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Katherine Heartsong

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Everything posted by Katherine Heartsong

  1. Don't. It's a button that will TP a random sock from someone's washer or dryer to yours. You get a free sock, they get the "Where's the other darn sock?" moment.
  2. Pixie or fairy? Fae or fairy? Custom EEP or default LL EEP? (Thank you @Rowan Amore, got mine all set up now) Adult included or PG-only SL? RP or not? Skybox or ground? Mainland or Belli? Premium or freemium? JIRA or not (sorry, I just had to *giggles*) Giggles or not? "How are you" or hru? Real or noticeably exaggerated shape? Male RL or hiding? Single or partnered? Monogamous or poly? Cheating or faithful? Pineapple or not (oops, wrong thread)
  3. True, but even those user stories need to be very much more formal in their structure within an Story or Epic and not just generic" user" and what said user wants to do. The structure is more formally ... "As a [someone], I want to be able to to [something/action] that let's me [achieve this, the goal] which provides me [this benefit]." These have to be written to a number of basic rules (that I doubt more than a handful of people on the forums could articulate without knowing the user story and development/design process), two of them sounding contradictory but still need to be met; broad enough to allow for innovative design/technical solutions, while at the same time being quantitatively narrow enough to define, measure the success of, and actually get done (not too blue sky). The someone does not need to be you, but it does need to be a very specified group of people or else the use case is too wide to define. Example: As a mainland landowner; As a rental agent; As a Marketplace store owner selling clothing; As an in world live music venue hostess, etc. The something also has to be specific, and the more specific the better. Example: As a mainland land owner, I want to be able to move everything on my existing square, flat 1024 parcel, to another square 1024 flat parcel anywhere on the grid ... The goal is the explanation of what the action does, again, specified, however can often involve qualitative aspects based on the groups emotions because it's user-centric: As a mainland land owner, I want to be able to move everything on my existing square, flat 1024 parcel, to another square 1024 flat parcel anywhere on the grid, so that I can move to a new parcel that I want to rent instead of own and offers much prettier surroundings ... And finally, the benefit is often a quantitative measure of what good this will accomplish for said group of users. Finishing my example ... As a mainland land owner, I want to be able to move everything on my existing square, flat 1024 parcel, to another square 1024 flat parcel anywhere on the grid, so that I can move to a new parcel that I want to rent instead of own and offers much prettier surroundings, so that I can more efficiently/quickly move and not make any mistakes by missing objects or needing to move everything one by one into position exactly as they exist on my current parcel. Once you have these four story aspects written (and agreed to across multiple teams), then PMs, developers, and engineers can groom and plan their backlog of stories to prioritize their dev tasks and roadmaps based on something like an impact vs effort analysis review. They don't require technical language, my example above didn't use anything technical, but they do require a structure that very very few people will submit correctly, therefore making the ticket harder to understand and plan for the LL PMs.
  4. May I ask if there will ever be a system besides JIRA for the common/average user to use to suggest feature changes? There are quite a number of folks with a technical background on these forums who understand what JIRA is (30 years as a VP of Design has made me awfully familiar with JIRA and its kin), but for many that term goes right over their heads. They' wonder "What a JIRA?" It's not especially user friendly because it was created as a system made for developers and project managers to manage scrums and either an agile or waterfall methodology for dev and engineering sprints and backlog, and not normally what anyone outside the tech field actually knows about or know how to use, especially as in suggesting improvements, technical, UX, or otherwise. Again, asking the multitudes who would love to help is one thing, making it easy and visible for them to do so is the UX pain point there. Just curious.
  5. If Lara X gets released it'll be clothes shopping. Lots of clothes shopping.
  6. Definitely Izzies for the smile lines. And nice to see someone who knows their facial structure, nasolabial folds indeed. Someone's going to use the term philtrum next (aka medial cleft) and I'll have to faint.
  7. When I long on today it's all cat avatar, all day. It'll make dancing harder, but sleeping much easier.
  8. Not to talk to much of the argument the OP makes, but I have no idea what he's referring to in Chapter 2. There are certainly "popular" clubs where 50% of the "people" there are just standing around (maybe chatting to each other?), for example that has always been my experience at Exhale. There are other clubs where they are always busy with real people who engage and are friendly. Many of the PG-13 rock places, others like Fogbound, Muddies, Club 511, Hotwife Hotel (okay, there are a few bots here for sure from time to time). I can always find popular music places to hang out with real people I can chat and have fun with. No idea why people think it's all bots, based on the places I go at least. So, anecdotal and "my experience" is not a strong argument for major changes. There are much more important user experience things to fix if LL wants to focus on growth, retention, and engagement. I'd love to see a CXO talking about what LL is doing and researching to increase those three things.
  9. Nice. Really nice. I know for Horizons this is par for the course, but I'd also love to meet someone who can pay the equivalent of US$2,450 for virtual land. And by "meet" I do mean "set me up with" Best of luck and that really is also a very cool house.
  10. Would blocking the offending person not disable it? If not, this is a very poorly thought out loophole.
  11. Oh, I have one! LL will never make an easy way to move every single item/object from one place on the grid to another (assuming it all fit). By easy I mean a button that says "grab everything on this sim" , you TP to the new location and click the second button that says "put everything you grabbed and drop it right here". With Premium Plus now activated, I could technically just pay another $49 over my current tier fee for 1/4 a mainland sim and get a homestead, but I'd have to move my house, gallery, marina, and decorated visitable island and recreate them perfectly. About 5K worth of prims. Terrified I'll make an error.
  12. All you veteran SL players tease this sooooo much. I wanna know who's who!!! Also, yes, I am actually @Sid Nagy, @Rowan Amore, and also @VictoriaGrwd. Sue me.
  13. Love to see the quantitative proof, please. A link to officially posted Linden Lab platform stats that aren't a decade old will be acceptable, thank you.
  14. Some skins for the head are made for very specific heads, and also require you to wear the shape (and brow) included in the skin folder to get the exact look in the photos the head sellers show. For example, if you visit TheSkinnery and the Leltuka wall and zoom in on the photos, it will often says "Shown on Avalon". Other times the skins are more generic and will make the head you currently have (as long as it's the right brand) look something like the image. As others have pointed out, with heads, you often have to open the head HUD and make sure BoM is turned on. Different head brands have different ways of doing that but usual a big "BOM" clickable spot. Helps to buy the face and body skins from the same place, or at a minimum make sure the body skin and face match. Sometimes places sell shapes and face skins with colours that match another well-known body skin place. Example? You can buy face skin/shapes at one place that support the ItGirl brand of body skins, and so on. For faces specifically, BoM checked and no alpha worn .. your head will be bright red if you have the alpha on and BoM turned on, that's the big clue. I will be in world later and feel free to shout and I. can help you if you like. Or do my best, anyway. Words of encouragement ... Do not give up. It's really frustrating at first, but once you get it, it'll be easier the next time. Plus once you do have a look you can duplicate it and use the copy if you're messing with new looks.
  15. I'm sorry, but there's not really enough room in my small cargo starship hidden under a false barn about 20 minutes into the countryside from here for anyone besides me, a few close family members, the cats, the art I subtly replaced from MoMA, and the one replicant I have that looks like Heidi Klum. Ignore that last bit.
  16. SL is a wildly fun place, worth the effort, and there are many really amazing and great folks in world (and even a few here on the forums).
  17. There's at least one sex-focused platform that has landscape/terrain editing tools that put SL's to shame, the ability to have 100+ avatars in one location without lag, and "regions" that are 10x the size of a sim with more realistic water to boot. Plus, the sex animations just work, there's no need to adjust a poseball to get things to line up right, things render at impossible distances, decent avatar models, etc. Granted, limitations exist ... No aircraft or mobile land vehicles, and no sailing the boat models. Little furry activity, no ability to alter your avatars height (see the sex lining up thing) or inflate your male thing to the size of an elephants leg, less clothing options (but they're free so equals out?), customization of avatars is more limited, no (ahem) animal stuff, little ability to make a pre-teen and hit the Loli places (many of us would consider this a huge benefit though), limited but a decent range of dances/animations, inability to sell items, etc. But yes, there are platforms and more planned, but limited in many ways.
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