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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. Oh, thanks for looking that up. Speaking of old, I bought that exact same laptop eight years ago at least and they are still selling the exact same one eight years later. I find that amazing in technology terms. Mine is in pristine condition because I keep it in a case in the closet much of the time. I bought it to use in the hospital after a surgery and the administration office logged me into their wifi somehow. However, I did go on SL with my HP 15 laptop and it runs likes a snail. My main computer is a desktop.
  2. For Dinkies and Tinies, it could be easy in that often for those avatars one buys the whole outfit and just choose WEAR, then be prompted to make an OUTFIT. That's two scrolls. lol I can't see scrolling thru our inventory. There'd have to be a different way it's done or else ouch, carpel tunnel syndrome. I had carpal tunnel syndrome, btw, it is curable, if one follows doctor's orders and wears the splints during sleep.
  3. All that scrolling if the SL viewer were the same for mobile would cause carpal tunnel syndrome, quite possibly. They'd have to reduce the functions for mobile.
  4. Mine are just off all the time but I hang with the same crowd mostly and am not looking to be part of any SL "meat market". I'm here for building and friends period. Oh, and chit-chat, variety chat.
  5. That's an interesting point. I, personally, have HIDE names including my own. I don't like the clutter on my screen of name tags showing above people's heads. So, names are off, all the time. It is a good idea for people who want to be alts though but it could confuse newbies.
  6. Katherine Heartsong said: Every day of the week ending in "y" in SL. Just look at the promoted events list this second ... "Hottest girls on the grid" is the second promotion, and "XXX LBC Cinema. Come and watch the most exciting lesbian porn in SL. XXX" is not too far behind. You think Apple will allow that on the store and I have a bridge to sell you over SFO Bay. I didn't say I thought so other than there is a clause which sounds to me like if adult content is hidden and one has to be on that actual website to reach adult content, it might be allowed. IOW, the title of the APP on an APPLE APP Store couldn't read XXX-zHot-HOT Girls, Girls, Girls for example. Here is the clause BELOW, not sure about it though nor how SL could keep Adult-Rated material inaccessible on the web itself. Bots already published a website of SL content onto the web as some may know about that, but I'd think SL would have to shut down mysecondlife.com altogether. However, stuff from the SL forum can be pulled up via Google. But, speaking of this SL forum, why does Google store all this stuff from years and years ago? Isn't that expensive to store all these needless old threads and this is just one website? Who pays for all that storage of all this old content? I was just wondering if someone could explain to me why or how are all these old threads stored and who is paying for that? If your app includes user-generated content from a web-based service, it may display incidental mature “NSFW” content, provided that the content is hidden by default and only displayed when the user turns it on via your website. 1.2.1 Creator Content Apps which feature content from a specific community of users called “creators” are a great opportunity if properly moderated. ...
  7. ANNNDDDDD you lost me. What is the point of using a virtual environment to buy 97% of real-world items? I can think of an answer to that - the Linden becomes an intermediary token much like Ripple's XRP is trying to be, which would mean the value of the Linden would/could go up, possibly. The premise of an intermediary token is that it can greatly reduce fees connected to exchanging fiats.
  8. Perhaps SL would fall under the BELOW rules if all content is considered not public but one must log in to view any of it? ************************************************************** If your app includes user-generated content from a web-based service, it may display incidental mature “NSFW” content, provided that the content is hidden by default and only displayed when the user turns it on via your website. 1.2.1 Creator Content Apps which feature content from a specific community of users called “creators” are a great opportunity if properly moderated. ...
  9. I searched if Apple banned any apps and it answered Fortnite. I don't play Fortnite, so I cannot confirm that 100%. Is Fortnite still banned on Apple Store? Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney teased last year that Fortnite will return to iOS in 2023. We can't be sure how exactly Epic Games will try to bring Fortnite back to iOS, especially considering that the game is still banned from the App Store.Jan 24, 2023
  10. I asked Google the question "does Apple allow Adult apps" and got the following answer BELOW: But, aside from the answer below, I feel Apple should allow an Apple Adult App Store as it's the 21st Century already 'cause this is getting ridiculous for adults. BTW, I don't know anything about Tumblr nor how it might compare with SL. ********* Yes and no. Any apps which include or promote adult content will not be passed by Apple. However apps which incidentally allow access to pornographic content will be allowed. For instance the Tumblr app.
  11. Looking at the pic, I think it's the pink lips that made me think younger man. That dew of youth but he is kind of "chiseled". It's a gorgeous avatar, anyhow. As far as the handful of anime's I've seen on the grid, I visited one of the anime sims quite a few years back. There are sims for anime's just like there are for the Dinkies/Tinies or Sci-fi creatures. This was years ago, and they were ALL dressed in Kemonos and were thin in body shape but average height to suggest a late teen or young adult person. The thing with most Asians is they tend to be thin because of their diet, as well as small breasted for many of their women. So, a thin, small breasted woman is not a child either. So, most sims/clubs are going to go by height and it is just an old re-hashing of stuff we have no control over unless we, personally, own a club. What really is the deal, as with all fantasy characters, many have their own sims because a lot of clubs feel it breaks the immersion of their human atmosphere simulated reality. This can be looked at as discrimination but each club has their own rules. The club owners allow or disallow certain avi's and that's the way it's always been. I still don't know exactly what the OP is talking about regarding anime...? Anime doesn't have an all over bad name, it's just a fantasy character and a lot of clubs don't allow fantasy except at Halloween perhaps. As far as fantasy characters in SL, it's like that old saying..you can make some of the people happy some of the time, but you can't make all of the people happy all of the time. It's each club owners decision.
  12. This is the best info I have on it right now as it's not plugged in. It's this, I think: (It's says HP 15, Intel Pentium Inside) I'd have to plug it in to get more info on it. I don't think it has dedicated graphics. **************************************************** Is the HP 15s good? The HP 15-inch laptop is a well-built and attractive mid-range notebook with a tactile keyboard and a good array of ports. Additionally, it offers well-balanced audio and Ultrabook-level performance at a lower price than the majority of the competitors. This is it, I think: I have not updated Windows 11 in it though, my laptop has Windows 10. https://www.hp.com/us-en/shop/pdp/hp-laptop-15-fc0047nr?&a=1&jumpid=cs_con_nc_ns&utm_medium=cs&utm_source=ga&utm_campaign=HP-Store_US_All_PS_All_Hgm_OPEX_Google_ALL_Smart-PLA_PCs&utm_content=sp&adid=535232761907&addisttype=u&7F1Z4UA%23ABA&cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=13987943907&cq_con=130783845331&cq_term=&cq_med=&cq_plac=&cq_net=u&cq_pos=&cq_plt=gp&gclid=Cj0KCQiA6rCgBhDVARIsAK1kGPJpaxOrNnsix1t4dLtBQqx8gIE51W5fy0LEZv8WibUmR_Uqa9N5SdAaAi45EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  13. I wasn't saying just that head (Milan) has a child head/woman's body. I was just giving an example period. I found those shapes because I am planning to buy that head. The head does not come shaped like that as you should know. Those are shapes made for it. There are child's heads one could use and then add a woman's body, and possibly even an anime head with a woman's body. However, half child/half woman, it doesn't say in the TOS one cannot simply look that way. It's what one does and where one can go in a half child/half woman avatar that might present problems. But, anyhow, I was just giving one example, not that Milan looks that way. I was suggesting looking at some of the shapes made for Milan.
  14. Did you type in Milan and then go to shape? In my post I said type in Milan Shape, meaning both words. Scroll down a bit. I'll send one to your IM. Here is the link: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=✓&search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=G&search[keywords]=milan+shape
  15. Well, yes, it is LL's rules also but LL has to follow the USA's laws, as well as California's at times I think. The OP brought up something about culture and TOS but the culture involved as expressed by the OP was not clearly defined. But, LL has to follow America's laws/rules, it doesn't bend for other cultures who may have a different law. I believe Drake was right on that on Page 1. LL does not follow the law of Japan nor make loopholes for Japanese laws. SL doesn't work that way.
  16. Some of the shapes looked 5-12 to me, so here we go it looked that age to me, it looks that age to you. Thus, it becomes meaningless. But, as far as reporting what might be questionable stuff on MP or the TOS as the OP has a tag for TOS breaking.. First of all, in good years (perhaps not now because of war) 15,000 new items have been said by some to be listed a day on SL MP. Even take Ebay, in good years, probably 50,000 new items are listed a day. Who has time to "police" all that on any Marketplace? This is why I don't get involved in reporting things. It's too much time and some of it is seen differently by different people, and the items may not even involve actions but rather they are suggestive. As far as the OP and why they have a tag that says "tos breaking" is not fully understood by me and many in this thread regarding "anime". The OP needs to explain themselves fully, or if their OP is perhaps trying to say they have seen some questionable items, it's up to them to report it if they feel that's what they need to do. Anime avatars, in and of themselves, are not against the TOS.
  17. The child-faced/adult body shapes, imo, are not exactly anime as they don't have the big eyes but the hentai aspect of anime is probably what inspired the half child/half woman avatar. As far as being that, it's not against the terms of TOS to look a particular way as we've said in this thread. It's what one does or where one wants to go that could present a problem. As far as Milan, yes very cute head. I have on my to buy list also but would not look that young as some of those shapes and skin combos do when searching 'Milan Shape' on MP because I like to go places so wouldn't want any drama there. As far as anime in general, one saying it looks this age and another saying it looks that age, we've been there and done that on SL forum too many times. So, I don't want to go there. But, the anime style avi's that @Akane Nacht shows above definitely looks adult age to me but still many clubs might not allow that particular avi in even if it is adult. I've been mostly human-looking elves before, and some clubs say no because it ruins immersion for the real life atmosphere they are attempting to re-create in SL.
  18. I have an old laptop so I was just wondering. I'm not sure whether my old laptop would blow up or not? My laptop has never run SL well at all. I still use my laptop for stuffs other than SL, so I wouldn't really chance it. I am kind of curious to try it, however. lol
  19. As far as hentai, it's there on MP. Just search anime avatars and scroll through all the pictures as some sellers try to hide pictures - they open after you click one of the photos. I'll send you a link in an IM. What the community wants to do with pictures that are hentai on MP, I don't know? I don't know what the TOS says about pictures. The TOS says sexual action of child avatars is not allowed nor for them to be near a bed.
  20. What kind of potato? I'm not sure exactly what potato means other than older. Can you give a little more info on potatoes as it was rumored people will need a gaming computer to run PBR.
  21. That's a beautiful avatar and photograph including the lighting on the face. Definitely adult, almost looks 18 exact. I didn't know these heads and hairs existed.
  22. What? I was wondering about skins considering the base color area. Oh my gah. Dinkies are BOM. I cannot lose my Dinkie BOM skins!
  23. I'm pretty sure they are adult made heads. What shape makers do with them once they are bought is not a creator's problem, nor is any content made by any SL creator if the offender chooses to abuse such content and use said content in porn that is against the TOS. I already said just search Milan shape and one can see there are child faces made for that head. And, yes @Drake1 Nightfire I've seen real Asian woman. Here's a whole bunch here: https://www.google.com/search?q=asian+women&hl=en&tbm=isch&sxsrf=AJOqlzVFD2lZbyuBR-GjgFoy_NV8Fy5D6A%3A1678492141676&source=hp&biw=1527&bih=854&ei=7cELZIyLJ_SkwbkPuJi9uAE&iflsig=AK50M_UAAAAAZAvP_XBNSvThJRjiXeuh99f5wZY5dHif&ved=0ahUKEwjMtfG-xtL9AhV0UjABHThMDxcQ4dUDCAc&uact=5&oq=asian+women&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECCMQJzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDoICAAQgAQQsQNQAFjbGmDkH2gAcAB4AIABkAGIAZMLkgEEMC4xMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1n&sclient=img However, again, I am not sure it is against the TOS to make a weird avatar and wear it in one's home. I said if sims decide it looks like a child's face with a woman's body and don't want it there, that is up to each sim what they want to do. Each land owner has the power. Also, I wouldn't report anything unless I saw something going on with adult activities inworld. SL Marketplace is like Ebay's Marketplace. There are questionable things selling on Ebay, but I would not report them.
  24. I wouldn't report it. Toddler stuff and the adult section I've never seen but I don't play Adult much in SL so I don't look in that section. I'm a Dinkie cat. I went searching pre-Black Friday for shapes as I was going to make an adult human for this account but decided to wait. That's when I found the child faces with the hyper-sexualized bodies while searching for shapes. As far as looking that way, I'm not sure exactly it's against the TOS. What is against the TOS is doing adult sexual activates in a child avatar. But, these are like half child by the face, and half woman by the body. I would not report it either. However, many SL sims may not allow child looking faced avatars with a woman's body. But, I think one can be that in their own home. It's going places people might find sims object to their being there even though the body is that of a grown woman, it's the face that's not. As far as anime, I'd be all for some heads that look cute and 18+ in what most people think as the Classic anime style. But, the eyes not so big perhaps.
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