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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. Also, if you like some of Anna Erotica's tropical plants but want a jungle look, just put the pot down into the ground and have the plant sticking out above ground. Her tropical plants are super cheap and super low impact as well.
  2. For super low impact stuff I've always used Anna Erotica's stuff. Check out her store. She has some really great items for background for super cheap, many items cost 1 linden. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AnnaErotica-12-Palm-Trees-3-prim/7817276
  3. This is really, really good advice. I guess I'd just add take it slowly don't push. I love Photoshop. I just took to PS like a duck to water well over 15 years ago. What I love about PS being a Dinkie (a cat that wears clothing lol) is that I can make original things that only I have for my Dinkie. Or if I want to have something new, it only costs a little bit of money in upload to make a new color or design for instance. I'd have to say Photoshop is one amazing program in how you can just layer and layer and layer and transform one work of art into a totally other one. I also have had dreams where I've designed something for SL in PS and then was able to take what I saw in my dream and actually make it in PS for SL. And, make your search engine your friend. You can always Google how to's on just about every program there is. For instance, you could Google "how to import a photo into PS", etc, etc. Plus, there are tons of YouTube videos for lots of helpful how to's about SL building whether PS, GIMP, whatever.
  4. Yeah, I still buy resale gachas but left the groups entirely which were much fun and very active. I felt time to move on from Gacha groups and activities.
  5. Yeah, I re-read you post. It's on page 4. It's a good post, but needs a JIRA or the Lindens will not hear any of it, Ayashe, or so the legend says. And how true of what you wrote how SL is not build-friendly anymore, but then became a place to take pictures of other people's stuff. Let's face the fact too that part of SL has corporate builders and those who are much more educated. SL needs a new "Gacha" too because Gacha was so much more affordable for those wanting to have props for pictures *IF* one bought their gachas on the second-hand, resale market - those resale gachas were super cheap. But, one thing Gacha did do was get a lot of people interested in mesh - those who were afraid of mesh because the thinking for a long time was that mesh was too much lag which is partly true as SL was not actually built for mesh.
  6. Yeah, and I bet in the old days of just Classic avatars only, newbies were able to do just that. Sign up and go for it. I didn't get much feedback on my suggestion of all avi's have a home, and I don't know if I should start a JIRA or not. But, I think with the coming onslaught of AI (or else we are already smack dab in the middle of the AI onslaught) is to have all avatars have a home. When log off happens, all avi's go home, even if it's a crappy default avatar starter home. They can rez right in their new default home and not need a sandbox. Once they are in their cheapy starter home, instructions and landmarks would be readily available in their home upon starting. They could then teleport to a newbie welcome area. I am not a techo geek or anything but I was wondering if all avi's had a home, this could help cut down on an overkill of AI, which may come in the coming years? People want to inact with a real person. I like voice activation now for some things but it's not for socialization.
  7. This reminds me of yesterday when I got a bunch of stupid Valentine conversation hearts that said "text me" instead of "kiss me" like in the olden days. So, I knew what I had to do, I texted him "kiss me". haha
  8. I was just using what I wrote as an example. LL TOS and PP is pretty good but it could be shortened. It's Tilia that is unbelievable. But, mainly I was talking about websites in general. They could write things more matter of factly and not so wordy, and some really need to dump all that legalese. I'm not even saying what I wrote as an example is better, even, because it was just an example. But, my example wasn't my point about legalese - that trophy of confuse-us into a hypnotized mesmerized confused state with a headache goes to Tilia's TOS. My point in bringing it up is for the internet and websites overall.
  9. Happy Rez Day! I don't use my old alts from around 2006, I think would be the oldest and I do not remember her rez day. My first avatar was a blonde with long straight hair and red eyes which actually looked good, I thought. I loved those red eyes, maybe they were more like a rose red color which looked good on screen. She made friends from the first day. She had mostly a casual wardrobe. I had a few ballgowns but they were expensive gowns back then I thought. Maybe about 500 to 600 lindens for a nice ballgown with lots of flexiprim parts and flowers. Probably a bazillion in complexity. I've had various jobs and then learned to build around 2010 or so. It's difficult to remember. I've had a great journey and had some laughs and some tears as SL friends passed away, and I'm ready to go forward with y'all into the next chapter of PBR, if all is technically willing on my end. I haven't been to the Aditi grid yet but I will soon but I may have to tweak some and I have to have minor surgery in real life very soon so that takes precedence.
  10. @Klytyna you laugh now, but just go laugh trying to read the Tilia TOS. Oh my gah about the Tilia TOS is all I have to say about that one! Translation for that Tilia TOS, "you agree we have completely covered our butt, now check or don't check."
  11. Nah, I can't really see myself reopening old sculpties. I personally prefer to close old stuff but even when mesh was a hot item, my scultpies still sold a lot! I closed them all maybe about three years ago. I hope a "nostalgia craze" for sculpties does not happen. Perhaps categories such as sculpty, mesh, PBR could be a good idea.
  12. That may or may not work because I could reload some of my old sculptie stuff from seven years ago and the date would read 2/14/2023. Also, with sculpties, some people are getting that retro feeling about them and some want them now. Man, I made a lot of money selling sculpties. So, me wonders if I should reopen some of those...?
  13. After we had an issue with bots, I searched how to write a good privacy policy and came upon some interesting articles to read. These were helpful how-to articles for people wanting to start a website, for instance. What I found the most helpful were the suggestions to keep your TOS and privacy policy simple and forward, and most interestingly enough - get rid of the legalese. With many countries now wanting to understand and protect their right to privacy, I think it's important for all websites writing policies to consider getting rid of the legalese and just write the policies out more straight forward. To give an example, LL could write: LL will not be held responsible for any real life information you personally share about yourself whether by text, local chat, or voice (fill in the tools that need to go here) when you are using our services. You are solely responsible for any and all private information you share. LL does not share your personal information with anyone. The above is just an example but I think all websites should start looking to the future of our modern world and make TOS and privacy policies simple to read and understand; but, most importantly, get rid of the legalese. I think this helps user usability and I'm just throwing it out there. But, it's an important thing to consider, especially websites dropping the legalese.
  14. I was on Discord for awhile but I was juggling about eight things at that time and some thing had to give so I let it and other things go. For me, Discord was just another bunch of stuff to read but it was nice people without a lot of mudslinging like what goes on on Twitter for example. I don't think it had anything to do with my age. I gave up Twitter too. It got old. I had Discord and Twitter burnout after awhile. I'd rather be involved with building and music when not visiting events in SL. The asocial issue is a bit true in that I have been invited to some human clubs thru our Dinkie and Tiny group and it was a lot of couple bots dancing and not fun. I don't like the bots much as they are kind of scary (lol). Plus, it made me sad that the person putting on the event didn't have very many people show up. But, getting main groups together either for a theme or an activity is a good way to find some real people. Discord is a good idea for that. Others should consider it.
  15. Oh, I see, do it with inventory filters. Yes, I just checked, they didn't automatically go in my settings area because of the icon.
  16. I can't believe that the wonderful WINDLIGHTS are here. This really made my day! Thanks so much! I had many EEPs but most were not modify so I couldn't rename them to EEP and they were all lost in my inventory because they had weird names like Cool's Great Day or something one wouldn't remember. The one's that were modify I added EEP at the end by renaming them as shown in my screenshot below. I think they need to be renamed EEP. I will have to log back in now and check. This is my current EEPs under settings. I'll be right back and see if they went into my settings without renaming them.
  17. So, those Windlights then were made by the Firestorm team? Those are the amazing windlights I'm talking about (I recognize the names) but they aren't named EEP and there are almost 800 of them to rename with many in each box. If there was a way to put them into something like a HUD that would be great but I don't know of any EEP HUD that gives a click thru menu of any EEP. Azimuth could be the slider for these but still renaming 800 EEP's is a lot of work. I'll think about it.
  18. I didn't really want to talk about facelights but I can say bringing out a new shiny that is 100 times more difficult {EEP} than a click thru menu and a slider {Windlight) that took minutes was my experience in my disengaging from SL because SL went from extreme ease of use to a royal pain in the neck. So, I was commenting on that as per your article as to why some websites lose users; non user friendly features. The ideas for features you presented in this thread were good ones also, btw, Arielle, aside from my experience and displeasure with EEP. BTW, I'm waiting to see what this new PBR viewer will look like but I'd prefer it with the Windlight super easy system.
  19. Windlight was more subtle if on a sim and those were mostly windlights for viewing skin. The other windlights were very surrealistic for photo effects and by just moving the slider a little one could get some amazing effects for photos, plus highlights and shadows in just minutes and then with a click and a slide go back to a skin lighting in seconds. But, those 1000 of surrealistic windlights you are talking about were rarely used on a sim but you could work them in minutes with just a click thru menu and a slide. And, ALM we turned on for photos as well rather than run it all the time which a lot of people still do today.
  20. I read the article. The above paragraph is the standout. I'd have to say I became way less engaged when EEP arrived. EEP is too much hassle, cumbersome, too dark, too much glow (had to turn off glow), full bright works horrible, pain in the neck to where I can have great lighting in my homes (finally after months of tweeking) but teleport to someone's party and my avatar looks hideous. I can relate to how I became disengaged with SL due to EEP. I preferred the Windlight method of the click on menu and one slider and voila! Windlight took minutes of one's time to achieve great lighting. This was my experience, and EEP makes it a hassle to create because you don't know what kind of lighting anyone has because EEP is a million and one lightings. What can one say about someone who leaves SL because of how SL changes? It happens. I don't know what else to say. EEP I hate the thing. I have cool lighting in my homes.
  21. Not sure what you mean by this? But, you can look over content before you buy. You have to turn on the Developer menu first though. People can find the Developer menu by clicking Advanced (in Preferences)> Developer Menu > Render Metadata, and then choose Texture Size or Triangle Count for a couple of examples by clicking on those in the Render Metadata menu. You can read the texture size and see the triangle count before you buy anything inworld or from a demo on MP.
  22. Yes, probably. I realized that after I wrote my post. Plus, I was wondering do avatars all decked out in super-duper Mesh avatars go to help people in starter areas where they are in a Classic avatar and that newbie goes "Ah! I look awful compared to you!" Or, something along those lines. People could not only be hesitant about creating a mesh avatar, but the choices alone can make one's head spin. And, it's far more expensive then when we joined when it was all only Classic avatars. I can't imagine what I'd think today starting. I might think the mesh avatars are confusing, how can I choose from all this, and do I really want to spend that much money? And, here I'm thinking it's free to try but I look like a fish out of water.
  23. I know about that. He said shadow "prim", the prim part confused me.
  24. If it's a shadow prim, it's most likely furniture or home decor and most of that is copy/mod. Can't you click on EDIT LINKED in the edit menu, then click on the shadow and turn that shadow to 100% transparency so it will disappear altogether? I wasn't sure what you meant by baked shadow prim...? I'm assuming you mean shadow prim.
  25. So, it won't break but it may look funky. I have obliterated a lot of my Classic avatar and sculpty things, but I have mesh things I don't want to lose. I am eager to see what some of my mesh stuff will look like. My jewelry collection took me a long time to accumulate and I wear jewelry everyday just about in my SL. Ah, I don't want to lose certain things...this has me a bit edgy.
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