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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. Question: Can bots be payment info on file (PIOF)? If bots cannot be PIOF, I'd suspect this is why we might find some land owners using PIOF currently - because of bots. If this is the case, there needs to be another way to ban bots.
  2. Cali's post made me think of some of the reasons SL may lose users or user retention, and I think the main ones are: * It can be expensive. Even events or DJ shows can be an expense. I've heard the expense for mesh avatars may come down once NUX is here, and that could be a plus. Plus, NUX comes with it's own DEV Kit, which sounds very interesting. * Technical issues. SL really needs to spell out new SPECS if it hasn't already. (I'd need to check on that, as I think specs haven't changed in at least 10 years.) * Lack of friends or attachment to others. Don't know how we can add more socialization here...? * Lack of creative outlet in SL. So many creative people come here and we find it's difficult to compete with those who spend a lot on advertising plus are probably 3D schooled not hobbyists. * What is there to do in SL? Well, there is a lot but some say it's difficult to find or full of bots. I think those are FIVE main issues that need to be looked at to retain users. Well, that's my .16 cents, anyways. I thought it *might* help to look at some of the issues, but, I know full well, I may have missed some.
  3. One griefer with PIOF isn't an army of alts though, so it does do good in certain situations, but like I said it's short term, but it's not fool-proof. It happens; some people have armies of alts and there isn't much else to do until it settles down. That's one of the tools to prevent an army of alts who are griefing, anyhow. What else may be available, I don't know. Close the sim for a bit...? As far as classist, I think mostly those with private clubs would have PIOF and try to use PIOF as a way to have only a "certain clientele" and there are some who are using it for snobby reasons. But, most of SL has been open to me but I've mostly been PIOF inworld so I don't know how many people who are non-payment info on file there actually are who are turned away from clubs/events/whatever because they are non-PIOF; because, like I said, my inworld avi's are PIOF so I wouldn't know what discrimination is actually occurring inworld.
  4. It is, by definition, classist. This approach doesn't actually target "griefers": it targets a class of account that, rightly or wrongly, is associated with griefers. That's not the way I thought Silent meant for the "tool" to work. I thought she means the tools is there as a way to prevent griefing for a short term duration, such as Aethelwine above is saying "a wave of griefers" coming in or as some people say "an army of alts" coming in. It's a temporary and sometimes necessary tool to help end that situation, and it's need is for the short term. Once the drama settles down, it can be switched off again to no payment info on file. It's a tool but does not, in any way, need to be a permanent one. I've seen certain sims have to use it for a few hours or perhaps a day. The sim usually opens again by the next day. I was in no way agreeing it should be on permanently. I hope you understand what I am trying to express/say here. If people are unsure why someone has PIOF when they used to be open to all, they should ask the landowner. I'm afraid some may have it on now for bot protection because of a recent incident with bots. There needs to be a better way to prevent bots. That much is obvious.
  5. /me borrows someone's spork and ever so gently pokes Love with it. *facepalm*
  6. I appreciate creators who add unrigged items along with their rigged items. Avatars other than human may be a small percentage of SL, but it is still very much useful, and there are lots of us who need unrigged items. So, a special thank you to them for thinking of those of us who may be considered 'other', other than human and need unrigged. I appreciate full perm creators who play fair and write out their terms before buying a full perm kit, not after they've sold the item. I appreciate most of the creators for all the hard work they do. It is a lot a work, I know. I appreciate creators who sell items in an affordable range.
  7. I was here long before the Market Place, too. We had to search and find everything inworld we wanted to buy. Getting a name like Roxie is pretty much impossible these days. People have to make up odd names, like Reldifolgen or some such crazy name. Happy Belated Rez Day!
  8. I was just going to say the same. It could help with the bot problem. However, in getting rid of one problem, it creates another. But, couldn't putting PIOF also get rid of dead abandoned alts as well? If this option could get rid of abandoned alts, it could be turned on as a clean up and then off again.
  9. So, you are saying *actively* searches you...which means they are using one of those 'what is she wearing' huds? And, then you shared she wants to be like you because she believes everyone loves you. If it were me, I'd feel it strange. Most people I know are in SL because they want to make unique avatars. Even when I've given out group gifts, the people I see wearing it all look different. For example, one may wear jeans and long hair and another has it dressed up with a skirt and a creative hairstyle with bows. But, always everyone looks different, even in my group gifts, so I've never noticed this ever happening in SL except one time I saw twins who were exactly alike. If it were me, I think I'd block her and de-render. This is where we could use our avatars turning gray upon the people we block.
  10. If it was flying spaghettis, it was my sister's fault! I tell u!
  11. @cunomarsaid: Hide and run away from bullies , report it to the teacher then hibernate for a while . Imagine the public outrage if government put such posters everywhere and called it a solution lol . WHAT WAS SAID IN THE COPYCAT THREAD: This would be my guess. Just ignore her. *** What EliseAnne says: You can view it as hide all you want but the reason for it is exactly the words above from the COPYCAT thread. Highlights: Don't show any reaction. Ignore. These are the best defense. I really don't want to hear your pseudo-heroic vigilante stories. Please do not promote taking the law into your own hands on SL forum.
  12. I'd say my SL has been about 50/50. 50% of the time asking questions for help from friends or at the very beginning - strangers, and the other 50% I just figured it out myself...and went "oh, that's what that is for". Also, I read her suggestion wrong. I thought she meant teach the program, meaning like going to a class but *not before* logging into the grid. Joining learning classes should be voluntary. Just an FYI for the community, not directed to Silent: FS has classes. One can join FS support inworld groups.
  13. Good advice. The world doesn't need to see GROUPS that are personal or may contain info on where u live. If you want to teleport someone to where u live, that's different.
  14. Of course everyone who gets blocked is not a stalker. Mostly, they are a jerk like you said, or obnoxious. However, if they can't see the blockees profile, it might prevent stalking via GROUPS, PICKS, personal names in one's profile. But, then again, it might not, because they make an alt. This is why I say contact club management immediately because if they have to short ban one and an alt comes in soon and is real quiet, they are watching for clues that they don't act like a jerk again. And, if they don't act like a jerk again, at least club management might know they aren't drunk at least. Maybe, a better suggestion is instead of becoming invisible, one turns gray to them. That could bore them to death. And, if a bunch of people block their avatar, all they will see is grayed avatars but no details. Of course, this could be an expense and/or weigh on the client as Silent brought up about adding features when I am a techno dummie. So, I am just kind of throwing suggestions out there even if they are not workable because I really dunno how to help, nor what the expense is nor how it would weigh on the client itself. But, if you are stalked or bullied, don't keep silent. Talk to management, talk to the Linden's, etc. And, go somewhere else for awhile that is NOT in your GROUPS or PICKS.
  15. No, I mean a way to toggle it off and on in case of a problem, not permanently. If one wanted permanently, then they just delete all their PICKS. So, what I'm suggesting is a way to toggle PICKS off in case of an emergency such as an altercation that has gone out of control because PICKS are not always easy to write and often have sentimental value people might want to protect until things hopefully blow over.
  16. Yeah, a special name won't do. So, forget that but I don't think it's needed. But, if a profile disappears upon blocking and if a griefer or drunk person blocks the DJ, Host or Owner and the DJ, Host or Owner find out they have no way to contact the person they'd probably just be booted/banned anyways. The person who initiated the block would have to unblock and *then* once they sobered up or whatever their problem was, contact the Dj, Host or Owner asking for another chance. So, what I'm saying is, land owners do have a lot of power to take care of problems; so, first of all, they should always be contacted when problems arise. And, if a Dj, Host or Owner found out they were blocked and couldn't even IM the person, they very well might initiate a ban. Why would anyone want a griefing customer they cannot even contact? So, this sounds like it could be useful or maybe not...maybe just cause more problems. But, I don't see why a blocked stalker would need to still see a person's profile other than to see their Groups and Picks or be looking for personal names in their prey's profile.
  17. Don't those who own the land and hire their staff already have the authority to ban, that is? Those that have the authority on their land shouldn't have those who can come in and eliminate the ability to contact them (the customer). It's like saying we could walk into a person's real life home and put duct tape on their mouth. However, if a DJ or Host or Owner find out a customer blocked them, that customer might very well be booted out because of the inability to communicate if they were griefing or drunk even. Anyhow, those controlling the land would still need a way to contact said griefer I'm saying and if the profile is blocked because they blocked the DJ, Host or Owner, they'd probably just be booted out anyways, so oh well. So, no need for a special name, really.
  18. Yes, I* should have said none of us have walked in each other's shoes so perhaps we can cut the judging out in this thread because none of us know the whole story of anyone. As far as what happens in a block, I'm not sure. If person A blocks person B is person B still able to read their PROFILE or not? Because if the blocked person (person B) can still see the PROFILE, they could read one's groups and picks and have more information on how to stalk/harass a person. Next, hypothetically, let me give another example. Let's say it's a griefer. So, griefer goes to club FILLinTHEblank and blocks the DJ (who may have land banning powers) and cannot read the griefer's profile in order to contact them, that could be a problem. Say, for instance, the DJ who does have land banning powers might want to talk to the griefer before perhaps a temporary ban. If griefer just walks into club and bans DJ, Host, or any of those who may have land banning powers couldn't that present problems? I guess I'm saying there would need to be some kind of title where if a person is blocked, the one's in authority do not receive a disappearing PROFILE.
  19. Oh yes I remember that now...you can do it one by one. I ask about PICKS because sometimes people put names of others (loved ones/family/etc) who are important and there may be times when it's necessary to hide that for awhile.
  20. SUGGESTION: Perhaps rather than hide our avatar, our profile could be hidden from those we block. I know nothing of the technicalities hiding our PROFILE might create, so take it as a techno dummie suggestion. I think this suggestion may only work as long as we *cannot* hide our PROFILE from people who have DJ, HOST, OWNER, etc. (authoritative titles) in their name.
  21. I can't go inworld right now so I need your help with a question? Can we hide our groups from others in our profile as well as our PICKS? Hiding our GROUPS/PICKS might be helpful in times when someone is being harassing towards us. They could be switched back on too, of course if and when someone wants them shown. If we can hide our GROUPS/PICKS....then let me know. If they can't, my SUGGESTION is to be able to hide GROUP and PICKS.
  22. This is an uncomfortable and emotional topic but one thing we all need to remember is we never walked in the shoes of those who have been stalked or cyber-bullied. As far as what actions the Lindens take, it's been pointed out in this thread that LL does not let the other person know what actions have been taken. One thing I did when I was uncomfortable inworld whether it came in an IM or was in local chat was to immediately IM the host and DJ. If something was said in local chat or drama was occurring, that person was usually escorted out by the DJ or host. Even if it's an IM that is against the TOS, contact the nearest people in charge, they usually take care of it as that is their club and that's why they are staff. They want to have as happy and drama-free club as they can. I'm sorry to hear what some of you have gone through so community can we please keep the judging of others down? Remember we never walked in their shoes. What can be solved here, I don't know. I just wanted to add IM those nearest in charge and IM the land owner even as well as making a report to LL. Escape for awhile; move your avatar to another place for awhile because your IM's will be open with the DJ and Host and they can let you know if things have calmed down.
  23. Yeah, it does but some items I need to see on the POSE STAND or I'll click my avi too many times trying to get it right.
  24. Thanks! I could put a link in the notecard. I had completely forgotten about how unrigged items used to come with pose stands but they hardly ever do anymore, and I didn't realize the LL viewer doesn't have one.
  25. Most things for the human avatar are rigged now including hair and jewelry. I am a Dinkie and so I have to wear unrigged items for hair and jewelry, even belts and hats. But, I'd guess a pose stand would be needed for human avatars for hats, glasses, perhaps some other items. Anyhow, you made me realize I need to put a notecard in any jewelry items I may sell to the Dinkies in case they don't know how to fit it. But, I don't put a pose stand in there. Most sellers don't include those anymore. Yes, Dinkie shapes are modify so unrigged items have to be custom fit if one changed the default shape. But, POSE STAND in the FS viewer is so easy to understand, yet what might the main human *newbie* avatars need it for other than a few items? It should be noted, however, that most sellers do not include a pose stand anymore, so it might be wise.
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