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Katherine Heartsong

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Everything posted by Katherine Heartsong

  1. Yay! Does it look as cute as in the picture?
  2. The L'Etre/DOUX one would come with the hair purchase as part of the HUD, I'm pretty sure. Might not be able to use that one separately though.
  3. I think you need to dev kits for the various head sellers, no? Corazon, for example, in their folders, have tattoos for faces/necks specific to Lelutka EVOX, for example.
  4. Pretty much, and I'll add to @Tazzie Tuque's reply. I am a RL artist that does both large scale traditional commission pieces in my studio, as well as digital work with a Mac and the largest Wacom tablet you can buy. For SL, I create a style of work that I don't really do in RL anymore except as exercises to warm up or just do in a zen-like way. I can create these in a few hours at most on the Wacom in something like Krita, Rebelle, Painter etc and then colour correct them in Pixelmator Pro. Make sure you're using a standard ratio like 4:3, 3:2, 1:1 etc and max size 1024 pixels. So, 683x1024 etc. No filters, do not just take a photo and do filter stuff to it, these look horrible to me, and not AI either. Draw/paint it in the traditional way. Anyway ... Once I've done colour correcting I export a decently high resolution version and Upload it to SL as a texture, and then apply it to one face of a flat prim that I texture otherwise with a nice birch wood pattern. Turn on full bright if you like (I do, more people have asked for that than not), and if you like grab a free or cheap resize script and drop that in. Take a copy of the object and voila, you have a painting. If you have opened a store you can now upload it into your inventory, modify it's characteristics like price, description, quantity available, etc, and make it active and you now have a store with a painting for sale. Note that if you decide to only sell one of your painting (like real life) if you show it in world and in the Marketplace, there is no way to sell it in world and have it vanish from the store. It has to happen the other way round, and you have to manually go in world and remove it from your store wall. Reach out in world if you have questions.
  5. Not only has no one asked for my shape (very proportionally correct and realistic (slightly tall at 6') female), but I just had one guy tell me he could spot me as male because of my shape. In an adult dance place no less, surrounded by exaggerated and overly sexualized female avatars. How do you even respond? Stay weird SL.
  6. I always say that about graffiti. I did once stand in a group of kids though behind a principal who was both chastising whoever must have sprayed the school wall, but also praising whoever it might have been for their amazing artistry. Parents, this is how kids get mixed messages.
  7. I'm the same. Those that @Blush Bravin showed were about the limit of long for me ... very pretty and all, don't get me wrong, and lovely for really dressed up ... but for me just past fingertip is about the prettiest every day length I tend to wear. Nails are also something weirdly I've never customized (that and eyelashes), I just go with the stock ones on the Lara body.
  8. I ran to buy that Chloe this past weekend the second you announced it. Yeah, my name's Katherine and I'm a house addict (waves).
  9. Add catnip and I'll wander by for a nibble and a nap.
  10. Could this be at an event maybe? Like the Hallow Manor or Nightshade events?
  11. This is what I have found as well. There are a lot of themed events that you rarely see Lara bodies in that scene (Kawaii, some of the fetish stuff etc) so I can see creators not bothering with a body that most of their users don't use. On the other hand, most of the mainstream events I'm not finding any problem still finding Lara clothing.
  12. Thanks for posting. Never a fan of Velour though, always found their skins to have too much contrast and shine, even with the accessory that dulled the skins. She's looking good though.
  13. Thought the OP was looking for cultural spots like museums, galleries, live music venues, etc. /me ... backs slowly away after reading typical urban black
  14. Nope. Said to my dad, after yet another visit to the doctor with a third broken finger, after trying to get a swing tight around on a high inside fastball.
  15. In honour of all the recent baby girl threads ...
  16. Ahem, maybe TMI but, as a positive example, I got to say it once after a guy finally convinced himself that a male behind the keyboard doesn't actually affect how Katherine is in world and we'd found ourselves relaxing, as it were. The conversation was basically this: Him: Wow. Me: Told you so.
  17. I had a vampire skin for my male avatar once. I kept trying to check myself out in the mirror though to see how it looked, but that didn't ever work for me. (thank you, you've been a great audience, I'll see myself out now!)
  18. /me points this fact out to @Luna Bliss and makes a complex series of animated gestures, nodding and blinking, ending with a stifled giggle and a "kablooey!" gesture ...
  19. No. Not spam. Auto-responders are there for a reason. You initiated unsolicited contact with me, deal with the consequences. I rarely turn mine on. If I'm AFK for more than a few minutes I do have a polite one for that, and I do have another I can turn on for non-friends when at dance places asking guys who have reached out to to me that I suggest that they read my profile before continuing a conversation.
  20. No. Not even when I'm in world as my male alt. See above. Yes, like @Luna Bliss quite a sexy one. Not Barry White sexy, but confidently sexy. Problem is in SL, we're talking a rich tenor-baritone here in RL, and not what you'd expect Katherine to sound like (at all). Note ... When I first got here there was a long-time SL resident (17 years now?) I knew from another platform and did voice twice with her and her partner to help me through a couple of learning points. She knew all about the male behind the keys thing though. Still, felt horrible and weird. Never again, it completely breaks the immersion in SL for me.
  21. Coming from someone as talented as you who give so many of us the houses homes of our dreams in SL, this means a lot. I'm sure Jewel was amazing. ps. You are always the first recommendation I give to anyone looking for a house for themselves.
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