high heels in the sand? Question not necessarily directed to BelindaN...this is me wondering where does one draw the line a la realism? If realism is not needed everywhere, then tiny house cats in dresses and combat boots should be allowed more places.
  25. Love the rounded prim addition idea! Makes a great shadow shape when flattened. Most of the shapes are great to make shadows when flattened and then make that shadow your root prim for any full perm item. IOW, the shadow made from a flattened prim that's textured becomes your root prim and the item changes into your name that way. I usually toss the mesh full perm shadow out and make my own shadow with prims is also what I'm saying. The mesh one is not always needed and it's cumbersome. I make the shadow texture smaller too.
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