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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. Okay, yah! Maybe they should have titled this 'where there is a peeve, there is a way'. However, Peeve: With computers, there are usually fifteen different (apps) ways.
  2. I was wondering if you lost your HUD because you forgot it's name? Just to put more info out there on my 'make a HUD of your poses' info, people will need to rename their HUD when it's rezzed on the ground because most of the scripts will probably be no modify. If an item contains no modify scripts, one usually cannot rename it in inventory, it has to rezzed to rename the item if it's copy/mod. So, rename the HUD while it's on the ground. Tip No. 2 - Go to a sandbox like Builder's Brewery or Happy Hippo because HUDS are small and you might feel like you lost it if you rezz on a floor that's a busy pattern for example.
  3. Yep so much of this, and then try being a Dinkie where the arms are often just not gonna work, the arms will go through the body. But, I do have cute ones for my Dinkie where the arms are at the side for instance. Pics takes patience because of prim clashes too. It's a fun hobby even though it can be taxing at times. But, people with a lot of poses, I think the HUDS are easier but you have to make them yourself. You just click thru a blue menu like menus on furniture and it poses your avatar as you click from pose to pose on the menu.
  4. When I came back to SL the last time and have been here since pretty much except for health stuff here and there, I found a whole bunch of 1 L each poses on MP. I think a lot of people put poses out as dollarbies or thank you gifts at 1 linden each. There are some good ones for people to start out that don't cost much. All these are 1 to 10 Linden. Putting the link just for anybody starting out, not directed to Ayashe personally. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=✓&search[layout]=gallery&search[category_id]=&search[sort]=&search[per_page]=24&search[keywords]=pose&search[price_low]=0&search[price_high]=10&search[land_impact_low]=&search[land_impact_high]=&search[copy_permission]=0&search[modify_permission]=0&search[transfer_permission]=0&search[limited_quantities]=0&search[is_demo]=0
  5. Funnily enough, I still use pose ball for some items I've made for Dinkies because each one needs their own pose. Pose balls are fun! HUDS can be tricky but once one gets used to making them they are so easy, so I'd recommend using the free ones to try making one or call someone up at Happy Hippo Building School or Builder's Brewery and ask for help on your HUD. You drag the HUD to the ground and then load whatever poses into the CONTENTS area of the edit menu, and then take back to inventory and wear. Some have a weird thing about starting sometimes, and you have to wear and then unwear again or something. I still make chimeras too from time to time. Remember those? They all come in handy at times for certain things, even pose balls of all things.
  6. I was going to suggest that too, to upload the pic on MP and put it in a file, but that doesn't help much. I think poses are difficult. Honestly, I often just use my AO and snap when avi looks interesting. Oh, I thought of something I did a long time ago. I rezzed a HUD (a free dance HUD, I think) to the floor and put tons of poses in it and then right click on the HUD in inventory and menu of all the poses would drop down and I scroll thru the menu of poses quickly as the HUD posed my avi in each pose. I forgot what kind of HUD I used for that though but it was free on MP. It loaded about 40 poses in it. There are some free HUDS on MP under dance HUD, I think but it should work because the dance animation and pose symbol is the same. Mine actually worked, I still have it. Made if for free. ADD INFO: Look for empty HUDS, but actually this one that is 99L, I use for all my dances. Super easy to load and work with a menu, plus has a timer. This is my favorite hud but there are free empty ones. I'd need to look around. This same HUD would probably work with poses, then just name each HUD while it's on the ground to give you some kind of idea of what's in it. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Simple-Dance-HUD/12846786
  7. I put my poses in a box. Then when I want a pose, I rez the box, open and copy to inventory, and then click RECENT and all my poses are lined up, and I can then double click on each which puts the poses on the screen and then line them up and click thru ten to twelve poses very quickly. Once I'm all done with my photography, I just delete the whole poses file in the RECENT area. I don't think pose makers are going to put pictures with each pose. You can though yourself.
  8. I dunno...maybe we are on to something here with these kinds of names. Could be the new fad "shiny" for SL. Of course, if we go to names like Alpha Blending, I think we may have gone a bit too far.
  9. I was thinking I might like Tipsy Pixelbottom myself. Tipsy Pixelbottom sounds like a friend of James Bond.
  10. With names like Pixelbottom, Sausage...sounds like this naming session may have occurred while those attending were a little, shall we say, tipsy maybe. I thought of a funny one for Sausage but I cannot say it here, nor anywhere on the web for that matter.
  11. I read that on Twitter. It was 10 Stupid Things About The Rich, like the rich get free stuff they can afford. But, I know why the rich get free stuff, it's so they will wear it and advertise it. Correction to my Fancy Smancy. It would be Fancy Schmancy. fan·cy-schman·cy /ˌfansēˈSHmansē/ adjective INFORMAL•NORTH AMERICAN extremely or excessively fancy. "Ben has some fancy-schmancy job"
  12. Maybe LL could sell extra parts of names too like Lord, Duchess, Jr., Sr., the 111, etc. Oh, la tee da. Fancy Smancy.
  13. First, I gotta agree with how @Stephanie Misfitexplained it above. Making an avatar is work and I know I demo/demo/demo a lot until I find something great. It takes time with search/search/search to put something unique together, along with demo/demo/demo/demo/demo.............. Then, someone comes along and copies it because their reasoning is that everyone loves you. It's just too close for comfort. I'd find it uncomfortable. Once or twice is okay, but constantly, I'd need space from that and mute.
  14. Yeah, pretty much this. ^^ Most people go to cam. But, to say that all those who do not voice for real valid reasons is because they are a guy in rl if they are a female avatar is absurd. However, they think they have it all figured out when they are in fact talking to an in real life woman here; female rl/female sl. So, they have nothing figured out... And, to me, it's like saying I have life all figured out or I have love all figured out, and all I can say is welcome to the endless enigma because no that person doesn't have the endless enigma all figured out. Plus, I think someone could begin threads like this so they are a topic of why I don't like pixel sex versus why I like pixel sex, which is frankly not anyone's business and too nosy. Individuals have their own individual reasons. Plus, it could be guys looking to find who might be interested in pixel sex on the forum which sounds really desperate. The only time I've ever encountered thinking a male might be behind a female avatar is one that is a Classic avatar in ugly clothes with no shape other than torpedo-sized breasts. And, to that I just smh.
  15. You assume people female avatars who don't use voice are a man if they don't like it, or let's say use it. That's like calling me a liar and not appreciated one bit because I am a woman. I think you need to drop your stereotypes and grow out of your tiny box you have boxed yourself into to because it's disrespectful. I am NOT a man period.
  16. You edited out your post because you know it isn't true that just because one may not like voice and has an avatar of a female here on the SL forum, they are a guy. That's not true and you know it. People know how to get what they want in SL and they usually take it beyond voice to web cam but I don't engage in any of that. I've been building mostly for the past 10 years or so. Voice to me may be necessary if I wanted a SL relationship but I don't. SL relationships are very demanding and I've found myself thinking about building and missing building when I was in an SL relationship. It is difficult to do both, no impossible really. Pretty soon I feel I'm going to hear you are a guy because women can't build. Oh yes they can.
  17. https://www.facebook.com/PapooosePapooose/videos/910547500397795 (this video was just so cute, I had to share it. lol)
  18. That sounds hilarious for Dinkies! Btw, Dinkies moufs (moufs are mouths in Dinkie speak) already move when typing which one can turn on and off. It's not in time with the keystrokes and looks like they talk way faster than the keystrokes and they wave their paws around a lot. Dinkies kind of look like they are hysterical when their moufs and paws move. Like "my building just fell down!" hysterical, not funny haha hysterical.
  19. People do look to date here though and some even to take real life. I was just thinking out loud the other day that voice *would* be fun *if* we could talk to people in our own local area. If I were looking to date, that would be a cool feature to somehow have area codes. However, what I'm saying sounds futuristic. SL voice, as it is, is a dinosaur. SL, to me, is a 3D virtual chat room and a building platform, at it's core. Though much of the building is offline now.
  20. Oh, okay then. As far as voice expected on as a default, I honestly think it depends. Sometimes yes, sometimes no, sometimes maybe. It depends on who you hang around with, which groups you are in, etc. It's different all over SL. But, I've never had a bad time on SL not being on voice, and I do not have anything to hide as I don't slex or hook up with people for relationships on SL. It's just frewnds for me. It's just frewnds for me because of the energies I've put into building which is just about all my energy, then maybe I can relax a little in SL with frewnds. If I put energy into relationships in SL, I'd never have enough energy to build and I'd be distracted. It wouldn't work. Omg, I just looked at pics of my work through the years. Those sculpties didn't look all that bad when they had the right lighting. I've been working (hard beyond words) in SL for years. Sometimes not even enough time for frewnds.
  21. Re: Voice - Voice would be fun, imo, if it were people who actually lived near you, if one is looking to date in rl for example or they could become their town or city's local "ham radio". Otherwise, meh.
  22. I don't think it's expected to be on by default but I am assuming your reasoning is that younger generations don't know how to type? As far as voice, headsets I'm not fond of because they aren't sanitary because of the difficulty to clean them. As a matter of fact, I just cleaned mine a couple of months ago, and they are ruined. I don't even know if I want another pair now! If they'd build them in a design that detracts bacteria and is easy to clean and comfortable, I will buy again. But, cleaning them as recommended, ruined them. As far as expecting, I don't think so, no.
  23. This sounds like a legitimate reason to use/need PIOF. Me just continuing on the subject, not directed to Lucia: Other reasons could include they are an exclusive club such as "Frank's Jazz" was a kind of exclusive club in SL. You had to pay X-amount of lindens and wait to be accepted in. I don't know if Frank's even used PIOF or not. The problem I'm having with it is - bots. It's one of the main tools we have to fight any and all future bot invasions, and that's not good. It can create problems when the landowner doesn't know what else to do.
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