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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. Oh. That is Elon Musk's problem to deal with/sort out, whatever. I didn't get involved in the political stuff on Twitter as it was so much mudslinging. What I feared about the mudslinging is this: Is this how our kids are learning to communicate? I found that a bit frightening for the kids of today. It's causing dividing lines for them and sometimes even hate. But, there is nothing I can do about it other than suggest schools teach good communication skills. I don't want to be on social media for that reason, kids learning how NOT to communicate.
  2. If I can add some things about "bad pr", not addressing your post specifically. But, the problem on Twitter, I read, is the bots and trolls are impersonating celebrities and companies and giving out false information to make the celebrity or company look bad. What I read, that Elon Musk wants to do, is to make all celebrity and business accounts have a monthly fee in order to know it's the real company or celebrity. Impersonating a celebrity or a company on Social Media, I believe, is already a crime in the real world. LL seems to allow us a lot of freedom of expression and, imo, a very small part of SL walks on a thin tightrope of just going too far. For me, it's the toddler looking avatar faces on the fully grown woman's body that is going to extremes. However, I am not getting involved on a personal level. It just bothers me from time to time as some of it is bloody, violent and frankly portraying child abuse. There is no happy medium between me and that other than to just walk away and avoid as best I can because as, I said above, I am not LL police. I have a busy SL and RL. However, I feel I should have the right to express my view on that matter under freedom of speech. And, am I going to go all gung-ho and take a stance to have those types of avatars banned. No. And, the reason is that I have my own life and it's not my responsibility or problem to deal with it. I am here for my pleasure, not to be police person.
  3. Yeah, pretty much this. I *chose* to leave Twitter. If something is toxic, it's easy on the internet to move on. It's not always that simple with things that are toxic in our real life, unfortunately. But, it's LL's job to choose to do something or not to do something about something. However, they gave us some controls to help such as de-render being one. I rarely have de-rendered stuff but now, if I do, I don't even need to choose temporary or permanently, all I have to do is choose don't re-render what I have de-rendered in the preferences section. So, de-rendered stuff isn't going to re-render in my life. But, for me, that's very rare. And, it's a bit sad too because it's permanent and that it had to come to that, even. Permanent elimination. But, still, I say, that's the way it is.
  4. I've never heard anyone say we need to roll back the clock to 1950! But, in some ways, since the overturn of Roe Vs. Wade, some of what you are saying might be true. It does seem, at times, we are going backwards. At the heart of it all would be a dissatisfaction with "God-mode" in SL, government in RL, or one could say rules in general. My philosophy here in SL is that I am not a LL police. I have never reported anything. It's up to LL to police their own business. I don't want to be involved. As far as rl, there is a lot of name-calling on Twitter which was getting a bit toxic. Twitter is full of trolls, Elon even said so. That name-calling stuff I don't feel is right but it is out of my control, so I use Twitter sparingly. What we can control is ourselves.
  5. I've had Dinkies and Tinies tell me otherwise. I am way more outgoing myself as a Dinkie. I feel free being a Dinkie. I have friends who have told me they are too shy to be human but they are not shy as a Dinkie and I told them that, that they don't appear shy. Some are still working at it, being a human, little by little. They have personal things I'd rather not reveal. Oh, (adding) Dinkies and Tinies have their own sims. We pretty much stay within those. I shop as a Dinkie, others see me and seem ok with it. I am human sometimes.
  6. Yes, everything is set up for tiny-sized avatars and we are all mostly animal although maybe not fully animal, not fully human, perhaps a bit of both. Although there are Dinkies/Tinies who have told me they will never be human avatars. But, what I really wanted to say is that there are a handful of Dinkie/Tiny sims that could comprise probably not even 5% of SL. The rest is mostly human which can sometimes lead to looking for a needle in a haystack in the "human scene". The scene for humans seems endless compared to the few Dinkie/Tiny sims. That can be frustrating, especially if one encounters a lot of afk avi's. My experience as a newbie was good; I was learning stuff and had helpful people also. On my first shopping trip in SL as a newbie, after buying my first item, I wore a box. Someone arrived within about 15 minutes and told me about sandboxes and opening boxes, etc. Thank goodness because I was stumped at wearing a box.
  7. I mean human visually. The Dinkie and Tiny scene is just different. Put on a flying dragon avatar and you will see what I mean. The two scenes are very different. Also, the Dinkies and Tinies of the Shire have their own sims. For one reason, tinies have to have a special animation for them to work. Plus, they are vastly different scenes altogether. Since Dinkies and tinies are tiny in the real sense, we often make things small, so there are no seats for the biggie human avatars. We are separated for practical reasons that cannot be helped at times.
  8. Frightening, yes! And, I seem to remember it happened within 10 minutes or less. It didn't take long for one's avi head to start hanging either. lolol I don't know what they were thinking back then. People do come on the internet for fast engagement nowadays and maybe even more so than we did all those years ago. But, I still think Philip Rosedale threw us all in here to make our own SL happen because that is the way it is in the real world is unless you are born into a family business for example. Either we would make a SL for ourselves, or we wouldn't. Entering a group place and finding one's self lonely as a newbie or even an oldbie when on a social platform is a bit of an odd take though on SL, as many people coming from a game with a goal, do not get SL. The goal is to make your own SL. There are real groups but I've been out of the human loop for awhile now. Gacha was the last big human group I was involved in. What is occurring in London City today may not be what I experienced several years ago also.
  9. Okay, in the old days if an avi was afk, it slumped us over with our head hanging forward. I think they took it away because it was an ugly sight. lol As to whether we got kicked for being an avi with our head hanging towards the ground, I can't remember either.
  10. I work in my programs from my home because it's challenging. I teleport home when an event is done. I need to concentrate on my work, as it's rather intense in my experience, working 20+ hours on one texture at times which would translate to about $500 dollars if real time work. I seem to remember, back in the days of SL's beginnings, the avi's would hunch over, with our head hanging...or did we have to use an "away" feature. I can't remember back that far. As far as newbies and improvement of new first impression, it's probably all over the map. I had some chats at London City. I have no complaints as it was friendly and not the usual 'come to my place' type of IM from 3-day old avi's that happen more in clubs, in my experience.
  11. But, they are not there, so I won't take that assignment. When I was noob (avatar) for my second time in SL after I had taken a break, I got sent home with those scripted things. I forgot the message now, need to be 30 days old or something like that but I needed time to make an avatar so I did not care. First time in SL which was nearly 20 years ago now, there was no sending home that I remember. If people go to London City as a newbie place and the avi's are mostly afk, is it off putting to newbies? My answer is maybe/depends. SL is something we make happen just like we make our real life happen. It takes perseverance, imo. But, remember also one can be a lag drag. If you're not engaging there, why not just go home?
  12. To me, those are more short term AFK. I did the above as a human avatar also. That's why I say the Dinkie scene is different - when an event is happening anyways. However, I'm asking about long term AFK, such as hours or mostly all the avatars are AFK and this is what a newbie stumbles upon and finds for a group gathering. This thread is about newbies. While I think Philip Rosedale designed SL to be like RL in that there really is no guide to real life, we have a lot to figure out ourselves and so is SL. But, some times that just doesn't always work. Gacha was a kind of "scene" I miss because it was fast paced, never sleepy. Those were the days for me as a human.
  13. If it's boring why do people stay at places with their avatar? If SL is boring, is it the people or is it that the human scene is just all over the place, if not downright directionless. If she is speaking of London City, that place is noob friendly I think. Noobs cannot go everywhere, which is a different thing in and of itself. But, SL appearing boring to newbies is not generally a good thing.
  14. Low number about a 1 overall. I signal with my 'be right back' when going AFK and often give a time frame, such as 10 mins and then I join local chat. It is extremely rare for me to be in IM the whole time during an event. It happened once, it was an urgent situation. If I am leaving the party early, I also say goodbye and may even give a reason I have to leave. I am a Dinkie which is not a human. The Dinkies and Tinies of the Shire actually want to be together for group fun. It's a different scene then being human. We are not together for slex nor have any particular agenda other than friendship and sharing from the get-go. Dinkies and Tinies are almost always in local chat during an event. Of course, we talk in IM's also but not usually during the events. The events can be really good, such as we had a Dinkies Got Talent show recently and a circus that was amazingly scripted. IM's are for after event.
  15. And yet, here you are trying to tell someone who did, was, and does. You weren't talking about holidays? Your post mentioned leap year. And, I wasn't trying to tell you anything. I was elaborating that there are two main calendars - one is the Solar (much of the modern world has now adapted to and for business purposes mostly) and one is the Lunar which determines certain people's new years and holidays. It seemed like it was turning into a fun fact thread. So, I was elaborating about the calendar you spoke of, not telling Y-O-U in particular, anything.
  16. The calendar most in use is the Roman Solar calendar which I never knew went by the name above. The Lunar calendar still determines many holidays and celebrations. Chinese and Jewish New Year's are determined by the Lunar calendar and those New Year Day's are different from the Solar calendar's New Year's Day.
  17. My favorite in SL for most of my Christmases here has been minimal and it's just setting out a mug of steaming hot cocoa and a plate of goodies on a table for Santa by a tree I may have chosen that year, and that's it. Real life - rustic, hand-crafted, or Victorian themed stuff and stockings were a must. Oh yeah, adding, I wanted to say that I love the snow scenes here in SL. The reindeer with lights at the visitor's snowing Christmas sims (whatever those are called) are my favorite.
  18. Depends on experiences and individuals I guess as to whether it's real or not. It's real to me and my best SL friend. Yeah, I know we may be domesticated cats in SL, well at least I am (domesticated, that is), haha, but I think she sent me this photo below, and SL is real to some. I think alts are a good thing. It never hurts to take a break and do something else in SL also. Imo, if one is a dancer, first thing to do is save money and start investing in one to two alts as well as keep open and honest communication with management. SL is as real as this mysterious photo sent to me on my FB....
  19. My opinion is that some times you have to. I've only read page one but my best opinion is this is what alts are for. Not just because of rudeness, after reading some of your replies I'm thinking you really want to be completely apart from this one avatar. Alts are for peace of mind when two avatars just cannot get along at the most extreme case. Going to an alt for awhile is also said it will make the other give up looking for you. Not only that, it gives you space from the whole thing and, as I said, can bring back your peace of mind. Take back the controls of your life for awhile anyhow, and then see how it goes.
  20. I was considering Milan for Black Friday but I've never heard of any of those skin lines. Search Milan Shape though and it's mostly child. I just saw a few shapes with my search right now that are looking a bit in the age range I am looking for, about 19-21, but that wasn't the case a few months ago. I never tried on the head. I needed body first and couldn't decide. Plus, saving 10 dollars won't make me or break me, so I felt no need to rush and I do have a lot on my plate but some things came up in real life and put some brakes on me for a bit of time right now. Here is searching Milan shape: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=✓&search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=G&search[keywords]=milan+shape
  21. We has "the Moms" that feed us. There is always so much food. We are the lucky ones here. I have been realizing lately just how privileged we are to be in SL, all of us. There are people who only dream of what kind of avatars and wardrobes they wish they could have but could never afford. On another note, I'd love to see more skins and shapes that really look 19 to 21 for females and show where this market is. It's not so easy to find, imo. Either 30 something or way too young seems more the norm. I think the classic avi's tended to look more in their early 20's as the norm (average). The thing with Kawaii is it's trying to blend cute with sexy and it fails quite a lot. But, even Betty Boop was considered the exaggerated curvy girl who was dumb and cute as I read a bit in the Wikipedia yesterday. The dumb, cute and sexy then moved onto the dumb blonde stereotype and really took off with Marilyn Monroe. Blending cute with sexy can be done tastefully, however, rather than so young of a face, such as 5 to 12 years old.
  22. Yes, yes it does. Even the courtesans' hourglass, shall I say, was portrayed extremely exaggerated in drawings, although corsets were used for centuries to get that hourglass figure. I was thinking that perhaps it was Betty Boop who started the hoopla with the exaggerated hourglass figure, but it does go way back before Betty Boop. I just saw something on Twitter yesterday, which you just reminded me about, about Courtesan's and they were drawings like a cartoon hourglass figure discussing stupid stuff, don't need to really go into detail as I left the topic quickly; wasn't interested in gossip. Betty Boop may have just made it popular. Cartoon's are okay. Dinkies are a type of cartoon avi. It's just that the faces, honestly, do not need to be that young. I'd like to be young again too, but age of consent or about 20 is good for me if I want to be younger in SL. I agree that the mature woman or man can be a bit difficult to re-create on an avi as you spoke about above. As far as men aging better than women in rl, men can grow a mustache and beard and cover up half their face of the wrinkles and sagging skin. Sure older women can get a few unwanted "hairs" as we age, but we cannot cover up sagging skin and wrinkles the way an older man can.
  23. No comment on the avi because I am not going to discuss specific avatars others have individually made. I just wanted to say that the cartoonish big body was also an evolution of a type of furry, I believe. That's where the exaggerated shape - super curvy, even dollish or cartoonish shape - comes from, but it was a furry shape originally. I think other's thought it cute and thought they'd use it on a female. But, really, it is going in the direction of about no older than a 12-year-old's head and face but mostly I see way younger, about 5 in the what other's are buying now. What to say to Gopi about the age of SL avatars? Well, it goes all over the place.
  24. I believe you are right with the Daddy Dom, Baby Girl "in thing". However, it's cool by me if you look 18+ which I know there is a little give and take there as 18 can look younger, but when one looks 5, they look 5. And, this is creating a splinter in our community. I separate from those whose body looks 25 and their face looks 5.
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