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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. I was thinking it was dumping a result out for you or me not necessarily to appreciate but to build from. Sorry, I can't seem to express myself well. I'm having difficulty putting words to this newfangled contraption. But, I have written in my lifetime and I could see myself getting inspiration from ChatGPT but turning it into something else that's more "me", my heart, my soul. I think it could also give inspiration on a writing style. I also suggested it could be a writer's tool, meaning one isn't supposed to copy verbatim nor use ChatGPT as an end point but rather a starting point.
  2. I thought some of the writing was good. There were some parts that were a little too flowery or just didn't quite fit, but I think it's doing that on purpose because I think ChatGPT's purpose is to give one inspiration and then the person takes the best parts and adds that into one's own written piece. I don't believe it's purpose is to copy it verbatim. I think copying stuff verbatim would take the fun out of it. It would become totally mindless.
  3. This makes SL sound so friggin' amazing, I can't understand why it doesn't generate more users other than so many have gone to the phone, and now at this time, inflation has been so terrible. Plus, much of the above is true! So, I'm gathering, as I read about this ChatGPT thing is it is a writer's tool where one can take the best parts of what ChatGPT presents and rewrite it in their own style whether it's a blog, a screenplay, a song, a poem. That's incredible.
  4. I just read a bit about what ChatGPT is because I haven't had time to read what it's about. From my understanding of what I've read, ChatGPT's purpose is to give starting points. But, those starting points are to be researched if one is writing a paper. So, yes it does give a summary of ideas as starting points regarding whatever the question may be. In that regard, it sounds interesting. What I read said it could also help write music or poems. That sounds interesting to me.
  5. Perhaps instant gratification isn't the term I was looking for but I cannot think of the term I am looking for. I guess I mean it's instant, like ask ChatGPT a question, it gives an answer, instead of delayed gratification, such as doing research for an in-depth answer. Since ChatGPT is being hyped as the next "big thing", I'd assume eventually it's answers would be considered overall good by the next generation, especially if they don't compare it's answers to anything else. I think SL forum users/readers could be biased though as we've read the same responses as in the OP many times. If someone were to read it with no idea of what SL needs to "get more users", the answers ChatGPT gave probably seem logical enough to be considered good by someone who has never read anything at all before.
  6. Yes, it saves time but it's just a continuation of the instant gratification generations. I was expecting more from it> What, exactly, I'm not sure yet. lol
  7. Perhaps I mean plagiarized in an informal way. However, I feel with near assurity, I've seen posts on SL forums that were written almost exactly like what ChatGPT produced in the OP. If ChatGPT looks for real plagiarism, perhaps it would need to be word for word? I simply don't know. I really know nothing about ChatGPT. It does look like something along the lines of being created for the instant gratification societies that have become our modern world in the past few generations. ChatGPT just seems to compactify other data.
  8. Honestly, everything this particular ChatGPT "wrote" as shown in the OP is plagiarism. It's all been said here in the forums, and the ChatGPT just assembled it somehow. I cannot understand the usefulness of having an AI system that simply plagiarizes what already exists. Although it's been said ChatGPT will be the next big thing, I just don't get it. It's redundant.
  9. It was the first time I've ever been asked to check I AM NOT A BOT twice. The asking wasn't done one right after the other. The second time was a bit into filling out the form. It just made me wonder why asking once isn't sufficient. However, I don't visit too many .gov sites. If I have been asked twice before to check that box, I don't recall it.
  10. I haven't caught up to the whole thread yet...(and what I'm about to say is off topic - so just read and ignore, basically). Regarding bots and spoofing in real life, I was astonished this morning filling out a government rebate form on the internet today and was absolutely frightened that it had me check I AM NOT A BOT twice. I couldn't hardly believe it. If bots get into that real life government rebate, it's hugely problematic for a whole country. It was scary. There has to be a way people can think of to identify bots as a whole, whether rl or sl. It upset me greatly thinking bots could steal from a government agency, and I just wanted to share this info. And, so I'll take a deep breath y'all and try to stay calm, of course, but with many bot situations it's just not okay. We better get this "bot" thing together and under control. Perhaps it needs to be law that all bots are registered or something...?
  11. I think the answer to Proiles Not Opening is yes. I think, I dunno.
  12. I was thinking food because the way I would see the word, Proiles pronounced, it would rhyme with Broils, only with Proiles there is an extra e which makes it sound elegant like a French food. Sounds delicious and like the perfect name for a cream filled desert.
  13. Proiles, sounds like the name of a food to me. Waits for someone to say, typical of a tiny. If I make up a food, I will name it Proiles. Sounds French, too.
  14. You make out a support ticket. Under HELP > SUPPORT, pick a category and it be received by the Lindens who will then have your email and will email you with a response to your ticket and you can message back and forth via your email and/or review any update on your ticket. Next to COMMUNITY where you find the forums, there is the word HELP on the main SL Webpage; that's where you need to establish email content with a Linden by filling out what is called a "support ticket".
  15. Yeah, I figured that it would have to be UUID then. Thanks for clarification. Being able to rename items has been high on residents lists of 'would love to haves' for a very long time.
  16. Oh my gah! Hopefully, not a new superstitious fear of making things mod. Trust me, I thought of that too - how mod items are re-named and how they (LL) find a re-named item that is DMCA'd. It sounds a bit of magic to me. Anyhow, I doubt it will start a new superstition. Or, it could work the other way in people will start offering mod always so everything can be re-named and nothing ever DMCA'd. (I'm joking). Anyhoo, it was just a suggestion and let it remain just that.
  17. Thinking more about this, Drayke, if LL takes away the ability for an object to keep it's original name, how would they be able to pull items that are DMCA'd? I think the original name would have to stay and an additional line added so the OWNER could name the item a second name of their choice. Then, a choice added in search to search either by Legacy name or Owner name. However, in my other post where I said prioritize. Your response to that, Drayke, seemed to me you were saying prioritizing won't work, but rather what a mobile viewer needs is new ways of doing things that are simplified. So, the focus then should be on simplification rather than prioritizing. There are a lot of features in FS that many never use. I think it needs to be stripped down to what people use the most and really need, and what is just there taking up space that is hardly ever used, be left out altogether. I still think prioritize is a very important factor.
  18. I never said it was acceptable. What I did say on Page 1 is "jumping on people is not okay". However, now it's said this is an AFK sex place, of which, I've never been to one, so I don't know how they work. But, I'd think jumping on people is what goes on with AFK sex places. As far as someone sexually harassing someone via email, that's emotional distress not physically attacked as the OP stated. However, one has to do what one has to do - change their email in real life and be cautious of who one gives it too. As far as the AFK sex places, it sounds like it's not for them. And if they want to be at the keyboard and not AFK for sex, what are they doing there in the first place? This is crazy drama nonesense.
  19. It startles the person for sure, but bleephats will be bleephats. My real life sister was attacked, she suffered nightmares for nine years plus then adding some drinking to the situation which caused depression. SL pose menus and women being attacked in real life are not the same. I cannot go there, knowing what my real life sister suffered from a real physical attack by a man about 6 to 8 times stronger than her. She was a small woman. It's not the same. I just cannot go there with you on this one.
  20. I've been a Dinkie a long time and forgot about what I am assuming you are saying was some kind of menu furniture for two. Tell your friend, if she is unsure if the furniture menu is for two people to get an AO and use the ground sits in the AO on a beach or places where one is unfamiliar with the furniture and what menu it might contain. She needs to learn to just ground sit. I'm not in the human scene so I cannot know what kind of furniture is put out these days, even at moderate places. Also, if it looks like a chair for one avatar, sit there. As far as jumping on people, that's not okay. That's why I asked what the OP meant by "attacked" as I forgot about two person workable menus and have rarely used them but perhaps two times in my entire SL. I thought the OP was talking about pushing when she said "attacking" to see if the AFK avatars were suspected bots of some kind, or even traffic bots, to see if they could get a response from said AFK avi's. The person has control over where they sit. Almost all AO's come with ground sits. Dinkies use them many times. It keeps one's avi sitting, stationary, and out of the way in certain situations.
  21. THIS ^^ basically. To the OP, this is about avatars that were AFK and attacked? I was wondering how "attacked"? What if the avatars may have been attacked because the avatars that attacked thought they were traffic bots that were AFK? The attack may have been to try to find out *if* anyone is there at all; it's a bot, or it's an abandoned avatar causing lag. As far as the OP, you have filed your report. I would see what LL has to say. I think you should move on since these avatars were AFK and you don't know the whole situation here. The AFK avi's may have been thought to be traffic bots and that is against the TOS. I, believe, avatars should go home rather than add to lag. I go home after events/parties/shopping/visiting/all.
  22. What could LL do for no mod items that are named something like blah, blah, blah 6 which is really - let's call it blank - because we forgot the name or it has no useful name. Could the lab add a line where the owner could rename it? Or what? Clarifying - it wouldn't change the original name of the no mod item but somehow a line added where OWNER can additionally write a name for the item. Is this possible?
  23. Prioritize. There will be no other way to simply SL for mobile, then to prioritize. Just like in real life. This is how to prioritize one's real life - what is really being utilized, and what is just taking up space unutilized? The unutilized stuff needs to go.
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