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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. This is true, Innula, so true. I've read on the forums, some years? (not really sure how long) ago that the code for SL is very old and most new coders don't know the code. I am not a geek so I do not know how much of what I am reiterating is true or not. But, it is what I've read here on the SL forums. Also, there is a problem with Apple discontinuing OpenGL or something like that. The thing is, we can turn reflections off. To me, what I'm seeing in some photos, especially in the video in the OP, is the reflections are too pronounced and it hurts my eyes a bit. A slider so we could have reflections where it's comfortable on an individual basis would/could be helpful to consider as things progress. However, to Arielle, it just isn't the things that bring nor keep people here. I've suffered SL burnout several times. What keeps one going in SL from the start is a bit of a mystery. But, I think when we all started in Classic avatars, it was more equal that way. We all looked a little goofy in our Classic avatar. Plus, it was less expensive too.
  2. Maybe it could help get rid of abandoned alts if everyone starts with a free home. Not a great free home, just a starter free home one picks and then receives notecards and how to teleport to a main newbie friendly open sim. I wonder if this could help rid the bot situation from becoming overwhelming in the AI years to come when AI could start to be overkill. Of course, there would have to be a way to send the abandoned alt home. Perhaps that just happens when we log off, we go home.
  3. Let's hypothetically say all those avatars are abandoned alts. How much needless lag would that create for those who want to go shopping in an almost empty store sim? Maybe they should moved abandoned avatars somewhere else?
  4. Bring back the teen grid? Is there enough money in the teen arena to make money? Roblox is a lot of games from what I understand, which is probably next to not much. I think they should hit the 20-30 somethings with something like ONLINE NOW where adverts to come and meet and chat so-and-so with {these specified characteristics put in the ad} are in a real time feed inworld and call that part of SL "ONLINE NOW".
  5. Ah, true. SL is not instant gratification, that's probably why so many leave. Many people want to hook up for "cybering" immediately when joining things like this. That's probably really the truth as to why so many leave. It's not the FPS that make them leave or some other lame excuse. It's that they didn't get instant gratification sexually.
  6. SL doesn't look old now except for the Classic avatar and some of the really old stuff. Gacha, for one, helped bring out some of the classiest 3D created stuff ever. SL has the best content, that's why it's the best virtual world. None can compare. @Ayashe Ninetails to answer a question you asked: Has SL ever been on TV? It has been on the news. Whether there has ever been a commercial on TV, I don't know. Classiest content EVER!~ SL (putting just one photo below in mist/fog) I hope for those shiny doorknobs, they don't break SL's current content.
  7. Meta makes a lot of money from offering advertising services on it's other platforms, plus Meta's virtual worlds are family friendly, I believe. I've never been on it if you mean Horizon. SL would do better advertising in the adult spaces, not that SL is all adult but it is in some ways perceived that way. SL is not perceived as family oriented. They'd have to split the grid again if they wanted a family oriented SL. Super bowl wants mostly family oriented ads other than perhaps beer. lol Just my .12 cents.
  8. SL legend I had heard is that it was taken from what is called the Hopi Hand. You can Google Image Hopi Hand or do a search about it's meaning.
  9. I don't know what this means. SL uses a standard RGB/Hex color picker. I toss hex codes in there all the time. What I mean by flat or colors like from the inworld color picker palette, the colors don't look gradient, they look flat. Or, to put it another way, like looking at real world paint swatches one might see in a paint store. I'd assume most of those PBR and Photoshopped enhanced photos are mostly being viewed on phones as that is what most people listen to YouTube on in today's world, not large screen TV computer monitors like I have. Anyhow, I agree with what others are saying in this thread and I also said as well in a prior post, I, me, we need to see what SL looks like with this. As well, many of us want to know what our older content will look like. I can't go on Aditi grid right now. I'm readying to have rl surgery. Today resting in rl.
  10. Odd, that may seem but not really. I noticed the rose on the main spoon and the silver handle right away. Could be difference in monitors. My monitor is a flat screen TV like monitor. But, that's why they call computers personal as they vary. I think the colors look like the inworld color picker palette was used. Now looking at the rose colored part of the spoon again, it looks like someone made a rose colored inlay over that part of the spoon in PS as it doesn't quite fit the spoon. Anyhow, I've showed other pics from PBR how to videos and it looked like the person tinted most parts from the color picker palette inworld. Colors are not happening to look good on my monitor then. Colors look flat.
  11. I explained why and put pictures. The colors have no depth, no life. The colors look like something from the inworld color picker palette. Look at the coffee mugs below, it just looks tinted brownblack to me, and the reflections aren't doing anything exciting for me either. The spoon looks part rose gold and part silver, the plate under the coffee cup looks so flat too like an odd gray. Many of these PBR artists on YouTube are just alpha-ing (probably thru Photoshop) the flowers I see in many PBR stuff. I think, at this time, PS is a far superior program. However, I'm not updating to the subscription payment version.
  12. I never used the specular and neither did a lot of the greats in SL because it never gave that many great effects. Most of the items I have bought from the greats in SL do not use a specular either, only a normal. One can make normal maps on Gimp or SmartNorMap 2.0 for free. I'm talking furniture here I've bought from the greats because it's copy/mod and there are no speculars used as so many seem to think there are when these threads start. Normal is a good invention but I wish SL had done something with brightness and darkness as just those two features could turn a 2D texture into looking more 3D in an instant.
  13. I don't necessarily agree with this because I've seen many PBR commercials come thru my YouTube plus watched a few videos on PBR and it looks like people are just putting a flat color on the base color area (albedo area) and it lacks depth. The lighting and maps are going to have to make up for that lack of depth in the color. With PS there was so much subtly and depth one could add into the texture itself. However, this is commercials on YouTube not generated from SL. I'll have to see what SL artists can do.
  14. Oh, I see. However, we could lose a lot of current great content then.
  15. I found that one yesterday while searching for free PBR materials makers and bookmarked it but haven't checked it out yet. I'm not sure what you mean by not the same as SL's current diffuse map.
  16. That may be true with subscription Photoshop. I run my old PS from a DVD program, that is about 10 years old, I don't think it has the material making capabilities for PBR. Materials for normal are easy to make somewhere else as the current system is. But, where will a material maker be for those who are using older photoshops? Materials haven't been that big of a hit in SL anyway. Most people I know use ALM sparingly or not at all but this change over to PBR forces ALM and maps. Or peeps will turn everything off, but it's said in this thread ALM will be forced to on.
  17. This is what SL needs to be. It needs to be accessible to all who want to create and exciting. With cutting out PS, I don't want to learn a whole new graphics program, let alone pay for Substance Painter. Plus, I agree with Gavin who said Substance Painter is a bit overdone and often times it's just tinted a color on the albedo, no real depth to it. However, what Rick showed in this thread is kind of cool. I know this is nascent for SL, but perhaps eventually they could create a slider for reflections as it looks like too much. I'm sure things will progress in a few years but still wanting to get started may take a whole new program to learn which I know I don't want to do at this time nor do I want to lose great things I already have. Post some pics from Aditi so we can see how it looks. Rick showed his wall panel, which does look good.
  18. Oh, thanks for explaining that. So, those long white streaks on that MeetMat army will tone down. It seems they put those out for showing us what PBR is, which is kind of strange since it looks terrible, silly even. I didn't watch the whole video in the OP yet.
  19. A problem for me is I believe many companies in SL already have that subtly and realism along with their craftmanship. Nutmeg, Apple Fall, and so many others. Yes, perhaps the fabrics that drape on furniture and beds still don't look 100% real, but tables, chairs so many other things do. The problem is that some of this PBR stuff isn't as good as what we have now and I don't know where it's being generated from but the PBR stuff I see on my YouTube looks not all that thrilling to me and you yourself used that word that I have about it - underwhelming. The first photo is another pic from my YouTube where PBR shows up all the time and the spots that are supposed to look like light looks fake to me. The 2nd photo is from SL and from the video about PBR in the OP of this thread. The white parts again look fake, like toys. Which leaves me going...? (why fake). It's worse than the painted on white to look like a highlight we have now that people complain about. So, I don't get it.
  20. I took the pics (screenshots) from the machinema itself which is posted in the OP. So how is the machinema picking up those fake looking shiny parts? Besides people love pictures.
  21. As far as commercial, I think more along the lines of items to sell to other games or for commercials on YouTube which I see every day and which look like they were made with PBR. And, you know those commercial sites where you can buy 3D stuff but there is no MMO/MMORG, it's just 3D stuff? That's where I think SL is headed. Below is a pic from a YouTube I'm listening to now...looks like PBR. PBR was designed by the film industry for commercials. Some of it comes across a bit garish or not really my cup of tea.
  22. Those would be words I'd use from the pictures I posted on page 1. I found it very underwhelming but I did also say this PBR thing is nascent [for SL], although I've had a feeling it's not for me. The shiny parts look very fake. See page 1 of this thread for pictures.
  23. We were talking about ALM. In the new PBR viewer they are saying it will be forced to on at all times. Oh my gah. This is the problem. As to what gamers on the forum have said that 60 is too low [for them], it's neither here nor there really. It's all their opinion or first impression of SL. I don't care about FPS at this juncture but I'm not so sure I want to run ALM if it causes fan problems, which it does for many. Narrowing down the why of that is more important. ALM is an energy hog that is for one reason. ALM needs a stronger power supply, I'm guessing.
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