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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. I think that whole Da Vinci Gardens sim of many places to visit was all made by Felixx Shepherd. It's a little awkward to find the teleport board as it's kind of small but once one lands, just move a little bit out of tp landing and turn to the right and there is a tp board with thumbnails to visit his builds. There is even a ride up in a ski lift and up to the mountain top. It's cute. Oh, and one can either ski or sled back down the mountain. I forget. It's been a long time since I was there.
  2. I don't go to X-rated places. I meant the vast majority of anime-inspired hentai on Marketplace. It's all over the place. The few animes I've seen inworld tend to be not X-rated, same as you've seen. But, that is about only a handful of animes I've actually encountered. But, the MP, yeesh is full of it, the hentai, the loli, even in the pictures used for popular stores - child face of about 5 to 12 years, exaggerated super curvy body. Just search Milan Shape for one.
  3. Well, now you can look at a demo since Ayashe found it. Da Vinci Gardens, I just went there and there are several destinations at Da Vinci. I looked at the tp board and could not remember which one had the aquarium. That is a cool aquarium though. Adding: I just looked at the building in the ad again and the store says by Felixx Shepherd, and that is the same person named on the Da Vinci Garden tp board. So, yes, it probably is rezzed at Da Vinci Gardens somewhere.
  4. The one you are talking about with the aquarium, I've seen it inworld and I loved the aquarium. It was one of the build's at Da Vinci Gardens. Da Vinci gardens has several builds there so I'm not sure if it is still there or not but you could look or ask. https://secondlife.com/destination/1329 Edit adding: The way Da Vinci gardens used to be set up is once you land there is a teleport board to one's right where one can teleport to many places. So tp, move your avi a little out of the tp zone and then look for the teleport board.
  5. The controversial stuff gets the publicity. For those not interested in anime, they don't know all the names or whatever or what's going on with anime but I know anime is not a bad name overall; however, others may not. I had to Google what hentai was as Love said in his post. I've never heard all those names Love mentioned in his post. As far as if one is being "anime" in SL, it's allowed just like human children are allowed as long as it's not not children in sexual acts nor even near beds.
  6. The vast majority of anime is probably hentai or loli - highly sexualized, and it's making a lot of money for SL in shapes, clothing, blah, blah, as is highly sexualized Kawaii (however one spells that). The non-sexualized anime is probably a small group in comparison. So, with the title of the thread, what do you think people are going to think? And, to the OP< it's not LL's rules about sexualized children in adult acts, it's America's rules, as Drake said early on in this thread on Pg.1.
  7. Sales tax? You know, thinking about it doesn't seem fair to charge sales tax on digital items. It might make sense if the items were modify/transfer, no copy because that's how items exist in the real world, plus one can resell or trade the real life item good. Even NFT's one can resell. But, anyhow this is off topic anyways. Yet still, taxes on something we cannot resell. That wouldn't go over well with me.
  8. I'm going to have to have a look too. That Winter one looks amazing (just from the picture) but that I would be interested in for next year. I wanna go see it in person.
  9. When was this? Many of us heard over and over by various posters on the forums, AWS cloud will cost less. There was some panic on the forum at the time as many people in SL don't like big business, Amazon nor Jeff Bezos. But, overall as far as forum posts, I think some of the best info is here all across the board about SL, with some posts that may be erroneous that's why I used the wording "supposedly" in my post as I wasn't stating a fact. One needs to verify these thing which I never read any post by Oz nor any other Linden about it one way or the other. However, the cost in fees with the new owners as compared to the old Linden owners is quite substantial. I think with the old Linden's the fee was like .49 cents for everyone or something like that. There is quite a difference.
  10. I am quoting your post weird this way with using numbers 1 and 2 because I still can't get this multi quote thing. It's my dyslexia in the way, I think. 1) - PREMIUM. This one could be important. I would like a Premium membership but with versatility as I'd like a Premium package tailored to a builder's need. Premium is the one I've been thinking of that could improve SL but they'd have to have an auto-pay set up that bills once a month on one particular day of each month only, say the 15th of every month for example (no exemptions) as I've been screwed up by auto-pay things billing me twice in one month in the past and present. 2) I believe SL moved to Amazon *before* SL was sold to the new owners. Also, in regards to the old Linden owners, they always had cheap fees and supposedly more expensive servers. We have new owners now who have been raising the fees. Well, it's the new owner's business now. They are going to run it how they want or see fit. Many of us thought at the time the new owners were after Tilia. Tilia is going to be their main cash cow, I'd think. Many of us thought (at the time SL was sold) we are a secondary thought to the new owners. Now, the new owners risk losing billions of dollars worth of already created beautiful products to their new PBR and forced ALM thingie.
  11. Limerence and Ayashi too. Dinkies use many of these as well and Dinkies are domestic house cats for the most of them. Some Dinkies may consider themselves feral. Cute hairs and definately anime style, especially Ayashi, I think.
  12. Try searching SKYBOX WITH BEACH. There are some on Marketplace. However, I think most of them work like a skydome. You'd have to look. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=✓&search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=G&search[keywords]=skybox+with+beach
  13. If you see it that way, that's fine. I was just trying to give some basic info without going to an IM as the person interested does need more info. There is a chart or graph that shows how many linden are available and at what going price somewhere that may help someone interested. I've always gone for the 10-minute fills so I have no idea what happens with the fills. I had found it interesting that the fill time of 3-days suddenly went to 2-days. It seemed like the thing was enticing me; however, I've never used the wait time other than 10 minutes. The thing is, people don't know it's there and that you can bid with a limit buy. I just got 254 lindens to the dollar in ten minutes instead of 250 to the dollar like the instant buy price. And that made my fee of $1.49, drop to approx. .60 cents because of what I saved by using limit buy.
  14. I gotta say I agree generally with Theresa's last post. Things go up, we complain or we eventually adjust. The same people that complained the last time adjusted somehow just like many of us did during The Great Recession. My only grief to higher fees now is that everyone is raising prices on us all at once and on some things by a lot due to runaway inflation. It's time for me to conserve cash since I made a horrific total of 149 lindens on sales in two weeks. As far as you, Syclla, saying in another thread this will hit small sellers worse then the big sellers. Maybe/maybe not because my rent is 800 linden a month for a store that's more like a skybox. One does not need to have a big store in SL, that is a luxury but not a necessity in order to make good sales. However, I'm sure LL needs to keep their people with full regions happy and paying that over $200 dollar a month price so SL can stay afloat and those are the people they did not want to offend and I don't think it's just because they are "rich", I think it's because they had to or die. Those of us who do get perhaps 3500 lindens here and there or a month are not going to be affected at all. It's the impulse buyers of lindens who may decide to skip a few impulse buys on lindens but if they find things on sale, the extra fee doesn't matter that much. That's where the adjustment comes in. But, with this inflation, this has been one ginormous financial juggle for me, personally. It's a constant flow of things going up. I won't be raising any of my prices, however, and may lower some older items to 1 linden each since someone may like it even though it's older.
  15. Anime avatars that look like children are allowed in sims that allow them; however, if they look like children, culture or not, they cannot be involved in adult sex play per the TOS. There are no cultural loopholes regarding sexualized children and adult only acts. If you were thinking there should be a loophole for culture in regards to the TOS regarding children and sex, I doubt you'd find people in SL who would agree with you. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Clarification_of_policy_disallowing_ageplay?_gl=1*1t5r3m9*_ga*NzU3NTE0ODc3LjE2NzgyODc3MTQ.*_ga_T7G7P6DCEC*MTY3ODI4NzcxNC4xLjAuMTY3ODI4NzcxNC42MC4wLjA.
  16. I never said it was a theory, plus my previous posts I explained I make money in SL selling items so I don't buy large quantities of lindens. Anyhoo.... I just put in for 20000 lindens and it's a ten minute fill and there is a savings. My posts were a FYI type general post, YMMV. But, the below, which I just put in, shows a savings. One poster was quibbling over five dollars so I showed how to save. This is right now. All my limit buys that say 10-minute fills have always filled.
  17. I've only used 10-minute fills as I don't buy large quantities of lindens and those fill fine. I've mostly made lindens in SL from things I make, except for this war time. I got 254 lindens to the dollar filled in 10 mins last night. When I put in the 258 just to see how it might go at under 5000 lindens, it jumped me to saying estimated fill time - 5 days. One can always try, doesn't mean one will get.
  18. YW. I also wanted to say that right now the limit buy price is showing 255 with a 3-day wait. If you want to bid for more lindens to the dollar you could put in 256, 257 and see if it will fill. I'd wait at least the three days but you can cancel at any time. That's what I meant by be realistic. Bid a number that is reasonable. When I said *one could* try 263 linden to the dollar I was joking. However, when I started SL again in or around 2016, sometime during that time (I don't know which year) the linden to dollar rate was near 270 linden to the 1 dollar so you never know; we never know what the future will be for the linden. There is also a chart somewhere where you can see how many linden are currently available at 255, 256, 257, etc to the dollar. I'm just not sure where that chart is. I don't buy a lot of lindens. I have made lindens in SL mostly although will splurge from time to time. However, if you think this is a great thing for you, perhaps you should ask where that chart is. Or maybe someone will chime in here as to where it is. ETA: I just checked the Lindex again and put in 258 and it said 2 day fill. I'll put my screenshot but people finding that chart I'm talking about above could be very helpful for those who want to put in LIMIT BUYS.
  19. Oh I understand what you are saying. The button in the viewer to buy lindens. That I hardly ever use and had forgotten about it. Yes, I am assuming it gives one the instant buy price (the going price) I guess it is also called. It's not really shady, it's just that we all find out about all the things in SL over time. If it seems shady, start a thread. Perhaps they can change it in the viewer to it being a link to the market/limit buy page instead but for that you'd need a JIRA. A thread would give you some idea if most people would want that change in the viewer or not.
  20. I changed the limit buy price by using the arrows. It was 255 and said a 3-day wait. Then I moved the arrows on the limit buy to 254 and it said a 10-minute wait to fill. I don't understand, bench, what you are saying. What is "litely shady". Limit buys are done all of the time. Someone may have to wait for it if they want an expectational price such as 263 for example and may not fill at all. SL has always been like this with market/limit buys. One can always put a price in and try it but you have to be realistic too.
  21. Oh wait, I just found out something. If one wants the default limit buy that is set right now at 255, it's 3 days wait. However, by just moving the number down one to 254 it changes to read a 10-minute wait to fill. See my SS below how much you'd save if impulse buying 30K lindens at a rate of 254 and the wait is 10 minutes. But, in essence what the person would have saved by using LIMIT BUY is wiped out with the fee increase. However, saving 4-5 dollars doesn't mean all that much to me. I'm meh. My impulse buys are stuff I want from time to time and then I purchase some lindens around the 3500 linden range, so doesn't affect me because the fee is unchanged at around 3600 lindens.
  22. I'm talking about the default limit buy which is usually filled in little time but it depends on how much one is buying, of course. Putting in your own limit buy with a number would/could, most definitely take longer. It depends what you are going for too. When I first checked it was 255 lindens available on the limit buy, and then when I went back to check again it was 254 lindens, but really one only saves a few dollars but the main bill is high at 30000 L, it's approx $130-135 range and saving four or five dollars doesn't thrill me all that much especially when the total is near or over $130 dollars. I have never had an impulse to buy lindens.
  23. Impulse buys is on topic but I think the poster meant impulse buys of lindens, not buying lindens so she could buy hair, clothes, furniture, shoes on an impulse so I believe I misunderstood her impulse. As far as impulse buying of lindens, I've never had the urge because it's only a few dollars difference. I just checked for 30000 L and the difference if one puts a limit order in as compared to market (instant buy) one saves about four dollars.
  24. 3660 Lindens approximately is the same fee and not changed. To me, that's plenty for impulse buys and always has been my whole SL for impulse buys. How many lindens do you need for impulse buys? I'm just curious, honestly.
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