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Katherine Heartsong

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Everything posted by Katherine Heartsong

  1. This is the only way, as @Love Zhaoying points out. Old names do not seem to ever come back into rotation. My male alt was unable to "officially" grab the first name I wanted to go along with Heartsong (it was already being used) and I foolishly did not pick an acceptable alternate at the time, and now Heartsong is long out of rotation. So my male alt is stuck with "[something] Resident" as his official name, but is my display name in-world that people see above my head is "[name I wanted] Heartsong".
  2. Wings is my go-to for 40s and 50s hairstyles.
  3. After looking at that (hopefully very preliminary) mock-up for 10 minutes, I have a ton of feedback as someone who is a VP of UX Design for a global company, and has spent the past three decades designing. Honestly though, after getting slapped for making previous UX/UI suggestions, I'm just shutting up and shrugging shoulders at this point. Nie mój cyrk, nie moje małpy. Not my circus, not my monkeys.
  4. Sorry, are you looking to rent? Not sure of your account level, but unless you're Premium Plus you must first own a full sim to buy a homestead. Premium Plus members can now buy and own one homestead with their membership. If you are looking to buy and can, just go through Linden Labs. Renting is available to anyone, of course. Just to let you know the math ... Homesteads cost a landlord $109/month (and $149 to spin up and own first month, so $109 + $40 to get it live). That's equivalent today to L26,923. Landlords will often say their rent is /month when they mean 4 weeks. Careful with that. Anyway ... (26,923*12) / 52 weeks = 6,213/week is their cost in Lindens. I offer this only so you can judge what's a good deal and how much profit you want to give a landlord when looking at a weekly rent. Some rental agencies are really good and only charge a few dollars more / month to rent their homestead. Others? Are asking for the equivalent of $40 (or more) profit on a homestead every month. Shop wisely.
  5. Exactly my response, @Eddy Vortex. Shape is something it's taken me a long time to get exactly right and realistic. Not giving those numbers away. I'd offer advice if asked; for example: start with an artist's 8:1 proportion study, and get your crotch in the right spot instead of up at your belly button level (larger heads, longer torsos and shorter legs girls!), and then tweak from there. But exact body/head/shape numbers? Nope. (I'm also the only one in world with the custom tattoo I have on my left rib cage, recreated from a real life one also on a redhead. You can't have that either.)
  6. Wrinkles in Lel heads can also be activated under the Lel HUD skin tab where you choose glossy or non-glossy skins. There's a mature one there that adds noticeable wrinkles and aging but not enough to put you into typical grandparent stage.
  7. Sometimes that indicates that the topic/thread/post was removed.
  8. You'll also see it any time that two items with transparency overlap in the view, not just with a background; for example: your hair and the lace top of your dress, your hair and eyelashes, etc.
  9. I'd like Shadows, plural. Then I could grab the name ... Whatwedointhe Shadows
  10. Also, who invited that 8' tall man? /me ... shakes head and grumbles about proportions and life drawing class
  11. This is why I tell guys who run female avatars ... be honest, and don't do this!
  12. Wait .. are you saying non-redheads aren't already carried around on palanquins like royalty? Gosh, who knew?
  13. My issue with events is that it's a small clique of sellers appearing at the same events over and over and over. Trying to break into—or even be considered for—even a semi-major event is an exercise in frustration and humiliation, and smacks of snobbery. I stopped putting in requests and filling in forms to get into any of them because this is SL ... I don't need rejection and the negative mental thinking that results in in my virtual world.
  14. Where I'm seeing the larger corporations being in a larger metaverse (if not trying to control it outright) would be as major tourist attractions/destinations in a sense. They have the capital and content to create large, well designed, realistic, all encompassing pieces of the world that the normal person would never be able to create or host. Extravagant experiences backed by large amount of money and meant to hook you into their world to drive their profits. But that means there will still be out of the way destinations and worlds on a much smaller scale to offer unique and intimate (emotionally) experiences. I liken the corporate metaverse worlds to Las Vegas, and the smaller ones an equivalent to the small landscaped gems that a few people create here to share (but will be larger than a 8186 parcel).
  15. Too good to pass up. Bought and already started building. Thanks @Onur McLeod.
  16. I'm a one body girl and have been since day one (excluding my TWI collection of animal avatars), so I would far prefer getting all the colours of an outfit and only one body, rather than one colour of an outfit and a half dozen extra bodies included that I will never, ever use. That's why some of the stores that are part of my faves include clothing stores that offer a range of colours for an outfit at a decent price, for example, Just Because and exXeSs. Sure, I'll buy fatpacks from my very favourite places like Mimikri, ValentinaE, and others, but if the world went all the colours (or at least a half dozen colours/pattern per outfit) and only one body as a more general rule, I'd be very happy.
  17. True! How could I forget one of my top three favourite lingerie stores
  18. I also recommend Zaara. Others include Big Beautiful Doll, Layla, and a few things from Likz, though I think Zaara's textures and look are the most realistic. For stockings/nylons though, I like Bebe.
  19. This to me is an interesting point and really the crux of what the word "metaverse" even means. What I'd envision is a series of "worlds" if you will (SL being one, Roblox another, etc) that are vaguely equivalent to websites, and a system where I can move my avatar from one to the other seemlessly along with my personal goods/clothings/etc, if the core/common attributes the world user set up their world with allow that. Basically, anyone could host a world with a provider and allow whatever access they wish. I own, and can pass along or transfer or sell or inherit the things I buy (vendors another standardized piece of the infrastructure, as is a common currency), just like the real world (sans the current laws around thing like iTunes libraries which I think are flawed). There'd need to be be a standardized language/tagging/attributes for clothing and even worlds much like approved HTML tags like "H1", "td", "p", "em" etc, objects, currency, environments, standardized physics types etc. Land "owned" might be unique to each world and without equivalency between worlds, but if I have bought a cyberpunk outfit here in SL, it should be available to me to wear in Roblox or the world you are paying to host somewhere (another piece of the infrastructure), unless you strictly set up your world to be a fantasy late 19th century agricultural world where anything tagged "sci-fi" or "furry" isn't permitted. Anyway, the whole realm of owning digital assets right now is such a mess and goes against millenia of ownership of something you buy and the ingrained mental model of how we have transacted for the entirety of recent history in the West ... are we even buying a song from iTunes, or is Apple simply allowing the original purchaser only to use it until they die, then it goes away? I still use a garden hoe I inherited from my grandfather, and it seems there is no such equivalence with a digital asset, which is seemingly what corporations want anyway. The conflict is partly the walled garden syndrome and how we could create a large scale metaverse without the major players not playing nice with each other, or being far too corporate in their thinking. HTML democratized the world so that (most) anyone could participate and create a website or see other people's websites (for good or bad), that's what we need for worlds in a metaverse too. It's a pipe dream given the current entrenched systems, but still something to try for.
  20. There are also items you can buy on the MP that keep track of prim counts at a parcel level. Or use the basic land info window to explore what number of prims are owned by you versus your friend. May not be entorely accurate, since you might decorate part of their parcel so counted as yours despte being on their piece.
  21. Thank you for clarifying. As other have pointed out this will be a very small sample size of the most die-hard/vocal forum users but here you fgo ... How long have you participated in Second Life? How many hours per week (on average) do you participate in SL? How much time have you invested in your avatar? Do you make your real identity known, or do you remain pseudonymous? What is the worst thing a person can do in SL? 1. Three years continuous now, but I had tried a few other times over the past decade, but for never longer than a week or so. 2. Somewhere between 20–25. 3. The first year I'd be making a major change to my avatar's looks at least once/week. Always the same body brand, but different shapes, heads, skins, hair styles etc. In the last two years I've done nothing to my body shape, have narrowed my hair choices to only 3 (I wear one 90% of the time), and have settled on one skin and head shape. Except for maybe a minor slider tweak, hardly any changes so no time in the past two years. 4. People know I'm a RL artist and many know roughly where I live. 99% of the people who meet me in world and certainly here on the forums know I'm male in RL versus female in SL. Beyond that, anonymous. Not that my RL feeling/emotions are separate, just who I am really needs to be mostly private for my peace of mind. 5. Excluding the obvious ToS violations, especially as they relate to s3x and ag3play, I suppose the worst for me personally is simply lying and the deception that goes on, even by omission. I'd prefer someone says "Not saying" or "None of your business" if I ask a question too close to home, than lie to me. We're (largely) anonymized avatars, why lie?
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