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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. They just sold Tilia though. However, with the war and inflation, I know myself and I know of others who have had no choice but to cut spending because essential needs come first and SL is not an essential need unless one looks at it as a kind of therapy, especially for those who are hobby builders. So, I'm sure LL's profit has been down a bit. It's just that everywhere nearly there are price increases in rl. We can only be stretched so much before we break or start feeling the need to conserve cash as this is abnormal inflation in real life. I just thought it was poor timing because of world economic problems and especially since Tilia sold what about less than six months ago? I have made good hobby money most of my SL building except for the beginning. It takes awhile for people to know you even have a store. But, I have made exactly 149 lindens in the past two weeks and I've never seen SL like this, ever. I've always made much more than that! 149 lindens in two weeks...who would want to build in SL for that. That is why I am NOT building at this time at all nor have I built for months.
  2. I know but when items, like personal items, face cream, shampoo, body wash cost $3, 4, 5 dollars more apiece for just some examples, I think businesses and LL need to look at their customers point of view also. Do they think we are all rich during a war and the worst inflation I've ever seen? Companies are not being realistic. They have to try to keep us here, not lose us, and not lose new customers who will say "can't afford it". It's a horrible time in so many ways. I don't spend in SL for months now, and my SL has NEVER, ever been that way. Somethings gotta give.
  3. I took time off and haven't created since perhaps three things for Christmas because of PBR. I'm not going to build only to find it doesn't look good in PBR. But, yes, I pretty much haven't made much either so my spending has been nil for months. I feel like I'm just floating or in limbo. I just read some stuff in the PBR Wiki they have attached to this new fee news and it says (paraphrasing) while we are doing everything to make sure no older content breaks, ALM will be forced on. SL is just not happening right now, plus there is a war on and super high inflation where I live where items are 3, 4, 5 dollars more apiece. We need the economy to settle down before we know how SL will re-emerge but companies trying to raise money when some of us should really just be shutting our doors is another difficult pill to swallow. This is the worst economy I've ever lived through, personally. I'm tired of just being here floating too...but what else can we do. Should they reduce upload costs to half or free or what? We are kind of in a crisis and a non-needed box of cookies was given to the more well off.
  4. LL are "the boss". It happens like that in real life, too. Perks taken away from workers, etc. It sucks but it happens almost all the time in the real world. We go up the ladder, then back down. The whole fee doesn't effect me much. I love lindens to spend from the things I make. I only cashed out once my entire SL and it was an under $100.00 cash out. I'm a little Mom & Pop, non-corporate type seller so I want my lindens to spend in the virtual world. But, I just wanted to say, happens in the real world, too.
  5. It doesn't need to be locked although may have run it's course. As far as our personal information, it is ours and ours to choose to share or not to share with anyone including on voice. I didn't even like when I was a human avatar and guys would jump in my IM..."are you really a girl?"...."are you really a red-head?" and on and on with personal questions. I felt it was none of their business what color my hair really was. Am I an avatar or not? I made this so you could interact with it, not ask me personal questions. Never let yourself be pressured into revealing any personal info about yourself is all I wanted to reiterate. We begin as an anonymous avatar and not all of us want sexy times nor to tell random IMer's our real eye color, etc.
  6. I was going to say basically the same. There was a choice. Cloth diapers did not "suddenly" go out of style. The "instant generations" are multi-generational and still continue to this day.
  7. I think the OP may be asking is it *expected* not as a SL or LL requirement, but more like expected to be accepted in order to be one of the cool crowd. That's how I read it anyway. The thing with someone trying to get anyone to use voice is you, by the TOS, are in charge of your personal information including your gender. If you don't want to reveal your gender via voice, there is no requirement to do so, it's all one's choice and LL takes no responsibility in anyone revealing their gender via voice if one end's up cyber-bullied for instance. But, to be accepted, if just about everyone you hang out with is on voice or you go to a sim where everyone is on voice, one has the right to make the decision to join that group or not. I kind of feel like the OP is asking about peer pressure or the new cool in-thing otherwise one is an outcast. Additionally, it's like asking the question is there mesh avatar snobbery in SL? Plus, is there voice-only snobbery in SL? I think the answer to both of those is yes. But, your personal information and how you share it is up to you. If someone pressures you for any personal information, it's your right to decline and move on.
  8. I think it's free in California to have one's electronics picked up. One can even drop stuff at Best Buy. I had forgotten about Best Buy because I haven't had a printer for quite some time. There is also a main toll-free number to call but I don't have any electronics to recycle at this time. I gave my last computer away when I got my new one as that one still worked. Calrecycle's Electronic Recycling Locator - Drop-off locations for computers, laptops and other electronics. Best Buy - Stores will accepts most cell phones, electronics, computers, televisions and ink cartridges and will take them at no charge.
  9. I think the Goodwill was one of the first major recycling centers. I think they used to be called Goodwill Recycling Center even. I'd have to look it up. I also looked up in my area, we have an actual electronics recycling number to call. But, oh my gah...see why we cannot throw out electronics into our garbage where I live -read this: Problem #1: Toxins A lot of the different materials that end up in landfills contain toxins that are eventually released and seep into the soil and groundwater. These substances are major hazards to the environment and can last for several years. For example, think of electronics such as computers, batteries and televisions that get thrown out and end up in landfills. These products contain substances like arsenic, acids, lead and others which eventually end up in our environment and pose threats to public health. Mercury is another toxic substance that frequently appears in landfills. It comes from fluorescent light bulbs and poses major health risks. Inhaling even a small amount of mercury vapor can harm our kidneys and cause respiratory failure.
  10. I don't know what the Goodwill does with it. Did you work there? They do sell a lot of it though. I have one about two blocks from me with half a store of electronics. Maybe some of it is used for the retro-look for a movie set or something? But, I know, where I live, we are not allowed to throw out electronics into the trash. It will be thrown back on your lawn. I think sooner or later we might not have any choice but to go back to cloth diapers because this garbage problem is ridiculous.
  11. Actually, I didn't mean to really put them in the trash. Trash can mean "it's done". But, fortunately, they can be fixed. Where I live the Goodwill recycles most electronics. What is really making most trash rotten is the food bits and the plastic used diapers that make the trash unrecyclable. Diapers need a different way to be disposed of, as does wet food waste like a banana peel for example. The wetness creates rotting piles of mold, fungus, and just a horrible landfill of trash that is now nearly impossible to detoxify. My grandparents had almost no trash. Food bits, even coffee grounds went into the garden compost and they used cloth napkins and handkerchiefs and cloth diapers. We are the instant generations causing all these garbage problems. But, throwing diapers of poo-poo into a landfill really does need to stop. Oh, I wanted to add, I believe California will soon only allow dry trash to be thrown out. Wet things are going to have to be dealt with another way. I've seen articles where people in California are saying they will make their own compost.
  12. Other than the jealousy dramatiques and the "why are you looking at me" stuff, you could get your own place and hold round table discussions there about politics.
  13. Yeah, they did but it was personally edited out due to us being "sensitive dah-lings". I have no reason whatsoever to make that up. However, I feel like I was being "scouted" on the forum, and then when told I don't voice, someone called me names and threw a tantrum which kind of tells me they were craftily looking for "other" information. Information in their favor to "ring me up". Oh well, sorry.
  14. I don't even know if threads like this are started to call all us female avi's here men or if they are started to find the ones who are on voice. Heck, they'd get farther trying to ring up the ones who say they do voice then those who say they don't. But, law of averages says all female avi's who don't voice are men is illogical and the probability of that being true is nil, and there are those who know they are wrong because we know we aren't a man simply because we don't voice. Calling others liars is not okay. It's not beating a dead horse. I think threads like this are trolling or someone is looking for who they *can* "ring up".
  15. I don't think having a discussion about how text and voice can vary from sim to sim and why that is, is beating a dead horse. Some sims are text heavy for a reason, others are voice heavy for their reason. If I went to a sim with lots of people who may *not* be bots but there is almost no local chat other than an AI greeter, I often assume everyone is in voice and since I do not have voice enabled at this time, the sim is not for me at this time and I move on. So, I don't think overall voice is expected as a default on any sim but on some sims, maybe yes, because there is almost no local chat.
  16. It worked! I got them off! Most thankful advice I've gotten in a long time. THANKS!
  17. Yes but I still don't think you understand that the Dinkie and Tiny community *are* word players as well as we make up words, so one will miss all that in local chat if they are just on voice or if AI becomes "the thing" and keyboards are rarely made anymore say some time in the future. Like I gave you the example of flee and flea, AI will have difficulty distinguishing that, and if just people are on voice it's impossible to translate that text joke word play into voice. Plus, take just one word Dinkie's make-up for mouth - which is mouf. If a Dinkie in character speaks mouf into an AI voice-to-text it would probably translate that word as mouse when that isn't the word at all. Dinkies make up words all the time and I am trying to explain if one doesn't have a disability and they go to a Dinkie/Tiny sim they'd miss all that word play and funny stuff if they are on voice and not paying attention to local chat. I wasn't even really speaking about people who cannot be involved in local chat but rather those that can but are on voice when hanging out with the Dinkies and Tinies and that's what I meant by read the room. Sometimes one is preferred over the other especially if one does have the ability to do both. I hang out with word players and it's hilarious. So, all that would be missed in voice.
  18. That's not what I meant. I meant were text based communication to go away *when and if* AI voice-to-text replaces it. But, if actual text were ever replaced by AI completely, I'd think that would be far into the future and is a *who knows*. But, for many things on the internet in general, I already use voice activation and would love voice-to-text. But, voice-to-text will lose the nuances of what a human can actually do is all I was saying.
  19. I am both dyslexic and have a slight arthritis though it's worse in other areas besides my fingers. Dyslexia, in no way, keeps me from being able to read in small doses. It's in large doses where I find my difficulty with my dyslexia, but I do have dyslexia and that is probably why I have to edit almost every single post I have here. I thank those for being patient with me on that. But, I will read it and then hit post and still have to edit almost every single time. But, like I said, we have to adapt because there is no perfect anything. There are Dinkies and Tinies on voice, however, probably for some of the reasons you listed above. Those who are voice only are welcomed. I don't know of any Tiny/Dinkie sim where voice is disallowed as Tiny/Dinkies are not strict role play. I was simply saying word play is a large part of that community and it's happening in text which is something I'd miss were it to go away because of AI inability to really mimic human to human texting.
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