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Everything posted by ValKalAstra

  1. https://www.flickr.com/photos/191119559@N02/52631911503/in/dateposted-public/
  2. Well, actually... I have asked our resident doom void spectre, AI generated Art, to give one of my pictures a beautiful smile. Behold, the horrors science has wrought! Only linked because... sheesh. https://imgur.com/a/65jjulI
  3. *raises hand* Yah, I feel your pain. Probably literally. My year started really great with a sudden overnight tooth abscess last Thursday. My dentist panicked and sent me straight to the ER. Not fun. I'm on the opposite end of this. I can hear nigh on perfectly - but I've got no voice. Unless you count Wookie noises. RAAAARRGHHAAARRGGGGGGGG. That's me for "bloody hell, i stubbed my toe", by the way. To me, the increased demand of voice chat is... whatever. Discrimination, yah. Especially in cases where it just ain't needed. Yup. Annoying but it's their loss. However with the increased demand there's also an increased amount of vitriol. That's where my personal pet peeve sits. People turn abusive and angry when I tell them I can't voice. I'm not dumb: I know why. I'm a woman. They get their hopes up. Being mute has got to be the #1 Catfish Trick. But bloody hell - I would have some sympathy if I didn't tell anyone that even remotely looked at me with eyes of adoration that I have got zero point nope interest in anything romantic whatsoever. There's just never a right point and time to address it either. Right from the go? Abuse comes anyway. Tell later because my disability is not exactly something I want to use as a can opener? Abuse anyway. It's tiring. This whole idiotic cult movement of self declared catfish inspectors is just one massive pile of paranoid, pathologically lonely, over eager, overbearing chuckletrucks.
  4. Interesting! I was a bit pressed for time and only really had enough for a quick look and a quick shot. My first visit was to Otter Lake and to just see what takes my fancy. Two things drew my attention, out of which I picked one to process further. Curiously the picture I didn't send to processing found a sibling in the gallery. Something about that gas station and that angle! Anyway, here is the other one that I sent into post: https://www.flickr.com/photos/191119559@N02/52618201657/in/dateposted-public/
  5. Here's a bit of a reality check: All of them. Look, I'm not trying to pick a fight over Second Life needing to be less arcane. It's menus nested in menus tucked away behind an ancient and befuddling UX. It could be so much more, agreed! However the reality is that every virtual entertainment platform also requires a lot of implicit knowledge. An example. Have a newcomer play a game like Skyrim. It begins with the dual stick controller feeling like an arcane and overwhelming device. Watch actual newcomers. They'll struggle hard with moving and aiming the camera at the same time. They will not know which button is which and need to look down constantly. Ideas such as save slots, stats and attributes will at first be alien to them. They've got no knowledge about what they can interact with in the world. "I can pick up a mug but I can't touch the table? Why?" "I can open this door but not that door? Why?" "Where did the cheese go? It just vanished!" "What do you mean, inventory? I am being attacked, I don't have time to browse an inventory! Oh time stops? Why, that makes no sense!" "Is that a dragon?" "HOLY. HELp, Okay press A to - help which button was A ah - no okay run there, gosh I am running into a wall, help okay no yah I scraped along the wall, let me orient myself, yah this looks like a do... oh THAT is what is meant by save slot." And then that same user continues on, gets more experience and one day will run into questions like: "What is DLC?" "What are mods?" "What is nexus?" "Mod manager?" "Param conflicts?" "Shaders?" "What's resolution?" "Anti aliasing?" "FOV?" "Driver conflicts?" "SSD? Ram?" "Pagefiles? High Mem Patch? DX Injector? DLL Hook?" To someone that has gamed for a while - all of these answers will seem like child's play. Easy. To a newcomer they do not. To wit I suggest looking up Dean Takahashi, Cuphead tutorial - and that guy writes about games for a living. The key difference between Second Life and other virtual entertainment platforms is that the industry has worked out standards over the years. If you understand the concepts in Skyrim, you can head on over to Minecraft and apply around 90% of them. You then skip on to Roblox and can figure it out as well. You dip into VR Chat and after an initial confusion due to the nature of VR - you apply most of your knowledge. Second Life then was made at a time when those standards were not yet established. See the Arrow Key versus WASD debate going on here. That debate has been settled in the industry for decades yet here it is still alive, simply because Second Life has been created on older design paradigms. As a result, people switching over from video games, for example, will have a much harder time for it. Some knowledge transitions well enough. Other not so much and many standards we gamers take for granted are simply done differently here and need to be relearned from scratch. I do hold that all things considered, Second Life is not an iota more complex or difficult to learn than any other entertainment product once you get into it. However it's adherence to older design paradigms causes constant friction with established industry standards, making it as rough to learn when you're a complete newcomer as it is rough to learn when you've got implicit knowledge from other entertainment. After years of being used to just pick up a game and play, because we do have acquired the skills - having to relearn feels rough and frankly, sucks. The core issue then is what can you do? If you begin to adapt SL to modern design principles, you begin losing the older audience that has kept the project afloat for years. Some of them will argue tooth and nail that nested menus are the superior way of doing things, for example. It needs better user guidance - but the issue is that a lot of the user experience is in essence third party products. The second SecondLife offers a guide for one product, all the other products will cry foul. Frankly, Second Life might be best left untouched in that regard. You have entrenched users trained on the current system that you risk losing in favour of chasing an audience that might not come. Don't forget that SL ain't exactly the new and shiny. One could argue for having more user friendly options but gosh, have you seen the options menu? Did you know there's even more options hidden behind debug variables? Yah I don't think adding even more will help. That doesn't mean there aren't things that could be improved but it's walking a fine thin line that could very well break SL entirely.
  6. I don't think I ever knew you. Not that I've been here long. I've read the Dresden Files though, so I should know all about you. Hi!
  7. This topic is an evergreen. Yah. Height in second life is just plain weird. I spent most of my first year here being overly self conscious about it. I'm a shorty in rl. Some lucky genes (along with some not some unrelated not so lucky ones) resulted in me having to always show my ID until I was a lot closer to thirty than twenty. So it was with some apprehension that I began making an avatar I consider a reasonable approximation. I've heard the horror stories. This topic keeps coming up. I was prepared to be booted and harassed all the time. The reality was... Very tame. There were some weirdos that tried the stepsister approach. I thanked them for the red flag and moved on. There were two sims I got booted out from and frankly, they were nigh on dead. What remains is a sort of paranoia over my height and appaerance that hasn't really met a response in world anywhere close to the horror stories I keep hearing. Personally I just file most avatar oddities under creative freedom and weird proportions. After all, SL is probably the only place where someone's bosom can be large enough to struggle with bras and health in rl - and be called flat in world. And let's not forget the T-Rex cult. So... ***** is weird. If people give you trouble... I'd say move on. Lots of sims. If it keeps happening ask folks if your proportions maybe make you look especially young.
  8. Admittedly, it was a bit funny when I saw that someone had gifted me a collar. For a moment I went through all the places I might have been AFK lately before reading on. No! It was so much more lovely - an unexpected and adorable gift from my wishlist! I really appreciate it and it brought out the inner meow in me. Thank you!
  9. *ponders* I'm not aware of any Sim like that. I like the idea of it but I wonder if it would go well with the current Second Life culture. From my personal experience of hanging out in popular photography sims - they seem to be glorified pick up places for people. It's actually worse than in adult clubs, oddly enough. Art galleries are sadly often deserted. I think I've had the most luck connecting with other artists by finding links in profiles and by joining photography groups. Might need to check a few to see if the general vibe fits.
  10. As a new creator, I'm always a bit overwhelmed with some of the hardline stances. As a customer myself I get most of them though. If a demo is just too much of a pain, it's a product to be skipped. Wanting me to head into an in world store for a demo is almost always a lost sale with only a few exceptions (above mentioned houses would be a legit one for me). Demo rings and markers if limited are okay. Like if one leg of a pair of pants is marked as demo but I can still see everything else clearly? Cool by me. Yet clothes slapped with enough demo markers to bury the textures are not. Timed demos for clothes are also one of those demo crimes to me but I happily accept them for tools, vehicles and such or items that don't need extensive setup.
  11. As a former Genus head user - I am just throwing this out there because of my past experiences with the brand. Maybe they can still help you. The Genus heads when I still used them had a variety of bugs with their animation that made them a bit of a meh experience. The two most prominent bugs were: Crashed out face animation - The animation can at times freeze in a very weird way. It tends to look like an imitation of Edward Munch's famous picture "The Scream". For me it almost always happened after extended use of Local Chat with the Type Override active. Especially when it fights with other AOs it tends to glitch out. I found the only fix was to deactivate the typing override. Maybe someone else has got a different solution. If it happens - you may need to check your viewer for a function to stop animations and undeform the avatar. Weird eye movements - basically the eyes roll all the way back and your avatar looks like something out of Constantine or Exorcist. I can't quite remember the fix for it - I think it had something to do with limiting eye motion in your viewer and there's also a sort of addon script on the marketplace? Found it: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Eye-Roll-Stuck-Animation-Fix-for-mesh-heads/21060074 This is mostly just guessing as you didn't offer a picture yet - once you do I'll check again but maybe this helps you already.
  12. To me the answer is fairly simple yet complex: When I ask for it! I'm generally a very curious person and it has led me down some rather odd twists and turns in life where I've learned valuable skills I wouldn't have learned otherwise. At the same time though, I really don't like to be explained things that I already know. To clarify, let's take a hypothetical scenario: Maybe I have just started learning how BOM works, I have gotten the basic gist of it but made a small mistake in overlooking a sneaky body alpha somewhere. The help I look for is a quick fix, for which I happily supply any information needed for it and engage in a dialogue about it. What I am not looking for is an in-depth explanation on how BOM works. I already know. I remain courteous since it's people trying to help me but gosh, it's one of the things that can really raise my temper quick if it goes on too long. It's a sore spot from RL experiences (Woman + actual mute = lot's of people talking veeeeryyyyy slowly and over-explaining even the most simple things. Like I am a toddler or the village idiot). Now take an alternative scenario, let's say I take a first look at making a mesh avatar and have got noooo idea what BOM is and for some god forsaken reason, every information I find online is outdated or layered in around a hundred other topics that only further muddles the water. In this case I would reach out and ask for someone to explain BOM and the inner workings to me, so that I can understand what is going on. The key difference between the two is that I will ask for what I need in the moment. Nowadays, I've gotten good at search-engine-fu and very rarely will reach out for a full in-depth explanation about something. I'm more likely to spend an afternoon learning it myself and only asking for specific advice on topics I struggle with.
  13. Picked up a new song playing Beatsaber. Funny how things go.
  14. https://www.flickr.com/photos/191119559@N02/52488443628/in/dateposted-public/
  15. This one might fit here - an experiment at visual metaphors. https://www.flickr.com/photos/191119559@N02/52486145674/in/dateposted-public/
  16. That look when I find yet another Black Dragon Keybinding to reset camera/teleport/close the viewer/etc.
  17. https://www.flickr.com/photos/191119559@N02/52477322095/in/dateposted-public/ Finally had some time to get back into it. Now to backtrack and see what everyone else has been doing.
  18. Still not as creepy as some random IMs in clubs. I love the picture. Great idea. --- Over here I have kind of discovered a bit of interest in simplicity for a change. https://www.flickr.com/photos/191119559@N02/52441963511/in/dateposted-public/
  19. I think there were in total two cases for me, one really bummed me out. It was a super pretty robe with great texturing like in the pictures but they didn't show the back and the back had a very notable and ugly seam. Newbie mistake. No demo, no buy, learned. The second was in a store with demos. I tried the demo and it looked perfectly fine. So I bought the full version and one of the arms was just plain untextured. I wrote a note card. Did so again half a year later. It was still broken as of my latest redelivery attempt last week. Overall it's rare though that an object looks worse than the pictures. Most stores have got room for improvement in their ad shots and so I'm often pleasantly surprised at all the detail that got lost in awful lighting and weird angles.
  20. What a happy go lucky song! What cheerful thing are they singing about anyway? Oh. Oh no. Well. They always get you with the good mood songs. Great song! Interesting lyrics.
  21. Ultimately all my purchases follow a simple "is it worth it for me?" system. Well calling it a system is a bit much since it's completely arbitrary. It's mostly a blend of a near endless amount of factors. How good is the rigging, do I like the texture work, how well does it blend with other clothes? Since I only use two bodies (Maitreya and Legacy), the single color/multi body offering does have some value to me - but in general what I most often struggle with is blending the right colours. Thus if provided with a choice, I'd go for the offering that gives me more colours to pick from. That said, I kind of expect this to turn into single color for single body before long. And also it needs to be the right price. Despite needing more colours, I just don't buy fatpacks most of the time. No slight on creators, it's already cheap enough as it is - I get it - but the practice just makes me personally uncomfortable. /edit: To clarify, the practice of charging much more for other colours. I'm more understanding if it's genuinely different textures but just blended colors is... eh.
  22. So this has been driving me nuts for a while. I've got various fantasy characters, some of which can fly or even show wings. However finding a suitable hover animation is a bit of a pain. I've checked the various stores, from vista to body language, I feel like everything that came up in content search, I've been there. That said, it's always possible I've skipped a fitting one by accident. So, what I need: A relatively neutral, mostly calm, loop friendly hover animation that also fits with wings. Most of what I see is way too expressive for my taste, flitting here and there or bobbing up and down several meters, spinning around, whatever. Ideally it would move very little. In terms of attitude it can be a bit haughty (Fae, Demoness) but not overly so. The more expressive it is, the more likely the looped animation will quickly get old too. I'm talking hours of roleplay. So... I'm sure there's plenty of roleplayers that faced this problem, anyone has got a recommendation? If possible a bit more precise than listing an animation store as I feel like I was in everyone of them but I happily check them again. Thank you in advance
  23. At a guess: The RL gender is almost impossible to figure out *unless* people paradoxically start to act like how they think a gender acts (or often in adult sims: how they think a gender should act). Doing that will often push things into parody and then become noticeable. Then again, even in that case I don't really care and just take it as someone exploring their gender. The only time I do start caring is when said person drifts so far into parody and stereotypes it becomes discriminatory.
  24. What do you mean, today? I haven't yet seen a picture of Rowan that wasn't stunningly stylish. ___ Also for those that like peeking behind the curtains, I decided to provide the unedited shot in the Flickr Description: https://www.flickr.com/photos/191119559@N02/52395578724/in/dateposted-public/
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