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Everything posted by EliseAnne85

  1. Sorry, actually when I spoke of lag possibly increasing I was talking about the other DESTINATION GUIDE that is in the viewer to the left in the middle of the screen on FS and it looks like a tab. I am assuming that is a mini version of the big DESTINATION GUIDE on the web page and I was wondering how many could fit in there...you know where the thumbnails are in the viewer itself, and then I got to thinking this is just not worth it because I feel people don't know which DESTINATION GUIDE I'm talking about. I'm not nor ever have been talking about the DESTINATION GUIDE on the web page - the big one. I've only ever been talking about the mini version to the left of the viewer screen in the middle on FS. I was not thinking *one web page* opening would create lag. That isn't what I was talking about at all. But, it's gotten to such a frustrating stage of trying to explain myself. So, never mind. But, again, I never was thinking one web page would cause lag.
  2. I never used that in search because I was building and I hang out with the Tinies and Dinkies and decorate my homes once in awhile and that's about it besides shopping for sales once in awhile too. But, here's a suggestion then...how about getting rid of that little icon on the side then in FS and just have one place to open the Destinations Guide so people get the full scope of things to do?
  3. Yes, that's what I'm asking/talking about, it's in the viewer in the middle of the screen to the left of the viewer in FS and it opens a mini sampling of DESTINATIONS which look like little thumbnails and has a few categories. I wasn't speaking about the full list of destinations which is located not in the viewer. Yes, that hyperlink is hidden and small. Could use a better place and be more prominent. I think there is probably only a sampling there because if it had too much in the viewer, it could be lag intense. But, the thing is we are speaking about newbies. And, in that little Destinations Guide in the viewer itself, it does have a category that says NEWCOMER FRIENDLY so that's where newbies mostly would go, I'd think. However, anyone could put a newcomer game or activity in there (I'm speaking about the Destinations Guide) in the viewer only *not* the web page. You'd have to ask the devs how many destinations could be opened in the viewer itself and not lag the SL viewer down and the user by inducing too much lag.
  4. No, that's the webpage. I'm asking about the mini icon in the viewer itself that opens a DESTINATION GUIDE. It's in the viewer to the left and it's gray and looks like a tab and then a small DESTINATION GUIDE opens. I can't go inworld at this time. I'm asking if the DESTINATIONS GUIDE in the viewer has a category for ACTIVITIES. Although from what I remember of the viewer DESTINATION GUIDE, it has a newbie friendly category with only a little bit to choose from. But, never mind. I don't think anyone understands what I'm asking.
  5. No worries, Love. Yes, I was wondering if there is a category for ACTIVITIES in the *inworld* Destination Guide or maybe even SPORTS or games, some need to be newbie friendly. Although, newbies start on LL viewer, so does LL viewer have that little tab to the left in their viewer with the short list of destinations?
  6. I can't remember if the DESTINATION GUIDE has a category for ACTIVITIES or not. I just cannot remember. So, playing off her idea, I suggest a category for Activities, boating, horse back riding, whatever (and those that are newbie friendly) go into the DESTINATION GUIDE. If there already is that, never mind. My SL has tended to be home building or hanging at the Shire with the Tinies/Dinkies bunch so I just don't remember much about DESTINATION GUIDE and what categories it has.
  7. This one is really beautiful and relaxing. This is also good for cats too when you leave the house for awhile. The key is to play it softly. -----Night Jazz Sleep - Smooth Piano Jazz Music - Relaxing Instrumental Music for Sleep, Stress Relief
  8. This is relaxation, de-stress, calm the mind music. I use it to relax, rest or sleep. It's called: Powerful Healing Relaxation for Anxiety Disorders, Stress and Chronic Fatigue◾Calms the Mind BTW, Real life cats love this kind of music too, especially if you leave the house for awhile.
  9. I can't speak for Prokofy but I'm assuming he meant the Adult section is hidden for newbies. I think one needs proof of how old they are to access Adult parts of SL including on MP.
  10. Yeah, I agree with this. I've been "ruthed" several times myself, been in SL when the grid was down for days. I think that's how I found the forums a long time ago, and been lurking on and off the forums for years. I can't endure the suck for too long either because SL is in some ways supposed to be fun and enjoyable because it's a form of entertainment. Albeit, I sometimes think Philip Rosedale designed it as a form of entertainment we have to figure out a large portion of it ourselves. If he gave us everything all laid out, I think we'd bore of that too!
  11. You said in a prior post you asked many newbies and their answer was "what is there to do here?" was the answer you heard the most. Well, that needs to be addressed with beginner stuff to do, imo. I don't remember my additional newbie beginnings for my alts. I just sort of slept walked through those and wasn't paying attention. This problem of 'what to do here' could also be because SL doesn't advertise itself as one particular thing. I haven't seen much SL advertisement at all so I don't even know what it advertises itself as.
  12. I was never on any video games. I was an artist painter at the time as well as doing interior design so busy working. I was just about to go on WOW just to check it out when I heard about SL, so I came with no expectations at all, other than basically we interact with one another as an avatar in a virtual world. I think the experience was very different as we all got the same basic avatar we could customize and biggest customization was finding a skin so it was way less expensive. Plus, their wasn't any outcast stigma like there is now because the Classic avatar is seen as unwanted by many rather than embraced by many. I had been on text chat rooms before coming to SL in the mid-2000's and from that texting chat room experience, wingdings had just been invented and that was all of my experience plus I knew how to do basic data entry stuff and type. If I had any expectations it was that SL was a big chat room but with avatars whereas WOW was task oriented and sounded too structured for me. I never actually went on WOW. I don't think WOW was what I was seeking anyhow, which might be something classified as a game.
  13. I don't know how to separate the quotes and respond by part, so I will do my best. First, I want to say that I think the avatar is the most important part of SL as this is how we interact and/or present ourselves in a virtual world. So, I mention beginner games where one can win prizes or a gift card so it gives them a start to learning how to make "themselves" as a representation. And, they learn to dress, teleport to stores, see what stores have to offer, etc, etc. When I was new all those years ago, I wanted a job. Jobs were more plentiful then but now many jobs are taken up by bots or there are corporate sellers now who make items compared to more hobby sellers in SL's beginnings. So, I think players starting in SL's beginning had more access to getting some funds to build their avatar by getting a job and we had no wait time either. And, this is what I think beginner games and prizes could help fill the void of. There is a part of the PROFILE area where one fills in what they want to do in SL and one checks those boxes. Such as be hired, build, explore, etc. That part of the profile is still there, although I think it was used way more in SL's beginnings. SL wants to make itself over with PBR and make it look good more like most other games. I don't know if it will help much because of one thing - the cost. The cost to buy stuff could become very high. However, PBR is said to be easy, so perhaps it might work in that more people can or will eventually 'build' and that could help bring the cost down. It's all a gamble right now. But, four texture uploads per face to build for a hobby is a lot of money, especially when people want things for a few quarters or a dollar. But, we have a war on now and very high inflation so it's difficult to judge what extra money people will have for entertainment at this time. As to your point about having a purpose to stay in SL. Very interesting insight. I'd have to say that's very true. Plus, fun is another one, imo and even making money and then going shopping is fun to me. We can make tons of fun for events too but unfortunately that tons of fun all translates into lag, so we have to carefully plan events because of the lag it can cause with too much stuff. To give an example, I am a Dinkie now so I hang out with the Dinkies and Tinies quite a lot. We had an event called "The Crazy Circus". My was that ever cleverly scripted. Then one of our furries did a dance with about five bots on each side of her and the bots and she were all dancing in sequence kind of Janet Jackson style or what J-pop or C-pop are now. Now, the Dinkies and Tinies can view all this with tons of us (60 and up) in the seats because we are very low lag, but translate that into human avatars, and it's too laggy to do shows like this, although the PBR beta viewer is said to be getting some good performance. Many of us will have to wait n see. But, seeing Jenny dance with her bots was just absolutely amazing!
  14. First off, I think it may be inherent in everything to ask for a little direction wherever it may be, especially in real life. Plus, I never meant to imply your generation was a bunch of lazy, hand it to me, make my decisions for me...etc....generation. The difference I thought I might be seeing (or perhaps it's not there at all) is you and Ayashe (who keeps mentioning other games that are brimming over with people now) is that there is something to do or build. And, in some other posts, I'm seeing recommendations for tasks that people can do. So, I'm assuming, perhaps too much, that other games have some kind of tasks for younger people, who are growing older in those games now, to do. However, I don't know anything of other games - from Minecraft to Roblox - nothing. So, I don't know what people who are grown up now, coming from those games, find when they come to SL and find there isn't that stuff from the get-go of tasks or things to do. SL is not like other "games", we all know that much. When many of us oldbies came to SL a long time ago, there wasn't any expectation like the generations today coming from other games. SL was portrayed as a virtrual world where you interact with others as an avatar and it had no expectations. That's the difference I was wondering about. And, as far as things to do in SL. Yeah, mowing the law wouldn't be my thing in SL, but it might be yours alone is basically what SL is now. One can probably find a working lawn mower on MP. I know I used to have a real working sprinkler system for one of my homes. And, I've made fully animated bathrooms where one could even give themselves a facial and paint their avi's toenails, and made full animated vanities to where one's avatar could even put on perfume. It's fun for awhile but it's still not at the crux of what SL needs, imo. I believe you can find animated just about everything, but it can be expensive today. It wasn't so expensive when I had sculpty animated full bathrooms that sold for about 100 L and had the works. I've thought SL could use something from the beginning where new residents could win gift cards so they can learn to customize their avatar and play fun interactive games from the beginning is more along the lines of what I mean when I say give new avatars something to do. I mean a game of some sort, with prizes (gift cards).
  15. I don't remember all of what was there when I started in mid-2000's but it probably was basically the same. We log in, learn to walk, and have to ask others around us if they could help. Is there anyone there when you begin as a newbie to help? Although I know your post was directed to someone else, I wanted to chime in here. The way I view Philip Rosedale's take on Second Life is that it's much like real life in that much of it we have to put effort in and figure a lot of things out ourselves just like in real life, and often that takes the initiative to ask for help from someone/anyone near by. That's kind of like real life. If someone in real life were to ask me where is the nearest restaurant, I'd say it's around the corner to your right. And, so we apply that to SL, ask for help. And, then work on that awhile until you get it. SL also reminds me of that line from a Doors song "into this world we are thrown". We are thrown into this world and we make it want we want it to be step by step once we learn some basic tools. I, personally, like it that way in that my SL is up to me and I feel some sense of achievement and that achievement is put in my court which has boosted my real life self esteem and made me learn it's not difficult to ask questions in real life from those I don't know. I don't know if having a lawn to mow or whatever else you subsequently suggested would not turn boring as many things do in SL. As for what to do in SL. There was a thread on that about a year ago and it was amazing to read the long list of things people do in SL. I'd guess the younger generation is coming from games where there are little things to do like water a lawn; whereas I think my generation came in viewing SL as a meet and greet and chat place where we could interact as avatars have a home, a job, a family, or whatever we imagined. It was ours to create. That aspect could be dying for younger generations.
  16. Your group sounds amazing, Luna. I listen to music that is for relaxtion, positive mood, healing, etc. Here is an example of one I am listening to now. I think relaxation is large part in the healing process and also may be helpful in dealing with grief and loss because it's so important to take the time to relax and just feel calm.
  17. I have trouble sleeping sometimes too. Have you ever tried relaxtion sleep music for insomnia which there are many too choose from on YouTube. I feel asleep listening to one last night and slept like a log. Here's an example:
  18. Yes, after I wrote what I wrote it puts the onus on LL to accept or not accept and then that is not fair to do to LL *to decide* as it's still a resident to resident dispute. However, I was thinking in the most extreme cases and thus perhaps an extreme case has to be filed with proof (however, what is proof has no clarity in my hypothesis). However, if LL didn't accept that the person should be made invisible to xyz avatar that invites a whole other can of worms LL wouldn't want put upon themselves. So, never mind my idea. I don't think it offers any solution and could add problems.
  19. Perhaps the blocking of one's avatar would not happen instantly. So, perhaps it could be one has to file their abuse reports to the Lindens and wait for acceptance to disappear to those they have blocked. Although this could be gamed too but the Lindens are God-mode surely they might know if one is truly being stalked and emotionally harassed and cyber-bullied or if they are faking it.
  20. I wanted to just mention to Tay, that there are schools one can learn how to build in Blender inworld. Our Tiny/Dinkie group Small Talk offers classes in Blender. You can be in an human avatar and hang out with the Tinies/Dinkies for most of their events and I'm sure for the Blender classes. They might prefer you to wear a low impact avatar but you can find small avatars by searching COMPLETE AVATARS {tiny avatar} for free on MP or for as little as 1 LI. The reason for the small avatars is it allows more people in with less lag I'm not sure how one goes about finding all the Blender classes there are in SL. Maybe they have a main group for Blender or something? There is Builder's Brewery and Happy Hippo Building School to join and ask as well.
  21. Yes, this exactly. ^^^ I wanted to add: I've used Anna Erotica's 1 LI row of 6 pine trees as a kind of privacy wall and then added lunaria's bushes inbetween the pine trees and it was fantastic privacy and much better for the neighbors than a privacy screen. Lunaria often has fantasy lights attached to their items but when I used the bushes the lights can be unlinked from the bushes and then one has just plain bushes, no lights. I can't find the exact bushes I bought right now as I'm not inworld, so I'll just put the link below. I'd assume most of her lights can be unlinked and removed. She has some good stuff for privacy at low prim. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Anna-Erotica-6-Pine-Trees-1-Prim/7830214 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/121409
  22. Dinkies have "Dinkies Got Talent" show but as far as I know it's once a year. No seats for biggies, sorry. lol It's all small avatar seating. It was very adorable. One of our tiny singers won for her performance of "Rocketman". It's a good idea for humans too.
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