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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. That doesn't prevent you from bacterial infections. Bacteria colonize for one thing, plus you lay the headsets down constantly onto what...? I'm looking at a page now that says clean your headset daily. I clean my electronica but it's not always easy. Both of ours, mine and yours, the outer fabric disintegrated upon cleaning I said and you said. Probably because they were ready to go in the trash.
  2. A lot of nuance will be lost with AI as opposed to human-to-human texting. However, my feeling is it should be a choice but read the room also. Tinies, Dinkies and the humans or other typeS of avi's that may hang out are notoriously funny with word play and it's part of the community itself every day/night. If one wanted to join in that but had a disability...what is the disability? First, perhaps the person doesn't know how to type? They could learn to type. I did. I did not learn in a class nor a school. I taught myself with a book called "Teach Yourself to Type". As far as other hindrances, it could be English is not their first language plus others. We have to adapt some too to what suits us best whatever it may be. My answer to is voice expected by default was it depends on the group or the people one hangs out with. It varies across SL.
  3. Reliable? Probably not. We will lose the human nuances and voice-to-text will remain sub par to actual human text interactions forever. For example Tinies and Dinkies are small animal characters and the region was going down and someone shouted "Flee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And then the next person shouted, "Flea!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It was brilliant and happened in the moment. The human aspect will be lost forever other than if one said type out flea instead of flee.
  4. Yeah! They have like 120,000 plus bacteria on them. I often wonder if people who use VR headsets have ever cleaned their headset even once. Gross.
  5. I said "those people" not Y-O-U. It was a person earlier in the thread who has since edited their post to something like "edited due to sensitive dah-lings" or some such nonsense. That poster flat out said all female avi's that don't voice are men.
  6. They are difficult to keep clean, too. The fabric covering of mine disintegrated after I cleaned them a couple of months ago, so I need new ones but I'm in no rush. I rarely use it because as others have said too much background noise and the group I do hang with is very clever with word play and it's rofl. But, I do use headphones for music. I was a land owner for awhile and my decision was to allow voice. I had DJ's to do the voice that speaks to the people, and I watched the local chat when I could. The reason I allowed voice was to give people a choice plus I set up games where I figured people are so concentrated on the game, they'd probably prefer voice. So, I think having both available is the best option but each land owner has to make that decision themselves. However, if anyone was hassling people to go on voice in local chat or in IM, they would have been booted off my lawn.
  7. I've never seen a thread with people "whining" it ruins their RP. As far as who has control to turn on voice or turn off voice, those are the land owners. It's that old saying... their land, their rules. As far as people coming into voice threads and assuming one is not the sex of their avatar if they don't voice, I don't slex, and I'm not a human avatar but rather a small domestic cat, so it does not matter if I need to verify. lol Nor am I liar. People have boxed in minds. I hang with a funny crowd. They aren't in it for the slex but the friendship, and what's said in local chat or group chat is funnier than voice could ever be. It's clever word play. But, those calling people liars or whatever who don't voice do need to stop doing that. And, if the voicers are whining there is no voice on a sim, one needs to discuss that with the land owner, not here. It's a land owner's privilege, not the SL forum poster's privilege to decide.
  8. What do you think of this first definition below (I'll paste link where I got it, kinda crappy dictionary?) BTW, I was just thinking the other day that some of AI isn't all that great and some AI even presents difficulty in our lives. I wish that the world would get back to hiring more people. I think we do a better job than AI. AI is often crap. It gives us a lot of misinformation. I need to put up a new dictionary, me thinks. adjective 1. of or for 20 years. 2. occurring every 20 years. https://www.dictionary.com/
  9. Or how about this one. SL will soon be celebrating it's first vicennial.
  10. Well, (lol) I was married for nearly three decades and you can see who did the finances...(hint)...it wasn't me. Although, I could "budget" for meals really well in my head and maybe went over budget perhaps four times in total in my whole married life, which was a long time.
  11. Ok. I don't wish to talk decades too much longer as it's the weekend and I'm outta here. But, we know the 1930's and 1940's are two distinct decades, but they just don't become a decade until they reach the number 9 and then start anew with the number 0, such as 1939 finishes one decade and 1940 begins the new decade. (Is this what you are saying? In short, it needs to be a full 10 years to become a decade?) It's complicated, I think.
  12. I'm lucky I caught this last one. The other one was considered my fault but that auto pay was a long time ago too and I think the billing cycle was every 30 days way back then which can get screwed up. I am going to call my other auto pay and ask if they will bill me on the same day each month and see what happens. I don't wish to be subscription to SL, though. I've always been a vagabond SLer but not a free player. I spend what I make. I've only cashed out once my entire SL. But, overall, I hope SL stay F2P, and I give out my free things. I'd prefer SL keep charity and affordable to all. I don't like when companies start enforcing things, they may end shooting themselves in the foot...they never know.
  13. Same day each month? My auto pay for another thing does not. Don't ask me how the one I'm talking about bills because it's beyond me. Just too weird to even try to reiterate what they told me when I asked about their billing method. How did I get screwed up with auto pay. I've been screwed up twice by two different prominent businesses by them billing twice in a month. Only one I had an overdraft. The other I caught in time, by random luck. I was wondering about my odd situation and that they should be billing me the same day every month so there are no problems. BTW, I've never had a subscription with SL. Ever.
  14. Kind of, yes. Now onto the topic and SL is subscription - NO! And, I *hope* sincerely SL will never be subscription only unless they provide a wallet of some kind. I have had issues with auto payments since some months have 5 weeks and things get screwy with auto pay. I have one auto pay and it's enough of a headache. I won't do another one.
  15. You are talking ten years as a decade, which a decade can be ten years of anything. A calendar decade, from my understanding, is different. Thus, SL has been alive in three decades or one could say three calendar decades - the 2000's, the 2010's, and the 2020's. It makes sense to me.
  16. I was going to say something similar about SL and voice. Voice can be hectic. SL, when I'm not building, is to relax. Which got me to thinking about newbies. The newbie experience can seem overwhelming, especially if one is new to virtual worlds or game-anything like I was when I started SL. And, I thought perhaps newbies should be rezzed with a box they hold, that says CLICK TO OPEN and it puts a swim suit in their inventory. The newbies could be rezzed on a beach where they can learn to change, sit and relax, or even do a few activities like wind surfing or other beach activities. Just an idea for another time, don't want to go off topic here.
  17. I've never read one this far off the mark because it almost seems the writer is saying it's a MMORPG, when, in reality, it's an MMO/MMORPG. It can be an MMORPG if one chooses to go that route. He could have said one can purchase their own land and make their own RP games on their own sim if they choose to, which is really only one slice of the SL pie. But, as far as the subscription to play, WRONG! That's just wrong.
  18. Hmmmmm....could the writer have meant - Hence, they tell each other their story via emoting? It's still poorly phrased but the whole sentence sounds like it was told to him by someone whose first language was not English and the non-English speaking person interprets emoting as drama. So, perhaps the writer meant "players write their own stories together via emoting". But, that's the concluding line, like that is what SL is about. It makes SL sound romantic but that is only a small part of SL when one considers all the diversity here. Plus, I haven't emoted since 2007. Here is what was written in the article: Hence, players tell their own stories here with others via drama.
  19. Oh my gah, that would be one long story to tell the people of SL, via drama, no less. lol
  20. Okies, I should have said "spanning across three decades"... (I'll edit my other post).
  21. It's three now, isn't it? The 2000's, the 2010's and now the 2020's.
  22. It is awful! I've been in SL on and off spanning across three decades (which I can't hardly believe) and I can assuredly tell you and others no one has ever tried to "tell me their story via drama" nor have I ever tried to tell anyone my story via drama on SL. It's the worst article about SL I've ever encountered. I don't even know how I'd begin to tell someone my story via drama on SL. smh
  23. This is another snippet and I don't like drama. Shakes head, no drama. Most of us hate drama in SL inworld. Drama is a dirty word for SL and even banned in some places - literally. I don't know here what the writer means by "drama"? One can even consider Second Life as an elaborate form of social media where players can show the best versions of themselves in a digital space. The core gameplay here is about social interactions instead of grinding for armor or questing. Hence, players tell their own stories here with others via drama.
  24. I know because SL is free to play if you are a default avatar that never goes anywhere. lol Oh, wait...there is free stuffs, so never mind what I just said. You can find free stuff. Here's a snippet from the article: After all, everyone is equal in those kinds of games because everyone pays. As such, subscription-based MMORPGs tend to be more polished than the rest. The catch is that players have to pay every month or so. When it comes to spending money on games, it's only wise to consider forking them out for the best of the best; in the MMORPG category, these are the heavyweights.
  25. I don't know but I don't think so. With some computer applications coming for PBR, it could be about 50 different ways per application, prolly. That should be fun. (shudders)
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